Aiden's first

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#1 of My Pack side stories

So I wrote this real quick like, seems I just cant stop typing to save my life at this point. I do consider this to be canon, but it isn't really attached to the My Pack storyline. Just a little side story I figured people would enjoy reading. It takes place right in the middle of My Pack chapter 5. As well as answers a question once and for all, and it leaves a door open for fun possibilities. So here it is, hope you enjoy it.

Aiden came home from school like he typically did. His brother and two boyfriends rented a place near the university. So to cut down on expenses their parents arranged for him to stay with them. Since he would be staying with people he knew, and it wouldn't cost as much as it would getting him his own place. The whole arrangement both made him feel safer and yet uncomfortable.

His brother had a lazy care free attitude which often resulted in his sexuality being right there for all to see. It didn't help that Torban, the big lion mated to his brother was the same way. Eric was by far the most civilized of the three, being more considerate of Aiden's needs and desires. He spent most of his time up in his room though, listening to music and staying out of the way of the very extroverted males who shared space with him.

There was one other male who lived with them though. One Aiden hadn't met before, a doberman who obviously wasn't a local. For the most part this strange male kept to himself, occasionally he would talk with the other males. Aiden however was too shy to talk to any of them, unless forced to do so. He was happy just living in his little bubble of solitude. He did get lonely some times and on those rare moments he would converse, however briefly, with his older brother.

Despite his nature his brother actually looked out for him. So he was safe to approach and talk to during those moments. Torban intimidated the young male, who was a good foot shorter and lacked the muscle mass to even be near his weight. There were a few moments when his sexuality was brought into question. He was satisfied with his own classification of it. He didn't have to broadcast to anyone which team he played for. Not like the other males did.

Aiden was embarrassed by some of their antics. Like when he was eating breakfast earlier and Victor, the doberman, wandered into the kitchen nude. His cheeks burned red hot and he knew he dare not look at the male. He hated not being able to talk to his brother about this. Like mentioning how he felt about their activities would make him seem weird, or like even more of an outsider.

If anyone of them could understand, Eric would be the one. He laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Deciding that he was going to talk to the tiger. He knew his older brother often spent time talking to the tiger, about matters he wouldn't tell anyone else about. Aiden couldn't help but listen, he felt it made him feel closer without having to be a part of the household. He only heard bits about how life was different before them. But it was enough to know the tiger was Kimber's most trusted secret keeper.

At least that's how it seemed to him. Not knowing that Torban isn't left out, just some things, like his rape, were best discussed with Eric. Aiden's ear perked and he heard loud moaning coming from downstairs. I rolled onto his side and sighed. Why did they always have to be so loud? Was it really that enjoyable for them? Aiden just laid there, listening and wondering until he heard a knock on his door.

He slowly sat up and walked over to it. Pulling it open he looked up at the doberman on the other side. "They sent me to check on yeh," Victor told him. Aiden lowered his ears and blushed. "I'm...fine," he said clearly. Victor leaned against the door frame and the younger male could smell his musk. He naturally looked down and saw the tent in Victor's pants. Which caused him to blush even more.

"Well, sorry they're making so much noise. It doesn't bother me much, being yeh know, one of them. Doesn't bother yeh does it?" Victor asked looking at the timid shepherd collie mix. Victor had to admit, the smaller canine was cute. If he was anything like his brother he was a warm and caring guy. When he was looking him over Victor noticed a bulge in Aiden's pants.

"Mind if I come in for a bit?" Victor asked pushing just a little against the timid male's bubble. Aiden couldn't blush any harder if he tried, "I...uh...guess." Victor slipped into the room, pressing against Aiden lightly as he entered. Not waiting for him to move out of the way. "Nice room," Victor said looking around. He stayed close to Aiden, causing him to tremble slightly. Not used to another male encroaching on his space like this.

Victor kept looking around, slowly moving behind Aiden. Noticing how nervous he was. He reached out and placed his hand on the Aiden's lightly. Pushing just a little more into that bubble. Aiden tensed but didn't react any further. Slowly Victor closed the gap between his chest and the smaller male's back. Aiden's heart raced, the other male had him firmly against him. He couldn't escape, even if he wanted to.

He slowly relaxed into Victor, who took it as a good sign. Victor was patient and let him adjust to the newness of the situation knowing this was a first for him. Victor was a virgin too, but he did spend some time holding guys before. Aiden was unaccustomed to being so near another male. Especially one that smelled so nice and felt so good against him. He let himself relex, enjoying the closeness Victor brought him.

Then Victor's hand moved slowly from Aiden's belly down to his bulge. Victor knew exactly what to do with one, having spent many nights stroking his own cock. He gripped it through Aiden's jeans, making him moan softly. Victor then undid the button of Aiden's jeans before slipping his hand right into them. Working it into the waistband of his boxers to grab that canine dick directly.

Aiden moaned while Victor stroking him. A little pre leaking from his tip. Victor pulled Aiden's cock out in the open so he could stroke it easier. Giving his soft knot a firm squeeze every two or three strokes. The doberman knew how to work him. Pawing attention to every inch of that sensitive cock, from tip to base. Aiden's knot started to swell and he panted softly. It wouldn't be long before he shot all over the floor. But he didn't want Victor to stop, he wanted more.

Aiden ground his hips back into Victor's. Getting a firm hump from the larger male while he worked on jerking him off. Aiden curled his toes into the soft carpet. His furry balls pulling up against his body. He moaned, shooting his load all over his bedroom floor while Victor stroked and thrust against his covered ass.

Once Victor milked every last drop from Aiden he pulled his hand from him. Aiden turned his head back over his shoulder and nuzzled Victor's cheek. He slowly turned around to face the doberman before leaning in for a kiss. The doberman tensed at first, caught off guard by the kiss before he closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Savoring the younger canine's kiss. Victor was horny and Aiden was willing.

Surprising even himself as he unbuttoned Victor's pants and dove eagerly for the thick canine cock hidden inside. Victor gasped softly and closed his eyes again. Feeling another male touching his puppy maker for the first time. Aiden rubbed and explored every inch of the thick organ he could. Fishing it out into the open. Smelling it for the first time.

He got down on his knees in front of Victor and licked him from tip to base. Victor just rubbed Aiden's shoulders, letting him do as he wished. The collie mix was rewarded with a few drops of sweet pre. He quickly lapped them up before wrapping his lips around Victor's cock. Victor jerked slightly, "Careful with the teeth pup. Go slow, no rush." Aiden took the words in and made sure the delicious cock in his maw was treated with care.

He sucked on it eagerly, bobbing his head back and forth. Taking more and more of Victor until his tip hit the back of his throat. He didn't try to deep throat him, knowing he lacked the experience. So he just stroked what cock he couldn't take. Victor's knot started to swell and Aiden paid extra attention to it. Rubbing and squeezing on it while starting to bob faster. Victor moaned loudly, not able to last much longer with this kind of attention.

"" he told Aiden, actually having a little longer before he unloaded. Just wanting to give the inexperienced male some more time to react. But Aiden didn't stop, or slow. He wanted to taste what Victor had to offer. The male had taken care of him and his submissive nature wanted to show him how much it meant to him.

Victor's muscles tense and he laid his head back. Gripping Aiden's shoulders tightly while his pulsing cock shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into him. Aiden coughed slightly, swallowing what he could before pulling back. The last few spurts hitting him in the chest. Soaking his shirt and seeping into the fur underneath. Victor panted softly, it wasn't the best blow job in the world. But it was still the best he ever had. He smiled down at Aiden, "Thanks pup."

He carefully put his spent cock back into his pants while Aiden sat on his knees. "You wont tell will you?" he asked looking up at Victor. "I wont, but shouldn't yeh let them know yer gay?" Victor asked confused. Aiden blushed and shook his head. "I'm not gay, I'm bi and Kimber wouldn't like that. He says bi guys don't have the balls to admit they're just gay so they half hide in the closet."

Victor nodded, "That does seem the sort of thing he would say. But no reason to hide it. I support yeh cutie. Yer welcome in my bed anytime." Aiden laid his ears back and blushed deeply at the compliment and invitation. "I'm going to go check on them, yeh should change. Dinner will be soon and yeh don't want them to wonder about you. Especially with my scent all over the place now."

"Okay, I will be down in a few. Thank you for everything Victor." Aiden said smiling at him. He watched as the older male left his room. Slowly getting to his feet to grab another shirt. The plain white one he was wearing smelling heavily like Victor's cum. He carefully placed the shirt in the back of his closet. Wanting to keep it just like it was. He grabbed another T-shirt and put it on. But instead of going downstairs to check on dinner he laid on his bed.

Staring up at the ceiling once more. He could still taste Victor's cum, and his scent was everywhere. It made Aiden feel warm, it was a new sensation, but one he definitely enjoyed. He was going to tell Eric now. Depending on how that goes, he may tell his brother. He wasn't sure yet if he wanted to do that. His brother did care about him, but he could be a dick sometimes. He sighed, this year would be different, that much was for sure.

Sorry it is kind of short, but it wasn't meant to be anything big. Just a small window into what went on and to give a little more time to a character people are curious about. Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading. As always, please vote, if you enjoyed this fave, watch me for even more and leave comments below if you desire to ask a question, give advice or point out a mistake. Thanks ^_^