Little shop of Pleasures 4

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#4 of C. Arnal's Delights

Right, so this was suggested/commissioned by someone ages ago. I don't remember who you are dude, but here you go, enjoy. Also, I am not going to be able to post/publish/whatever a lot of stories because I am on holiday, and this means that my parents think I can be used as slave labour. Anyway, I'll write when I can and post what I like, but don't expect anything too grand.


Edit: turns out that awesome person was Ranger61.

The electronic bell chimed as the door was shoved open, the tall, well groomed female sauntering into the shop. She paused for a moment to look around the dimly lit room, her eyebrow rising for a moment as she inspected the strangely large area. Shaking her head slightly, the dusty grey husky stepped into the maze of chest high shelves, making her way steadily across the shop floor. The female stopped suddenly, staring at the shelf blocking her path, quickly turning around and trying another route. The dark grey feline sitting behind the checkout counter glanced up at her, watching for a moment as she made three more stops, each time spinning on her heel and heading back the way she came. After a few seconds he went back to the light novel in his hands.

"Your shop layout is appalling!"

The male looked up at the husky, her face slightly flushed as she glared menacingly at the feline, one hand on her hip as she tried to hide her slight panting.

"Works for everyone else," Seth replied flatly, his eyes already back in the book.

"Hey!" the woman suddenly snatched the book from his hands, the feline staring blankly at the empty space in front of him, "What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to pay attention to the customer! Where's your manager?"

"Right here, Ma'am," the silky voice floated through the air as the silvery white fox slipped out of a back room, a soft smile on her face as she walked elegantly towards the other woman, "How can I help y-?"

"This shop is dismal!" the husky suddenly interrupted, glaring at Christine as she swept her hand through the air, "The layout is confusing, the staff are rude and I can only assume the management are ignorant to have not fixed any of this yet! I don't understand how anyone could rec"

"Well Ma'am, I am truly sorry that you feel that way," The tall, whit vixen said calmly, a serene smile on her face as the venom dripped from her words, "But if you don't like it, may I suggest going elsewhere?"

The plastic card landed expertly in the husky's cleavage, the two females turning to glare at the young male who'd thrown it, his expression as blank as ever, "Room 13, through the door, on the right."

The husky gave a triumphant murmur, plucking the card from her chest as she walked confidently through the thick metal door.

"Please tell me you've set up something good for her?" Christine growled menacingly glaring at the door, her eyes suddenly going wide as she spun around to stare at Seth, "Wait...Room 13? But isn't that..?"

The feline gave a short nod, lifting his finger from the counter as the small black circle faded into the surface.

Rina blinked as she the rain drop landed on her nose, immediately spinning around as she started to bang on the door she had just been led through by a strange collie wearing what looked like one of those slutty nurse outfits. Growling in disbelief, the woman turned back and stared at the dirty alleyway in which she now stood. It was just that, an alleyway; open to the sky, the sounds of traffic and people echoing slightly around the sharp corner just ahead. Almost shaking with fury, the husky began stomping her way towards the corner, her fists clenched tightly as she began to plan exactly what she had to say to those fools in that ridiculous shop. A shape twitched in the shadows, a can toppling noisily as the husky spun around in surprise, her eyes wide.

"Must have been a stray cat," she muttered as she turned away, glancing up at the sky, surprised at how dark it had gotten all of a sudden.

Shaking her head in frustration, Rina reminded herself that she was angry and took another step forwards, something darting out of the shadows behind her. The husky froze as something cool and slimy wrapped around her ankle, the husky shuddering as the strange sensation snaked up her leg. Swallowing nervously, the canine peeked down at her calf, her eyes going wide as she stared at the strange rope like object that was now coiled around her leg up to her thigh. It was thick and black and seemed to glisten in the flickering light of the only bulb in the alleyway. Looking up, Rina stared at the second tentacle, its bulbous head pointed directly at her face, as if it was watching her.

The shocked husky opened her mouth to scream, but could only cough as a thick fluid was suddenly sprayed against the back of her throat. She automatically swallowed, shivering as she felt the liquid slide down her throat, leaving a strangely tingling sensation behind it. Opening her mouth again, the husky suddenly found her voice lost, the only sound she could make was a desperate panting as her knees buckled, two more tentacles appearing from the shadows to catch her, the canine now immobilised as the coiled around her arms, pulling them gently but firmly behind her back. A fifth tentacle slithered from the darkness, Rina now watching in fascination as her fear seemed to melt away, her thoughts growing fuzzy as she looked around the dark alleyway, her eyes falling on the tentacle that had sprayed the liquid into her mouth, the husky starting to struggle towards the appendage. The tentacle, seeming to know what she wanted, slipped itself between the canine's lips and began undulating softly, Rina automatically beginning to suckle at it.

Rina gave a slight gasp as she felt the cool rain suddenly land on her bare chest, the husky looking down as one of the tentacles expertly popped the buttons of her shirt, the slimy appendage rubbing between her breasts while it did so. The female gave a quiet moan as she felt another tentacle worm its way into the side of her panties, pulling the garment down, her crotch already soaked as the husky shivered at the feeling the cold air against her sex. The tentacle wasted no time in wrapping itself around her free leg, pulling it out slightly as her suit skirt was forced up, the clothing slipping up around her waist. Rina moaned softly into the tentacle in her mouth, her body instinctively humping the air as she felt another tentacle rub its tip across her heated slit, the appendage pulling back just it was about to penetrate. The husky gave a final sigh of relief as yet another tentacle unlatched her bra, Rina finding herself glad that she had chosen one with a front hook today, releasing the husky's heaving chest, a shiver running down her spine as the now heavy rain began to fall on her bare breasts.

The sound of voices filtered up to the canine's sensitive ears as Rina was suddenly hoisted into the air, her eyes going wide as adrenaline flooded her body, sobering her up as she stared at the three figures rounding the corner, hurrying to stand under a small awning that could barely protect them. She stared at the three in horror, her heart pounding in her chest as she wondered whether she should cry out for help and risk the embarrassment of being seen like this, or stay silent and watch. The three answered the question for her as the girl, a chestnut coloured mouse who looked to be barely sixteen, suddenly squatted in front of the two older males, unzipping the tiger and wolfs pants happily, her legs spread wide, forcing her already ridiculously short skirt up and revealing the red lace thong underneath.

Rina watched in fascination as the girl pumped the two males' shafts for a while before opening her mouth wide and swallowing the tiger's whole, Rina's imagination suddenly taking hold as she felt the thick, barbed shaft slipping into her mouth, pressing against the back of her throat as the barbs scratched at the roof of her mouth and her tongue. The husky blinked as she felt the sharps barbs biting slightly into her soft flesh, her eyes going wide as she felt the tentacle shift in her mouth, the form melting away as the mouse slid off of the tiger, a tapered point suddenly stabbing the back of her throat as the wolf thrust into the teen's mouth, the tentacle somehow managing to match the male's thrust perfectly. Her head spinning, Rina could only watch in anticipation as the teen continued to service the two men in the alleyway, a shiver running down her spine as the tiger suddenly laughed.

"Hey, this one's pretty good, maybe we should have some more fun with her?"

"I don't know," the wolf replied nervously, "Yeah she's good, but come on, any more is a little...oh gods!"

"Woah, you just cum there?" the tiger laughed, slapping his friend on the back, "Hah, you quick shot!"

"Fuck you!" the wolf growled, "I'll show you a quick shot!"

Rina gasped as she watched the two men shift their positions, the mouse girl still recovering from the unexpected blast of semen into her throat as she spat some of the thick white liquid out, barely getting time to breath as the tiger grabbed her head, slamming his shaft right into her open mouth. Rina moaned as she felt the tentacle copy the action, the barbs grating against the inside of her mouth as she sucked greedily on the fake shaft, a steady stream of the savoury sweet liquid from before rewarding her for her efforts. The husky suddenly started as she watched the wolf move behind the girl, grabbing her tail roughly. The mouse giving a squeak of protest as her rear was lifted painfully into the air, pulling off the tiger to complain.

"Hey, only mouth, we agre-!" the rodent was cut off as the tiger forced his shaft back down her throat, causing the small girl to choke, Rina able to feel everything the girl was as she watched the wolf yank the teen's panties out of the way, napping the elastic in the process.

Rina moaned loudly as the wolf thrust, the cool, wolf shaped member slamming hard into her dripping cunt, her wall clamping down on the knot as it stretched her entrance wide, the wolf began to thrust violently as the husky orgasmed, the mouse giving quiet pained noises as the tiger began to thrust as well, matching his friends pace as the two slammed powerfully into the tiny girl. Rina could barely moan as she felt everything, the powerful thrusting forcing both members deeper and deeper into her holes, her body on fire as she began to try and thrust back. A sudden growl from the tiger followed by a barely contained howl from the wolf made her look up just in time to see them bury themselves deep in the mouse, the sudden flood of warmth in Rina's throat and stomach telling her exactly what had happened.

Rina panted through her nose as she watched the tiger pull out of the Mouse's mouth, the teen gasping desperately for air as she collapsed, the wolf still holding up her waist as he continued to thrust, the tentacle copying him, rubbing almost painfully against Rina's sensitive walls. A sudden powerful thrust made the husky whine loudly as the wolf thrust his knot into the mouse, locking it in place as he continued to pump his semen inside of her. The two male's ears twitching slightly at the sound, quickly shrugging it off as the husky's heated cry as the tiger leant in to his friend and whispered something, the pair grinning evilly at each other.

The mouse squeaked loudly as she was suddenly hoisted into the air, the males spinning her on the wolf's shaft and forcing her head into his broad chest as the tiger stepped up behind her. Rina's own eyes went wide as she felt the pressure against her rear, her tail instinctively moving to block the hole, as the mouse did exactly the same, a tentacle copying the tiger than yanking her tail out of the way. Rina gasped as the thick shaft forced its way into her tail hole, copying the savage thrusts of the tiger as the mouse girl cried out loudly from between the two males, her eyes wide as the massive shaft was thrust into her rear. Rina moaned uncontrollably as she felt he barbs grinding against the inside of her ass, the wolf starting to thrust again, his knot stretching her walls out almost painfully. The two quiclky fell into a steady rhythm, the mouse girl already flopping uselessly between them, unconscious.

Rina herself could barely tell whether it was the tentacles or the males who were using her so violently, her mind switching between both scenarios as she felt her crotch explode, the pleasure making her twitch violently. Rina had barely finished her orgasm when she heard the familiar growl, the hot liquid suddenly spraying up into her rear, the force making her shudder as she came again, barely able to see as her vision was filled with stars. Just as the tiger seemed to finish, the wolf gave another howl, Rina unable to contain herself as the thick liquid was pumped into her snatch, and with the male's knot blocking it, it had nowhere to go but straight up, flooding her womb with hot cum. Rina shuddered as the wave of pleasure bombarded her mind, her thoughts fading away as she watched the two males drop the spent mouse on the floor, leaving her leaned against a wall.

Rina shivered as she felt herself being lowered to the ground, the tentacles placing her carefully on the wet concrete, the husky blinking as she felt the rain beating down against her back. She forced herself to herself up onto her hand and knees, managing to pull herself forwards slowly. A loud chuckle made her look up as she stared at the two males, the tiger having said something, the wolf nodding in agreement. The husky watched in shock as the two suddenly turned to face the mouse again and let loose two thick streams, spraying the unconscious girl from head to toe in their scent. Rina opened her mouth to object, but found her voice was still gone, only able to watch the two men leave the alleyway, running through the heavy rain.

Exhausted, and now beginning to feel the cold of the rain, Rina dragged herself over to the mouse, pulling her numb legs behind her as she managed to get under the awning, her eyes immediately beginning to water as she smelt the thick musk of the two males on the young girl's body. The rain had managed to trap the scent under the awning, making it all the more powerful when the already over stimulated husky had managed to pull herself under it. Barely able to contain herself, Rina managed to check that the girl was still breathing, her own breath growing laboured as she tried to pull away, Rina found herself staring at the thick strands of cum that had dripped down the side of the teen's face. Before she could react, the husky found herself leaning forwards, dragging her tongue greedily along the mouse's neck, "grooming" her as she cleaned off the thick musky semen. The taste of semen on her tongue, Rina couldn't contain herself as her eyes suddenly fell on the girl's crotch, a thick globule of wolf semen leaking from the mouse's abused hole. Her judgement already clouded, Rina shifted herself slightly as she lowered her head, giving the rodent's snatch a tentative lick, lapping at the leaking cum as the mouse gave a low moan. The husky drove her tongue deep into the mouse's crotch, sucking hungrily at the thick white fluids. Panting as she pulled away, Rina stared down at the teen's crotch again, her eyes fixed on the steady stream oozing from the girl's now exposed anus, the husky not even hesitating as she pressed her lips against the stretched out ring and sucked, drawing the thick tiger sperm out of the rodent's hole with ease. Quickly finishing the job, Rina lifted herself up and flopped exhausted against the mouse, pressing her nose deep into the girl's urine soaked fur as she drifted into sleep.

Rina blinked as she lifted her head off of the couch, looking around the familiar waiting room in confusion. A sudden flood of memories caused the husky to flush hotly underneath her fur, immediately undoing the top two buttons of her shirt as she jumped to her feet, rushinfg through the door she had originally entered through.

"Come again to cum again," the strangely familiar voice called enthusiastically as she rushed past the counter, walking effortlessly through the maze of shelves to the door.

"Sure, whatever," Rina stammered as she pushed through the door, catching a glimpse of a mouse girl grinning widely at her from behind the counter.

"Well she was in a hurry," the mouse huffed, "Didn't even say goodbye."

"It happens," Seth sighed nonchalantly.

"Hey, wasn't she supposed to pay?" the mouse asked, tilting her head to the side as Seth glanced at her with an amber eye.

"We put it on their tab."