Star Fox Recruit Part One

Story by Feral F. Prowler on SoFurry

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Okay this is my first attempt at a story, it's converted from a dream my mate, Todd, had. Star Fox theme copyright Nintendo I suppose, and obviously I don't have their permission to use their stuff and I'm not going to ask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is John, and I am a fox. 19 years old, just out of high school, 6' 8" tall, slim, your average typical everyday run of the mill anthropomorphic fox, except for one thing, I am one of the 4 furs chosen this year in the "Team Star Fox" trainee program. I mean, holy shit I was like one out of several thousand furs two be chosen, the thing that confuses me most is, why me? I mean, hell there's not much special about me, I wasn't even serious about signing up I only did it as a joke. But I was chosen, and you can bet when an opportunity like this comes around, you don't turn it down!! I don't know who the other three were, we all are being flown in on a private craft, and that's where I am now. As I sit here looking out the window, I tap on the screen of duraglass between me and the front of the craft, trying to get the pilot, a fairly aged looking otter, to open it up so I could ask him some questions that are bothering me. Things I worry about you know? Stuff like, where am I going to sleep? Who am I going to hang out with, I'm going to be all alone I don't know anyone there, and most importantly, which one of them is going to train me... I hope to whatever god is watching over me that its not Slippy, ick. Falco is okay but I've heard he has quite a temper, maybe ill get Peppy, he's pretty cool, sort of old though. Heh, I might get Fox Mcloud now he's what I call major murrage material. So handsome, and strong, and famous and such, but THAT'S dreaming, I may have been lucky enough to get on the teams' trainee program but no way in hell am I going to get Fox, uh one little thing I forgot to tell about myself. I'm gay. Yep, I'm a tail raiser; I like guys, that sort of thing. Been hiding it all my life though, its "wrong". "Normal" people aren't like that; at least that's my parents, friends, and teachers opinion. Damn them, I am how I am and I don't care what they think, well, I do, but only enough to not want them to Know. Well that's enough about me. There it was! We were close enough to see it now, the Great Fox. The giant space cruiser that held the fabled Star Fox Mercenary team, and I was going to one of them!! John Foxxie, of team star fox...just wow. The craft I was in flew up slowly towards the Great Fox. It looked small at first, but the closer we got, the larger it became, as we got up only about a kilometer away from it my muzzle dropped open and I stared, shocked at the enormity of the huge cruiser, how was a little fox like me supposed to get around in that gigantic thing? I flattened my ears on the side of my head and slumped down a bit in the chair. "Ah geez, maybe this wasn't such a good idea" We pulled into an open hatchway, a force field going up behind up as we entered as the chamber pressurized, we landed on a platform with a gentle "bump" and the door next to me slid open. The attendant appeared next to me, "this way sir" he motioned with his right paw for me to follow him, so I did. He led me down a long corridor; I padded behind him, wondering where he was leading me, and why the place was so empty. We came out into a small room, an entire wall of it was several inches of duraglass, and I could see out of it into space, there was a few chairs, a small round table with a plant on it, looked like a doctors waiting room, only in space I thought. The otter looked at me for a moment, pointed to a chair and glared at me "Wait here for your instructor. And DON'T WANDER" and with that the aging otter left, shutting the door behind him. "Damn, I wonder why he was so grumpy, and what the hell am I supposed to do in this place, its so empty" I sighed and padded over to the window and looked out it. And what I saw out there confused and greatly irritated me. 6 Arwings, three with the words "Trainee" written across their hulls in bold black letters, were taking off and heading towards a cluster of large space debree several hundred kilometers away. "WHAT THE?! The other trainees are leaving, why the hell are they keeping me waiting, what's going on?" I backed away from the window and looked around. "I have got to get some answers, and I'm not going to wait here for them that's for sure!" I turned around, marched over to the door, threw it open and left the room---only to bump right into a seven foot tall, buff, handsome male fox standing right on the other side of the door with a smirk on his face.... oh my god, it was star fox!! "Hmm, someone's a little impatient to get on his way isn't he? Well well, you're showing some initiative and your training hasn't even started yet, well you're off to a promising start already!" He said with a slight chuckle. I just stood there, staring, unbelieving, could it be, was he going to be my instructor? "Well, common we have to get going, we are behind schedule you know!" Fox began to walk away; I rushed to follow him, staring at his big bushy tail swishing behind him, and his thin but muscular legs. My cock begin to slip out of it sheath, I quickly looked at the walls next to us instead, thinking about the ship instead, the last thing I wanted to do it have Fox turn around and see me staring at his ass with the outlines of a boner in my pants!! So we walked along, Fox in front of me, me behind him trying hard not to think dirty fantasies, and not always succeeding. We came out into a small hanger, with two Arwings, presumably one for Fox and one for me. Fox walked over to the open hatch for his and stopped there motioning for me to follow him. "Hey, come with me hurry up!" I looked around confused "But uh, Mr. Mcloud, aren't I supposed to take the trainee vessel?" Fox gave me a slightly annoyed look "First of all, don't call me Mr. Mcloud. We don't stand on formalities around here; you can just call me Fox like everyone else does, just like ill call you john. Second of all I make the rules, if I say I want you to ride in my Arwing your going too. Besides a lot of the things I need to teach you are better to do in person, not across the intercom. Things like control, how to use the joystick properly, how to lubricate the various parts, proper cockpit procedures, and what to do in case you have to eject, stuff like that." I looked at him for a moment, "Um, how do you know my name, I never told it to you" with an odd grin fox turns and walks into the Arwing, disappearing from sight, his voice drifts out of the open hatch, "Because, I personally picked you from all the other recruits, your exactly what I've been looking for, you fit all the qualifications of a Team Fox wing mate, now get your tail up here or ill leave without you." I rushed up there, tail twitching nervously, none of this felt right.... but on the other paw ill get to work with Fox...personally, right next to him in his own Arwing, ill get to gaze at him all day! Fox sat down in the left seat, motioning for me to sit next to him on the seat at the right, I stared wide eyed at all the controls and buttons that their was to run, so many meters to check, this is going to be hard. "Wow, there's a lot of stuff here Fox how do you manage to do it all?" I turned to him and saw him gazing at me, big green eyes looking into mine, a mysterious look on his muzzle, "oh, its very easy to do it, I could show you how if you would like, well I suppose that is my job after all isn't it? To train inexperienced recruits in everything that they need to know to be a contributing part of team fox?" then he smiled softly at me and murred gently. I looked away and blushed a bit, wondering why he was being so nice to me, and then I realized: Fox Mcloud, THE Starfox, was coming on to me!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There, and now to be a mean ass tease, ill leave it at that. Yes that's right, it's the end of Part one, you may be asking yourself, WHAT THE HELL!? Where's the YIFF? Patience my furriends, good things cum to those who wait, their will be at least two yiffy scenes in part two, this is just the, foreplay so to speak to set the stage, besides I don't want to use all my material in one go, if I did you wouldn't all come back to read the next part now would you? Stay tuned for the next episode of Star Fox Recruit Part 2, coming soon to a yiffstar web page near you!! ^_^ ~~~Feral F. Prowler~~~