Chapter-8 Dreams Must End

Story by Grantan on SoFurry

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It's been a while, but this starts yet another chapter in Grant's new life after becoming aware. Much more to come, and much more to figure out.

The young man leaned against the bus and pulled the zipper up a little higher to close the gap and keep the chilly air from invading. The sound of rain against the metal building drowned out some of the sounds coming from inside the tour bus, but the base from the songs reverberated through the thin metal skin he was leaning against. The large metal building the bus was parked in sheltered most of the bus from the ensuing rain, but the wind carried wisps of moisture inside every once in a while.

He fished around in his jacket pocket for a pack of cigarettes, and when the search came up empty, he reached into his other pocket. There he found the pack, and pulling it out, shook down the last cigarette in the box. "Well shit" he muttered, realizing that, once again, his band mates had helped themselves to his smokes before they'd used their own. He shook his head in disgust. 5 years he'd been with the band, and he still didn't get respect. He'd taken over for their last drummer who'd partied a little too hard and ended up driving his car off a cliff. The poor guy survived but lost use of an arm. Tragic, but a dream come true for a new drummer.

Matt took the last smoke out of the pack, then picked up the search for the lighter he knew he'd kept in his inside pocket. "Of course..." he murmured, the search coming up empty. They'd probably borrowed that as well and not returned it. "Fuck," his hands fell to his jeans pocket to double check, but he quickly discovered only keys and a little pocket knife. The squeal of an excited female fan from inside the bus broke his line of thought. There was probably 6 star struck girls fighting for the attention of 3 band members in there. Although Matt would have loved to have women falling all over him, his other band members usually made him the joke of their conversations. He was the new guy, and that's how they treated him.

The sudden cold splash of water down the back of his neck caused Matt to flinch, the cigarette in his mouth falling to the ground, right into a small accumulation of water that had made it's way inside the building. "Oh great, just fucking great!" Matt huffed, he stopped the soggy smoke out of anger. "What the hell!" he exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling with his hands out, as if to blame someone up there for putting him through all this.

Matt dropped his head as if defeated, but he then heard the echoing of hard soled heals on the concrete. He looked up to find a figure of a woman walking toward him, her hips swaying with each step. Long hair swung from side to side, and he clothing clung tightly to her body, showing off every curve, and every hip movement. Matt watched in disbelief as she strolled up to him, the light from the bus washed over her dark Asian skin and long black hair. She had a sly smile on her face as she stopped only inches away from him. "Th- th- the party is in the bus..." He stammered, reasoning that she was probably just a late invite. "Oh, I'm not here for the party." She said, her voice smooth and soft, every word playful and sharp. She raised her hand to his lips, and to his surprise, a cigarette was set softly in his mouth. His lips instinctively closed around it and before he could completely understand her motivation, she hold up a lighter, cupping the wind side with her hand, and striking it. The flame burned and slowly danced over the tip of the smoke, igniting it as he drew his first drag through it. She dropped her hands and smiled. "Better?" she asked. "Um, yeah thanks." Matt gave her a curious look.

Her smile showed purl white teeth, and perfect soft skin around deep brown eyes. Her long black hair was pulled back with clips but was let to fall around her shoulders, trailing down past the small of her back. The hair fall over a black leather jacket, which matched the tight leather pants that took over where the jacket left off, revealing every curve down to her calves. From their, the leather pants fell into a pair of laced leather boots, which helped elevate the whole package about 2 inches. Even with the help, she still stood about chin high to Matt, and as close as she was standing to him, she looked up into his eyes.

"So if you aren't here for the party, why are you here?" Matt dared to ask, and it was all he could do to keep his voice from cracking.

The woman giggled, and ran her hand up his jacket to rest on his chest. "I'm here for you, I'm not much for crowds and noise. I like quiet, and alone." She stepped even closer and her hands rested on his shoulders. She lifted one leg and let her knee gently rub the inside of his leg.

Matt jumped at the feeling, and his back hit the bus with a thud. "Uh, I'm just the drummer..." he stammered, but she closed the distance again.

"Oh I know, I like drums, and sticks... and rhythmic beats." Her voice was so soft and seductive, and her tongue ran across her lower lip. Matt felt shivers running up his spine, and a pleasant tingling below the waist. His mind raced at the unlikely scenario playing out before him, with him! He gulped and looked around, no one else was close. The music still played loudly in the bus, and no one was peaking out the windows snickering at a joke. Could this be a set-up? Where was the hidden camera? Was this another lame over the top prank played on him by his band mates?

Her hand went to his cheek, and she captured his attention again. "So, how about you show me your drum stick..." she raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"Well I um... My room is in the bus..." But she slowly shook her head and placed a finger on his lips, then, she slowly lowered herself in front of him, her face so close to his growing bulge under his pants. Her hand slowly melted away from his lips, and traced a line down his chest to his pants zipper. Matt watched in amazement, hardly believing this was happening to him. Her fingers found the zipper and tugged it down. He could feel every tooth of the zipper separate and she easily undid his pants button with her other hand.

"W-Wait we... here? Someone might come out..."

"You don't want an audience?" She teased, but she wasn't slowing down, and she reached in through his undone zipper, her hand closed around his growing member through his underwear. Matt's knees almost buckled. He was closer than he dared admit to letting one blow.

"Back here!" He exclaimed, his voice cracked despite his best efforts to sound calm. He moved toward the back of the bus, around some sound equipment and boxes that formed some visual cover from almost every side. She slowly followed him, giggling as he almost lost his pants around his angles.

"Yes, you're right, this is a little better." The boxes and speakers were pulled about 3 feet back away from the metal wall of the building, providing a small alcove of cover. Matt's throat was dry, and now his cock was pitching a nice tent he couldn't hide. She knelt down again, a broad smile across her face. Her hand fell onto his hard member and she held her mouth inches from the head. His boxers gave way, his cock finding the flap in the front, now free of all clothing, she took a breath, then her lips slowly closed around the head of his cock.

Matt gasped, his knees gave way a little before he could catch himself. The feeling of her warm mouth around his member almost made him explode instantly. "Grandma, Baseball, Mrs. McMullin my math teacher." he voiced in his head, trying to prolong the inevitable. Her tongue flicked playfully on the underside of his throbbing cock, almost sending him past the point of no return. He pulled back a little and closed his eyes, trying to stop the wave of pleasure building too quickly. He didn't want this to be over this quickly.

She giggled as she felt him throb again, and she paused, then slowly pulled her mouth off his cock. Matt's eyes snapped open at feeling the cool air hit his wet cock. She was looking up at him, smirking. "Did you want me to stop?" she offered.

"Oh fuck no, I... I just haven't had this in... a long time." He caught his breath a little, but it was quickly taken back away as her warm mouth again closed around his cock. He reached down for her head, and as soon as his hand landed on her hair, she started moving her head back and forth more forcefully, applying more pressure with her tongue and lips. "Oh... god." Matt whispered. "Slow down, I'm going to cum..." But she only went faster, one of her hands grasped the base of his cock while the other grabbed his balls. "Oh shit" He groaned, he flashed past the point of no return and the feeling of orgasm built up quickly. This was it, he couldn't stop, he threw his head back and came, letting out a loud moan. He heard her swallowing, and she moaned while she was doing it, still moving her head back and forth, now more quickly, her tongue pressing his cock with every gulp.

"Oh my god." Matt gasped, he looked down and felt her mouth slide off his cock, she stood up and smiled, wiping her lip with her thumb, catching a small amount of cum that had escaped and then sucking it off with a smile. Matt was dumbfounded. She could tell, and she smiled, then she pressed herself against him, sending both of them slamming against the wall of the building. A sharp pain shot through Matt's back. "Ahh, wait, I think you pushed me against a nail or something..." He pushed back off the wall but she held him there, and lightly kissed his lips. He forgot the pain for a moment, as it dulled to a slight ache quickly, but then the pain returned in a sharp twinge. He winced again, but her lips found his again and he kissed her back.

But the pain began to grow, and there was something else. It felt like something was running down the back of his leg. He more forcefully pushed her away, and his hand moved to his lower back on the right side. There was something wet and heavy on his jacket, and when he held his hand up in the dim light, he saw a dark fluid staining his hand. He looked up at the woman, who was now looking at him with a concerned look. But then his eyes fell to the long skinny dagger in her hands, dripping with blood. He gasped again, this time in panic, but she caught him, the dagger again finding it's mark in his lower abdomen. The pain once again was sharp, but faded quickly. His eyes widened, and he tried to cry out, but she covered his mouth as she tugged the dagger out. A flow of blood quickly made it's way down the front of his pants, and Matt felt weak instantly. He dropped to his knees, but she held him, softening his fall.

She carefully laid him down as his life drained from him. His eyes were already glazing over as they locked onto her. "W-why?" He whispered. She smiled down at him, one arm under his head. "I'm sorry sweetie, you're a good kid, it's a shame someone wanted you dead." She didn't know if he comprehended her last words or not. She wiped her dagger on his chest, and gave him one last kiss on the cheek as the life left him. She folded his arms over his chest, tucked him back into his pants and zipped him up, then stood, and casually walked out of the building.