Chapter-9_Dreams of Reality

Story by Grantan on SoFurry

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The plot thickens as Grant, and the detective, hunt the same assassin.

Chapter-9_Dreams of Reality

"Oh what the hell!" The detective yelled as a bright flash flooded his vision, his head snapped up to see a journalist duck back around the bus with his camera. "Get him out of here!" he snapped to one of the officers standing guard. The hustle that followed was largely ignored by the detective as he looked back down at the body that lay before him. A small crowd had gathered against the yellow tape, mostly gawkers, but a band member also stood talking to a police office who was jotting note worthy information down on a note pad.

The dead man had been identified as Mattew Higgston. He had joined the band about 5 years ago, and had finished a couple of tours with them. The detective stood back and took in the scene. Bill hadn't seen anything like this. At first glance it looked like any other stabbing. Lots of blood, stab wounds, a struggle. But this one was different. No defensive cut marks on the hands, no blood spatter. No bruised knuckles, no bloody drag marks, no skin under the finger nails. This was just not typical.

"Hey Detective!" Bill looked up to see a young office walking over to him. "Yeah." Bill inquired.

"I have a guy here, he says he's your new partner? David? He doesn't have his badge with him."

"Why me..." Bill muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me sir?" the young officer calked his head to try and hear better, but the response wasn't meant for him. Before Bill could pass it off, a shorter, younger man trotted up behind the young officer.

"Sorry I'm late Bill." The kid huffed. This put a scowl across Bill's face.

"That's 'Detective' to you. And where is your badge?"

"Oh it's at the office, I heard you were here at the scene and hurried to get here as fast as I could."

"I see, so that coffee in your hand was bought before you hurried out of the office?"

The young rookie's face turned sheepish. Bill shook his head and looked skyward. "What did I do to you?" The divine heavenly hosts didn't answer.

"What was that Detective?"

"Nothing!" Bill retorted. "Lets get to work. Our dead guy is Mathew Higgston, grew up in Washington, he's 24, about 190lbs, two stab wounds, one to the back, one to the lower abdomen."

Bill looked over to see his new partner just nodding his head.

"Hey you might remember this better later if you Write - It - Down!"

"Oh yeah," David yanked the pencil from his pocket and dug out a notepad from inside his long coat.

Bill stooped down over the body. He picked one of the arms up with a gloved hand. Matted blood covered the back of one hand, and had transferred to the other palm when his hands had been placed in a peaceful sleep pose. "Hm" Bill muttered. "Only blood on the back of one hand. He didn't really try and stop the bleeding."

"He.... didn't.... try..... stop the.... " David muttered as he wrote in his notebook. Bill rolled his eyes and continued.

"Looks like most of the bleeding occurred while he was standing up." Bill glanced over to the little alcove next to the building wall. There was a pool of blood that clearly accumulated around something. Bill slowly let the hand down and looked at the back of Matt's heal. "Huh, he stood in one place long enough while he was bleeding to have his own foot stop the pool of blood." This grabbed his young partners attention. "Well, if you know you're stabbed, you wouldn't just stand there." David concluded. Bill looked up, almost surprised at David's assessment. "That's right." Bill agreed. "And the wound in front must have been the second strike, but he'd already lost a lot of blood. He probably didn't have much fight left." David nodded but probably wasn't completely clear on how the detective had come to that conclusion.

Suddenly Bill stood, and backed off. He looked at the bus, then at the body, then at the pool of blood in the little alcove. "David, why would you back yourself into a corner and then stand in one spot after being stabbed in the back?" David looked blankly back at Bill, not sure what to say. Bill walked back over to where the first pool of blood was. He looked at the wall, and saw a small smudge of blood. What he also noticed was a small scratch in the paint just above the smudge.

"Hey, Ralph, come take some pictures of this." One of the forensic guys waked over with a camera in one hand. Bill pointed to the spot and Ralph snapped some pictures, then added a scale, and snapped some more. "I think I'm done here Ralph. Have your boys fill some SD cards and I'll take a look at them back at the office." Ralph nodded and started snapping away.

Bill walked under the police tape and headed for his car. His new partner hurried to catch up, but suddenly remembered he'd brought his own car. Bill shook his head. This was going to be a long 5 years to retirement.

Grant yawned and slowly rubbed his eyes. The soft sheets of the bed covering only the lower half of his body. An arm slowly appeared out from under the covers and draped over his chest. There was a soft moan as Lisa stirred. Her head slowly emerged out from under a pillow and she smiled sleepily at Grant. "Mornin" she said with a smile. "You kinky little cat". She added. Grant smiled back, and closed his eyes in memory of last night. He hadn't meant to shift in the middle of the fun. As he fucked her, in the heat of the moment he'd shifted into Harvark, the dark mass of fur and the change of his size inside her caused her to cum almost instantly. Feeling his fur against her and the weight of his cat-like form was more than she could handle. She shifted as well, shivering as she went through her orgasm. When she'd opened her eyes, Grant had shifted back, and was smiling sheepishly, but enjoying the new aspect of sex as he pet her fur and felt her purr as they continued.

"Mmmmm how about take six." Lisa sang, rolling over on top of Grant, her breasts pressing against his chest, her body against his. "Only six? I thought we were on seven" he kidded, and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her. She moaned playfully, pivoting her hips suggestively. "Mmmm, well I guess it depends on what form you were in. Did I feel better as a cat or a woman to your human form?" Grant sighed deeply and smiled again at her. "I can't decide, I think we need to try it again..."

There was a loud knock on the door. Grant frowned and looked over at the clock on the night stand. "Well shit, I guess we will find out later. We are late." Lisa looked over at the clock as well and let out a disgusted grunt. "Why can't we have like, just a week off. I'm enjoying both your forms so much now that you know of each other..." Grant laughed and dodged a pillow lobbed at his head. The knock on the door was louder this time. "Yeah hold on a minute!" Grant yelled. He wasn't sure if staying in the safety of the secret base was worth it. He went to the door before he'd had time to put all his cloths on. He cracked it open. There stood Brandon, the agent that was assigned to be his personal body guard. "Yes Brandon?" Grant asked.

"Sir, there..."

"Brandon, please call me Grant." Grant broke in.

"I'm sorry... um, Grant, sir, there has been a situation, and also we can't find Lisa anywhere in the..." Brandon's eyes suddenly caught the naked form walking from the bedroom into the bathroom. "Oh um... I ... didn't know you two... I mean,"

"We will be ready in 15 minutes." Grant cut in, a sly smile on his face.

Grant and Lisa walked into the situation room. There stood a dozen people huddled around computer monitors and talking to one another in hushed tones. This looked more serious than the times before. "What the situation." Grant demanded. All heads snapped toward him, and conversations stopped. "Um, sir, we have a confirmed assassination." One of the techs stated. Grant waked over to the tech's screen. There was a picture of a crime scene, a body laying not far from a bus, and crime tape hung around the area. A police detective was in clear view, kneeling over the body. "Oh that guy." Grant signed. "That's detective Bill Chantly. He's been on the force for 25 years. Not a spring chicken by any means." Another tech continued the dialog. "He's 55 years old, he's retired military, served 8 years, he's the one on this case."

"Oh he's on my case alright" Grant muttered under his breath. He still hadn't returned some phone calls requested by some voice mails left by the detective. "Ok what do they know?" Grant asked. "Well I think he suspects it's more than just a pissed off band member or a robbery. One of our spies picked up on that. Looks like he suspects something else, but he hasn't put into a report anything of value." The tech looked up at Grant. "We will need some intervention into this one I think." Grant looked down at the tech and raised an eyebrow. "You think so? I'd say let him keep going, keep an eye on him and let him help us. He might not know what he's up against, but he's of some value to us."

Brandon smiled, it was nice to have a leader in the base for once. Someone who thought more broadly. Tak'nosh hadn't been too keen on turning over command. He'd been the highest ranking officer for years. Now he had to answer to someone. He wasn't used to that. There was a reason he wasn't here this morning. His latest outburst had earned him one hell of a black eye. This was only days after Grant had become aware. It could be said that Tak'nosh was urged quite convincingly to take a small leave of absence.

"Sir there's one more thing. The victim, Matt Higgston, his alt was one of yours sir." The tech squirmed after delivering the news. "Who?" Grant questioned. The tech shifted uncomfortably. "One of your lieutenants sir, Ninkassa."

Grant's head sank. Someone was getting information on who's alts were connected to their humans. If you killed one, the other would die. The best way to kill someone important was to hope their alt was some no name person and kill the easiest side. It wasn't easy to find out who's alt was who's.

"Well shit, looks like we have our work cut out for us. We need to find that assassin, and find out where he gets his orders."

It was going to be a long day.