Trick and Treat: Part Eight

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#8 of Trick and Treat

Part Eight. I am very pleased with this.

If you get angry or disappointed at the end of the chapter (for reasons I shall not explain since you'll probably read this before the actual chapter), then I'm not sure what you want to do about that.

Maybe don't expect chapter nine for quite a while...maybe. I've got a bit of a tough time going over the next two weeks. I'm not sure what's going to happen or if I'm going to be in the mood for writing then, but I WILL do my best I promise.

Also after this series I'm considering doing something more with my other series' (Blood Red, Seekers, that universe). If I don't lose interest after Trick and Treat, it's probably going to be something really gritty and dark; but it's all theory right now.

Anyway, enjoy. Also I'm not sure if this qualifies as gay or straight or neither. Is there a tag for that?

Date: 31/10/13 - 7:20pm

"Uh...are we going to talk about what you just did?" I muttered just loud enough for Mario to hear me; still looking back at the white mouse behind the bar, even after Maria handed me my drink and resorted to dragging me away by the arm.

"What do you mean, Pepper?" She inquired innocently. I was sure she wasn't joking around; it took her a few seconds to realise I was talking about how rough she was with people during sex. Me and then the mouse behind the bar; part of me was convinced she was a secret dominatrix. "...oh! You mean 'that'? So what? I like getting a little rough with people. I'm a predator; it's what we do..."

I gave Maria a sceptical look behind her back as she continued dragging me around the manor. The walls were stripped of all paintings and the only source of light came from the red bulbs fixed onto the electric candle lights spread out along each corridor I was dragged down. It gave the walls a nice radiant colour; or maybe the walls were also painted over red just for the occasion. But surely nobody could have that much money to burn for just one evening, could they?

"So...are you going to drag me around the whole manor tonight?" I asked rhetorically, finally getting her to stop and turn around so we could discuss what we were actually going to do. "As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, we still have like four hours ahead of us; shouldn't we just take things slow?"

"Four hours?" Maria parroted, looking at me with a mix of scepticism and disbelief. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on me that a party like this would go well past any rational hours. "Life and soul of the party, you are." She spat sarcastically, preparing to carry on dragging me back and forth again.

"I think I actually deserve a bit of freedom this evening." I chugged down the rest of my drink and placed the glass down on the floor, deciding to stand my ground so I could do things my way. Maria meant well, getting me to act more comfortable with...well, myself; but she was taking things a little too far for my liking. "I deserve a loose collar; considering how rough you were with me the night before."

"Oh, don't even!" Maria protested loudly, making me back away a couple of inches. "I do work in a library; y'know, full of books! So I do know a little something about intersex genitalia. Like how your cervix is more flexible than a female's, making it much more able to open up?"

"The cervix isn't supposed to be penetrated _at all_and you know it!" I yelled back, bringing up one of our old fashioned arguments; unfortunately we weren't entirely aware of where we were and what kind of attention we would attract. "You had to get me an icepack; it was that sore!"

I prepared myself for the verbal backlashing I would receive from Maria, but it never came; she seemed half-focused on the other end of the corridor we were arguing in, right behind me. The first thing I heard was a series of clanging, as if someone was hauling around a bucketful of metal cutlery; I'd already determined just what was making the sound, but I still turned around. At the other end of the red-lit corridor stood a large chrome coloured suit of armour. The suit looked thin and had a few odd pieces missing, but it wasn't enough for me to determine who was behind the metal shell; it was probably toned down that much so the wearer could move about for longer and not have to worry about exhausting themselves.

" you want a loose collar tonight, then?" Maria only spoke after a minute of awkward silence. Clearly she intended to let me get captured by the 'knight', but I was still stunned to silence. I didn't expect Mr Harrington to get some real armour for people to wear during the party. "Okay then; looks like you're going solo tonight."

I never could've predicted what would come next; Maria slinked her right leg in front of my own and placed both hands on my shoulders, shoving me forwards with sudden force and sending me tumbling halfway down the corridor, right towards the armoured figure on the other end. It took me a few seconds on the floor to process what Maria had just done, and by that time I'd lost sight of her; I could hear her snickering to herself in the distance, but it only lasted seconds before it was drowned out by the sound of clanging again. The knight was getting closer, slowly but surely. I intended to shoot up and dash after Maria - or anywhere - just anywhere but behind me; but the knight got to me first, placing one hand on my head before I could get up on my feet.

" am I...I dunno, running on the 'honour system' here?" I half-asked, half-muttered, trying to make conversation; the knight didn't respond, probably playing the strong silent-type role...or maybe it was the horror-movie kind of silent. "Y'know, I don't struggle since you caught me fair and square? Is it like that?"

The knight didn't respond; he removed his hand from my head and wrapped it around my chest, hauling me up and over his right shoulder in one smooth motion but still knocking the air out of my lungs in the process as he carried me away. I gave up trying to talk to him at this point and settled on determining what kind of species he was and what I'd do when he 'had his way' with me. I doubt he expected to catch anybody of 'undetermined sex', so he'd probably be a little put off by that; but if he wasn't...well, I guess I just had to hope he was into oral play. As for his species, I managed to spot a few openings in the back of the knight's armour, revealing thin dark-grey fur underneath. I couldn't get a single whiff of sweat from him so he probably wasn't exhausted, and his tall muscular build indicated it must be a stronger hardier breed of canine hauling me about; probably a Doberman or a Rottweiler?

It didn't take long for the knight to reach an unused room. We passed two before that were occupied; the first by another knight and his 'victim' and the second by four other guests. I took a brief look around the third room as I was carried in. It looked like a guest room in case any visitors planned on sleeping over - assuming there would be any sleeping involved in a building owned by Mr Harrington. The ceiling would've been ivory-white if the room wasn't illuminated by red bulbs; it reached up twice as far as any regular sized room and supported a small chandelier to top it off. The walls probably would've been tan or khaki and were scarcely decorated. All the room held was a king sized poster bed, a dresser and a small couch that offered what might've been a nice view of the manor's garden if the curtains weren't drawn.

"Nice place..." I muttered to myself. I could only admire the room for a few more seconds before the knight threw me onto the poster bed; as soft as the sheets were, it was a fairly rough landing and knocked the air out of my lungs a second time.

I turned my head to look up at the knight on the rightmost side of the bed, starting to unbuckle the lower half of his armour and his gloves and setting them down on the floor, revealing a pair of red boxers underneath - probably there to keep him from chaffing his lower regions. I took the hint and began undressing myself, removing my shoes, socks and trousers only. We both kept our upper garments and headgear on for the sake of anonymity. I assumed this functioned a lot like a masquerade party would; nobody knew who I was and I didn't know who anybody else was, so everything was fair game. My underwear was still on; I was unsure where to go from there. I could let the Dane take them off and find out himself, but I wasn't sure what his reaction would be. Either he'd be repulsed and leave me alone or he would turn out to be a complete pervert and would do me anyway.

"Oh! So you're taking the lead then?" I asked rhetorically, merely observing as the Dane removed his red boxers and revealed his sheath and a pair of full, hand-filling balls. I could tell he was a bit puzzled by the lack of bulge in my own nether regions, but it didn't stop him from leaning over to grip each side of my underwear and start pulling.

"...Mmm?" I heard the knight murmur under his helmet once he saw I wasn't packing the usual male genitals. I looked to the side shyly and kept quiet as the knight studied me up and down, removing his helmet before speaking again. "You''re not what I expected."

"Uh, yeah...bit of an understatement." I muttered back, staring from behind my mask at the Dane's face. He looked reasonably old - around his mid-forties - with a short but thick layer of grey fur around his muzzle forming a beard and moustache, making him seem older than he was.

" I gonna need a condom for this?" The Dane asked, still in a state of disbelief. I shook my head and looked anywhere but at the dog in front of me, but I knew he could sense how nervous I was under my costume. "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself? You expected someone younger perhaps?"

"Wha- no! It's not that!" I responded, almost yelled, back in surprise. I expected the Dane to barrage me with questions, but the only question he ever asked me was if I was fertile or not. "I mean I did expect someone younger, but...uh..."

"So it's something else." The Dane interrupted and sat down next to me before I could make any more stupid comments. I kept my mouth shut and my body still while the Dane was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. "Hmm...let me guess; a friend dragged you along to this party? Is that it?"

"...yeah, pretty much." I sighed, reaching up behind my head to take off my mask. We both gave up on the whole 'anonymity' deal at this point. "I guess I didn't expect I'd be this nervous when I got to this point. So I...I guess you see a lot of this, then?"

"There's always one at Harrington's parties." He explained, trying to offer me a little bit of comfort to make my nervousness seem more normal. "I've done this Halloween thing five times now. The past four times someone's always brought a friend along to 'break them in' as it were; and three of them have come back this year, so they must've had a good time before."

I nodded my head and silently agreed with the large Dane. I could tell he was trying his best to make me feel better, and it did help a little. The next few seconds seemed to last forever, but I finally came to a straightforward, and probably reckless, conclusion. I slowly rose up and leant towards the Dane, wrapping my right arm around his front so I could take charge and go in for a kiss. He was surprised in the first few seconds and offered very little resistance once I planted my lips on his; after a while I let my muscles relax and allowed the Dane to take over, thrusting his tongue into my muzzle while his arms wrapped themselves around my body. I'd never made out with another male and everything felt so foreign and unknown; I couldn't keep myself from trembling in the Dane's arms as his tongue wrestled with mine. It felt like we'd been kissing each other for minutes before we had to part for air.

"'re sure?" The Dane panted; not from exhaustion, but excitement. I wasn't sure at all, but I had to do something other than just sit there; so I responded by leaning back in to rest my head on his chest and simply whispering 'yes'. I took in as much of his scent as I could; it was a mix of his musk, testosterone and I could even pick up the faint smell of sweat from how close I was to him. "Alright then; no questions asked. I'll make this as fun for you as I can."

We both edged our way up to the top of the bed, with me resting my head on a pillow as the Dane crawled on top of me so he could move in for another kiss. I put more passion into it this time, snaking my way past his tongue as we explored each other's mouths; he propped himself up with his left arm and explored my body with his right, brushing the fur on my chest with each individual digit before coming to a halt around my waist. The knight...seemed to stop entirely for a couple of seconds before carrying on and making his way under my underwear so he could probe about my nether regions.

"Let's see what kind of buttons you have down there." He whispered into my left ear, sending a pleasant chill down my spine as he went to work on my lower regions. It started with some simple groping with the palm of his hand, figuring out where everything was before going to town. "How"

The Dane gently stroked his middle and index finger down my labia and back up once he reached the end; the feeling sent small and brief jolts of pleasure through my pussy, but I was very sensitive down there and it was just enough to make my hips rise and push into his hand involuntarily. I felt like a puppet, and the Dane was pulling my strings. Each time he stroked upwards my hips would descend; every time he stroked downwards my hips would rise up again. It took mere seconds for me to start getting wet, but the Dane kept on stroking me; he didn't change what he was doing with his hand at all. I was so close to begging; begging him to give me some release or simply take me there and then. I had to make a real effort not to say anything, and after a few more minutes of non-stop stroking my underwear was half-soaked, but eventually the Dane came to a halt; right where my clit was.

"Hmm? Is this for me?" The Dane tried to put on an innocent tone as he felt around my clit with his thumb and index finger. I gave up and tried to beg; but as soon as I opened my muzzle to talk he gently pressed my clit between his thumb and finger, forcing a long and low moan from me. "Never seen a girl do that before. You must be pretty sensitive, right?"

I could barely pay any attention to what he was saying. My hips started jerking around by themselves, but the Dane didn't move his hand with me; when I pulled away my clit was being pulled as well, making me thrash about even more from the pleasure. He didn't have to do anything except watch as I writhed about underneath him. It was hard for me to try and tense my muscles so I would stop thrashing around, and it took a few failed attempts, but I finally managed it; and just on the edge of orgasm, too. The Dane let go of my clit once he noticed I was almost going to cum, not wanting to get me off so easily; instead he got up and sat at my side again, reaching down to my soaked underwear with both hands so he could remove them. At that time I couldn't care less; I was still in a haze of pleasure and exhaustion and I was barely able to keep track of what the Dane was doing.

"Mmm, you smell very nice." He brought my soaked panties up to his muzzle and gave them a quick whiff just before discarding them onto the carpet. I could see his cock was fully erect and already dripping with his pre. "Now you're all lubed up, let's get to work on my parts, shall we?"

The Dane gave me a few seconds to catch my breath before he lay back down to my left. At first I wasn't sure what to do, but my partner was helpful and gently guided my left hand down to his erect shaft. It was smooth but stiff as iron and practically pulsed with heat and blood. Somehow I managed to keep myself from shaking; from that point on it all felt right. I slowly began moving my hand up the Dane's cock, rubbing my thumb against his wet tip and dragging my hand back down; my actions managed to pry a quiet moan from the dog's lips, motivating me to keep doing what I was doing.

"Good boy..." I squeezed a large drop of precum from the Dane and spread it around his length as much as I could. After that I would go again, getting more pre out of him and lubricating his cock even more. I even added a bit of incentive. "Can't wait to get this big boy inside me. Wouldn't you like that?"

"Ah! Okay okay, easy." The Dane almost had to pry my hand off of his cock. I noticed he was already as lubed up as he was going to be; any more then I'd probably make him cum, then we'd be back at square one. "You're like a damn rabbit, the way you were going at it. Now then, let's get you under these sheets."

I nodded eagerly and shuffled up the bed, allowing the Dane to pull up the covers so we could make our way under them. The sheets were light and thin but also warm and comfortable; it made for a pretty nice bed to sleep in, though neither I nor the Dane would do much sleeping tonight. I was going to go under him, but the dog had other ideas, gripping me by my torso and rolling me over so I was lying on top of him and pressing my face into his chest. My whole body began to warm up from how close I was to the Dane, some parts more than others; his cock was pressed between my slit and his belly, giving off an unnatural heat that made us both start leaking like broken taps.

"Now that we're comfortable..." The Dane stroked the top of my head gently and carefully moved his lower body around, positioning his pointed cock at my entrance. "Are you sure you're ready for this? Just so you know, it might hurt at first."

I didn't respond with words. Instead I lowered my hips, pressing my pussy at the tip of his cock so my lips were just barely parting. The Dane underneath me didn't feel the need to say anything else. He simply started pushing forwards as gently as he could, spreading me open further and sending constant pleasure through my entire body.

And what I felt that night I would remember for days after.

Trick and Treat: Part 7

Date: 31/10/13 - 7:00pm "'re okay." I kept telling the mirror behind the manor's bar. "...and underdressed." That much I got right. Harrington was never a big fan of dressing me up for occasions, and so he settled on a black waistcoat;...

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Trick and Treat: Part Six

Date: 31/10/13 - 09:30am My eyes didn't open at first; they never did. My eyelids felt heavy and my single-bed was the only thing keeping me safe from the cold surrounding the rest of my bedroom. I could easily heat up the rest of my room,...

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Trick and Treat: Part Five

Dinner started off fairly quickly; Maria and Ellie didn't waste time waiting for me to reach the kitchen before breaking out a pizza and a beer each. I didn't take Maria for much of a drinker; granted I wasn't either. With Ellie, however...well, most...

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