Desperately Seeking

Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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Amber's evening changes direction unexpectedly

Typical Disclaimer

This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional and coincidental.


This story follows on from Unattainable Lover, and is set about 6 months later than the events there. I'm a little hesitant about posting this one, but if I don't get on and do it, it'll end up on my unpublished pile, and that's getting too big already.

Anyone who's read anything else I've written may notice that this story does not feel like my usual stock. I felt like I was getting bogged down in meeting-friendship-challenge to be overcome together-love-sex-happy-ending cookie cutter stories, so this is an attempt to break the mold. As a side effect, it may also be noted that this story ends with more unresolved issues than most. This too is intentional. Life is rarely such that everything comes to a neat conclusion, so neither does this story. There may be a sequel which builds on this story, or there may not; I make no promises either way.

That all said, hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave feedback :)

Edit: re-titled, this one feels better ^^;

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Desperately Seeking

Midsummer, and the night conspired to be unusually warm for the village just south of Berne, Switzerland. The long daylight and mild weather had tempted many to stay out later than they might on a more chill evening, and the streets of the small town hummed softly as people walked from bar to bar, greeting each other cordially as they passed.

That same air of geniality was one of the few good - if unexpected - things that had come of the war. For twenty years, from 2047 to 2067 countries had been united, internally at least, in the common goal of staying alive and keeping the lights on, the heat burning, and the food growing. Your problem was everyone else's problem, and everyone's problem was yours; helping thy neighbour had become matter of course.

And now, with the global population only now creeping back towards two billion, it seemed that, at last, the civilized regions of the world were starting to learn the values of life. Petty rivalries, antisocial behaviour and street violence had fallen to record lows. All people were a gift, all strangers friends that had yet to be met.

In the civilized regions, anyway.

Out in the Desolation, those areas rendered wasteland, toxic, radioactive, or infested with the strange, mutated subspecies that the war had created... well, that was why there were still soldiers. Well trained, well armed, and well organised, covering every border between civilisation and Desolation, watching over the civilian population. But right here, right now, there were no soldiers. The air was warm, the mood was peaceful, and everything was right with the world.

At least, it seemed so to Amber Swift as she stood in the town square, her skirt short enough to show a surprising length of spotted leg that ran all the way down to her ankle boots. Similarly proportioned, her top clung tightly across her modest bust, and revealed a midriff of a slenderness that only cheetahs seem able to carry off without seeming underweight. As far as many of the passers by were concerned, it was a shame that it was not her normal choice of attire. Today's ensemble had been entirely the work of the lioness at Amber's side. Taller, broader, Goldmay Fiertésud's own choice of clothing was a fascinating counterpoint to those selected for her friend, consisting of solid looking boots, denim shorts, and a pseudo-military vest, complete with ornamental dog tags that clinked as she walked - or when she jiggled her bosom, as she was prone to doing when tipsy.

It was an outfit that made no attempt to hide or disguise the metallic sheen of the lioness' left arm and leg, and a source of great personal pride to Amber, student robomail engineer and creator of those selfsame limbs, that Goldmay felt no need to do so.

"Getting late," the lioness giggled, looking up at the large statue in the centre of the square, just a hint of a slur in her voice to betray the last four hours spent flitting between bars.

"Yeah..." Amber murmured dreamily, the looping her arm through Goldmay's as she tilted her head back to look at the sky, now a deep purple as the last of the sunlight settled over the horizon. Her gaze returned to street level as a sharp whistle sounded, finding herself looking at a party of four young males, possibly going home, possibly not, but all looking at her. One waved and another gave a little bow and flourish. A little crude perhaps, but it was a genuine expression of appreciation, and Amber felt herself blush.

"See," Goldmay nudged her. "Told you you'd get some attention. Wanna go catch them up?"

Her flush deepening, Amber shook her head.

"Oh come on, there must be one there you like the look of?"

"I just... don't think a boy who whistles in the street is quite right for me," Amber mumbled, biting her lip as the four young men walked away, unconsciously tugging her short skirt just a little lower with her free hand as her arm tightened around Goldmay's.

"No? Well maybe you're right. Can't say as I liked any of them either."

"You don't like any boys," Amber reminded her, looking up and smiling as the lioness grinned sheepishly.

"What can I say? I'm a connoisseur of the finer things in life. One more?" she asked, changing tack abruptly.

Taking half a breath, Amber hesitated, then, "Yes." With one final glance at the retreating group of young men, she allowed the lioness to lead her towards the edge of the town square, towards the brightly lit yet quiet bar that they both favoured and traditionally reserved for the last drink of the night.

"That wasn't one more," Amber realised, weaving a little as she passed through the doorway of their shared house.

"No," Goldmay admitted, giggling. "But I do think you enjoyed the dance," she said, grinning as she locked the door behind them, her tail swaying to the music that wasn't playing anymore.

"Oh psht," the cheetah retorted, heading for the kitchen.

"No, I think you did," Goldmay insisted, following and fishing in her pocket. "Smokeless?" Amber eyed the little metallic rod for a moment. One of the better inventions to come out as the last gasp of a tobacco industry that had finally reached it's end; refillable, reusable, requiring no source of ignition and containing nothing harmful, but able to deliver a small dose of nicotine (or other inhalable substance) in a puff of vapour that looked remarkably like smoke. Despite this, Amber could never think of them as anything but somehow vulgar and uncouth - although she couldn't actually find a reason to object to the lioness' use of them.

Goldmay shrugged, accepting for the umpteenth time that her friend was not to be swayed, and thumbing the little button on the side to power the device up. "I know, terrible habit, must quit. Ok, so you may not want to meet up with him again," she went on, picking up her thread of conversation. "But you sure looked like, just for a few minutes, you were having fun." Reaching out, she caught hold of Amber's hand, pulling her chest to chest into an unexpected tango that lasted all of three steps before they both burst out laughing and split apart.

"Well, ok, maybe," Amber admitted, pouring herself a glass of water and glancing back at the lioness as she leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath through the smokeless, smiling in apparent contentment. "I just look such a fool on the dance floor is all," she added, wincing as she leaned back against the work surface, arms folded defensively across her slender chest.

"Nonsense," Goldmay told her flatly, with a slashing gesture of her left hand that inadvertently caught the wall behind her with a resounding crack of metal on plaster. "You move well, you're just shy - and that's what the drinks were for!" she enthused, apparently not noticing the small dent she had made in the house.

"Well you certainly had enough of those," Amber pointed out, downing half the glass of water in one long gulp. Opening the cupboard, she rummaged for a moment, locating a small packet of pills.

"Never," Goldmay giggled. "Never, never, never enough. Or maybe just that one time, but not tonight! And you certainly didn't," she said, referring pointedly to the cheetah's decision to have half measures to each of the lioness' drinks. "If you had, well, maybe you wouldn't be standing here wondering if you'd had enough!"

"No, I might be being sick in the gutter. Here, have a d-tox," Amber added, dropping one of the chewable pills into the lioness' palm. Half a centimetre across, blackcurrant flavoured, they were a minor miracle of recent decades, converting alcohol in the bloodstream into simple amino acids, with the result that it was now possible to go from moderately drunk to cold sober within a couple of hours, and avoid the worst of a hangover to boot.

"Oh nonsense," Goldmay insisted, accepting the pill nonetheless, crunching it as she spoke, gesturing loosely with her smokeless. "You'd have been fine, and just maybe you'd have had the guts to find someone to at least take a long walk out by the river with, or maybe..."

"I am not doing that with someone I've only just met!" Amber interjected. "You always make it sound like I should just take anything I can get, end up with some back alley quickie with a guy I won't remember! I don't want that!"

Goldmay sighed, smiling. "No of course you don't, Ammy," she said softly. "And I wouldn't let you end up down an alley with a guy you don't know. Good god, you really think I would? Ain't nobody tries to get into my girl's undies when she's drunk and defenceless!" A metal fist punched the air for emphasis, a soft whir of servos audible. "I just want to get you to the point of swapping phone numbers, babe. You can make all the hard decisions next morning. Oh, goodness I'm drunk," she giggled, putting a hand to her head and leaning back against the wall.

"Yes, you are," Amber nodded, laughing softly and finishing the glass of water, stacking it neatly by the sink.

"But I'd still fight for you," Goldmay told her, and Amber smiled. "Nobody touches my girl if she doesn't want it. Nobody!"

"Hey, hey," Amber wrapped her fingers around the lioness' raised hand, holding the cool metal tightly. "Relax. Let's not break anything else, hmm? One wall will do for the night."

"What wall?" Goldmay blinked.

"Nevermind. We should go to bed. Come on." Nudging her friend into motion, Amber followed her friend from the room, turning the light out as she went.

"Ladies first," Goldmay giggled, standing at the foot of the stairs.

"You're a lady too."

"Nah, I'm a tomboy, always will be, says so on my dog tags," the lioness waved them, and Amber discovered that they did indeed say so. "Go on." Waiting for her friend to be four steps on her way, Goldmay followed. "God, you have such a cute bum..."

Amber felt herself blush, realising that the short skirt was doing little to hide her modesty.

"You have no idea, do you?" the lioness asked from behind her.

"About what?"

"How good you look in that get up."

"You chose it!"

"I know," Goldmay grinned as Amber looked back over her shoulder, the cheetah turning and backing up as she reached the top of the stairs. "I chose it because it would show the world how cute and pretty and sexy you are." Catching her friend's shoulders gently, the lioness leaned down to press her lips lightly between Amber's eyes. Her breath smelled like cherry beer.

"Sexy?" the cheetah's voice was hushed as the lioness' gaze locked with hers.

"Yeah," Goldmay nodded, her tone soft. "Seriously... sexy..."

"I'm not..."

The kiss shut her off before she could finish. The strong hands on her shoulders were an interesting contrast of warm and cool, rubbing, kneading, caressing, and without thinking at all Amber closed her eyes and returned the intimate contact. Goldmay's tongue, soft and warm tapped against hers, not forceful, not invasive, just there, respecting the boundaries of their muzzles but making itself available for encounter.

Amber could hear herself panting through her nose, felt herself being turned and nudged back until she was pressed against the wall. The lioness' right hand, soft and warm, trailed down her arm, around to her flank, stroking over spotted fur. Their breath mingled, cherry versus raspberry as they parted for a moment, only to press back together once more. The cheetah's back arched as gentle digits caressed their way across her flat stomach. Cooler fingers, harder than mere flesh and bone, made their way down to her bottom, hooking under the hem of her skirt, exposing more of her fur to the air and she trembled.

Oh god, it felt good, felt so very good... The warmth, the closeness, the sigh of breath as their lips adjusted against each other, parting and pressing together again, the tingles running up from where the lionesses fingertips raked her bottom, stroked her flank. It would be easy, so easy to get lost in the feelings, press herself tighter against the lioness and surrender herself completely to the desires of the moment, wrap her arms around her friend's neck, legs around her waist... but her hands were on Goldmay's shoulders, pressing back gently.

Four eyes opened at the same time, and Amber saw her friend blush.

"Oh... crap I'm sorry..." the lioness whispered, drawing back, her breath shaking. "I'm really sorry, Ammy... I promised I would never... I didn't mean to..."

"I know," Amber told her softly, lifting her fingers to rest them against the lioness' muzzle, quieting her. "I love you, big sister," she said gently.

Goldmay closed her eyes in acknowledgement as she took a deep, shaking breath, not speaking until she could trust her voice. "Love you too, little sister." Leaning forward, she hugged the slender cheetah to her, lifting her until she stood on tiptoes, chin pressed down on the lioness' shoulder. "God I wish you were gay," she murmured into Amber's ear.

"Sometimes I do too," Amber admitted in a whisper, relaxing into the embrace, her lips feeling still a little tingly. "Goldmay, I..." almost didn't stop you, Amber finished in her head. "I'm really sorry," she said out loud. "It's not that I don't kind of like the idea, it's just - not now," I think...

"If you ever wanted to experiment... even just once..."

Amber shivered in the lioness' arms. "It'd be you."



"No other girls gonna sneak in before me?"

"You'd be the first."

"You have no idea how much that means to me," Goldmay murmured. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Amber returned, resting her temple against her friend's furry cheek.

"Do you believe you're sexy now?" Goldmay asked quietly, right hand rising to stroke the back of Amber's ears tenderly.

Amber giggled. "I guess I have to."

"Well at least that's one good thing come out of making myself look like a stupid old dyke."

"Don't say that..."

"It's the truth!"

"No it isn't! You're not stupid or old. And don't say dyke, it's horrid."

Goldmay laughed. "Well I have to say something!"

"I'll settle for saying you're gay."

"Here comes Goldmay, she's a stupid old gay," the lioness pronounced. "I guess it has a ring to it."

Amber giggled. "A gay? Oh god no, too old school. On second thoughts, just be you."

"Will do. We should go to bed."

"Yeah we should." Pushing back, Amber felt herself blush under the lioness' gaze.

"Our beds," Goldmay corrected with a twitch of one eyebrow, and Amber nodded, chewing on her lower lip. "Good night... little sister."

"Good night," letting her fingers trail down the lioness' arm as they broke apart, Amber held her gaze until she had retreated into the privacy of her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Unconsciously, she brushed her fingers across her lips, her other hand finding the back of her skirt, still tugged half way up her bottom, palm resting against the exposed fur.

"Gotta sort my head out," she whispered to herself, shaking it slightly, and wondering what it was that had sent them both out into town for a long night. "Oh and I forgot to tidy!" she realised, flicking the light on in her bedroom.

While moderately spacious, the room didn't look it. Big enough to comfortably contain a bed, desk, chair, drawers and wardrobe, Amber often lamented her own tendency for hoarding possessions. Robotics magazines, books, servos, motors, wires and pneumatics, not to mention the contents of several toolboxes that she had incrementally brought in with her and forgotten to take back to the workshop, and several metallic things she couldn't quite identify but would almost certainly hate to tread on with bare feet. Standing in the doorway, Amber hung her head, rapping it with her knuckles. Tomorrow.

More out of habit, she sat down at her workstation to check her messages. An old style affair, the base unit was nearly six inches to a side and still had a fan in it, but the wall mounted monitor was at least more modern, and it was to this she directed her attention.

Ah. Yes, there was the reason for the night out.


Robbie the handsome and charming soldier who had landed in her lap half a year ago, in need of robomail, in need of a friend, and with whom Amber had found herself very much in love.

If only he liked girls...

He was never unkind about it - indeed, he seemed to feel deeply ashamed of not returning her feelings, thoroughly regretful that he just didn't like her in that way - but the truth remained that he was the lover she wanted above all others, and whom she was never going to get. Amber had however, managed to attain him as a friend and confidant, and they had, during his visits and by email, shared thoughts and feelings of quite personal and intimate natures. There was, for example, no shortage of information about Andre, the handsome wolf from a village near Dijon, with whom Robbie shared a regular, if casual, relationship.

With Robbie being a specialist in scouting and surveying, and with the governments of the world seeking ways to reclaim the wastelands the war had created, he frequently received orders to head off-base to assist and advise at various locations around the world. It was a situation that left him feeling unable to commit, a feeling that he had shared with Andre, and after time and deliberation, both had concluded that maintaining a faithful monogamy would be too great a strain for their relationship - but that there was certainly no reason they shouldn't be together when Robbie wasn't stationed far afield.

It was an arrangement that Amber never quite seemed to understand how it could satisfy - or at least not beyond basic physical satisfaction - but it seemed to suit them. It was difficult, however, to keep the thought from her mind that maybe, just maybe, one of Robbie's visits to her might prove more... stimulating than usual. It wasn't like he wasn't free to, if he wanted...

Probably just wishful thinking, Amber had to remind herself every time the idea surfaced. Robbie liked boys, and not girls. Although he had, in slow increments, begun to send her increasingly revealing photos.

The first had been innocent. An advisory mission near the Med. A simple group shot of Robbie and several muscular looking soldiers, most of them topless in the heat - including Robbie. Slender, but with fantastic muscle tone, Robbie was, to Amber's mind, a definition of male physical perfection. Not too tall, not too short, slim at the waist, broader at the shoulder, and the metallic sheen of his right arm... well, maybe to anyone else it wasn't great, but to Amber it was both flaw, feature, and source of pride. It was Amber's arm; lovingly created for a wounded soldier whose life revolved around the military and who would never be happy with a desk job. And who would never lose an arm wrestle to one of his squaddies again.

No great surprise that the photo had found itself printed and stuck carefully on Amber's wall, just to the side of her bed.

By way of return, Amber had sent a picture of herself, relaxing in the garden in white blouse and jeans, and a silly apology that she wasn't also topless. Robbie had of course laughed, and told her that it was quite all right, and attached a photo of the last day of the mission; grinning as he made to dive the twenty foot drop into the cool, blue ocean. Damn, but he looked good in speedos. That was another picture for the wall.

Her response, after a little hesitation, was a shot from an open air swimming pool; herself, in a swimsuit, looking nervous about jumping into the water.

And Robbie had told her she looked very sexy.

Well how about that. Amber had of course, told him the same.

The back and forth of images had continued, each with friendly banter and a story of their lives, and questions about how the other was faring. Robbie's pictures varied from full combat gear to dress uniform to a pair of boxer shorts - ostensibly showing off the designer brand, but there was something about the tone of the message that made Amber wonder... just what was it that he was asking her approval of?

She had tried to match each with something similar; her workshop overalls, her best dress, a t-shirt that hung down to the middle of her thighs, her legs bare. And, after a couple of unwise cocktails one evening, in front of the mirror, arm held across her chest, covering everything, but making it quite plain she was topless.

There had been a little more delay than usual that time - it happened occasionally that he would drop out of contact for a few days - and Amber herself hadn't helped by not checking her mailbox for a few days, afraid of what it might contain, that she might finally have gone too far and pushed him away. Finally, just this afternoon, nearly a week later, his response had come in.


It was a simple, monosyllabic word, and Amber would have sworn her heart skipped a beat when she read it there at the top of his email.

She really was very beautiful, his message told her, and he didn't really know how to respond... but that he had tried his best, and hoped she approved. Underneath, his picture. A mirror shot, like hers, perched on the corner of his bed, metallic right arm positioned just right to keep him decent for the camera... but quite naked nonetheless.

The man she wanted above all others, the man she couldn't have because he didn't like women, had sent her a nude picture of himself, and hoped that she liked it.

Talk about mixed messages! No wonder she had felt the need for a drink.

Taking a deep breath, Amber felt her chest press against her palm. When had her hand ended up there? Cupped lightly over her left breast, her nipple distinctive under her cotton top, a firm little peak atop a soft little mountain. She really needed to move that hand away, but all that happened was that her fingers contracted a little and her chin dipped to her chest, her knees pressing tight together under the desk. Sitting there, Robbie's picture on the screen, her nose almost touching her small breasts, Amber came to a conclusion.

"I really stink."

This proclamation hung in the air for a moment, before she giggled, the thought suddenly striking her that Robbie would probably not approve of the funk of alcohol, smokeless', and crowds she had brought home with her. Shower time, then, before bed.

The bathroom proved some respite from the clutter of her own bedroom, this being more Goldmay's domain than Amber's. The lioness absolutely insisted that everything about a bathroom be clean and orderly, and had a devilish tendency to put away any toiletries that might be left out on the side in some obscure corner of the cupboard under the sink.

With the water running and warming up, Amber quietly slipped out of her clothing, glancing at the toilet as she placed her garments in the laundry hamper, but deciding she could wait for a while yet. If she used it now, she'd only have to go again just before bed or she'd never get to sleep. Awful childhood habit, but there it was.

Catching sight of herself topless in the mirror, she paused, wondering once again what exactly it was that Goldmay kept saying was appealing about her. Sure, she wasn't fat, but nor was she anything else. Her hips were girly as opposed to womanly, slightly to wide to look boyish, too narrow to look feminine. Her breasts were merely modest, and that was being generous, with no hope of ever actually forming a cleavage under anything short of a vice-like bra, and there was no sense of muscle definition or athleticism about her.

Although Goldmay had been rather convincing...

It was a sad irony, she thought as she entered the shower. On the one hand, she had Robbie, a dear friend who only liked boys and thus was not interested in her. On the other, she had Goldmay, who only liked girls, and who was interested in her, but Amber - despite a lack of actual empirical evidence either way - was pretty sure she only liked boys.

An anti-love triangle.

While quite flattered by the unexpected approach, Amber knew better than to imagine her friend was actually in love with her. Goldmay, while her best friend in the world, and a person Amber wouldn't trade for any other, was more a creature of passion than she was of love. Her romances tended to be intense and sensual, but brief, seeming to flare and burn out within weeks.

Running across her stomach with the soap, she couldn't help but remember the lioness' hands doing similar. It had felt a little strange, and yet so very good, to be caressed by someone else. To have a gentle touch running across her fur, that firm grip against her bottom, as the lioness' breath washed over her, warm and fruity.

And the kiss... oh god, that cat could kiss! Did she have any idea that it had been the deepest, richest, longest kiss anyone had ever favoured Amber with? Did she have the faintest clue about how it turned the cheetah's insides to water, left her trembling like a wet kitten, that if she had persisted just a little longer, Amber might have...might have... might she have?

It wasn't impossible. Of all the people in the world, Amber trusted Goldmay the most, had shared her deepest secrets with her, had spoken things aloud that otherwise would have never left her head. Surely if there was one person she could throw away all inhibitions with, pass all responsibility to, and simply enjoy the presence of, Goldmay was that person...

The soft tingling of her chest made her realise that her hands seemed to have gravitated there once again. Slick and soapy, her nipples stood to attention, warm and firm. Would Goldmay have touched her here too, if Amber had let her? Would she have let her hands slide up under the cheetah's top, gently caressing her, cupping her, holding her?

Leaning back against the wall of the shower, hands clasped to her chest, warm water cascading over her, Amber trembled.

Damn Goldmay for that kiss.

Damn Robbie for being gay.

Damn both of them for the warm flush across her chest and between her legs.

A shivering breath tumbled over her lips as one hand slid downwards over her stomach, across the warm, wet fur, tickling and exciting, pausing just below her navel, hesitating, massaging, teasing before finally sliding lower. Soft fur, softer skin, the water running down her arm to drip off the back of her hand as her fingers danced across her body.

Breathing picking up, Amber allowed her fingers to circle over the top of her petals, floating over her pink little button, gently drumming against it as the warm water drummed against her head.

Damn Goldmay for that kiss.

Damn Goldmay for all those drinks, too, Amber thought, realising she really should have used the toilet before showering.

But would have to wait, because the feelings growing within her couldn't. Her left hand massaged her breasts, moving from one to the other and back, stroking, squeezing, rolling her nipples between her fingertips until they stood up so hard her chest ached with the sensation. The back of her head pressed against the tiles behind her, her ears flattened in alternation as she turned her head in rhythm with the slow circles she was tracing across her tender button. Shifting, spreading her feet, she let that hand drift further, caressing the fur between her legs, staying to either side, teasing herself until she couldn't stand to wait longer.

Cupping her hand between her thighs, Amber whimpered through her nose, middle and third fingers resting along the length of her soft folds. She could feel her own arousal, knew that the wetness to be found here was not just the shower. Just the slightest pressure sent her fingers inside, slipping easily between her petals to the first knuckle. Slick, tight, and oh so ready for contact, her body welcomed her, thrills of sensation radiating from a point her fingertips.

Withdrawing slowly, Amber stifled a moan as slippery fingers ran across the top of her entrance. Pressing the heel of her hand into her stomach made her gasp and pull her knees tight together, the additional pressure revealing that she really did need to pee. Oh, she surely was going to have to stop and get out to go... but somehow she wasn't moving, still leaning back against the wall, hands glued to her body by her own desire.

With her thighs so tightly pressed together only one finger could reach the hot, wet skin between. Oh and how wet now! Even if she weren't in the shower, Amber felt sure her thighs would be visibly shining with moisture. It was so undignified... and so exciting, finding new heights of arousal, induced by more than fantasy.

Who exactly was to be credited? Robbie and his photo? Or Goldmay and her kiss? Amber honestly wasn't sure. She hoped it was Robbie, but either, both, it didn't matter anymore. Between them, they had got to her, reached deep into the sensual corners of her soul and touched and tweaked until here she was, panting in the shower, trying to work out how to fulfil the aching need inside her without spreading her legs.

A curl of that lone digit sent a shiver right up her spine, her stance intensifying the sensation, making it feel larger than it was, pressing firmly against her insides. Whimpering softly, the cheetah squirmed as uncomfortable pressures seemed to increase... and yet if anything, far from killing the mood, the feeling was making her wetter! The enforced tightness inside her was doing nothing to prevent free movement of her enclosed finger, twisting, withdrawing only to plunge in deeper, trying to fulfil that burning desire.

She desperately wanted to spread her knees, gain full access to her body, satisfy the aching need for contact... but to do that, she'd have to relax her pelvic muscles, and if she did that, there was a good chance of losing control of her bladder. Biting her lip, she mewled softly, eyes tight shut and a blush spreading across her cheeks at the thought. There was enough time, surely, to get to the toilet after she was finished. It was only two steps away from the shower. Just two steps... she could wait for it. She would have to.

Oh god, why did Robbie have to be so sexy? Why did he have to set her off like this? Leave her so helplessly aroused that she physically could not stop? If Goldmay came running in right now, she'd get a show that would make her grin for weeks. Hell, if a whole camera crew came running in, it would have made no difference. The train of desire was now a runaway, and there was no stopping before the final destination.

Did Robbie ever do this? Satisfy himself? Or had he always had a partner to take care of that for him? And what would he think of Amber, back from a night out, a little tipsy, bursting to pee and seriously turned on, stood up in the shower with her legs crossed so tight she couldn't even keep her hand between them anymore?

But then, he had sent the picture.

And he had hoped she liked it.

Who mails naked pictures of themselves to friends that you're not even slightly interested in?

Her hips twitched, the pressure of her tightly closed thighs transmitting itself right to the soft folds between her legs, pressing skin against skin. Every motion of her body tugged and pulled at the pink little button at the apex, bringing it to full attention, standing just clear of the surrounding flesh, begging, aching, demanding to be touched. One finger either side, one dead centre, Amber's head fell back against the wall, free hand squeezing her breast so hard it almost hurt.

She could imagine him with her, behind her, his arms around her body, stroking her breasts, his hot, hard shaft held firm within her. She was so wet inside she knew he would have no problem setting a fast pace. Maybe he would slide a hand down her front, cupping between her legs - ideally she wouldn't have them crossed so tightly - his fingers dancing over her skin, teasing, delighting as the tip of his shaft passed over the front of her warm tunnel, over and over, stroking against that special place inside her until she would scream his name.


Teeth clenched tight, chin to her chest so as to keep her voice down, Amber felt her climax blossom inside her. Her soft tunnel clamped tight upon the lover that wasn't there, milking him for every imagined drop of pleasure as sparks burst across the back of her eyelids, the rush of orgasm drowning out the sound of the shower, the feel of the water rushing down from her head to her ankles, cascading from her to circle the drain for one tenuous moment before rushing away forever.

She was panting, leaning forward with her left arm braced against the far side of the shower, the water drumming loudly against the backs of her ears. Trembling, shaking, in the aftermath of unexpectedly powerful climax, she smiled and shifted her feet a little... and realised they weren't tight together anymore. She must have spread her legs, welcoming her phantom Robbie at the cost of...

Cautiously, she opened one eye, fearing a scene of devastation and instead finding only the bottom of the shower. Warm water apparently, acted like warm water, and followed gravity from source to drain, whatever that source was. It was embarrassing, but at least the abysmal discomfort was gone...and it didn't seem like any harm had been done - although it appeared there was a lesson about delaying the inevitable.

Thank goodness Robbie hadn't been with her. Oh god, that would have been embarrassing!

But worth it?

Maybe, she thought, chewing her lip at the admission. No matter how often she tried to tell herself that she and Robbie were just friends, somehow... somehow she would have done anything for him, said anything to him, endured anything from him, if only they could be together.

Sniffing, Amber shook her head, eyes downcast as droplets of water cascaded around her, suddenly feeling very foolish. It wasn't unusual for her mood to shift after climax, particularly if she were worried or stressed - kind of a reversion to a previous mental state, and probably related to hormones - but knowledge of the fact never seemed to change how she felt. From the exultation of a fantasy lover to... "Silly," she whispered to herself. "Such a bloody idiot! He doesn't want me. He's just trying to be nice, maybe a little confused, and I can't blame him for that, it was my stupid picture that started it!"

Lower lip trembling, she rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, closing her eyes tight against the threatening prickles at the corners. Back flat to the wall, she felt her feet slowly slip forward, letting her slide down until her bottom contacted the base of the shower, knees pushed up by the narrow confines of the cubicle. Water ran down her chest, channelling itself between her legs and over the base of her tail, but it no longer felt remotely as welcome as a few moments ago. Instead of warm and exciting, it seemed to be cooling the feelings of before, making her feel immature and stupid for ever having felt that way.

"Stupid, bloody, effing picture!" Amber hung her head forward until it hit her knees. "Why did you do that, Robbie? Why show me what I can't have? You know I like you, you son of a..."

A soft knocking sounded on the bathroom door, and Amber stopped, lifting her head.

"Ammy? Are you nearly done? I really need to go..."

Blinking to clear her eyes of a couple of rogue tears, Amber half smiled.

"It's not locked," she called out, and a moment later the door opened. Through the frosted glass of the shower cubicle she could make out the fuzzy shape of her friend standing outside.

"I'm really sorry, is it ok to come in?" Goldmay asked, voice muffled by the glass partition, but with a clear edge of discomfort, and Amber suppressed a giggle, feeling a swell of both amusement and sympathy.

"Sure. Just don't you dare flush!"

"Oh thank you," the lioness said with audible relief, hurrying in. From the evenness of her steps, it looked like the d-tox had started to work. Amber watched her blurred shape sit down, and fancied she heard a small sigh over the sound of the shower. "Sorry," she apologised again, her head turning towards the shower cubicle. "Hey... Ammy, are you ok in there?"

"Hmm? Oh," Amber suddenly realised that she was probably as visible to Goldmay as Goldmay was visible to her, which meant she would be a fuzzy blob - but a fuzzy blob that was obviously sitting on the floor of the shower with its knees up to its chest. "Yeah I'm... I'm ok. Just... thinking."

"About Robbie?" the lioness asked shrewdly.


Goldmay sighed, standing and pulling her pants back up. "Ammy, you really gotta let him go you know."

"I know," Amber said, nodding, and thinking her friend was right. Then she burst into tears. Unplanned, uncontrolled, harsh sobs that left her with her face buried in her arms as warm water drummed against the back of her head.

"Oh, Ammy..." Goldmay was kneeling outside the shower, her right hand pressed to the frosted glass, her palm almost in sharp focus at the close range. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I mean... please don't cry, come on, Ammy, it's not like he's actually said no, is it?"

"Yes he has!"

"That was six months ago! Yesterday he sent you a naked picture of himself, now you can't tell me he'd have done that back when you first met?"

Amber sniffed, not looking up.

"Well?" the lioness insisted.

"No," Amber admitted after a lengthy pause.

"Right, you see? People change, Ammy. Feelings change, over time. First of, you were just another girl to him, he wrote you off without a second thought. Now you're one of his best friends, and unless I miss my guess, he's confused as hell. You've probably gotten closer to him than any girl ever has, and he doesn't really know what to make of it. He's trying to work out what's holding him back, how many barriers are between you, and I gotta admit, I don't think there's all that many."


"Well you've only really got a couple more things you can do before he's got to admit he's interested."

"How can..."

"A lot of gay guys hook up with a girl or two somewhere along the way, Ammy."

Lifting her head, Amber regarded the lioness' blurred face through the glass.

"You think?"

"I know."


"Just because I don't sleep with boys doesn't mean I don't know any," Goldmay told her, laughing gently. "And, well, there was this one guy a couple of years ago..."

"No way!" Amber's hand pressed against the glass as she leaned forward, trying to make out her friend's expression, half convinced the lioness was making this up.

"Yes way," Goldmay sighed. "Short, skinny, silly little glasses. Most insanely girly piece of fluff you've ever met, I thought he was a girl at first, took me a few minutes to realise - guess that's why he slipped under my radar. We kind of became each other's experiment..."


"Uh-huh. Was fun, sort of..."

"But...?" Amber prompted.

"Didn't last. Actually it didn't really get chance, we'd never really considered ourselves as together, but we broke up the next day. Not badly, no hard feelings, just... wasn't right. Look, don't get me wrong, I think you might actually have a shot at getting something out of Robbie, in time, but... but if you line yourself up as his experiment, you better understand that's what you're being. If you can't deal with him deciding he's not up for it, then back yourself away right now, you hear?"

"I hear... I really like him..."

"I know you do," Goldmay smiled. "And I reckon that in time, he might be thinking the same about you. Few months maybe, if he came here on leave... Gotta admit, I think it'd be good for you either way, would get you out of being hung up on him - but if you want something long and stable, someone who's gonna tell you they love you for the next fifty years..."

Amber sniffed again, only now realised she'd stopped crying some time ago. Funny how Goldmay always seemed to be able to do that to her. No matter how bad she felt, or what she was miserable about, the lioness had a knack of calming her down, letting her step back and think about things objectively.

Maybe it was knowing that Goldmay was on her side, always, and without reservation, even when what Amber wanted was the wrong thing - Goldmay would support her.

"Will... will you?"

Goldmay laughed, her grin wide enough to be visible through the glass. "Of course I will," she said gently. "Now," she said, standing. "I have a big fluffy towel, and my hand is on the flush lever. Are you gonna come out here and be hugged like a good girl?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

Goldmay flushed.

Amber squeaked, scrabbling for the shower's power control, just too slow to avoid a brief cold blast.

"You bi-" Her protest was cut off as soon as she opened the cubicle door, the promised towel being wrapped around her, the lioness' hand on the back of her head, squashing her muzzle against a warm shoulder.

"I love you, Ammy," Goldmay told her gently.

Sighing, the cheetah felt herself go limp in the lioness' arms, that mysteriously soothing power creeping over her. "I love you too," she mumbled, all will to fight departing, leaving her with no other desire than to be held tightly by someone who cared.

"Did you really sleep with a boy?" she asked.

"I did," Goldmay giggled, sliding her hands down Amber's back, drying her gently. "Sorry, have I just shattered all your illusions?"

"Nah," Amber shook her head. "What was it like?" she asked, curious as to the lioness' thoughts.

Pausing a moment, Goldmay seemed to choose her words before replying. "Good, for what it was. Different, but not so different. Maybe that depends on the guy. He was... warm, and gentle... nervous, but so was I, a little."

"You get nervous?"

"Hey," Goldmay poked her through the towel. "I'm not some stone hearted dominatrix you know! Yes, I get nervous. The best ones always make you feel that way at first. Being nervous just means you really do like them and want the night to be extra special. If you don't feel like that, you probably don't like them as much as you thought. I'd better let you finish up," she said, letting go and turning away, the sudden absence of her hands leaving warm and cool spots against Amber's flanks, just below the level of her breasts.

Without really meaning to, Amber caught herself thinking about how the lioness had held her at the top of the stairs, the jittery excitement that she had induced. That had been a... pretty nervous feeling.

"I should get to bed," the lioness said softly, still facing away.

"Ok, g'night..." Amber smiled, catching Goldmay's gaze as she glanced briefly over her shoulder.

And here she was, alone again.


The lioness glanced up from her seat on the edge of her bed as Amber stuck her head round the door.

"Can I... come in a bit?"

"Sure," Goldmay nodded. "Actually could you pass me the oil? Something feels a little stiff..."

"Where?" Amber asked, locating the can of rich mineral oil on the shelf behind the door.

"Ankle. It's dragging a little."

"Let me see," the cheetah said, bending to take a hold of the lioness' metallic left leg, swinging it up onto the bed. "You should be fine for lubricant for at least a fortnight yet," she mused, holding the robotic foot in her hand and gently flexing the joint, pressing her ear to the cool surface and listening carefully. "Wiggle your toes?" she asked, and Goldmay did so. "Hmm. I think the tendons may have stretched a little. That's what you get for going out running too much!"

"But I like going out running," Goldmay protested. "Makes me feel relaxed."

"Relaxed by being sweaty and exhausted?"

"You should try it, you might like it. Although it's not like you need to watch your figure, miniature supermodel that you are," the lioness said.

Amber felt herself blush. "I can adjust the tension. Do you want to go do it now?"

"Nah," Goldmay shook her head, yawning. "Morning would be fine. Thanks, Ammy."

"No probs," Amber smiled, straightening and grabbing for the towel as it tried to slide off. "Dammit..."

Goldmay giggled. "Here," she said, pulling a tshirt out of a drawer and holding it so that the cheetah could duck under it.

"Large enough?" Amber asked, laughing as she discovered the garment hung nearly down to her knees.

"If you will be so skinny and runty!" Goldmay retorted.

"I'm not runty!" Amber protested, working her arms through the sleeves and feeling the towel sink to the floor.

"Little runty Amber," Goldmay cooed, grinning as she recited the old childhood tease.

"I am not runty!" Amber declared, grabbing a pillow from the bed and bashing the lioness with it.

"Oh, that's it!" Goldmay stated firmly, taking the other pillow in hand. "It's on now, Runt! En guarde!"

Amber laughed, dodging the first swing, ducking under the lioness' arm, darting up onto the bed to whack her on the back of the head.

"Ouch! You rat!"

Laughing, Amber held her arms up to cover her head as the lioness set about pummelling her with the pillow.

"Just cos you're my mechanic and personal saviour doesn't mean you get to take advantage!" Goldmay reminded her between swings.

"And just because," Amber said, taking advantage of a momentary pause to beat the lioness' flank with her own pillow. "You happen to give the best advice in the world, doesn't mean you can call me runt!"

"Wanna bet, Runt?"

Squinting her eyes shut reflexively as she fended off a high shot from the pillow, Amber felt the lioness' strong left arm sweep her legs out from under her, sending her tumbling down onto the mattress, laughing as Goldmay's fingers found her flanks right where she was ticklish.

"No!" Amber laughed.


"Nooo!" Paralysed, laughing helplessly, Amber fought desperately to stave off attack, but the lioness was merciless in pressing home her advantage, leaving the cheetah curled up in a breathless ball, gasping for air, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Now then," Goldmay said, finally relenting. "What's your name?"

"Amber! Noo!" the cheetah dissolved into giggles again as the lioness' fingers found the soles of her feet. "No no no!"

"What's your name?"

"Amber! No no!"

"I can go on all night if you can," the lioness laughed, holding the cheetah's squirming ankles in her strong left hand.

"My name is Amber! Nooo!"

"What's your name?"


"What's your name?"

"Am-nahah! Runt! Runt!"

"Damn straight," Goldmay nodded, switching to a firm, non-tickly grip on the cheetah's feet, watching as her friend panted for breath.

"I'm so installing a cup holder in as part your next upgrade!" Amber told her, glaring along the length of her legs to the grinning lioness.

Goldmay laughed, crawling up the bed to flop on her back next to her friend.

"You know, Runt, we haven't had a pillow fight since our last sleepover," she said.

"No," Amber agreed. "How old?"

"Thirteen? Fourteen maybe."

"Wow, that long?"

"Think so. I think you got a little uncomfortable around me after that."

Amber chewed her lip, looking up at the ceiling. "You grew up a bit quicker than I did."

"Funny, seemed like you were the one grew up fast. Always top grades, and when you weren't studying for school you had head in those robotics magazines."

"You were the one dating while I was sat home reading those robotics magazines," Amber sighed.

"You know averaged out, we almost sum up to a normal person," Goldmay said, and Amber laughed. "For what it's worth," she went on. "Teenage dates can be terrible. Especially before you've worked out you're dating the wrong sex."

Amber giggled.

"Don't laugh! There's nothing funny about nearly losing your virginity to some greasy furred teenager in the back of a beat up car."


"Yeah. Well, anyway, I didn't, and I'm glad I didn't. Not long after, I met Sabine - you remember her, the new girl turned up in our last year? God, I was hung up on her for ages before I figured out she was interested in me."

"I remember. Weren't you only with her about a month?"

"Yeah, but it was a good month," Goldmay sighed dreamily. "She was so beautiful..."

"She didn't look it when you two had that blazing argument outside the coffee shop."

"No, but it was good until then. And it did get me a job, on account Mrs Zinsli saying I could stand up to anyone!"

"You're not sad it ended?" Amber pressed.

"Sad? Hell no, we weren't right for each other at all, we'd never have worked it out. As it is, I have a memory of one really good month, and one really bad day. Thirty to one ratio has to count as a winner."

"That's a good attitude..." Amber mused thoughtfully, turning her head to look at the lioness.

"I always thought so," Goldmay nodded, her gaze still on the white ceiling.

"Goldmay... I'm sorry I bailed out of the sleepovers. I didn't mean to let you think..."

"Don't be sorry," Goldmay smiled. "We're still friends, aren't we? And we moved in together as soon as we were out of college anyway."

"Well, yeah. But I miss..." Amber trailed off.


"Sorry, it's silly," Amber shook her head.

"Well that does seem to be the theme of the evening," Goldmay pointed out. "What do you miss?"

Amber sighed. "I... miss not being alone at night. I know it was only about once a month but... it meant a lot to me. Just now and then, being reminded that there was a friend nearby."

Turning her head, Goldmay regarded her. "Hey, Ammy," she said suddenly. "Wanna do a sleepover tonight?"

"But this is my house..."


"My room's just across the hall..."

"And? Doesn't mean you can't share a room with your old bunk buddy, does it?"

"Well I... I guess not," the cheetah smiled uncertainly.

"Unless I still make you uncomfortable? I admit I haven't done the best job of keeping my hands off so far today..."

"I trust you," Amber's smile became more natural.

"You do?"

"Sure. The d-tox'll have chased most of that out of you by now."

"Well it may not all have been the alcohol," Goldmay gave a sheepish grin. "Don't need beer goggles to see how cute you are."

"I'll take my chances. It wasn't that bad anyway," Amber said, blushing as the lioness favoured her with a lopsided smile.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now then, Runt dear, see if you can find the pillows and I'll go turn the lights out."

As instructed, Amber located the pillows - one on the floor, one having landed in the lioness' laundry basket. The whole bed held a gentle scent of Goldmay - not in any unpleasant way, just noticeably not the same as her own bed. It was strangely soothing, and Amber wasted no time settling under the covers, just having them drawn up to her chin when the lioness returned from the now darkened landing.

"Ok?" Goldmay asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I can always sleep on the floor if..."

"No," Amber shook her head. "Don't be silly. This is your bed, and it's just as big as your old one."

"Aye, but we've both grown a bit," Goldmay pointed out.

"I think we can manage," Amber said, wrinkling her nose. "Thank you," she added, watching the lioness slide under the duvet.

"You're quite welcome. I know I'm no Robbie, but I am always here if you need me," Goldmay said softly.

Amber nodded, cheek against the pillow, looking across the white linen as the lioness flicked off the bedside light, leaving them in darkness.

"That's one of the things I like best about you, Goldmay. You're always good for a favour, even when it's really dumb."

She heard the lioness laugh quietly. "Ammy, you're the reason I can walk around freely and don't have to ask for help every time I want to open a bottle or jam jar. Do you know how many one-legged fitness instructors there are in this country? Even part timers like me? One," she answered her own question. "And she owes that to you. I couldn't do half of what I do without you. Don't ever think for a moment that I'm not grateful."

Amber felt the lioness' weight shift, a hand alighting on her shoulder as a gentle kiss landed on her forehead.

"Any favour, any time. Whenever you need help, I'll be there."

Leaning forwards, Amber tucked her head under the lioness' chin, this time strangely unintimidated at being chest to chest with her friend. It was just nice, to be able to be so close, to know that she was cared for. Yawning, she let her hand rest on the lioness' waist, feeling no need nor desire to return to her half of the bed.

"Hey, Runt?"


"You know I'm doing you another favour, right?"

"What's that?"

"Well normally I'd sleep naked."

Amber giggled.