Thanksgiving Shock

Story by Hipi1313 on SoFurry

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This story is entirely fiction but it is based off of my life enjoy.

It's Thanksgiving Day; everyone is gathered around the table. The time to give thanks is rapidly approaching; my fear for my turn was approaching way to fast for my comfort. "I am thankful for my friends and family." Sister stated. My turn is almost her I have to build up some courage, so I can say what has to be said.

I am up next her goes nothing I guess. "I am thankful for a society and community that understands and doesn't criticize that I am gay." I stated sheepishly. "WHAT?!?!?" Everyone screamed at the bomb I dropped. I probably could have found a better time to come out but doing it here and now felt like the right thing to do.

As my family just stared at me after I have lifted that unbearable weight of my chest it was so hard being in the closet about this. "Michael since when have you been feeling like this." My mother asked stammering a bit. "I have been feeling like this for a while now maybe a few years near the middle of seventh grade if you want me to be precise."

"If you want more details I will tell you more after dinner." I stated trying to change the topic. "Cause I am hungry." The last statement got a chuckle from my family so I knew if they wanted to know they would ask after "dinner". (Which was at 4:30 P.M.) After finishing a meal of about five or so helpings of a mixed amount of turkey and ham trying to get a good thing out of the "dinner".

After dinner I went to go sit down on the couch when I was flooded with questions from my family. "What made you feel this way?" "Is there anyone you have a crush on?" "Why just why?" These where the first couple of questions out of a ton, I would end up having to answer. "Well it is a genetic so that is why I am this way. I do have a crush but not saying. And because it is how I am." I answer hurriedly so I can go back to my show.

"Do you know how another mans fur feels?" My cousin asked quietly but audible if you paid attention, which thankfully I was, because I thought he would have a question or two for me. "Ryan I don't know how it feels yet, but I do know it will feel just like a warm blanket that is giving you a hug." What happened next is what no one expected. "You know what I have something to say to." Ryan the well-built saint Bernard said. "I am gay too I. I didn't feel right coming out until I found someone that could back me up, but since Michael came out today it gave me the courage to do the same."

What happened was even more of a shock then the truth, Ryan came and sat right next to me and planted a kiss right onto my cheeks. (Which are crimson red since I told my family.) Feeling my first kiss that wasn't my parents or a forced kiss from when I was molested at age 6. (If you want to know about this it's a story for another day.)

The sudden embrace made me feel so good I moaned right there, feeling like I should return the favor I leaned in and gave Ryan a real kiss. "Michael James Sobeck if you want to do that go to the back room." My mom said quite startled. I looked around and she was the only one that wasn't, A asleep, B still eating, or C Petrified.

"Ok mom, come Ryan let's go somewhere a little bit more private." I said in a cracked voice. "Okay honey." Ryan said in a really quite voice. After a bit of pushing the stunned Bernard to the back room we where finally alone. "Hey Ryan what that you are wearing around your neck?" I asked just noticing the keg around his neck was actually a necklace with something inscribed on it. "Oh this old thing it is the keg my dad used before he disappeared." The Bernard said sheepishly. "It is to remind me where I came from, who I am, and who my first crush was."

"Oh don't cry, I hate seeing people cry, I am sorry I brought it up." I said trying to make up for making my cousin cry. "No it's okay I needed to get that out, but if you feel bad for it want to make up for it by being bottom first." He said holding back a sly grin. "Okay I will be bottom. But who said we where going to do any anal I didn't bring any lube or a condom." I said making a good point.

"Who said anything about me not having some in my bag." He said finally letting the sly smile to form. "You little horny fucker go get it if you want, but just so you know this is my first time by will, so I thought we could stick to oral." I said trying to keep the memory out. "Ok Ok but I will get incase you change your mind." He said trying to calm me down. "Fine but hurry or I will be forced to blow my load without you." I said using it as an obvious empty threat.

"Okay I will, wait before I leave should I grab a dildo?" He asked. "Yes." I responded happily. "Any breed in particular you want?" He asked. "You have wolf if not any would be fine." I said for obvious reasons. "I will see." He stated.

After waiting for a few minutes I went to go get some napkins to help clean up afterwards, on my way I walked into the living room where everyone just stopped and starred at me like I wasn't one of them. "What wrong?" I asked. "Who should tell him?" My mother asked to the group. "Tell me what?" I asked again a bit scared. "You know how you and Ryan hit it off." Lesley the show poodle said. "Yeah what about it?" I asked seeming a bit calmed down. "Well his father showed up out of nowhere and came out to us saying he is gay, after Ryan heard that he ran up to his big broad muscular arms, and gave him a passionate kiss, they ran off to go back to Sweden to be together." Lesley said trying to hold back tears. "What one of the two people I had a crush on his gone, I will probably never see him again." I said as I ran out to my hybrid crying, trying to get away as fast as possible.

After driving home and plugging my car in to charge for a bit (What something wrong about caring for the environment.), I ran straight for the computer to try to get things off my mind. I went to Facebook to post how I feel, when I saw Ryan's new status Engaged. "Ugh what is wrong with your life Michael, you mess up with one of the two possible people you could live happily with, and you don't even know if Dillon is gay, so this world might not hold anything for you." I said agitated with myself. After a half a hour of hitting my head against my wall, I decided to go back on to play some games. I logged onto Skype and mine craft. I saw Dillon was on so you gave him call.

"Hey Michael how was your thanksgiving?" The ripped arctic wolf asked. "Good if you count getting your heart stopped on by one of the two people you loved." I stated depressed again. "Ouch who was it? And who is the lucky other?" He asked trying to make me fell better. "Well it was my cousin Ryan, and the other one is well." "Who is it?" He asked Questioning. "You." I said trying to be quite. "Who?" He asked again.

Not feeling the strength to say it I just typed it into Skype. "You." I waited for an answer but he just stayed quiet. "Well I am kind a glad you said that, because I kind a had a crush on you to." He stated happily. "Well I am glad you feel the same way about me." I said in relief. "Michael want to come over to my place tonight or tomorrow." He asked. "Ok I will come over tonight. What time should I come over and should I bring anything?" I asked.

"Come over around seven P.M. and there is no need to bring anything." He responded with anticipation. I responded. "I am going to go get ready see you." "Ok I should get ready to." He stated. "Bye." I said right before I ended the Skype call with him.

I glanced over to the clock it's 6:30 I have about 45 minutes to get ready. As I pack a over night bag my phone starts ringing. "Hello." I responded to the unknown person on the phone. "Hey Michael. What up?" He said. "Nothing just getting ready to head to a friends." I responded. "Quick question. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" "HAHAHAHA Oh that to good it's me Ryan, I was calling to see if you where still mad about what happened." Ryan responded. "Of course I am still mad, you left me, I only have one other person I know of that likes me and I like them." I responded quite agitated.

"Calm down husky, I am really sorry about what happened but I felt like I would have been happier with my dad." He said trying to make me feel better. "I understand but I would have preferred to find out from you, not your mom." I responded a bit mad. "I am sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I am so sorry I hope you can forgive me." The Bernard said.

"I forgive you, but you would have to make it up to me in the future." I mentioned.

"Your good husky don't let what happened mess you up just keep trucing and you will find the perfect one in no time." Ryan said. "I kind a already did, you member Dillon?" I asked. "That's why you wanted the wolf dildo." He said after just realizing that. "Duh. Well I got to go I have a date soon with him." I mentioned. "Good for you, I will let you go then, bye." He responded before hanging up.

"Hit it's 7:10 I got to get going or I am going to be late." I said to myself as I was dashing out the door forwards hybrid making sure I unplugged it. After about 15 or so minutes I finally arrived.

"Hey Dillon open up." I screamed in while banging on the door. "Really Michael did try opening it." He screamed back. I opened the door feeling stupid, because I just membered he left the door unlocked if he expected company. "Welcome back to Casa De Wolf." Dillon responded jokingly, because he knows don't know Spanish.

"Fucking really Dillon you know I don't speak Spanish." I responded. "I know that why I did it." He said holding back a snicker. "So what did you have planned for tonight Hun?" I asked. "You know the usual stuff till we get tired that when the new stuff happens." He responded.

"Boo I wanted to start now." I said teasingly. "I know that why I set up a candle lit dinner of leftover turkey and ham." He said trying to be funny. "My favorite leftovers. I would of preferred something fancier or cheesier for a first date." I said a little disappointed. "Fine let's go get a pizza then." He responded.

"Ok want to take my car or yours?" I asked. "Let's take mine it is a bit warmer in there." He said looking at tonight's weather forecast. "Yours it is." I responded.

Thanks for Reading I hoped you enjoyed.