Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 11

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#11 of Text adventure

The idea of this choose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Sorry it's taken so long to get the next chapter out. Thanks to all who voted in the previous, sorry i didn't say thank you to you all individually as I usually do. Rl has been rough the last week or so. Anyway I'm afraid the choice this week is a little bit of a blind choice, of course our hero's don't know much about the wild areas, it may be the names of the locations are rather blatant hints.

A 0 you want him alive

B 11

C 111111111

D 111111111111111

E 11

So D, we trust the naga, but not entirely.

The bear took a deep breath and then gave a slight nod to the fox. Kenia lowered his axe and muttered. "You better be as good as your word snake or I'm going to skin you and turn you into a matching loincloth, cloak and bedroll. Now, would someone please explain to me what the bloody hell is the Temple of Kafta?"

Aleoric smiled at his petulant little companion and bowed slightly. "Sorry, I should have told you before, but, we had just met and I wasn't sure who I could trust." The bear replied and waved for the others to sit by the fire.

"Thousands of years ago half of this continent was ruled by a Panda king called Kafta. He was a cruel tyrant who used black magic to keep his subjects under his control. His armies were forced to swear blood oaths binding their souls to him. He amassed much wealth and conquered much of Furlingas, until an alliance of Humans, Orcs, Bears and Wolves broke his army. The alliance was quite merciless in combat and after years of suffering at the paws of the pandas their lack of mercy went well beyond the battlefield."

The bear paused and his eyes fell onto the naga, narrowing slightly and then retuning to normal as he turned to Jarus. "The alliance burned every town and village to the ground. They slaughtered the panda people. Eventually they laid siege to the capital city itself. At the heart of the city was a huge temple, built by Kafta, in which he is said to have cast many dark spells, the reamining panda people were driven into the temple. Eventually, with the blood of his armies spent and his magic all used, the great Kafta was killed. However, in his death throes he unleashed a massive spell taking his enemies with him, pulling the temple and the entire city underground. The alliance armies, the pandas, Kafta all perished and were lost. Even the location was lost to all but a few."

"My father found a map on one of his many raids into neighbouring tribes. However, he never showed any interest in attempting to pillage the temple. 'Evil things live there now son, we do not need to look that far for battle.' That's what he told me when I asked about it, I think he was afraid, I've never seen my father scared of anything. However, evil things there may be, but after thousands of years I'm suspecting mostly there are riches, hell if your father can get in and out alive so can we." The bear jumped up enthusiastically at this. "There will be plenty of treasure for all, what do you say Kenia, Jarus, will you join my quest?"

"Great Evil, dark magic and a terrible sense of foreboding?" The fox asked quietly. "Sounds fun, I'm in."

"I guess, adventuring for a little while might be better than whoring forever." The pony replied quietly.

"Great, I'll teach you to fight pony. We'll have you slaying goblins in no time!" The fox exclaimed slapping the horse on the back.

Aleoric turned to Runo. "As for you naga, you may join us and even share the loot. However, I have several spells at the ready, if I even think you are betraying us, Kenia won't get the chance to skin you, because I'll roast you!"

The naga bowed low and replied. "If I break my faith with you, I will deserve either of the ends you both promise. However, I will not break my faith and will not lie to you again. Now, how about a look at the map?"

The four adventure's look at the bear's map, there are four obvious routes to Kafta from their current location.

Your choices this week,

A travel through the wild orc camps to the northern hills

B travel through the valley of the manticore

C Travel around via the far route and cross the River Sphinx

D Travel much further around and through the forests of harts and hinds.