Aurin's Introduction

Story by rutheni on SoFurry

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#1 of Aurin's Activities

My name is Aurin. I am the spawn of Kellik, demon Lust Lord of tentacles. I am the cause of corruption and adultery, false memories, and false witness. I am a succubus. And an incubus. Sinkubus? Don't hassle me, it's mortal language that adds in these unnecessary distinctions, as between my male side and my female side. It's all the same, really, but there are people who can't stand the idea of having sex with something that could later switch sexes. As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by a despicable yet quite attractive cad, I am the result of demonic essence impregnating an already-fertilized egg. (Demons are somewhat like an extra, third sex. Some of my... colleagues angst endlessly about how they're outcast from mortal society by way of this difference from them, but I don't bother myself with that kind of self-centered behavior. Angst makes it so hard to corrupt mortals with the tools of seduction my cursed birth granted me.) (In my pants.) (Provided I'm wearing pants.)

Today, I am wearing pants. At least, I think they're pants. They're a bit... poofy. And short. It's what the summons gave me, and moderately comfortable, so it wouldn't make much sense to complain. The summons, yes. I forgot to mention the summoning because the summoning, being a ritual, is not a thinking being, and therefore cannot be me. Because it's not me, it's unworthy of more than a cursory mention. (I am a thinking being. I may mostly think about how hot somebody is, and how much I'd like to taint their children with my influence, but that's still thinking.) Summoning is somewhat like drawing a demon through a long, narrow tunnel, like a secret passageway or perhaps a straw, so I like to keep my demonic gifts--tools of seduction, and, well, a tool--drawn in tight. The fact that I wasn't insanely busty may have somewhat unnerved my summoner, a berobed and bespectacled squirrel, whose exposed limbs were covered in bright orange fur, and whose tail ended in a band of black.

I looked around as he tried to find his voice, for he was no doubt awed by my immense beauty. He had summoned me into a room with stark grey walls, lit solely by guttering candles and strip lighting. If it hadn't been for that last bit, I might've thought I was in a mystical cave, charged with ancient magic. As it was, it looked quite a bit more like a basement.

"Excuse me," he finally said, sounding extremely uncertain, "But the book said you'd be..." at this critical juncture in the sentence, he suddenly ceased to speak, and instead made some simple gestures in front of his chest.

"Endowed with qualities not available to mere mortals?"

He stared slack-jawed a moment. "You talk fancy."

"Yes, yes, I suppose I do. Now, about those endowments." I concentrated a moment, and, in short order, had filled out to a C-cup.

His eyes grew in time with my bosom, and when I was done, he seemed hardly able to speak. I say seemed, however. In a moment, he managed well enough: "Everything the book said... and more."

I looked down at myself in consternation. "It must not have said very much. With these... things on, you can't even see down below." I ruffled the garment from within to illustrate my point.

"Was that in the book?" he muttered to himself, and hastily flipped through a tome with beaten cover and pristine pages. Archival paper, it looked like.

I stepped as far forward as the outsize pentacle allowed. "The book is just a description of reality. You can either experience the description, or the reality. And judging from the clothes you summoned a succubus into, I'm guessing you wanted to experience the reality." I paused; put a hand on my hip. "Very thoroughly." He gulped.

I do not think of myself as imposing. I'm relatively short, as grown mortals go, and mostly white and gold, hardly the most intimidating of colors, helped not a whit by the fact that I'm all, well... fluffy. I'm some sort of sheep-goat thing. The only way I get any dignity out of this is in that my white fur is at least short and straight, not curly. My horns, golden in color, though much stronger than the noble element, are depressingly short and unassuming. They're not even long enough to spiral; they're really more like nubs. (Most things that are pure gold will bend, warp, and snap. Alloys are your friends.) Gold-colored nipples... well, somebody has to like them. I just hope it's this guy. Nails and cloven hooves... I just look like I'm constantly manicured and pedicured. I suppose there are worse things to look like, but I rather wish I more resembled the more... extravagant members of my infernal race. The only remotely interesting external feature of my body is the golden tentacle down... there.

In the time it took for you to read that monologue, he gulped once more. "Don't be nervous," I told him, "Just let me out of the pentacle and I'll take it from there."

"But... my soul... won't you take it if I don't keep you under control?"

"Steal your soul?" I laughed uproariously. "For lust's sake, no!" He brightened. "Your soul was forfeit to Hell the instant you performed the summoning ritual." His face fell. "This is usually the bit, see, where you realize that you're inescapably bound to Hell, and you have no way to avert unending torment, so you might as well have fun now." He muttered something to himself. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said, I'm not enough of an asshole to just... turn evil."

"You can still turn horny. Trust me, there's nothing I can do to you right now. You're worth more alive than dead, if you'll cut me a simple deal." He looked up. "First, can I have a pen and paper?" He tossed them to me from the same bench that held the book. "Scribe this," I drew a waning crescent moon above a circle that had a dot in the middle and two lines radiating from its edge. The downward line was crossed by a shorter segment, and the line pointing up and two the right terminated in a simple arrowhead. "on the skin or fur of any girl you want."

"Scribe it on any girl I want?"

"On any girl you want. As many girls as you want"

Comprehension dawned. "What'll happen to them?" He seemed to be taking the "not going to just turn evil" thing to heart.

"Well, I'm making you a deal, right? They're payment." He looked shocked. "No, I'm not taking them back with me, either. They'll be even more important to keep alive than you will."

"Why are you dictating terms? Didn't I summon you?"

"And that matters because?"

He began to speak, faltered, mumbled a bit, and started walking up the stairs. "I need to think about this. Do you need a chair, or anything like that?"

I reached deep within myself, and rummaged through the world I carried inside of me, as does every other demon their own. In short order, I found what I was looking for and pulled it up and out. Of my mouth. I'm not much one for metaphor. The squirrel shuddered intensely, evidently unused to that aspect of demonkind--I was, of course, probably his first summon. I reclined lazily on the daybed, and answered, "No, I think I've got everything I need for now." He nodded slowly, and ran the rest of the way up.