Girl's Club

Story by Flipper on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Generic

Girls' Club

By Flipper

It was quiet at the apartment, and rightly so. Adrian wasn't around. He and Simon were watching the kids while Tiffany went to visit her family upstate. Naturally it could be assumed that one father could watch after his own children for three days, they obviously hadn't ever met Simon. He would have had no problem leaving his children in the hands of Adrian except that Tiffany wanted a little time to herself.

The canine was a well-meaning sort. He would go and get dinner and all of that kind of stuff only to find Tiff already having slaved over a hot stove to make a full meal for everyone. Simon would toss out a bunch of old stuff and accidentally toss out a knick knack or something that was of incredible importance to his mate. The 'shirt' incident was of near mythical proportions now. Absent-minded really didn't describe Simon, he just tried to do nice things and they often went awry. The couple always laughed about it afterwards but it's hard to see the irony when your favorite blouse has been reduced to fibers and your husband is standing there with a meek look on his face.

Adrian was a good luck charm to Simon in most of his endeavors. When ever the two put their minds together, it was like they formed a decent male. Adrian's foresight and intellect, such as it is, could peer into any plan and reveal pitfalls that would always go unnoticed with Simon. And, Simon's willingness to do odd and extravagant things to please his lady love were always a good bit more inventive and thoughtful than the old, tired and over-done ideas that Adrian would come up with. Together, they were perfect. Too bad they weren't joined at the hip.

"Got any two's?" Orchid asked.

"Nope, go fish." Samantha replied.

The boys had planned all kinds of fun stuff to do with Simon's little girls. It had included a trip south to an amusement and water park along with a little sightseeing at some historical places. Since money wasn't exactly rolling around like dust balls, the four of them were sleeping in one motel room, the boys in one bed and the kids in another. Road trips are fun but they aren't nearly as exciting and wonderful after growing up when you get to retire to a bed with your beloved and have even more fun. That, and for some reason, the two girls constantly drove Orchid and Samantha, and their mother, totally nuts but acted like perfect angels for Simon and Adrian.

So, the bunny and mouse were left at home for the better part of a three day weekend. The girls had spent most of the day cleaning up the house and cooking a nice vegetarian meal (mice and rabbits aren't much for meat) of bean soup, tossed salad and some mixed drinks. With a healthy buzz, they put on some music and began trying on some clothes they hadn't gotten the opportunity to wear in a while.

Orchid and Samantha dazzled each other with glorious formal wear that had been gathering dust in their closets for some time. A few full length gowns, cocktail dresses, and some slightly smutty ensembles were viewed and, overall, both agreed that they were bored out of their skulls. They called Leslie and tried to get her to come over and make things a little more interesting but she was out on a date with some guy she knew. All they knew was that his name was 'Gabriel' and that she was telling him to 'stop that or else' while she explained her inability to come over.

"Got any ace's?" Samantha asked, taking a sip from her drink.

"Yep, here's one." Orchid replied, tossing her the card.

The trying on of glitzy clothes and accessories had long since passed, each girl basically wearing sweats. Adrian wasn't around so there wasn't really a good reason to look too pretty. He always said neither needed to but his expression when he caught a glimpse of them all doled up was worth the effort.

"So, how do you win this game?" Sam asked, picking up her newly won card. Orchid's bunny ears drooped a little at the question.

"Uh... I thought you knew... You mean you don't know?" Orchid asked, dropping her cards to the table.

"Well shit... what the hell are we supposed to do for the rest of the night?" Sam said, frustration leaking into her voice.

"Let's watch some television. There's got to be something good on." Orchid suggested. The girls left the cards where fell, grabbed their drinks, and moved to the futon. The mouse grabbed the remote and turned on the box. The black screen that greeted them was a bit of a disappointment.

"What gives?" The rabbit asked, frowning. "Did Adrian mess with it again?"

"No, it's set on the DVD player... there's something in there." Sam said, the little tray popping out. She got up and looked at it. "Hey, it's a burned disc."

"Let's watch it. Maybe it's a new movie that's not on video yet." Orchid pushed it back in and hit play. The disc immediately began playing, although it wasn't what either expected.

"That pervert..." Samantha said under her breath. It was porn. Good, simple, raunchy porn popped up on the television.

"Don't we keep Adrian satisfied? Why does he have any of this crap?" Orchid asked, feeling a little hurt.

"It's a male thing. They always do stuff like this. Remember Ryan Atkins?" Samantha replied.

"Oh yeah..." Orchid remembered immediately. Ryan was a raccoon who had more than his fair share of debonair charm. That male was quite the smooth operator. In high school, he had been dating a chinchilla named Maria and it was no secret that they screwed each other's brains out at every opportunity. She dumped him after four months because she had found his porn stash. It didn't matter that she sexed him up regularly and often, he still had his magazines and would... test the equipment.

Samantha was about to stop the disc but hesitated. Neither she nor Orchid really disliked porn but it just didn't have a real significant impact on them. The first scene was pretty standard, a male and a female going at it like juveniles. He was a canine of some type and she was a tabby cat. Both were fairly impressive physical specimens, he was built and was sporting the expected dong of humongous proportions. The feline was a Barbie doll come to life, with curves that Mother Nature simply doesn't provide.

"Let's see what our boy likes, shall we?" Samantha said, settling into her seat, feeling a little heated. Orchid was watching the television, if not enthralled before that moment she was now. The mouse femme thought she saw her friend's hand inching closer to her crotch.

The scene progressed like clockwork. The tabby had knelt down and gave the canine a sloppy, noisy blowjob. The pair's acting abilities in the traditional sense were laughable, while their enthusiasm for the physical aspect was admirable. She looked like she was enjoying every moment as she worshiped that veined monster. The feline didn't limit her action to simple oral stimulation. She took a little time to take the canine's dick and fit it snugly in her cleavage and tit fuck him. It wasn't too long until they switched positions. The canine started licking at her crevice while she laid down on the ground, bucking her hips and being far more vocal than either Orchid or Samantha would ever expect in real life.

His oral attentions soon progressed into a sixty nine. From there it was on to good old fashioned intercourse. The pair started out with a missionary position and shifted through female superior as well as both furs standing with the femme mashed against a wall. It was doggy style for the finale. The feline clawed at the bedding, wailing like nothing else, and the canine pounded away furiously from behind until he got his knot inside of his playmate. She had what well could have been a genuine climax and collapsed. The final shot was of his seed seeping out from where her body and his member met.

The girls continued watching the porn, scene after scene. Both slowly felt heat build inside, drinks and each other forgotten. Next, a pair of male equines double-teamed a tiny little vixen, taking all three holes before shoving both of their massive members into her slit. Then a pair of twin minks rode a short wolverine, taking pleasure any way they could from his compact body. Another straight male female scene followed with a female bear and a little mouse male coupling madly. That one had to be included for sheer kitsch value.

Both Orchid and Samantha were quite involved in their pleasure when the last scene unfolded. Two wolf femmes walked onto the screen, a definite amateur work. Both were ordinary, not overly beautiful or striking. They sat down began to kiss tentatively, as if it was their first time, although that was not likely. Hands roamed each other slowly at first, a simple caress here and touch there.

Orchid and Samantha looked at each other and then back at the screen. The pair undressed each other, playing with each newly revealed part of the others' anatomy. They fondled and suckled at each others teats, teasing nipples and squeezing breasts. Both grew bolder as the lasts scraps of clothing were pulled away. Hands sought out moist clefts, fingers entering vaginas and tweaking clits. It wasn't as vocal and comical as the other scenes. Something about it, something indescribable, made this scene realistic.

"Wow..." Samantha breathed, finger furiously rubbing her mound. Her eyes turned to look at Orchid, only to find the bunny staring at her.

The mouse didn't even have an opportunity to say a word. Orchid moved over and kissed Sam hard, tongue pushing past lips and teeth to explore. Samantha fell back and let the rabbit have at her. The mouse began to kiss back at the rabbit, the feeling of the lovely body on top of her having a very real effect. She couldn't help but feel the heat in her body rise by more than a few degrees. It wasn't like making out with Adrian. Orchid was light and delicate where the buck was strong and insistent. Everything about it was so... new.

The unexpected yet highly erotic kiss ended far too early, a streamer of saliva connecting the two for a moment. Arousal was pungent and powerful in the air. Both girls would have lied if they said this was something either had ever thought about. Their group loving with Adrian gave each many times to see the other in a carnal light. Samantha initiated the second of many kisses, reaching up and bringing the rabbit down while raising her head up. Orchid moaned into the kiss, pressing her body down on the mouse.

Both of the girls were content with simply making out on the futon, the porn now thoroughly forgotten. Hands began to caress in imitation to what had been seen earlier, stroking thighs and scratching behind ears and bases of tails. Each would moan into their kisses when the other found a particularly sensitive spot. Soon, both girls began to feel the confines of their clothes irritating and impeding the progression of things to come.

Orchid broke away once more, sitting up atop the mouse. She smiled as she whipped off her shirt and sports bra, left in an old pair of sweatpants. Samantha sat up as much as possible, attempting to do the same. The positioning didn't quite allow her to do so. Orchid saw this and aided her friend, stripping off the mouse's sweatshirt and bra, leaving her in a pair of running shorts. Both girls began to play and explore the other's chest. The rabbit's breasts weren't as large as the mouse's, not that it mattered much. Orchid grasped Sam's large orbs and squeezed them gently, enjoying the feel of the malleable flesh. Sam reached up and played with Orchid's nipples, rolling the nubbins to attention.

Both girls were breathing heavily as they played with each other, but they wanted more... lots more. The bunny leaned back down and kissed the mouse, rolling her hips at her roommate wantonly. She broke the kiss and groaned, nuzzling Sam's neck. The mouse grabbed at Orchid's ass and squeezed, guiding the dry hump of the bunny against her thigh. Orchid whimpered as the friction went through her sweats and panties. Her underwear was now getting drenched as her body reacted strongly to the stimulation. Her breathing picked up as she continued with more and more urgency. A ball of heat and light built up in her loins, wanting no more than to be released.

"Oh... Oh God..." She squeaked as she felt her orgasm approaching. Sam smiled as she slipped her hands inside her friends' clothing and against her fur and flesh. The mouse reached as far as she could and tried to reach Orchid's cleft. With another moan, the rabbit arched her back, and did her best to give the mouse what she was searching for. Sam couldn't believe the amount of juice that the rabbit was producing when her fingers reached that sacred place. Her digits delved and Orchid's pussy clamped down like a vice as a wash of warmth flowed around Sam's fingers.

Orchid didn't utter a sound as she came. She gripped her friend tightly as her orgasm ran through her body. This was so wonderfully different to everything she ever experienced before that the rabbit didn't want it to end. She whimpered softly as her body gently relaxed, Sam's fingers sliding out of her sopping wet pussy. The mouse brought her hand around to her mouth, and with the dazed rabbit watching through half-lidded eyes, licked her fingers clean of Orchid's juices.

The bunny kissed her friend again. Totally unable to resist the incredibly sexy action she witnessed scant inches from her face. She could taste herself in Sam's mouth as tongues wrestled and dueled. The bunny suddenly wanted her friend to experience the same. She pulled away slightly and licked the mouse on the nose and smiled. Orchid slowly slid down, playing with the mouse as she moved. Sam's succulent breasts got another round of attention, nibbling on those now pert and firm nipples standing up out of the thin, soft body fur.

Sam spread her legs as her friend slid down her body. She pushed at Orchid's shoulders, urging her to get down to business and soon. The bunny was going to take her sweet time, but no matter. If Sam wanted it that bad she would have it. Orchid got up onto her knees and lifted the mouse's legs into the air. She pulled the flimsy running shorts and equally flimsy panties off of Sam and tossed them aside with a flourish, getting a little giggle out of her friend. She then pushed those shapely legs apart, not that there was any resistance, and brought her mouth to Samantha's sex.

"Yes!" Samantha cried out, thrusting her hips up as Orchid's tongue ran up the length of her slit and focused on her clitoris. The bunny had to get a firm hold of the shivering mouse's hips from bouncing around too much as she lapped at that hard nubbin. Sam grabbed a hold of her breasts and did what she could to pleasure herself, wanting as intense pleasure as she could get.

Orchid slipped one... two... three fingers inside of Samantha as she licked enthusiastically at the clitoris. The mouse had her tongue lolling from her mouth, breathing heavily as she moved steadily closer to climax. She could feel it coming, little by little, until she was at the very edge of release and Orchid knew it. The rabbit stopped.

Samantha whimpered in agony as the rabbit ceased everything. Her fingers withdrew and her tongue disappeared. Sam bucked her hips in hopes of catching something, anything, to get just a tiny bit of stimulation. Orchid watched her friend writhe. She didn't let the mouse hang for long, grabbing those thrusting hips and returning to her task. Samantha's hands left her breasts and latched onto Orchid's head, jamming the bunny's head into her crotch.

Orchid felt a surge of pride as the mouse began to shake, her climax finally arriving. The mouse moaned wantonly as she felt the liquid fire of orgasm burn her entire body. The bunny lapped up the sweet flush of girly juice leak out of the shivering femme. It was delicious. The bunny didn't stop working the mouse, although she did tone it down. Her fingers pumped slowly in and out of the sopping hole while her tongue took long strokes over her clit. Samantha slowly came down from her, trying desperately to catch her breath.

Samantha pulled Orchid's face up to hers and kissed her, tasting her juices in much the same way that her friend had. The pleasant afterglow of glorious sex settled over both as they kissed a little more simply and quietly. Sleep slowly crept over them both and Orchid and Samantha gave into the warmth of each other's body, falling asleep together on the futon.

The next morning found the girls preparing a lavish breakfast for each other. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and fresh fruit covered the table. Lucky for them the corner market had everything they needed and was open at six thirty in the morning.

"Do you think we should tell Adrian?" Samantha asked, brining the plate with a tower of pancakes to the table.

"Nah, we can surprise him later." Orchid said, taking a large bit off of a sausage link. "Could you imagine the look on his face if we gave him a show like that?"

The girls laughed and enjoyed the second day of being without Adrian and with each other.


Disclaimer... yeah, you know what it is. Celebration By Flipper The apartment was sparkling after a full day of cleaning. Adrian, looking good and tired, was laid out on the futon in an old pair of workout shorts as he read his...

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Disclaimer... usual shit... Don't read unless of age. So simple, and yet so hard to follow. Music By Flipper The girls were eating breakfast as Adrian got ready to go. It was bright and early on Saturday and both Samantha and...

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Disclaimer.... meh. Yiff by Flipper Orchid was laying out on her bed, naked save her fur. Adrian was busy between her legs, his tongue having a feast of her silken cleft. Her buttocks rested on the very edge of the bed with her...

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