minecraft adventure in survival and mods part 3

Story by brobot 1100 on SoFurry

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this is not to be seen by kids under 18

Damon hopped into bed with cupa, which she remembered that she could turn into a blaze. " wow really, that means you can give me the same pleasure that blazette gave to me ? " Damon said, while admiring her beautiful body. " yes, so that means I will give you two orgasms, so we will start with blaze " she said, while getting on top of him. she transformed and the blaze rods took of the bra and panties. he took of his shirt and underwear and kissed her while rubbing her vagina and then thrusted into her slowly. " ahh Damon fuck me harder " cupa said, moaning. damon gradually got faster and faster. after a while, they had the first orgasm and started doing the second one. " cupa what are you do.. " damon said as cupa pushed his face into her breasts and got interrupted by kye bursted into the room. " hey damon I heard that the creepers are creating an ambush on us " kye said blushing. " i didn't want to deturb you " kye said running out the door. the next day, damon got dressed and grabbed his camera. " cupa wake up I need you in my video " damon said. cupa put on her panties and bra, then put on her hoodie and pulled the hood over her head. part 3 end

minecraft adventures in survival and mods part 2

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