Sleep walking sins

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Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:"; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; avatar?user=119102&character=0&clevel=2 Page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;}div.Section1 {page:Section1;}-->/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-parent:";mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-para-margin:0in;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}_I'd like to simply advise caution

I hope you know that... Although a person can write about sick things... that doesnt cross the line and it in no way should serve as another's justification that this is some thing they should do to other living beings. If you do like cubs, blood, vore and general violence, then express it by fapping off, not by ever hurting another living being. If you dont like those things, please do not read the story, my objective really isnt to disgust anyone, although in enjoying this I think its safe to say you feel a slight disgust with yourself. Also mind you this is my first story ever, ever, ever. Hope its not to bad. I'm posting this simply on a whim and will draft it later. Also for the record... If you do have a little voice in your head telling you to kill animals, I suggest you see a doctor... Immediately..._

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It all just seemed like some foggy dream

Sleep walking all alone

His eyes start to twitch...

The little Hyena starts to open his eyes and look around, dazed and confused, his feet for some reason moving, making him go forward and forward through the night. He's walking down the road in the middle of the night, barely dressed in his PJ's; a long t-shirt and some old boxers, though this exposure doesn't seem to bother him, he's filled with some sort of terrible purpose he cant understand, one he doesn't try to understand. A voice calls him forward and he obeys. He knows very well that the voice is part of him and its taking him to what he wants.

Up ahead, so very close, blaze's the sign of the city zoo, even past midnight shinning and bringing back some happy memories in the child, he's exited, he wants to see the animals and of course he walks faster, reaching the gate and looking around, heart panging because he knows he's not supposed to be in the zoo when its closed, he knows he's not supposed to even be awake, but he also knows that some thing inside of him is screaming to be here, crying.

He slips through the front gate, a shabby security measure compared to the high chain link fences surrounding to keep the animals in. The streets inside here are dark, only illuminated by the moon and shifting security cameras, yet, the is air alive with the sounds of softly chirping birds and nocturnal animals. The boy is exited about the animals. He dashes down the lanes swiftly, knowing that the camera's represent danger. He pears into several of the enclosures, barely able to see anything through the darkness and finding himself bored, he knows he didn't come to look at these boring things.

He wants to go to the petting zoo.

Trotting onwards he finds it easily, this being a common day trip for him and his siblings. He goes around and examines all the animals, now fully awake and grinning, mangy tan fur bristling around, untidy and unkept. The combination of his wide eyes and long, black hair streaming scraggly around his face makes him look alittle older than he really is, but he feels quite content here in the kiddy area of the zoo, and the little, nagging voice in his head is telling him that he's getting much closer to his terrible purpose, the Rabbit display.

Its always been his favorite.

He makes his way over to the tidy little paddocks , covered on all sides and above from birds, little chew toys and food pellets strewn about, its big enough for several children to come in and sit down comfortably as the rabbits run around them. The Hyena enters and closes the screen door tightly behind him, finding an odd grin forming on his face as he looks around at the cute little animals, still very much awake and mulling about in the middle of the night.

"Hello there..."

The boy sits down and reaches out to pet on of the more curios, who doesn't run away, being used to the frequent attention.

He places it on his lap and pets gently, some thing thumping inside him.

Blushes he takes another one close to him, rubbing there cute little bodies, the boy licking his lips, blushing, he doesn't know what to do now that he's hear, the voice is still screaming at him, he's so painfully close to his purpose now and he knows it. His paws lurk behind one of the rabbits tails, feeling for its butt for some reason, he cant understand it but he enjoys the feeling, finally finding it and pressing his little finger's against it, the rabbit not running away. He slides them down further and finds that it's a girl, now pressing against her little pussy, he doesn't know why its exiting him so much. He turns to the other rabbit and also feels up the little asshole, his fingers moving down and finding this ones a boy. The Hyena strokes the little rabbits sheath, the boy seeming startled and pulling away unlike the girl who was enjoying the stimulation. The Hyena felt anger that the rabbit would pull away, flinging his hand out to try and catch the rabbit, which then turns and delivers an annoying bite, drawing blood.

The Hyena cringes and lets it run away, sticking his wound against his mouth a lapping as the wound. Things seem so much clearer as he feels the pain, the urging and wanting in his brain growing even stronger then ever.

He rises, expression almost blank, and looks down at the boy rabbit and his cradles the female between his arms, which softly moans as he presses against its cunt. He looks at the little male on the ground, examining and not needing to ponder what to do. He reels his leg back and then kicks, just like in soccer practice, and his bare foot paw sends the little animal flying across the small enclosure and hitting the opposite wall, letting out a small cry. The fur felt so nice when he had made impact, inevitable leathal, the little creature spurting out alittle blood and sprawling out, letting out weak little cries as it slowly and painfully dies.

There's some thing growing in the kids pants. He keeps pressing against the girl who hasn't noticed, the other rabbits though panicing and crowding to one side of the enclosure, shivering. The boy knows what he wants, he wants to watch all of them end up like that male, that's what the voice wants, that's what the bulge in his pants wants to happen.

He spots an empty grain sack at one side of the enclosure and takes it, throwing the female into it and licking his slime covered finger's, grinning. He looks around and slowly starts to pluck up all the rabbits around him, one by one into the vibrating sack. He gets them all and then leaves, leaving the male to die along.

Back walking thru the concourse he thinks of the perfect solution for the rabbits, He remembers once seeing the lions at feeding time in there little pit, a dead pig being thrown in and the monster's devouring it. It gave him that odd feeling in his groin that he had after smashing the boy rabbit.

The rabbits fate was decided.

Now he looked into the lions den, the predators still mulling about, surprised to see anyone around in an hour when they where used to peace. They all stared up and the boy leaned heavily against the mid chest high glass barriers which separated him from the hungry predators.

Slipping a hand into the sack he pulled out a rabbit, one of about six. He casually tossed it down, falling about 9 feet till it his the ground with a thud, the lions and even more curious, walking over and sniffing the creature. The alpha male, which was bizzy lounging in the back, now perked his head up and shoved past all the females, leaning down by the live prey and sniffing, then spreading his jaws and going down, devouring it, little cries escaping the creatures tortured maw as he lapped it up, blood dripping down the sides of his maw, and now looking back up at the Hyena, licking his lips.

The Hyena moaned, bumping the growing bulge against the glass, heart fluttering as he watched the little creature consumed, a visible bulge traveling down the lions throat. He eagerly took another rabbit out of the sack, throwing this one in harsher, an audable crack sounding out as it hit the dust with a squeal and 2 female lions pounces, ripping it apart. The Hyena panted, pre forming on the tip of his cock. He reached in an grabbed yet another, this one being female, the voice telling him to tuck it between his legs for the moment and use it later for some other, special purpose. He didn't fight it and did so, then taking the rest of the sack and opening it to look inside, 4 rabbits huddled and squirming. Food for the lions. He threw the back into the pit, grinning and taking the female into his hands, roughly pulling down his pants.

The lions converged on the sack, sniffing, drawn by the scent of prey and the sound of whimpering. The boy lapped his lips and shivered, looking down at his cock and moaning, he had never felt this way so strongly before. He looked at the female rabbit and turned it around, pressing his cock up against its small pussy, violently shoving down against his groin, the rabbit crying out desperately, its cunt not made for such a huge cock and being shredded easily, muscles trying to tighten in vain even as flesh was rended, specks of blood falling freely as the boy shoved his meat it, driven on by the creatures moans of pain.

This was what he wanted.

The lions now ripped at the contents of the bag, eating happily, and the boy came watching them eat, licking the bloody and sticky cunt of the female before throwing her mangled body into the pit to be devoured with the rest of her kin.

The Hyena became dizzy, tired.

It was time to go home. He pulled up his boxer's and simple walked away, through the gates and down the roads.

The sun was starting to rise.

He crawled back into bed.

No one would ever know.