Project Guardian: chapter 2: past mistakes.

Story by Convexity Reborn on SoFurry

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Rosanna sat in front of the facility director with the wolf that saved her. The director was a stern-faced wolf that was looking at a monitor, on the monitor was the footage of the confrontation between her and 553. The director turned towards Rosanna. "Rosanna, the fact that the specimen escaped doesn't surprise me, the reason i called you here is that the creature knew who you you were, who we were, and I looked through our files, and there was no record of a 'subject 553' or of anything known as the 'Guardian Project'. I've only been director for 2 years now. So tell me Rosanna, what is the guardian project, and who is this '553' i need to know. For the sake of the facility." He looked directly at Rosanna.

She shook her head. "I was only 14 at the time project guardian was initiated by my mother, her name was rose. She never told me why, but she began creating the 'subjects' the first subject was a shapeshifter, but once it was activated, it ripped itself to shreds, the second was the same. At the tenth subject she gave up the idea. Then came the creatures that had no face. They could sense your every thought, but it drove them insane. After fifty attempts at those she created one that took the shape of a man. And it acted differently than the others. It died from a lack of an immune system. She created hundreds more attempting to perfect the creature, and on occasion, there was one that survived, but went insane." She sighed and shivered as fear crept into her mind. "Then came the guardian project. One of the subjects, number 551, survived and didn't go insane, instead it attacked everything it saw for no reason. My mother had an idea then, and she made 552, who was just like 551. They escaped containment together and attacked my mother and me." She felt a pang of happiness reach her. "Then there was 553. He was meant to be just as 551 and 552 were, but they escaped and attacked us just before his memory was installed, it would tell him who he was and give him a personality, When they attacked my mother, they activated 553 in an attempt to get another ally. But things didn't turn out as planned, and 553 attacked them. 553 was unlike any other subject, he looked different, acted different, and he could do something that 551 and 552 couldn't, he could adapt to any situation in the blink of an eye. He could improvise, and my mother had no idea why, but he was faster and stronger than 551 and 552. So after the fight was over, she ran some tests, and found something that had never been heard of before 553, his skin and muscle, adapted to its surroundings, such as, if you were to stick 553 in a fire, his skin would adapt to be fireproof. My mother stopped making subjects and for the better part of a year, researched a creature that she only referred to as 'Subject 0' and then died in a tragic lab related accident, and 553 disappeared, searching for the one answer that my mother couldn't tell him. Who he was." She leaned back into her chair and relaxed. "I think that's it." the director seemed dee in thought. "He called you his creator, he mistook you for your mother, but that doesn't explain why he didn't attack my daughter Suzan." Rossana shrugged. "I don't know."