Dragon's New Toy 2

Story by RavenVenice on SoFurry

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Copyright Raven Venice

Contains: Master/Slave , Anal

I groaned as I felt a heavy body against my back, I started to wake up, hot breath sliding through my back fur, I opened my eyes, looking around, I saw the black dragon's silver eyes looking at me, the eyes seeming to carry a hint of excitement. My head dropped back on the pillow with a sigh, I rolled onto all fours, when he laid a paw on my shoulder, shaking his head, he rolled me onto my back, then slid himself over me, he kneeled down between my open legs, his tail up. I understood, gripping my shaft as I aimed it for him, murring as he slid in with ease, his muscle squeezing at my cock as it slid in.

I gripped his tail, sucking on the tip as he started to roll forward and back down on my shaft, the friction of the rolling motion causing me to bite down on the hard scales as he murred. The biting only seemed to make him more excited as he started to roll his hips in a circular motion even faster, each roll closer to my fox knot, when he suddenly slammed down, his passage widening and closing around the knot, I groaned in pleasure, his motion turning to short jerky up and down rocking, when he suddenly came, his walls gripping and tugging at my shaft as he moaned, his seed splattering between my feet in thick puddles, the jerking of his shaft causing me to lose control, I howled in bliss, my own cum firing into the tight passage. He wiggled, adjusting himself against my loins, as my knot held him in me. "Why did you...accept my knot? You're the alpha..."

"So? I like the feeling...of it...in me." He said his sentence broken up with his panting. "Just like...you'll eventually...learn to...." He panted, wiggling and tugging on the stiff muscle, his ring stretching around it, he slammed back down into my lap with a grunt. He closed his eyes, his breathing calming down. "I forgot you guys don't loosen...you actually take a little while for it to soften." I cocked my head to the side questioningly. "A dragon's knot only lasts a few minutes. That's why we have that last spurt that comes when we're pulling out. It locks the seed in with the partner so it can be effectively absorbed into the female for childbirth. It also makes for an amusing show when a male isn't used to it."

I nodded, partially understanding as my knot softened, I murred as he came off with a soft popping sound, I wiggled and murred, licking the back of his neck. It seemed the more I was around him, the more I noticed how we seemed to fit into each other's laps almost perfectly, our body's shaped perfectly to match the others. "What's on your mind my fox?"

"Oh, nothing much Master. I was just noticing the fact that whenever we snuggle or anything along those lines, we seem to fit perfectly. Don't ask why I just happened to notice this, but I did." He laughed, petting my arm as it laid across his chest.

"Silly little fox. But I guess it's probably something your mind would catch on to that I would usually just ignore. Is that all your thinking of though?" I nodded, closing my eyes as I licked his scaly neck. He grunted, glancing back at me, I blinked into the dragon eye with a meep, my tongue disappearing back into my mouth. "Heh heh, you really are a funny little fox." I shrugged, the top of my muzzle snuggling against his spine as I murred. "Hrm. Since you're being so quiet and I'm hungry, I'm going to go find something to eat. You hungry?"

"That would be a yes, Master." He laughed, nodding as he stood up, I glanced up at him, nodding as he motioned for me to stay sitting down. I watched him leave, then turned around so that I was laying down, my back against one armrest, my legs over the other, I wiggled my tail next to me with a sigh, yawning and pondering taking a nap as I could tell my owner was going to be busy for a while, as my ears picked up the various sound of things being moved around and what not. I laughed as he yelped and cursed, I presumed a can of something had probably just landed on his foot or something. I hrmphed, needing something to do, I rummaged for the remote, humming and flipping through the channels, I sighed, leaving it on COPS, I watched and sighed as a fox was running from the wolf cop. I was almost sure the fox was going to win, but the wolf ended up winning. I sighed, shaking my head.

Foxes had a nasty reputation, of being thieves and what not, and to a point it was true. We could manage to find a way through any lock or trap...but that didn't mean that we used it for the wrong purpose. Heck, I looked at my paws, the only thing closest to breaking the laws these claws of mine had done was to unlock my door when I managed to lock myself out. I hrmphed, running a paw around my collar, my claw sliding into the key-slot, I chuckled. I could easily pop the lock in seconds...and was tempted to, when I lowered my paw and watched the TV. Hrm...Why waste my time? I could run, and even if I got somewhere...would I really be happy? I mean...Here I am...watching TV while a dragon cooks dinner, and it wasn't like the sex was bad, in fact it was actually the best thing I'd ever had in my life...but I think it was also something to do with the fact that he didn't just look at me for sex...he actually seemed to love me.

Hrmph. Now I'm thinking of love. Though I do love that dragon...But we could have met in a better way. I sighed, raising my head as he whistled. I opened my eyes, glancing in the direction of the kitchen. He whistled again, then hollered for me to come eat. I stood up, hitting the power button on the remote, I lobbed it onto the chair and walked into the dining room, I sat at the table across from him, he smiled, patting my head as he laid the food out in front of us. I scratched my head, wondering how he had managed to cook this much food in such a short time, but shrugged. Dragon's had their tricks, and Foxes had ours. Some were just left as who knows kind of scenarios.

I pushed the empty plate away from me, belching and looking at him. "I'll take care of dishes Master." He nodded, stretching. "I'm going to go take a nap then. Feel free to join me when you're done." I nodded, cleaning off the table, I waved as he walked past to the bedroom, I put the leftovers in the fridge, then started on the dishes, my black arms disappearing into the soapy water as I cleaned off the dishes, humming and rinsing each one off before putting it in the dishwasher to dry. I soon finished, grabbing a towel, I washed off my hands and arms, I worked the towel back around the handle of the fridge. I padded softly to the room, closing the door softly behind me, I yawned and slid under the covers, the dragon sighing and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me against him. I murred, pulling the covers back over my head, I closed my eyes, turning my head to look back at him. "I love you Master." I laughed as he murmured something back, not even caring to worry about what he was saying, I laid my paws on top of his talons, yawning and closing my eyes. I really did love him...even if that did confuse me. At least I was guaranteed to be happy for a long long time...good food, great sex, and a cute dragon to boot.