New Toy 1

Story by RavenVenice on SoFurry

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Copyright Raven Venice

Contains: Bondage , Watersports , Rape , Anal , Master/Slave , Slavery

I sat back, looking at the wolf in his body cage, the wireframe gauntlet showing his paw wrapped around a metal rod, his only support in this awkward position. The body-shaped cage held him in a half bent position, his arms near his legs, the only parts of him not trapped in metal were the rubber sheath waiting for his cock, the plastic mask that was over his head with a feeding tube that led inside his muzzle, the plastic form fitting around his closed mouth, his breathing coming from the free end of the tube and from a slit that went around his nose, that could be covered and locked in place, forcing him to only breath through the tube. It was an awkward and tenacious way to breathe, and I knew he was probably noticing the fact that his form of breathing was definitely different, he growled in anger and minor panic, his body struggling feebly against the almost glove like contraption..

I stood up, dusting myself off. I flicked at an imaginary piece of dust, my hard black Draconian body halfway absorbing the light, I always kept my scales dull so they would absorb the light, I hated the feeling of being flashy. I smiled as I kneeled down in front of my new playmate, this one was a tricky grab, but they almost all were. He whimpered, struggling and begging me to free him. I knew what he was asking; it was the same thing they all asked. I glanced over at a cat who was simply bound to the floor on all fours, she was unable to move, and was getting the same diet as most of them, cum and piss. Mind you, I did feed them normal food...otherwise all my pets would starve, which wasn't something I wanted. Though some of them found out just how bad starvation was, finally begging for whatever I gave them...which is not what they wanted, but they still got food.

He followed my eyes, whimpering as he eyed her, she was going through her monthly, which meant she was useless to me at the time. I whistled and snapped my fingers back in front of his face, catching his attention; he glanced down, whimpering and struggling as he noticed my excitement bulging in front of me. I gripped my shaft, squeezing and drawing my fist up, I caught some of the fluid on my finger. My dragon seed was a mixture of pre-seed and a heavy aphrodisiac. I wiped it under his nose, laughing as his nose wrinkled up away from the smell, though it would have little effect, as the stuff was absorbed into his skin and through his breathing.

My fluid could drive any creature into heat, and this wolf was no different as he was driven into a physical state of heat, his cock hard and eager for sex, finding the only thing near it was the iron ring it slid through, then the rubber, skin-tight shaft it laid in. He grunted in annoyance, finding his cage prevented him from moving far as he tried to stand up, the cage ungiving as he found his space of movement. I reached under him, my fingers flat against the wire cage, I started to press, listening to him yip in pain as his knot slammed through the ungiving ring, locking it on the other side, inside the rubber shaft, I reached behind his trapped cock, his balls resting on the outside of anther ring, I twisted it until he started to squeal in pain, I loosened it enough so he would stop his noise. It wasn't that I didn't mind the noise...I just had other things in mind. Like the fact that I needed to use the bathroom. I licked the plastic around his muzzle, listening to him pant with need, eyeing the female, I murred at his distraction, the tip of my tail coated in my pre-fluid, as it slid up behind him, the thick muscle ramming deep into his hole, He squealed, his tail waving behind him madly as he fought to get away from the piercing tail.

"That was a preview of what is to come." I said, turning, I stood up, my tail sliding out from him, I flicked the remaining fluid off, then licked the tip clean as I left the room. I disappeared upstairs, where the end of the tube that was connected to the rubber muzzle around his mouth sat, the funnel waiting. I gripped my dick, directing the head into the funnel, I loosed my stream, the fluid swirling down into the pipe, I could hear the fluid gurgle as his breathing switched back to his nose, not that it would help him much as I wiggled the hard member, the last drops falling into the funnel, I turned and went back, watching as the last of the fluid was noticeable in the pipe over his head, He was struggling, his claws flexing, as the fluid was pressed into his muzzle by gravity, the only place for it to go was down his throat. I never let fluids go to waste around here. He gave in, swallowing the thick yellow fluid, I could see the disgust in his face, and knew he was worried that he was going to get more. I smiled as the yellow fluid flooded his mouth, his breath held, he found this didn't work, his throat convulsing to swallow the bitter marking fluid, his muzzle wrinkling at the smell and taste.

Like all of them, He'd get used to it. Which was probably one of the only reasons I usually ended up selling them off or getting rid of them...watching them fight with the fluid the first time, the way they fought with it and ended up giving in, but knowing they couldn't stand it...that was priceless. The pipe emptied, I could tell from his face, and could smell it myself, the fluid's marking smell heavy...Marking his mouth as my property. He panted, looking at me, wondering what was next, as I drew a paw along the bottom of his shaft, watching as his muscles tightened and loosened, his body highly receptive and more tuned toward sex then he had probably ever felt, my claws continuing along the pipe as he squirmed, too intoxicated with need and heat to even seem to care that I was male, my touch probably the best thing on earth for him. The tube sat just outside his maw, fitted with a one way passage so he wouldn't figure out how to block it with his tongue and stop the flow...the pressure would eventually be too much for his internal tubing and he'd remove his tongue from the passage. I moved behind him, watching as the female's tubing filled with her own golden fluid as she drank her flow, I wrapped my arms around the bound wolf, my cock wet with my mixture; I slammed it in, ignoring his scream as it went up the tube and escaped from the funnel. He squeaks and squeals as I fuck him, the noise only making the pleasure that much better as he struggles, my hips thrusting against him. The position was difficult but effective; the metal ring holding his tail out of the way...It wasn't like he was going to bother me no matter what he did.

My cock slid back and forth in short strokes, letting him feel the dragon barbs and knot as the barbs and veins of my cock slid back and forth across his inner walls, the barbs itching at his prostate with each thrust, my knot seeking to enter the virgin hole. I start to speed up, shortening the strokes, my knot slamming into his tailhole as his cries of protest take on a different tone, letting out a constricted howl as his body refused to hold back any longer, the howl screaming of enraged humiliation and defeat as he realized that, like every male, he could get off from being raped up the ass...something many men refused to believe. His hole spasmed, widening and tightening around me, I grunted, slamming harder, my knot ripping into him, He screamed in pain as his skin tore, blood dripping down around my balls, I ignored this, knowing I could heal it later if need be, My hips thrusting against him in short hard strokes, I gasped, wings spread and arms squeezing harder around his cage as I gasped, my cum spraying in long ropes into him, roaring as I filled his battered and broken hole. My toy was no longer a virgin, and this made me laugh as the sparks danced across my eyes.

A dragon's knot doesn't last very long, which is a good thing for us, as I felt my knot soften, I rocked my hips, working on getting it out, listening to him whimper as my barbs danced across his prostate, I started to pull back, his broken hole stretching wider as my knot slid out, the rough release of my knot by his ring causing my cock to spasm one last time, releasing a final shot. He mewled, partially in disgust and partially in pain as the last shot was a thick and gooey substance that instantly hardened to lock the dragon seed in the mate. He whimpered, trying to force the buildup of warm fluid out of him, I moved in front to look at his face as it wrinkled in disgust and humiliation as he found it didn't work. He wouldn't be able to get rid of my cum until the seal broke down, which by then my cum would have been absorbed into him anyway, a fitting way for it to go...left no waste.

"Well that was fun. Sorry for breaking you." He whimpered, looking at me with pitiful eyes. I laughed, cleaning off my cock with a nearby towel; I lobbed it to the side. His eyes were begging me to free him now that I had my fun, but from the female cat on the other side of the room; I think he knew that wasn't happening. "Good start. You'll be a keeper for a while." He shivered, looking at me with disgust. I laughed at him. "Oh, no, I've got other uses for won't spend all your time locked in this here contraption. You'll find that I'm a more...wide spread man. But for tonight I think you'll be fine." He whimpered, watching as I left him and the girl alone in the room, His eyes begging me. I was halfway to the door when I heard him whimper in discomfort. I frowned, turning around, wondering what was wrong, I was halfway back when the look disappeared, the pipe from his cock to his mouth filling with his yellow fluid. I was going to have fun with this one...He screamed in disgust and struggled as he realized that it wasn't just my piss he'd be drinking from time to time...but also his.