Catnundrum. Chapter Two

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Catnundrum Chapter Two By Roofles

Simon was the first one to log out, first one to strip the confining black work shirt off and the first to duck out the back way quickly heading towards his car. Huffing a bit, his breath was visible in front of his snout. The snow flakes were still beginning to fall from above and he knew a blizzard was inbound for this night. Even he could smell it in the air.

A whisker twitched as his soft powder blues eyes drifted from the dark sky above and down towards the man resting against his car. Snow began to collect on his whiskers as he stood there.

Robbie had managed to get out before him, Simon figured there was a first for everything. Most likely due to the fact the rottweiler didn't need to change out of his shirt or cloths like everyone else. The natural fit build of the dog stretched the fabric of the shirt out, the seams protesting against his confined girth. Add his thick winter coat into the mix the shirt was barely able to stay on. The dog kept pulling it down in the front and back consciously of the exposure, the first the cat had ever really seen him be. Seeing as how the dog walked around half naked most the time in the break room.

Robbie ears lifted up and looked over as Simon took the long way around towards the drivers door giving the dog a good bodies length of space where he sat on the front of the car. The black stubby nub of a tail began to wag even before the dog moved away from the car.

The rottweiler was in the simple dark gray jeans, boots and work shirt. Nothing else. Simon was always spiteful for the species with lush winter coats like the dogs. His thin straw like fur barely managed to keep him warm during the spring or fall let alone in winter. And even in the heavy sweater he wore, scarf and mittens included the cat found himself shivering from the cold. Winter, his least favorite season holidays and all.

"Hey," Robbie greeted him warmly as Simon was busy fishing in his pocket for his keys. The cat eyes kept darting over to the dog who was just standing there wagging his tail, with that friendly grin on his face. "Wasn't sure if ya' just leave me or not." The dog joked resting on the top of the car a bit. "So I came out early." Robbie explained Simon's unasked question.

"Of course. That was my plan all along." Simon said and Robbie laughed assuming it was indeed a joke. That barking sound made the cats tail begin to sway behind him betraying his worry on the matter. It was lost once more on the dog. "It's open," Simon said as he ducked inside. Twisting the key twice on his car unlocked the other door as well.

Robbie didn't wait before getting in, seeming to worry that the cat was indeed about to drive off without him again. A joke that Simon couldn't deny to be reality. If he was given the chance that was.

The two waited in silence as the car began to warm up, the inside felt more like a freezer than a car. The cat held the steering wheel not moving or saying anything as he began to shake again from the cold. Simon just stared at the dashboard unable to help the nails digging into the leather padding on the wheel as the dog looked over at him.

"Long night?" Robbie asked trying to start up some kind of conversation between the two. He was always the one to begin their short conversations. As well as the one to carry it.

"Something like that." Simon said finally letting go of the wheel and pulling out the electronic cigarette once more. He brought it up to his lips before his eyes darted over to the dog who had been watching him. "You don't mind do you?"

"Tobacco?" The dog asked.

"Catnip." Simon said back.

There was a moment of pause before the dog began laughing loudly making the cat pull back a bit. There was a sharp slap against his knee, the corner of the cat's eye watery up a bit. "Damn if that's not funny!" Robbie said grinning afterwards, ears up and tail wagging.

Simon didn't feel like correcting him as he adjusted the heat once more. At the same time the dog moved his paw over to do the same. The small touch made the feline quickly withdraw his paw as if it had touched something particularly hot. Flinching away and looking anywhere but at the dog.

Robbie paused at that before withdrawing his own. "Sorry." The dog said looking down at his feet now. "You don't like the whole touchin' thing, huh." The larger dog's ears folded down a bit and his face noticeably dropped. It reminded the cat of a pup who had just lost his favorite tennis ball in the sewer drain.

"Yeah..." Simon lied, it was a plausible excuse and it was easy enough to pull off. "Just something you do with someone not everyone, is all." The cat added still seeing the downcast dogs appearance. He really did feel like he was bullying the poor canine at times. Even being the smaller of the two.

His words did lift the dogs heart a bit and as Simon began driving out of the parking lot, sure enough Rob was his go lucky happy self once more. Panting openly the dog bent over and began undoing the shoes he wore. "These things are killer on my dogs." There was a moment of pause as he slipped his bare feet out before barking a laugh at his own joke, wiggling his toes.

"Har har," Simon just added always looking over every now and then at the dog. Slowing down at a light the cat took the time to look down at the dog's bare feet. The cat frowned, annoyed that the dog was so comfortable around him enough to just take his shoes off. It might've just been a dog thing.

"Don't know how a human can wear these." Robbie went crossing a leg and beginning to rub his feet. A bit larger than normal a dog's paws were still capable of fitting inside a normal style shoe. Simon could see large pads on each paw, with the exception of his clawed toes the foot itself was human enough.

"You're own fault for wearing those cloths all day." Simon pointed out swallowing a bit feeling warmer than the car actually was. First it was too cold. Now it was too hot. Just his luck. He pulled on the sweater he wore, his paws beginning to sweat as he tried to get some circulation flowing.

"Yeah, better then not though." The dog grumbled and silence fell once more. Rob just resting back looking out the window lost in his own thoughts. The rottweiler was messing with his phone tossing it between his hands as if wanting to message someone but changing his mind on the matter.

Turning down a side street Simon nearly pulled over seeing the fast food place he had been planning on stopping at for dinner. McQuakers sold some of the best sea food in town even being a multi-million dollar food chain. It was just in high demand with so many Animalian species diets being souly of it the business was booming.

"I'd just prefer to go naked." Robbie spoke up drawing the cats attention away and silencing his own hungry stomach.

"What?" The cat looked at him once more as if he had lost it before turning back into the center lane away from the fast food chain. "The hell are you talking about?"

"Work cloths!" Robbie said as if the cat had been thinking about it the whole time as the dog had. "They're such a pain! I prefer my shorts any day." Robbie began texting before putting his phone away afterwards seemingly in far better spirits now.

"As long as you're wearing something, heh." Simon added under his breath making the dogs ear perk up as they took another corner. "You're place is on Seventh right?" He said as if repeating himself.

"Right." Robbie nodded looking around before rolling the window down and sticking his head out. "Just up ahead." He added popping back in. The dog's broad head was covered in snow and his whiskers had several flakes sticking to them as if he had just stuck his muzzle face first into a bowl of frosting.

Simon nearly smacked him upside the head. "Roll the window up!" He hissed shivering as the cold air rushed in and with it the heat pouring outside. "Dumb dog." He added mumbling a bit as Robbie apologized.

Turning into the driveway, Simon stopped the car parking it but didn't turn it off as he waited for the dog to get out.

That silence fell once more, seeming to be the two's theme song.

"So...thanks for the lift." Robbie started up once more as their previous topic died down to just smoldering embers. The dog rubbed his thick neck looking over to the side, back at his feet which he twisted back and forth before looking over at the cat. "It looks like a blizzards going to hit."

The weather? Simon wanted to say. That's what he wanted to talk about. The weather? The cat had a fresh can of tuna waiting for him at home. And the dog wanted to talk about the weather!

"Yeah..." Simon said in reply leaving it at that.

The rottweiler scratched the back of his neck once more. " must be hungry." Simon just gave him that look again without any other reply. "What I'm trying to say," the dog cleared his throat a bit. The bulky dog adjusted himself in his seat repositioning until was comfortable before going on. "I mean if you wanted too come in...for a bite..I have dinner waiting!" Robbie grinned hopefully, tail wagging a bit as he leaned over before pulling back at the withdrawing cat. "Free food." He added. "And drink." The dog insisted. "What's to turn down? And I'll give you your space!" The tossed in for good measure.

Simon wanted to refuse, just to turn it down and head off but the dog was practically begging and free food was hard to turn down. If the dinner was already ready he'd go in, have a bite and then leave just as quickly. This way if the dog asked him to go to poker or something he could easily refused without too much guilt. And it would be best to stay on good terms with his coworker.

Not like he had too many good friends as it was and Robbie was a good guy. If a dog. A larger, muscular dog that made him stand on edge every time he was around but still a good dog. Guy.

"Just a drink." Simon said deciding that was as far as his nerves would carrying him. He took another long smoke before turning the car off and getting out to join the dog who lead the way. That black stub of a tail was wagging the whole time.

Simon kept several paces behind the dog and watched as he headed up the steps. He'd never been to the dog's apartment before. Simon wasn't even sure if he should follow him up, half a mind just to turn around and leave. That firm rear in front of him was inviting however and what harm could a drink do? Even so Simon took another long drag before stashing it in his pocket before reaching the top of the steps the smoke mixing with his fogging breath.

The dog's apartment was the Third one down and was waiting for the cat out front. Simon in turn waited for the dog to head inside before following, once more stopping before heading in. The cold wind howled behind him sending shivers up his spine and it was only the thought of shelter that led him in. The smell of dog was strong inside as the door shut behind him leaving in the somewhat stale, musky apartment.

It was a classic bachelor pad. The living, dining and kitchen being in the same room with a hallway on the side most likely where the bedroom and bathroom were. A place that wouldn't even have an indoor laundry unit. Shoes were piled up next to the door next to the welcome mat. The garbage to his side was overflowing and the recycling looked as if it hadn't been taken out once this month. A tooth brush was on the counter of the kitchen and several old boxes had been kicked to the side as the rottweiler had come in.

The cat's heart was pounding as his eyes looked around the dark apartment for any sign of the dog who had seemingly vanished. He kept a hand firmly on the door as he stood his ground thinking more and more that this was a bad idea.

The overhead light turned on making him wince and looking away before blinking several times. The now shirtless dog gave him a wave before disappearing around the corner. Simon could feel his face turn red under his brown masked face, the inside of his ears feeling rather hot. The front of the dog's pants had been opened and his pink heart dotted boxers were visible.

The apartment was cold however like the outside and it soon cooled his fervor as he took the time to cool himself off. Swallowing Simon took a few more steps in keeping his coat and shoes on making sure it was clear he hadn't any inclination of staying long.

"Pizza will be ready in a bit." Robbie said popping out suddenly and making the cat jump back in alarm, fur standing out as he stood awkwardly trying to hide the fact he had been scared.

"P-pizza?" Simon swallowed before smoothing his fur out. He licked the back of his hand brushing his whiskers. "And here I was under the impression you actually had a proper dinner ready."

Rob watched the cat as he groomed his whiskers before perking up as the cat looked at him, tail wagging. "It's meat lovers." The dog answered.

"Touche." Simon conceded. Who didn't love a meat lovers?

"Chicago style." The dog grinned toothily sending that shiver up the cat's spine. "Cheese crust and all."

"You had me sold at meat lovers." Simon said quickly trying to smooth his fur back down once more with the back of his brown 'gloved' fur hand.

"I got a few beers as well. Cold." The dog frowned a bit afterwards. "I'm going to turn the heat on." He added watching the cat shiver a bit more. That broad head poked around the corner. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable." And then vanished down the hallway once more.

Simon just stood where he was not about to move and allow the dog to sneak up on him again. Someone his size shouldn't be able to be that sneaky. So he'd stay for a slice or two of pizza, grab a beer and call it good. That was fair, reasonable. His therapy group would be so proud. Having dinner with a dog? The cats wouldn't believe it Simon chuckled to himself, shaking his head at the thought.

The Siamese cat walked further into the apartment a bit poking his head around the corner to make sure the dog wasn't about to pop out again. The walls had a few pictures on them and in the main living room there had been some holiday decorations set up. A small twig of a tree was resting on the table in the dining room, lights strung around it. There was a large sock stocking nailed above the wide screen tv resting on a small black tv stand.

The sound of heavy steps made the cat's ear lift up and turn down the hall before his eyes soon followed glad this time he heard the heavy canine coming.

The rottweiler was shoeless, shirtless and in a pair of shorts but shook his head. "Sorry. The heaters seems to be on the fritz again." The dog scratched the loose neck skin looking off to the side thinking it."I never use the darn thing. You can borrow a coat if need be." He looked back at the cat. "Or I could bring out the big woolen blanket I use." He offered quickly wagging his stubby tail some more as he shrugged with a grin. "Might smell of dog though."

"No. I'm good." Simon said twitching his nose before looking behind him at the kitchen. The smell of cooking cheese and meat was enough for him to stick around a bit longer, thankful it was stronger than the natural scent of male dog in the room. Cold or not at least the warm pizza would be nice - he rather have anchovies though. "I don't plan on staying that long." He added looking back.

His ears folded back and he shirked away a bit as the dog was far closer than he had been before. Damn him and those sneaky paws, Simon cursed able to feel the dog's natural warm body heat washing over him as if he had just opened the oven door. And with it that strong smell of male.

"Too bad." Rob said with a shrug as if not too concern about it. His tail had stopped wagging however. "My roomie is out and who likes eating dinner alone?"

"Well I can stick around for a slice or two." Simon offered once more feeling guilty on the matter.

This wasn't the first time the dog offered to invite him over or go out to a bar (the cat would die before ending up in Collars and Chains though). Let alone the invitation of poker night, game night or during the super bowl. The cat had turned him down dozen of times already. Simon figured the dog would get the picture sooner or later but it never seemed to discourage the canine who had slipped past him and into the kitchen. Simon shivered in the contrast of the cold room and the warmth of the dog moving away.

Pulling a few plates down, Rob got an oven mitt out and was already licking his lips. Simon just moved around to take a seat on one of the stools.

The dog turned around to grab a few beers from the fridge, the action made the cat stand up quickly and the two stopped to just look at each other.

"You alright?" Rob asked with a weak, nervous chuckle hoping the cat wasn't dismayed by his offer of dinner. Rob was aware of the fact the cat had begrudgingly come along with this and was surprised the cat had stuck around as long as he had. For a long time Rob figured Simon hated the dog or something.

"Y-yeah, just fine. Really." Simon said taking another smoke and blowing the vapor out to the side. "Just fine." He repeated closing his eyes and rubbing the base of his short snout. His soft powdered blues looked up at into the deep muddy pits of the dog's own eyes who had been watching him.

"Long day?" Rob asked again clearly asking about the deeper meaning behind it.

"It's been rough." The cat replied with an equally weak chuckle. Simon wasn't about to go into details however. How could you possibly tell someone something like that.

And with that a heavy wet blanket of silence fell over the two again once more. Simon toyed with the electronic cigarette between his fingers as the dog drummed his fingers on the counter each looking in opposite directions.

"So... You've been eating pizza long?" Rob asked mentally kicking himself afterwards. There was literally only so much you could start a conversation with.

"No. First time." Simon replied. The dog was startled before laughing weakly taking a moment to realize he was joking. "Maybe I should just go." The cat stood up once more but the dog waved his hands quickly to stop him as his own fears began to uproot.

"It's almost done, it's almost done!" Rob insisted turning around to read the light. "See. Five more minutes." The dog quickly brought the beer out. "Beer solves everything."

"They should use that as a slogan." Simon rolled his eyes not taking the bottle from the dog. Rob took a moment and just set it down on the counter. Only then did the cat take it.

"Are all cats so offputting?" Rob chuckled watching the cat. It was such a difference from the guys. Like a whole different...species, Rob frowned at the thought. Ok, bad example. He could smell the fact the cat was agitated, then again he was always that way. He could also smell the fact Simon did, to an extent, enjoy his company.

"Most, yes." Simon admitted knowing that the dog had every right to think so. Rob tolerated him far more than the cat tolerated the dog which was saying something. Even in society there was a huge rift between the two species. "I just...don't like-," Simon stopped face palming at his own words.

"Dogs?" Rob finished for him folding his ears down. His heavy, broad shoulders fell and his flexing chest deflated leaving a hunched over rottweiler.

"It's not like that." Simon insisted but at the same time couldn't deny it either

"You can go." Rob said turning around to get the pizza from the oven as the timer went off. His tone alone betrayed his deflated ego on the matter. Kicking himself once more thinking there was actually anything else here.

Once more Simon felt guilty as the dog bent over to retrieved the cooked dough, cheese and meat. The dog was a bit surprised and bewildered to see the cat was still there when he turned around, nearly having the pizza slide off the pizza stone. An ear lifted up but the dog didn't press the matter. At first. Rob just set the pizza down taking off his mitts.

Slicing the pieces evenly he set two onto a plate. "I thought you didn't like dogs. Or do you just like pizza more."

Simon winced at the comment and nodded in his humility. Pains of guilt told him it wasn't right to stay and eat his food if the cat was just going to treat him like this. Simon knew it was stupid, dumb and unreasonable but when those eyes looked at him his heart began to race and his whole body was on edge, tense and for lack of a better word frightened. Like a corner animal. That was the only way he could describe it.

Simon moved to leave when a plate was placed in front of him.

"I invited you in for dinner. Might as well have some. Before you go." Rob said his voice losing any trace of that once upbeat friendly tone, it only put the cat more on edge.

"I'm sorry," Simon said getting up and heading out. He wrapped the scarf around his neck a bit more. "It's not what you think." He added looking at the dog before heading over to the door.

"And what is it I think? That you've just been playing with a bunch of dumb dogs like us? Some kind joke?" Rob growled.

"Like hell." Simon wanted to snap back but lost his voice half way through. The dog was glaring at him feeling betrayed on this whole matter. One thing about wearing your heart on your sleeves, you're just as easily injured. The cat's hands were shaking and his breathing was heavy as if he had just gotten done with a triathlon. Swallowing he just turned away planning to leave.

"And after everything I've done for you too," Rob barked. The very sound made Simon's legs freeze up and the cat was stuck where he stood wishing he had never come into this place. "Covering your shifts, helping out on your reports and even getting the other guys to ease off of you." Rob just growled deeper fists clenching tightly as his hackles rising up increasing the dog's already massive size. "Well what are you waiting for." Rob said taking a step closer, closing the already minimal distance between the two.

The dog lifted his hand up planning on opening the door for him but the cat wince sharply, flinching away if just slapped.

"Please don't hurt me!" Simon practically yelled, eyes clenched shut, cowering back into the corner and visibly shaking from head to toe as thick tears ran down his face.

"Holy fuck..." The dog cursed every trace of anger leaving him as his fur deflated. "Dude, shit. I wasn't going to... I was just getting the door. Shit, you thought I was going to- Fuck dude." Rob just reached out a bit unsure what to do. His natural instincts made him want to comfort the cat.

"Please don't," Simon cowered hating himself for it, how his body reacted, how he felt and unable to help it at the same time.

"Whoa, easy. I'm not going to do anything, little buddy." Rob tried to laugh. To make this a joke, to lighten the mood but he just stood there feeling worse about the matter.

Simon panted a bit, breathing heavily and holding his chest trying to even his breaths out from the panic attack, as the dog eased up. "S-sorry, I just...just..." The cat tried to apologize wincing once more at the dog's movements. The tears burning his cheeks as his claws sprung out. "Shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" He cursed biting his finger trying to calm down until blood was drawn.

"Fuck..." Rob wanted to reach out, say something, do something but just stood there cursing his own inability to do anything.

"Sorry." Simon said breathing a bit more consistently, evenly and paced. "I got this problem...with dogs..." Simon confessed planning on never seeing the dog again. He'd switch jobs, again. Hoping it wouldn't be an issue, again. And hoping he'd be able to pay the bills. IF someone would hire a cat afraid of one of the largest majorities of the populations. Let alone for his lack of experience in anything but retail. Most people in his shoes worked in isolated careers, something he wasn't lucky enough to come across. "I'm seeing a group about it..." Simon tried to explain further still unable to meet the dog's eyes and shaking, not from the cold.

"Shit, dude. I didn't know. I mean I didn't mean to, it's just." Rob wanted nothing more than to apologize with a hug, a touch, something physical and kept reaching out before withdrawing. A low whine escaped him hating himself for not being able to do anything but that.

"No, it's my fault. I mean how could you know, heh." Simon swallowed once more. "Could I get that beer now." He asked meekly shirking back a bit as the dog nodded and heading around to grab the cats untouched drink.

Rob offered it to him. Unable to just take it the dog set it down and moved back before Simon took a long drink to wet his parched throat.

"I'm sorry." Simon apologized yet again. Ashamed. The only word possible to explain it in this day and age.

"Look. I never meant to frighten you or anything, really." Rob tried to explain waving his apology away wanting to apologize himself. "It just wouldn't be the first time the fact I was a dog caused...issues." Rob said feeling self conscious himself in this matter.

"You're telling me." Simon laughed weakly heading around, hugging the wall the whole time, before taking a seat to give his wobbly legs a break. "Ever since I was a kitten I couldn't be in the presence of a dog for long."

Rob was about to point out he worked primarily with dogs before Simon went on.

"I've been taking classes in order to help...with my issue. It's far more common than you'd think." Simon swallowed before taking another long drink. "Smoking helps. And I normally change jobs...and apartments...or towns," he said in no more than a whisper reflecting on it. "But it's impossible to get away from... it."

Rob didn't answer. Instead he silenced his grumbling stomach with a slice of pizza, folding it in half before shoving it into his muzzle. He always ate when he was uncomfortable. Which explained the other three pieces he was shoving onto his plate.

"Give me a moment and I'll leave." Simon said taking out his cigarette again to smoke on. "Medical issues catnip," he chuckled looking at it. "Barely helps, it's been so diluted."

There was a moment or so and Simon took a bite of the cooling pizza on his plate. "So..." Rob began as he always did. "Afraid of dogs, huh?"

"It's the barking." Simon said frankly annoyed by the blunt statement. "And the way you...dogs look when you're angry." Jowls lifted, teeth bared, face scrunched up with "That...that look in those eyes." Simon grabbed his arm already feeling his fur standing up once more. He wiped his eyes off. "I don't mean to trouble you with this. It's a problem I have to deal with."

"Well if I can help." Rob offered after finishing a second piece and beginning on a Third.

"Help?" Simon lifted an ear and eyebrow up looking at him.

"Well I mean I'll be good." The dog smiled wagging his stubby tail with that friendly expression again. Simon hated it. Dog's could be so fickle. "I won't bark anymore, promise. And it's said you're suppose to face your fears." At the look he got the dog added "and what better way with a big fluffy, cuddly guy like me!" And he jabbed a finger against his bare chest, muscular chest.

Simon chuckled, a single laugh before looking down at his plate and picking at it. "I should get going." The cat said getting up and heading once more for the door.

Rob stood up a bit more planning on seeing him off but stopped a good arms length away not wanting to frighten him again. The dog doubted he'd ever get that picture out of his mind of the frightened cat. It pained his heart as it was. "Sorry, for what I did." Rob made sure to apologize before the cat opened the door.

Simon shook his head. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have come." That pain only stabbed at the rottweilers chest again at those words. "Don't tell anyone, please."

"That should go without saying." Rob said with a nod and a tail wag.

Simon turned to go before stopping. "And...thank you, Robert." Simon said his full name with a nod before opening the door.

A cold harsh wind blew and snow hit the cat in the face making his whiskers stand out. Simon couldn't even see past the railing as the snow swept by.

"Look's like a blizzard." Rob pointed out standing behind him and peering out.

"No shit, Sherlock." Simon scowled with folded ears and shutting the door.