Project Guardian: chapter 4: first date.

Story by Convexity Reborn on SoFurry

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"This is not good." 553 stood there, looking at the female lizard he was being forced to fight. She slowly walked out of the cage she was in and turned towards him, causing him to jump. She laughed and spoke in a voice that was seductive and sounded shockingly familiar to 553. "There's no reason to be scared, all I want to do is play." Her hips swayed as she walked over to the cage 553 was in. As she stepped into 553's cage she stopped and looked at 553, examining his every detail. "You look familiar, what's your name sexy? Mine's jasmine." As she said her name, 553 recognized the her.

She used to be Rose's assistant. "My name is Subject 553 of the Guardian Project." As he spoke she smiled. "553, its been a long time hasn't it sweetie. I missed those big muscles of yours." A tentacle came out of her back and grabbed the door to the cage, sliding it closed and trapping them. "We're going to have so much fun together." She walked closer to 553 and several tentacles snaked out from behind her. Before he could react, five of the tentacles shot towards him, he managed to dodge three of them, but the other two wrapped around his left leg. They pulled him off his feet and he felt tentacles wrap around his other limbs. They dragged him over to Jasmine and hung him in front of her. "Now, let's see those muscles of yours." A tentacle slid into his shirt and across his chest, then ripped off the shirt and threw it out of the cage. She reached out a hand and put it on his chest just below his neck, and she slowly began to slide it down, "So strong..." She began to slide her hand over his muscled stomach, "so powerful ..." She began to slide her hand into his jeans. "And your all mine..."

"Not today bitch!"

A spout of blood exploded from the tentacles that were holding 553 and a scream of pain came from jasmine as a flash of light came from behind 553, and he felt arms wrap around him and his vision flashed white and he found himself standing outside the cage next to a female fox with flames coming out of her hands, standing behind him was a male who warped an arm around the fox and 553. Then his vision flashed white, and all was quiet.