The Ramblings Of A Madman: Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak, Part Three: The Death Of A Villain

Story by Reptilius on SoFurry

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"One doesn't really know when he'll strike next. Hell, we don't even know IF he'll strike. For all I know, Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak is dead and gone. Its long? Fifteen years since he assaulted that little girl? Good thing Kadow told us. Otherwise, we could have had a "serial rapist" on the loose. And we don't want that. Not around here, anyways..."

~ Headmaster Roger Haroldsen

"You just don't understand, do you? He appeared before me in my dreams, came up close to me and talked with me...he was so calm and gentle, not like the insane pervertion of flesh, blood and bone I met so many years ago! You are out of your minds! Even though Nattak was once an insane son of a bitch, he's really a sweet guy when you get to know him..."



"Students! Please pay attention! Today is graduating day! Since you already know the rules, and the classrooms you are to meet your proctors, all you have to do now is practice! Please find your books and start reading!"

Headmaster Haroldsen was greeted by a series of displeased groans and yawns, making him frown slightly, retreating back to the main hall where he had spent the past two hours studying the groups of the different students. This seemed to amuse the aged wolf, and he snickered loudly to himself, comfortably seated on an old, ramshackle chair.

Haroldsen always bragged that he knew every single one of the students at Lockville High as well as he knew his own pockets. This drew quite a laugh from the crowd, since he never wore pants with pockets. But, 'twas true what Haroldsen said: He knew quite a few, from the newbies to the veterans. Then again, that wasn't so surprising. After all, with sixty-three and a half year of experience with handling brats to admiring viz-kids, Haroldsen could brag about all he wanted.

Then again, there were some students he wished he had never the young girl with the pale, lifeless eyes. The one who had tried to...The one with the scar on her wrist...She was so beautiful, that full of life, but yet so dark, sad and silent...She was always sitting by herself, under a tree near the schoolyard's exit. She was never seen with friends, she was always by herself, prancing around in the schoolyard like a confused pigeon...

Her name...well, no one really knew her name. One would think she was unable to speak at all. Her grades were constantly dropping, especially in English, and other language-oriented classes. She was, however, skilled in arts, and not a single person, not even her own teacher, could outmatch her. Good thing that she at least had ONE thing she could base her education on...

"Attention all students! Graduation is about to begin! Now, please listen closely to what I am about to say, since I will only say this once!"

The classroom fell silent. It was apparent that none of the students had spent their time reading. Everyone had been chatting and exchanging books containing rumors and simple toilet humor.

" that I have your attention...everyone are to follow their respective proctor to the room where the exams are to be held. There, you will be given your assignment. The graduation will last for forty-five minutes, plus ten more minutes where you can go through your paper and check it. Any questions?"

The room was dead silent. The teacher nodded, opened the door, and motioned for the students to go. He gave each and every one of them a smile and a pat on the back. Even the smallest, most fragile-looking girl in class. She smiled meekly at the teacher, got on her toes and hugged him. Then, she was on her way to the classroom where she was to meet her proctor.

The corridors had never seemed that cold and empty...not a single junior student could be heard, only the dripping from some ruined pipes and the sound of the cleaning lady's mop being dragged across the floor. And then there was the constant muttering from each and every single classroom she passed on her classroom 313.

The door creaked awfully when she opened hadn't been oiled in ages, it seemed, and the smell from the classroom was close to unbearable...still, she entered, keeping her books under her arm, her pencils in her hand. She felt...fully prepared, but still...something wasn't entirely right around here. Something was fishy...

Slowly, the door slid open, and the young demoness stumbled into the room. She almost lost balance, but she managed to regain it, and stood trembling before her proctor. He was strangely familiar...the same hardened expression in his face, the same cruel, bloodshot eyes, and the same veil that he used to cover his left eye...

"Well, well, well...I sure say the students around here don't change much through the years! You're still the same, flat-chested hellwhore that I fucked back in my old days!"

Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak...a 6'7" tall brute composed entirely of muscle, blood and bone. Add a tint of evil, a big-ass sword that he carried around at all times for very apparent purposes, long white hair and a few other trinkets too horrible to explain, and you got the perfect bad-ass. And here he was, standing before his past victim, his sword tightly clutched in his grasp. 'Velvet Rose'...the perfect assassin weapon, and Gilgamesh's only apparent friend. He referred to it only as "The Rapist's Best Pal". Strange how such things seem to go hand in hand...

", not're not really here, you're not really h-"

"Why, of course I am, little girl. You are a fool to think otherwise. You didn't honestly believe that I would let a warm, tight cunt like you wander away from my reach now, did you?"

Nattak sneered. His evil, single green eye glowing like a lantern in the dim light from a single candle standing on a nearby desk to illuminate some of the classroom. The young demoness was paralyzed in fear. Even though she wanted to move, even though she wanted to escape, Nattak didn't give her a single chance. He merely snickered, eyeing her over, staring deep into her sea-green, innocent eyes. Then, he took the first step towards her. She, however, didn't budge.

"It is wise to run now, you little bitch. You are aware that this time, I won't only settle with raping your little firm ass, I am also going to allow my little friend here to play around..."

Nattak pointed to the fearful sword sheathed in a burgundy container on his back, attached with a few leather straps, some wire and great iron bolts that he had willingly pierced his own flesh with. Oozing, infected wounds were clearly visible where he had struck the bolts in, and a constant river of blood and pus ran from crevices all over his heavily muscled back. Strange protrusions, tentacles and sneering mouths appeared in his skin, along with bloodshot, manic eyes and four new arms, cruelly barbed and bristling with muscle and stiff, coarse hair.

The young demoness could do nothing but watch as the horrid daemon kept changing, its flesh cracking up to seethe more pus and gore. She wondered how long he could keep transforming without turning into a gibbering wreck of nothing less than tissue and brain fluids. It was when that thought struck her, that she ran. Escaped. Got away from the talons of death. Although tears clouded her beautiful eyes, she managed to dash through the dark corridors of Lockville High...

Behind her, she could hear every single footstep...every single howl from the desperate, perverted souls that Nattak had consumed through the ages. How such a perverse, foul being could have netered, let alone, gotten anywhere near a public place like this, was anyone's guess. She honestly didn't care now...All she wanted to do, was escape...

"You scare too easily, dear...I can see that you are in pain! Allow me to end it!!! You will be thankful when we meet again in Hell!!!"

"You fucking scumbag! Perverted bastard! Get away from me, you hear!?"

She kept running, ignoring Nattak's evil laugh that seemed to go on for eternity due to the echoing effect provided by the old, wooden walls. The muttering from the classrooms had subsided...It was probably Nattak's doing, she thought, never turning around to see how close he was to get her. For all she knew, he could be right behind her, ready to bite over her neck and end her life...

"Run all you want! There is no way you can get away! We might as well just get this over with!"

"I thought you had changed, Nattak! I honestly thought you were a good guy!"

"Good guy? Old habits are hard to kill, my dear. Once an evil rapist, always an evil rapist. So, you've been hoping that you could actually change me? Too bad! It is time for your childish ambitions to go dark forever!"

("There's no way I can escape! I don't even know where he is!")

Every shadowy corner, ever single narrow corridor, every dark window...he could be hiding anywhere. What a foul abomination he had become! But how...Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when a cold, furry paw was laid upon her shoulder. She froze for an instant, then she spun around, backhanding what could be nothing else than the mountain of flesh that had chased her for all this time.

It was a clean blow. A little spurt of blood, and the figure fell to the floor. Upon closer inspection, the young demoness found that the person she had knocked out wasn't Nattak at all, but a demoness, much like herself. Such delicate features, with the purest, snow-white markings...she was a proctor. And she didn't seem unconscious...

"Damn it, did you have to hit me so hard!?!?"

"S-sorry, its just that..there's a man chasing after me...ohmygodohmygodohmygod...."

"Calm down! Who's this guy you're blabbering about!?"

The little demoness didn't answer. She turned around an ran, as fast as her scrawny little legs could carry her. She cursed her poor luck for being so popular among the 1st class bastards of Lockville High, and shouted one last line to the fellow demoness, standing there baffled and confused.

"I'm going to find an exit! If I were you, I would do that, too, before Mr. Fuckhead finds you! Trust me, he isn't an everyday proctor! He's more the sick, twisted type!"

The young demoness' shadow disappeared into the shadows of the next corridor, following the green lights of the big "EXIT"-signs lined up along the walls. The other demoness sighed, cracked her neck, and kept chasing after her unlucky victim, her shape changing along the way to something...terrible and misshapen...

(", I'm exhausted...just a five second break here at the staircase...")

The demoness ceased running, leaning her body against the wall, her tongue rolling out of her muzzle. She panted and huffed, trying to regain her breath and calm her heartbeats so that the beast couldn't track her by sound...a series of bounce-bounce-bounce sounds behind her made her wince, and she turned to see what it was, just in time to see a little red ball rolling against her from the nearby, jet-black staircase.

"I've heard you like playing...I actually overheard your auntie Rosalie talk about it to a man when she bought you a pair of rollerskates. Would you like to play some before you die? Or would you rather I just end it quickly? Oh wait, now I're the hard-to-get type. Very well, I guess you'll just have to keep running..."

The demoness froze. How did this monstrosity of a man know her aunt's name? And how could he have overheard her talking to a man without being noticed?


"Very simple, my dear. I was that man. I change skin the way an "ordinary" man changes his clothes. A pity you didn't know this before, but...I've been watching you ever since the day you were hospitalized..."


"Oh yes, trust me. I am a man for my word, even though I like gutting people and watching their blood flow. Heh, and that is exactly what I intend to do with you now. Or later, its your decision, really. I'm a fair man."

"You're not a fair're not even a man. You're a sick fuck, and I loathe you not only for what you are, but for what you are gradually becoming..."

She could once again hear Nattak's laughter ringing out into the darkness, that seemed to ensnare her and surround her more and more for every single second. Were the lights going out? No, not at a time like this! She span around, noticing another "EXIT"-sign. That was her goal. She had to reach that sign. And the next one. And the next one...and the next...

"This is David's battle against Goliath, young demoness, but with a different outcome than the myth. You know I can easily crush you, like a fly, and that I will remain patient with you until you get a bit too close to the exit. This school, this darkness...the place where many of your worst memories hail from, is my home now, my domain. Don't you understand it yet? I am everywhere. I am everything. There is no escape. Alea Iacta Est. The dice has been thrown."

The demoness ignored the voice ringing in her head, focusing entirely on the sign before her. She was close to the entrance now, a thought that made her a little more at ease. Knowing that there was that single sign left, the demoness began dashing...Soon after, she was outside. She had narrowly escaped death. By inches. By a few, bloody centimeters.

"Tsk, tsk...naughty, naughty girl. Escaping from your lover like Cinderella escaped the man of her dreams. I know you want me, my dear, and you detest me for it. You hate me, yet you love me. You want me inside you again, to feel my rough erection slide across your moist, silky walls. You want to ride me and milk me for my seed, and fuck me for everything I am worth. That is why we're meant for each other. Bitch."

With that said, the demon removed his eyepatch, the one who had been covering his left eye for ages, his veil...What the demoness saw, made her stomach turn, and moments later, she threw up. A sulphur-yellow, burning eye, staring right at her. She would have recognized that kind of eye everywhere she went...the eyes of her father...

"You...killed my parents?!?!?!? When!?? Where!??"

"In your own apartment, dear. They posed a threat to me, with their defending-their-daughter-to-death thing. Too bad your father couldn't reach his shotgun. That could have saved the poor sucker. Oh well. Your mother however...ohhh, the best fuck I've had in ages. She DID resist, but in another way than your Daddy, know what I'm saying?"

"You...raped my mother...?"

"Orally, vaginally and rectally, if I might add. I burst her from the inside-out. Poor slut. Your father couldn't have been virile...she was tight!!!"

The demoness fell to her knees, tears running from her beautiful eyes to soak her furry cheeks. Her parents dead, her rapist before her, there was little the demoness could do. The desperation was tearing her apart, and every single breath of air was a mental challenge by now. She wanted nothing more than death.

"Do it...end my life. I want to see my parents."

"I never thought you would ask. Truth to be told, I didn't expect to be so openly invited to finish you off, but...heck, its boring, but I'll do it anyway!"

The massive wolven demon took a few steps against the broken demoness lying in the mud. He watched her, from her shoulder-length, ruffled hair to her ample breasts. Then, he unsheathed his massive guillotine-blade, its dark edge catching the heartbroken, young demoness' eye. He raised it towards the sky, muttered a few things, and prepared to deliver the final blow. He looked down at her, his eyes ablaze with a hatred so intense one could almost see it, and spoke in a dry, raspy voice.

"See you in Hell, bitch. Too bad you're the first to go..!"

The demoness closed her eyes, shed one last tear, and waited. Unexpectedly, a loud bang was all that came, and nothing more. She felt no pain, and her fear subsided. Was she dead? If this was death, it felt strangely familiar...she dared to open her eyes, only to find Nattak face-down in the mud, his chest and intestines splattered all over the surface of the schoolyard. Behind her, was her father, having lost one of his eyes in a desperate battle with evil incarnate. He was still standing, though, his shotgun in hand, smiling down at her with a face that reflected nothing but joy of seeing his daughter alive and well.


"Yes, hon. Its me. Are you allright?"

"I...think so...but I'm not entirely sure yet..."

"Its allright, I understand...just calm down, and let's go home. I'll phone the cops as soon as we get home, so that they can take care of this heap of trash, before the crows start feasting on him. We don't want the crows to suffer..."

"Is Mom...?"

"Your mother's fine. She's home, trying to calm her nerves with a cup of coffee. She broke her legs when she tried to kick him away, and that is the reason she couldn't come. She's worried sick, and wants to see you. Come, hon, let's go..."

The two vanished into the vicinity, a trail of blood and sweat following in their footprints. The sun had long since settled, the birds had ceased singing, and all was dark and cold, except from the nearby highway illuminated by a few cars driving by and some street signs reflecting the bleak, pale light from the moon. The moon hung high in the sky, having witnessed the death of a grand villain...its light gave life to the schoolyard, and pretty soon, the clock had passed twelve. The bells in the church had struck twelve times, and the thirteenth hour of the night had begun.

Soon after, a new pair of footprints followed those of the demoness and her father...