Gift for a Pet

Story by Jake Firetail on SoFurry

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A gift for my pet Silver_Folf.

The sun was high into the air as it wasn't just a normal day in winter, today was a special day for everyone who celebrated a certain day. The day in question was Christmas and to the mixture of delight and dismay from everyone in the city it was a White Christmas. On the outskirt of the city limits there was a house which was alone that rarely had anything but a airplane or helicopter flying overhead in terms of anything that causes a disturbance to the inhabitants. The inhabitants inside were just two males with a very unique relationship that keeps the two together.

One fur which lived inside of the house was a twenty-two year old red fox who was the main worker of the household. He worked as an accountant at a local tax office, having just been hired there a few months ago once he had graduated college. The only other fur which lived in the household was another male,a twenty-one year old silver and black furred folf named Silver. That folf was the one which usually stayed at home and took care of what many would call the "womanly" duties of the household while the other male was off at work.

However what made this relationship different than pretty much any other one inside of the city was that these two weren't just friends and weren't mates. The relationship these two shared was that the Fox was the master to the Folf. The two of them had met in the first year of high school and had hit things off within the first words they shared. All during high school they were pretty much inseparable, many thinking that they were adopted brothers of another or boyfriends due to how much time they spent together. However on the night when the two of them graduated, the folf had asked the fox for a very special request. This request was for them to take their relationship to another level, however not the normal level of being mates. Silver had thought about it long and hard, pretty much giving up his freedom to be with the male who had made him happy and did everything he could for him. It took a few begs from Silver to get him to finally say yes, but eventually the fox did. Now it had been three years that they had been in this relationship.

The first few months were awkward for Jake, having someone call him master instead of his name was something he never thought would happen. What made it even more awkward was that it was his best friend from the past couple of years. But over those months he became more situated, having the folf agree that things wouldn't change that much. Times were rough at times between the two with college for the fox and having to travel back to see his pet. But those days were behind them now as they were able to move in together mere days after he had graduated.

Since the move things had been going smoothly and enjoyable for them, both of them extremely happy to spend so much time together. Though things were smooth and enjoyable, there was this feeling deep down in Jakes stomach of something he wanted to do. He had to hint at it a few times with questions now and then, but he finally felt confident enough to think that what they wanted was shared. Jake could barely wait for the day where he could finally enact on what he wanted to do, but today was the day he had been waiting for.

Though they did share the relationship of a master and pet, Jake gave Silver pretty much everything a normal roommate or close friend would have. About the only thing different was around the Folf's neck there was a red leather collar which had Jake's name engraved into it. The fox wanted them to be equals for the most part, however the aspects of a pet that they did indulge into they both seemed to enjoy. Silver would stop what he was doing if he was called upon by Jake and would do pretty much anything he was asked. However if he had a good reason for not wanting to do something, Jake sometimes would let him off without doing it. It was a relationship that most owners would hate, however the fox didn't care at all what anyone else thought of how the two lived their lives.

Since it was just the two of them there wasn't much to do in terms of a normal Christmas morning. Jake had gotten Silver a few items he had been wanting, such a new collar since his old one was starting to tear. However the fox had saved his most important gift for a time where Silver wouldn't expect it, which just happened to be now.

"Pet, come in here for a moment." Jake spoke out for wherever his pet may be in the house. He was inside of his own room, sitting on the bed with his door open so his voice could be heard throughout the building. Within moments, the sound of pawsteps could be heard practically running through the house until Silver stopped at the door for a second before stepping inside. "Yes master?" he asked, standing just a few feet from his master.

Now was the time for Jake to put his plan into action, placing his paw under his chin. "What is this that you're wearing? I have told you to make sure you keep your clothes clean when you're cleaning up the house. How can it be clean when your shirt is a mess? Strip out of your clothing and sit down on the bed." the red fox spoke out as he slowly stood up from where he had been seated. Silver's reaction was immediate, his ears slowly drooping down in sadness and worry. Without a second thought as usual he started to proceed with the demand from his master. His grey shirt was soon slipped over his head and placed onto the bed, along with his blue jeans. He stood there in a pair of black boxers, wondering if he would need to take those off as well. But before he could even get a question out, he could hear the sound of an annoyed tapping paw on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his silver furred paws around the waistband of those boxers before they were dropped to his ankles. Quickly bending over to pick them up, they joined the rest of his clothing on the bed.

Now that he was completely nude, he took his seat where he had been told to on the bed. Jake walked up to him slowly, reaching his paw out and placing it under his chin. He quickly jerked his paw upward, forcing his pet to look at him eye to eye now. Silver's eyes showed nothing but fear now as he had never seen his master this way. The fox's other free paw had shot up into the air as though he was going to strike his pet, causing the folf to close his eyes in fear. However what happened next was something that he never would have expected. Instead of feeling the pain of his master's paw against any part of his body or muzzle, he felt something warm and soft against his lips. Once he opened up his eyes, they opened wide in shock as his lips were locked tightly with his master's.

Silver simply sat right where he was for now, his body seemingly in a state of shock of what was going on right inside of his master's bedroom. When his lips had finally been freed from Jake's own, it took him another moment before he was able to even put the words he wanted to say in a complete sentence. "Does.. that mean those questions you asked were for this?" Silver asked, referring to a set of questions that Jake had asked him a month ago. The questions were to see if Silver wanted something to help him with his masturbation, however mixed in with those questions were a few to test just what his pet's true feelings were for his master. Though Jake was still a bit unsure on if he really did feel that strong, he felt as though it was better to take a shot in the dark than keep wondering.

Jake simply gave a nod to answer his question before standing up onto his footpaws. Since Jake had not planned to go anywhere today, as usual when he didn't he simply kept on a loose pair of black boxers. The only garment he had on his body was soon down at his ankles and then off of his body completely. Silver couldn't help but gaze at his master's nude form, his eyes soon falling upon the white furred sheath that the fox had usually kept hidden from him. Jake noticed where Silver's eyes were transfixed to, causing a chuckle to escape his lips. The chuckle caused the folf to turn his gaze away quickly with a blush on his cheeks.

However Jake reached over to his pet, gently taking Silver's paw into his own. Slowly but surely the two paws came closer and closer to the white furred sheath of the fox's. He couldn't hold back a soft moan of pleasure as the silver furred paw had made contact with his sheath, knowing that Silver had been the first male to ever touch him down there. "Go ahead, I am sure you know what to do with something like this." Jake teased at his pet, causing the folf's blush to intensify on his cheeks. Though he was still surprised by this scenario that he had been placed into, Silver did start to gently grope his master's sheath.

It didn't take long for Jake to respond to the pleasure of his sheath getting groped and fondled, his red foxhood quickly starting to erect right in front of his pet's gaze and his own. Inch after inch of the flesh slipped out of its protective home, much to the hidden enjoyment of Silver. Just as three inches were now outside of his sheath, Jake quickly pushed his pet's paw off of his sheath. Silver was surprised by this, thinking that he had done something wrong. He wanted to say something but Jake slowly leaning over and closer to his muzzle caused his lips to stay quiet. Just as it looked like they were going to kiss again, the fox's muzzle slid to the side slightly and rested outside of his ear. "I think thats enough of your paw, lets see if you've used that dildo I bought for you for something besides your rear." Jake whispered into his ear, catching Silver off guard once again.

The fox was right however, aside from using it to thrust in and out of his rear he had wrapped his lips around it and pretended it was a real cock. Although it wasn't the first time that he had a cock inside of his muzzle, a mixture of being quite flexible and a decent sized cock himself had allowed him to perform fellatio on himself on numerous occasions. This was something that Jake had not known about his pet at all, however he was soon going to find out just how good Silver was.

Now that his paws were at his side on the bed Silver began to lean in closer and closer to his master's foxhood, still slightly nervous as he didn't want to disappoint him at all. Once he was close enough, Silver took a quick breath before he opened up his muzzle and took his master's erecting foxhood inside.

The sudden feeling of his foxhood being engulfed in Silver's warm muzzle was a feeling that surprised him, having been quite some time before he had anyone do this to him before. Even though he had been in this situation before with a female, for a reason that he could not place his paw on it felt even better than before. It did not take long for Jake to become fully erect inside of his pet's muzzle, Silver showing that he did know more things than he let on. Though he had accomplished getting his master completely erect, Silver knew that his work still was just beginning.

Jake could feel his foxhood starting to be assaulted by his pet's tongue, licking everywhere from the base and even inside of his sheath at times all the way to the very tip of his cock. Though as he was getting pleasured there was something that he couldn't help but wonder about. He slowly leaned to the right, lowering his head down to catch a glimpse to Silver's own groin. It wasn't much of a surprise that Silver was already completely erect, however what did surprise him was that his pet's own shaft was almost as long as his own. Though he wasn't large by at means himself at eight inches, he would have never thought that the shy and normally submissive pet he owned would be sporting quite a secret inside of his pants.

He was quickly reminded of what was going on with his own foxhood once Silver had given a delightful suckle onto the head of his shaft. That caused a few shots of his precum to be shot out into the Folf's muzzle, giving him a taste of what he could be coming if he continued with the skills he was putting on display. Jake was quite sure that thanks to Silver's constant licking over the last couple of moments was enough to prepare him for what he wanted to do, he looked down at his pet and could see him.. enjoying himself. Silver's eyes were closed with one of his paws gently groping his own cock while his other was behind Jake and placed behind his back. The fox was surprised that he had not noticed this, wondering if it was when he had focused most of his attention on inspecting Silver's own groin.

He had not planned on doing what he decided on next, however Silver had been so obedient to him, rarely ever saying no, and just being his best friend so so long that he just couldn't find it in his heart to tell him to stop. Every suck no matter how strong or how gentle he was given by his pet along with the licking was getting him ever so closer to his first orgasm. "Thats it my pet, you're such a good boy. Just a little more." spoke Jake softly as he wanted to warn Silver that he would soon be reaching his peak. Upon hearing that it seemed to trigger something inside of the folf.

Silver had been alternating from licking and sucking on his master's cock however that all changed once the warning had reached his ears. The licking all but stopped as he now simply wanted the male he called Master to fill up his muzzle. Silver's once stationary muzzle was now bobbing quickly on the fox's cock, causing the standing male to moan out in the sudden spike of pleasure. More and more precum shot out into his pet's muzzle until finally there was nothing more that Jake could do to hold off. His paws quickly went to the back of his pet's head, holding him stationery. With a short thrust of his own, still being careful to not choke his pet, he started to fill up Silver's muzzle with his cum. Rope after rope of his seed was ejactualed inside of the other male's oral cavity, causing Silver to try to swallow every drop that he was given. In the beginning he had done a great job to keep it all inside, however Jake had saved up a few week's worth or orgasms so his first one was quite strong. Before long it started to seep out of his lips and down his chest where it landed on Silver's own cock.

But soon Jake's orgasm had finally slowed to a stop, however he wasn't empty just yet. He slowly took a step back to pull his still erect foxhood out of Silver's muzzle, seeing the seed still dripping off of his muzzle and chest. But now that his muzzle was empty, there was nothing stopping him from looking up at his fox master with a wide smile on his face. There was no reason to ask if he had enjoyed that, the look he was being given was answer enough for the fox. However things weren't over just yet for the two of them.

"That felt amazing my pet, but that isn't all that I had planned for us as I am sure you know." Jake spoke to his pet, slowly kneeling down until his knees were on the bed beside Silver. His right paw was gently placed onto the folf's messy chest, putting pressure onto it and causing the other male to slowly lay back until he was laying down completely. This allowed Silver's own shaft to show its full length, being tilted back slightly due to him laying down but it did show the fox's first thoughts were right.

Jake brought that same paw which pushed Silver onto his back up to his muzzle, sticking a finger inside of it and getting it wet. "Lets hope you've used that toy enough to prepare you back there. Now raise your knees into your chest for me." the fox ordered, watching as without hesitation Silver had done just that. This allowed for Jake to move his entire body in between his legs, but also revealed his hidden hold in between those firm cheeks of Silver' The wet finger slid down in between of his rear cheeks, taking a moment of feeling around before it was able to find what it had been looking for.

Silver moaned softly at the gentle poking that was being done to his anus, his own paws around his knees as it helped him keep his legs high in the air and out of the way for his master. Jake had started to apply pressure against Silver's anus slowly, testing to see just how much it would take to slide inside of him. It was a bit of pressure before his finger slipped inside, slowly getting deeper and deeper to finish the preparation for what he had been the most excited to do for the day.

Once Jake was satisfied enough, he removed his finger and wiped it on his bed to get it completely dry. Silver had enjoyed the feeling of his master's finger inside of his rear, causing his own cock to start to dribble his own precum onto his belly. However now he watched as Jake slid off of the bed, confused for a moment for what the fox was doing now. Jake didn't say a word of what he was doing, instead while he was standing at the edge of the bed he reached down and grasped his paws around SIlver's waist. The folf yipped in surprise once he felt that, being gently pulled until his rear was at the edge of the bed. Once that had been done Silver understood what his master was doing to him.

Things were almost ready, there was just one more thing Jake needed to do before he proceeded with actually mating with his pet. Doing one leg at a time, Jake slowly pulled Silver's legs which were bundled up close to his chest until they were around his own body. This limited to how much Jake could do with the now confined space, but he still had more than enough to do what he had planned to. Things were finally ready for the fox, reaching down to his own foxhood to place it just so the tip was nudging against his pet's anal ring. "Are you ready my pet?" Jake asked, watching Silver's head nod quickly in excitement.

Seeing that Silver was ready as he was, there was no reason to hold off on it any longer. Starting to press his foxhood against his pet's tailstar, it took a bit of pressure until the head of his shaft finally broke the plane and slipped inside of him. This caused a sudden moan from the both of them, Silver from being penetrated by something other than his toy and from Jake by how tight his pet still was back there. The fox could tell that his pet had been using the toy on a decently constant basis, however there still hadn't been enough time for him to stretch himself to accommodate everything that Jake had to offer. As much as the fox would have loved to knot his pet on their first mating together, he didn't want to risk hurting Silver at all. Along with that for Silver to take the knot would be something for his pet to work towards.

Knowing a bit more of his limitations now, Jake slowly started to press more and more of his foxhood into his moaning and writhing pet. The feeling of an actual cock inside of his rear was much more enjoyable than his dildo, even with just the first few inches inside of him it was making him feel sensations that he had never felt in his life. However that was just the start as inch after inch of his master's canine shaft continued to slide deeper inside of his hole. As the inches started to build inside of him, it also caused his anus to stretch out slightly. While the dildo Jake had purchased for him was large, the fox himself was just a bit wider than what the folf had been able to take inside of him.

Finally the fox was able to get seven inches inside of his pet, the final inch unable to fit inside of Silver as that was being taken up by his inflated knot. Once again without a warning again, the fox leaned his body down and locked lips with his pet once again. This time however the kiss was not the short one that he had been given earlier. No, this one was much deeper and full of an emotion that Silver wasn't that used to. The feeling that was being shared between the two was love. Silver couldn't hold back the moan from being expressed from his muzzle, the fox's ears twitching as he was able to hear it even through the kiss they shared. Both sets of masculine lips were wrapped around one another for the next few moments before they finally broke apart.

Their eyes met meer inches from one another, causing Silver to blush once again. As he had noticed this, Jake smiled and gave his nose a soft lick. "Thats a good boy, now let me give you the reward you have been deserving of." the fox spoke softly before he stood back up to how he was before. The kiss had given Silver enough time to allow his tailhole to get used to the extra width that was inside of it, still being a bit tight against the foxhood of his master. Although the bit of tightness was something that Jake enjoyed, finally starting to pull out slowly. Inch after inch of his canine shaft pulled out of Silver's tail until just an inch remained. The sudden feeling of emptiness caused him to whine, however the whine didn't last long as Jake pushed himself back inside.

With every thrust Jake felt as though he could pick up the pace, which he did. Silver had not yet complained of any pain or discomfort, the only thing the folf had been doing was moaning out in pleasure along with the occasional squirm now every time he was filled once again. Silver's legs were holding loosely around the fox's back, giving him enough room to go at his pace as he was simply at the mercy of whatever his master wanted to do now. But luckily for Silver, Jake wanted him to enjoy this just as much as he was at the moment.

However as much as the two of them enjoyed this, they both knew that this wasn't going to last too long. They both were still quite sensitive from their orgasms a few moments ago, especially Jake who was squirting a rope of precum inside of Silver at every thrust now. He knew he was very close, knowing that Silver was close as well. However as he knew he was close, Jake wanted to help his pet along and right over the peak on his own. With both of his paws being free, the fox slowly leaned over so he could look at the Folf right into his eyes like when they had kissed. However now there was more of a distance between them, enough room for his right paw to slip in between their bodies to grasp his shaft. Silver responded immediately with a loud moan, that small grasp being what was needed to send him over the edge.

The sudden orgasm surprised Jake, not having an idea that Silver would have been that close just yet. However the folf had been and was now coating his chest and belly once again in his cum. However along with how the front of his body was reacting to his orgasm, his rear was clenching down hard on Jake's foxhood. He wasn't expecting SIlver to cum so fast, so the sudden tightening around his cock caused him to reach his peak as well. His free paw held his body up from collapsing down onto his pet as he started to cum inside of Silver. Rope after rope of his pure white and sticky seed was being deposited inside of the male that was so close to him and the male that he loved now.

Although due to their previous orgasm, both of the current ones were much shorter than they both had hoped to share. They both had reached the end of their orgasms somewhat quick, although it didn't make the mess they shared any less. A few drops of seed was able to seep out of Silver's rear onto his master's sheets while the folf himself had white stains all over his chest, belly, and even on his muzzle where he had not been able to swallow all of Jake's seed.

Slowly the fox laid himself down on his pet, not caring that the cum that was in his pet's fur was getting onto his own now. He laid against the other male, gently licking under his chin. Jake's foxhood was just beginning to deflate now, slowly letting inch after inch slip out until finally Silver's tailhole was empty once more. Although unlike last time Silver didn't whine, instead he wrapped his paws around his master and held the other male against him. Jake slowly licked his pet's cheek, his muzzle going to his ear one more time. "Merry Christmas my pet." he whispered, watching as Silver's eyes slowly closed for a well deserved rest for the folf.