Sonic, Shadow and Amy: A trio adventures -Chap 5-

Story by df00 on SoFurry

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#6 of Stories in English

Well, as i promised, here is the english version of my story.

I hope you like it, and feel free to post a coment!

~See ya there!Prev Chap |Next ChapUpdate: I made some corrections, with IB: RayThompson 's help, thank you again!

Chap. 5: Run is not always the best choice

*Sonic, Shadow and Amy runs by the hall "H" to the central room, Silver and Blaze runs at the same time through the hall "B" to the same room, when...*

Sonic:-Stop faker!-

Shadow:-Sonic, this is not a cops movie, that's stupid, Hey Mephiles! How have you been with somebody who doesn't appreciate you?

Mephiles:-Better than you, idiot, why don't you give me your best shot?

Shadow:-Enjoy it!-*Shadow gets his gun and he starts to shoot to Mephiles, but, this turns as the Shadow's Shadow, blind by the anger, Shadow starts to shoot to the floor, thinking sometime Mephiles was going to go out, until Sonic stops him*

Sonic:-Are you idiot or what? Don't shoot to the floor, you're gonna be without bullets, if you still have any-

Shadow:-I have only one-*Desolation for committing a huge mistake*

Amy:*with threatening position*-Leave Scourge to me-*Starts to run to Scourge with her Metal Piko Piko Hammer, hitting him in the stomach, leaving him without air temporarily, but Scourge gets up weakly*

Scourge:*with perv. voice but agitated by the hit*-Hey baby, we have pass it so well on the way here, plus, you were hitting me so hard that I would like to throw you to the floor and fuck you so hard as you was hitting me, but, I'm a good man, and I prefer you choose between the Sonic's shit and the perfect me-*Evil smile*

Amy:*Screaming with confidence*-Of course I choose Sonic! He is better than you in all ways!-

Scourge:*Angry*-Ok Amy, you asked for it-*He gets a Chaos Emeralds*

Amy, Shadow and Sonic:*Speechless*-He has one too!?-

*Amy gets her Chaos Emerald trying to merge with her Piko Piko Hammer, at the same time, Amy and Scourge call upon Chaos Control, creating a temporal limbo where both arrives at his maximum level, Amy with her Metal Piko Piko Hammer and Scourge with King Scourge version*

King Scourge:*Evil happiness*-Well, well, finally, I've a worthy opponent, not like Sonic with his pathetic Super Sonic or Shadow with his pathetic Maria's recall-*He gets Sonic's throat*


*At that moment, Shadow runs through the hall, crossing with Silver and Blaze, being Blaze who decides go ahead and Silver, with a desolation face, he doesn't know what to do, only scream to Shadow*


End Chap. 5