Kool Kat Chronicles, chapter 2: Sylvias Secret

Story by Proffesor Kool Kat on SoFurry

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#2 of Kool Kat Chronicles

Kool Kat Chronicles part 2: Sylvia's Secret

Dear reader, If you are not the legal age to view pornographic material in your country then you should not be here, if you do not enjoy reading about sex between completely fictional characters or anything of that nature, just don't read this. Whelp now that we done got that out the way, enjoy yourself =^-^=

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" everyone cheered to a newly turned thirteen years old James Kat as he blew the candles out on his [birthday cake](%5C). "Happy Birthday boy!" hollered James' Uncle Bob shoving the first present in his face "This one from your mother!" He proudly exclaimed in his heavy southern American accent. "It's not much dear," sighed his mother "but we haven't had the best income lately" she finished, lighting up a cigarette "Boy need just be happy with what God give him!" exclaimed Uncle Bob shaking a finger at James.

James rolled his eyes and unwrapped the small present in front of him "wow...mom...it's....," he gave a sigh and tossed the socks to the side Thanks Mom he said half heartedly getting a glare and a few mumbles from his Uncle Bob....something about what a selfish bastard he was being, James was sure.

He picked up the next present, the one from Sylvia 'It's amazing that mom even let her come...' James thought glancing over to his friend with a smile getting a very sheepish one back 'I hope mom isn't doing anything to make her uncomfortable ...' even though he knew his mother was willingly making sure that Sylvia had the worst time of her life.

He unwrapped her present slowly, although not sure why if only to anger his mother by making her think he valued this present more. He took a quick look up, his mom was biting her tongue and taking long puffs of her cigarette, he finally got the wrapping off of the box and

peered inside "No way...." he whispered to himself his eyes growing wide from excitement as he pulled the present out of the box.

The Skywalker infinity was a shoe that was proven to make any furson run 5 percent faster and jump 5 percent further and higher, every cub where James lived had a pair. Which is why James felt like jumping for joy when he opened his present to find a pair of trademark

electric blue Skywalker infinities. "Oh my god!" He shouted jumping up and giving his canine friend a tight hug, getting a look of the purest disgust from his mother "How in the world did you

afford them?" she giggled with a furious blush growing through her fur, "I saved up..." she breathed shyly still blushing a deep magenta through her already red fur.

Finally James padded up to his sister, "Why don't you have a present for me sis?" to which Christie giggled "You'll get your present later, [big brother](%5C).... she grinned knowing the adults would not decipher what she really meant.

With all of his presents opened, James was ready to eat some cake... Sylvia didn't get any. "Sylvia, you have to get your ass outta here so I can take James' Uncle home." James mother glared at the canine with all too obvious disgust. Sylvia padded up to James and gave him a

hug.... giving James the chance to whisper into her ear "come back in five minutes..." she nodded softly and went to give Christie a hug before padding quickly out the door.

Not moments later they were waving goodbye to their mother and Uncle "You be good boy Ya hear?" his uncle called out before they drove off down the road. "So," Christie grinned up at James "how much time do you think we have big brother?" he chuckled back at his sister

"Well, Uncle Bobs house is far away.... I say five hours at least"

"Mmm...some people have gone their whole lives without hearing news that good..." Christie beamed at her brother, to which James only laughed softly "Sylvia is right down the driveway silly..." he said pointing out the canine walking up the driveway. "Are they gone yet?" Sylvia called out to her friends padding up the steps of the [front porch](%5C) "Yup ," both of her feline friends said escorting her into the house

"So...," Sylvia looked around the room what do you guys wanna do? James looked at his sister and grinned before giving Sylvia a friendly shove toward the kitchen. "Go on," he grinned "you deserve to get some cake." "Yeah, go on and grab a piece!" Christie nodded "Fuck grab two peices!" James looked toward the stairs "I'm...er.... gonna go try on my awesome [new shoes](%5C)". he winked at Sylvia then ran up the stairs followed closely behind by his sister. "Well..." Sylvia grinned to herself "this cake isn't gonna eat itself..."

Meanwhile James and Christie were already 'getting busy', deep passionate kisses, tongues roaming each others mouths, as their paws explored their bodies. "Wait...," James sighed breaking the kiss his paws returning to his sides as he gazed deep into his sisters

eyes. "Whaaaaat?" Christie cried her loins dripping eagerly in her panties. "I need some answers..."

Christie gave her brother a quizzical look, her desires slowly beginning to fade away, "What's on your mind big brother?" James sighed biting his lower lip "Christie... I have to know...," he spoke softly gazing deep into her eyes "why are you a nympho, who yiffed you that first time to make you this way?"

Christie's gaze of concern quickly faded into a faraway look of deep thought and sadness, but James needed an answer "Christie... please tell me..." a tear fell from his sister's cheek as she whispered hoarsely.. "I-It was... it was dad..."

James gasped and got a sick feeling in his stomach at hearing these words... "dad raped me...," Christie continued "it hurt so bad... I started bleeding... but then it started to feel so good..." she burst into tears letting her head fall into the comfort of her brothers shoulder "Christie... I... I'm so sorry...," James spoke softly trying hard to calm his near bawling sister "shh... shhhh... it's alright Christie..." Christie looked up from her brothers shoulder wiping her still flowing eyes

"Oh, James..." she whispered leaning into her brothers lips locking him into another passionate kiss...

Soon the two were kissing frantically, somehow they had found there way out of their room and were traveling blindly down the hallway. James, already without shirt, was fumbling with the buttons on his sister's. "Oh, god I love you Christie..." He moaned into the kiss his soft

blue furred chest pressing against his sisters unnaturally large breasts as he bumped into a wall. Christie just whimpered lustfully back into the kiss as they fell through a door and onto the floor of a bathroom...

They heard a shriek and both instantly looked up gasping at the sight before them... never in a million years would James or Christie have imagined what they were seeing before them now as Sylvia stood in front of the toilet with her mouth hanging wide open frozen in shock... never in a million years would they have guessed that their friend Sylvia French... was, in fact, not a she... but a shi...

"Damn!" was all James could mutter as he padded wide eyed out of the bathroom, completely forgetting about his sister who padded closely behind him just as wide eye if not more so. Sylvia only fell to the bathroom floor sobbing her eyes out...

James stared straight into the corner on the other side of his room trying to make sense of what had just occurred, his sister not to far from him doing exactly the same. It was all too obvious that these two had never seen a hermaphrodite before. Their thoughts swirled and

collaborated in their minds until their heads spun and they barely even heard the soft knock at the door.

The soft feminine voice that was Sylvia's always seemed to calm James but now as shi padded slowly through the door hir voice was a strange monotone, neither sounding male nor

female, as though trying to hide hir emotions. "Guys.... are y-you...mad at me..." she spoke in hir voice breaking softly, one could tell shi had been crying.

Christie was the first to break the silence of the two siblings, "Silvy... why didn't you tell us you're a boy?" she gazed into her friends soft amber eyes intensely, as though silently demanding an answer. "Christie.....," Sylvia thought for a second as how best to explain this to hir friend "I'm a Hermaphrodite ....I have the privates of both boys and girls..." now James jerked his head up "Prove it."

Sylvia sighed and began to strip for hir friends pulling down the short [pink skirt](%5C) shi had been wearing to reveal a small bulge indicating there was indeed a sheath in hir panties. Next hir panties slide quickly down hir slender soft magenta furred legs to reveal once again hir sheath to the two curious felines in front of hir. Shi giggled seeing the wide eyed looks on the two faces in front of hir, "Now, look closely." She joked sitting down on the soft carpeted floor and spreading hir legs. Shi lifted up hir sheath to unveil an easily visible slit. Shi giggled again "See?"

Not sure why, and not really realizing he did it, James paw was instantly at the slit a finger easily sliding within Sylvia's loins. Sylvia's eyes went wide for a split second before glazing over with obvious lust, as a loud surprised moan emitted from hir muzzle.

As soon as he realized what he was doing James pulled his paw away and blushed brightly through his fur. "I ...er..." Sylvia giggled "You know... I happen to have a question for the two of you...," Both the felines perked up their ears ready for anything the canine could've asked "what are two siblings doing yiffing?"

The two siblings blushed furiously at this comment and began to stutter to try to think up a proper excuse. Sylvia giggled hir voice returning to its usual femininity as shi stood half nude in front of hir friends "Guys, I'll keep it a secret under two conditions..." both of the felines raised their heads and asked "What?" in unison, making Sylvia break out in a fit of giggles.

"Well, first you keep my secret...," James and Christie nodded their heads "and secondly," shi grinned "you have to let me join in..." Christie fell over to the floor giggling as if this were the funniest thing she'd ever heard, James grinned then began to talk to his sister in a whisper.

Sylvia watched with a grin as the two felines in front of hir conversed. Soon both of the two turned to hir with wide grins "We'll let you join in...under a condition of our own." said James, his sister simply grinning next to him.

"What's the condition?" Sylvia asked, open for anything, "Since you seem to have so many secrets...," Christie grinned "you have to let us explore your body to see what other 'goodies' you're hiding."

"Now...take off your shirt," Christie instruct, James waiting patiently near her, "and lay on the bed..." Sylvia did as shi was instructed and raised hir shirt above hir head before tossing it

carelessly on the floor behind hir exposing, still developing, but nicely sized breasts. Shi laid on the bed with her front facing the ceiling, arms stretched out to hir side and legs spread eagle exposing her slightly wet fem sex and thickening sheath, it was easy to tell she was excited.

Throughout the hour shrieks of laugher could have been heard, as the three friends got 'better acquainted'. "I knew James was bigger " Christie fell to the floor with her brother and friend in yet another fit of giggles upon finishing another bodily comparison between the three. Sylvia tilted hir head up to look at hir friends, "So, can we get to the serious stuff now?"

James grinned "How serious would you like to get, baby?" he and Christie burst out laughing at the comment, however Sylvia got up and padded over to James.. "Is this serious

enough?" shi kneeled down grasping the back of his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss. James gave a jerk, his eyes going wide with surprise, before he let his paws lock around hir waist and began to kiss back, hir tongue flicked across his lip and James let his mouth open into the kiss, letting Sylvia's tongue slither into his warm inviting mouth.

"Ahem...," Christie coughed loudly with a smirk, "aren't you two forgetting someone?" she finished holding up her, already exposed, unnaturally large breasts in her paws, as if reminding them that they were there.

James broke the kiss with a blush and a nervous chuckle, Sylvia looked away also blushing bright through her fur. "Oh come on sis," James grinned walking over to her "how could we forget you?" He finished giving his sister a kiss while giving her breast a firm squeeze. Christie let out a soft giggle into the kiss before pushing her brother over and planting a kiss on his chest, she wanted him, there and then.

Meanwhile Sylvia sat back enjoying the show before hir, stroking the fore lips of hir needy sex, while lazily stroking hir fully erect shaft as shi watched Christie lap and kiss along her brothers chest erotically. Christie purred out along her brothers chest as she planted short quick lustful kisses all along it, ringing her tongue around his nipple while going slowly lower to her eventual destination.

"I love you, big brother..." she purred giving the head of his rock hard member a kiss, a small shiver ran down James' spine as he began to whisper out a reply, only to shiver again as Christie wrapped her warm mouth around his hard rod, suckling lovingly on his head in her wet mouth as a finger slithered below her to calm her burning sex.

Sylvia gazed lustfully at the pair before hir, hir hands steadily working hir throbbing sex organs, shi moaned out softly as Christie began to bob her head along James shaft. Sylvia

couldn't take it any more, Christie looked so sexy, her large breasts pressed against the floor, her dripping cunt burning with passion and lust, Sylvia had to have her, and shi did.

Christie moaned out sadly around James throbbing shaft as she felt her finger being jerked away from her burning treasure, only to moan out again in pleasure as she felt Sylvia's rod slam deep inside of her. Meanwhile, James was in pure bliss, as he felt the warm pleasing mouth of his sister caress his shaft and watched as Sylvia slammed lustfully into her. "mmmm " he purred, bringing his paws around to push more of his rod into his sisters mouth.

Sylvia moaned as she let hirself stay hilted inside of Christie, letting her folds form around hir shaft, loving the warmth as it engulfed hir rod. Shi simply stayed inside of her for the moment, and watched as Christie's tail slithered through the air and below her stomach to finally press against Sylvia's burning fem sex.

Sylvia moaned out softly as shi slid into Christie, slowly letting Christies tail slide easily into her hot cunt, it felt so good softly flicking around inside of hir as Christies' warm treasure engulfed hir shaft keeping hir in an endless abyss of pleasure.

Meanwhile James moaned and lolled his head around in pure pleasure feeling his sisters tongue glide over his throbbing nether head. He was in pure bliss, feeling those silky lips and that rough tongue work there magic over his hardness as he moaned softly approaching his inevitable orgasm.

The cubs were so engulfed in their activity they did not hear a car door slam... they didn't hear the front door open then slam shut... they didn't even hear the door to James room open up... but there was no doubt that what they heard next would echo in their minds until the day they died...



Proffesor Kool Kat

(Dun dun duuuunnn cliff hanger ^^)