The Chesh-Cake Factory: The Office Party

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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An office party gets a little hairy when someone sneaks a taste of a cake from a very new, very unique bakery.

Hello, everyone. This is what I hope will be the start of a story series, based off the catgirl Chesh created and owned by Janus.( If you look through his profile, you'll probably figure out pretty fast which picture I based this story off of. Go check out his work sometime if you haven't already; he's a wonderful artist and an even better friend, and I thank him very much for inspiring and allowing me to share this story with everyone.

Now, on with the story!

"Oh, there's so many good desserts here!" Jaime licked her lips as she looked over the wide array of tempting treats laid out for the office holiday part. With a sigh, she added, "Too bad they're all gonna make me fat..."

The petite redhead sighed as she looked over the brownies, cookies and cakes that littered the long table in front of her. She'd just been promoted to manager of the customer service department at Jana Co, an entertainment company that produced literary and artist entertainment for the masses. She would like say that she earned her promotion through years of dedication and hard work, but she knew that was a lie. Mr. Letchworth, the senior manager, just wanted some nice eye-candy to look at during the weekly meetings with all the department heads. Jaime quickly noticed most of the other department heads were stunning in both their physical features and lack of brainpower, a fact that seemed to bother only her.

As much as she hated being a part of that group of airheads, she adored the increased pay and privileges too much to risk getting replaced by someone else. To that end, she'd started to become suspicious of the employees under her. She just KNEW one of the girls would just jump at the chance to take her place the second Letchworth found her less attractive than someone else in the department. Especially that brown eyed tart, Amanda; she had long, silky smooth blonde hair and was always wearing those tight skirts that hugged her rear and made every guy turn their head whenever she bent down to pick something up, and she was ALWAYS dropping things. Though a part of her knew she was over reacting and hated herself for thinking this way, Jaime saw Amanda as a threat to her position in the company.

Jaime glanced back toward a cake box sitting near the edge of the table. Amanda was in charge of bringing the cake for the party, and a part of her wished Amanda had forgotten about it just so Jaime could chew her out for it. Alas, Amanda had followed through. Worse yet, she'd gone to Jaime's favorite place, the Chee... wait; what did that box say again?

"The Chesh-Cake Factory?" Jaime tilted her head as she looked at the company name printed on the box. The lettering was done in a light blue color, with an occasional stripe of dark purple. The lower half of the, "e" in, "cake" extended out into a little cat's tail, and was way too intricately designed to be a simple printing error.

"Make Any Occasion the Cat's Meow!" Jaime read the catchphrase underneath the logo as she opened the box, revealing a plain looking cake coated in white frosting inside. Well, this was certainly not what she expected! "Where did she find this place?"

Jaime glanced back toward Amanda, who wore a festive combo of a red blouse and green skirt for the holiday party and as usual was surrounded by most of the male staff. With a huff, she slowly gathered a little bit of the frosting on her finger. Sure, Amanda got the cake, but it was from some weird place that no one's ever heard of before. A little frosting wouldn't hurt her figure, and she just had to know how good this cake really was. With one last quick glance to make sure no one was watching, Amanda quickly licked the thick cream off her finger.

"Ooohh..." Jaime smiled a little to herself as she slowly savored the frosting. It was so thick, so creamy, and had somehow found a magical balance of being sweet, but not too sweet. Jaime had to resist the sudden urge to just inhale the entire cake right there. Damn it, she thought. Everyone's going to love this!

Jaime was practically seething with jealousy and anger at this point. She really wanted to walk over there and do something to put Amanda in her place for anything she could think of, but the office holiday party was neither the time nor place for such things. Still, what she wouldn't give to do something to her right now! She wanted to dress her down, and she didn't care if it happened right in front of everybody. She'd get right up in that cute little face of her, and start shredding that skirt right off her. Then she'd get a grip on that big bubble butt of hers and really squeeze it tig-

"What the?!" That wasn't what she meant by dressing down! Jaime didn't know where those strange thoughts suddenly came from, or why it took some effort to get her eyes off her subordinate. Grabbing for a cup and the coffee pot, Jaime hoped some caffeine would get her mind back on track. While she poured herself a cup, she couldn't help but listen in on the conversation that Amanda was having with her co-workers.

"So you almost forgot the cake?" one of the guys surrounding Amanda asked her as Jaime slowly filled her cup.

"Yeah; it was so embarrassing. I was halfway here when I remembered I hadn't picked up the cake!" Jaime could just imagine how Amanda must have looked, blushing and giggling all cutely. Her blood was boiling almost as much as the coffee was. "I was just lucky I saw that bakery when I did. It was kind of a weird place, though..."

"Oh? Weird how?" another guy asked. Jaime replaced the pot back onto the boiler and searched for the sugar as she continued to listen to Amanda's story.

"Well, when I got in there, the only people in there were girls. There were probably a dozen people in there when I got in, and there wasn't a single guy in sight" Jaime emptied a packet of sugar into her coffee as Amanda continued her story. "That was odd, but it was just the beginning of the weirdness."

Jaime reached for the cream, pausing as she bought the silver cup over her coffee. She stood there watching the soft white liquid sloshing in its container. Something about the way it moved back and forth, it seemed almost... seductive. The coffee completely forgotten now, she slowly bought the cup to her lips and began to drink the thick liquid.

"The really weird thing was that everyone was wearing these cat costumes." Amanda continued her story as Jaime slowly drank the cream, her tongue occasionally darting out as she slurped up the cream. "Not just the employees, but the customers too!"

"Cat girls?" Another of her co-workers was clearly having a hard time buying her story. "You went to a bakery filled with cat girls?"

"Believe me, I was as shocked as you are." No one seemed to notice Jaime's strange behavior as her tongue flicked over her lips, gathering up the last traces of cream. Oh, that would have been great to wash down that cake with!, she thought. "And they were big women, too. I think the shortest one of them was still over six feet tall!"

"So everybody there, the customers and employees, were all wearing big cat costumes? That sure does sound pretty weird." What's so weird about big, tall women?, Jaime thought. She was about to turn around and ask just that when she noticed the empty cup of cream in her hand. Blushing furiously and wondering what was coming over herself, she made her way toward the nearby break room to replenish the cream cup before anyone noticed.

Her whole face felt flush with embarrassment as she searched desperately through the break room refrigerator. Her face began to feel flush all over, even to the tips of her ears as she rifled through half-empty condiment jars and week-old leftovers left by her subordinates. She couldn't hear much of Amanda's story with her head in the refrigerator, and the cold air within did little to ease the heat as she searched. She smiled when she finally found the carton deep in the back, a smile that contained a slightly pointed pair of teeth in both halves of her mouth. Jaime held her prize firmly against her head, nuzzling the soft white carton.

Remembering why she'd come here in the first place, Jaime set the cup down and opened the carton to refill the cup. Her tongue flicked over her lips as she watched the white stream slowly fill the cup, a tongue that felt more rough, more sensitive than it ever had been before.

"There, all filled!" Jaime was determined not to drink from the newly replenished cup; there's no way she was going to do something so silly again. After all, she had almost a whole carton to drink from this time! In an instant she was greedily drinking straight from the carton, savoring the creamy taste almost as much as life itself.

If Jaime was in a normal state of mind, she might have been worried about the weight she was rapidly putting on. Her clothes were slowly becoming tighter on hips and waist that expanded like an inflating balloon. Her chest heaved slightly with each swallow, and with each gulp there seemed to be a little more bounce in her chest than there was the gulp before.

"Purr..." Jaime gently wiped her mouth with her forearm. The drips of cream combined with the thin black hairs that now coated her arms to form a small streak of white. Jaime leaned down to lick up the spilled cream. A few quick flicks of her tongue scooped up the sweet liquid, so Jaime was quite confused when the white color continued to stain her otherwise dark fur. She licked a little more intensely, then more so again when it still persisted. It was only when she bought her other paw over to try and swat out the color did she notice more than one stripe along her arm, and a similar set along the other arm as well. Without a mirror, it would have been impossible for Jaime to notice that the cream color that now streaked her fur was also spreading to her red hair.

The casual observer would probably think the entire transformation would look quite strange, but Jaime didn't care about any of that. She didn't care about the strain her clothes were under, or the added weight she put on. She didn't care that she was coated in fur, or that her hair was taking on the same color as freshly fallen snow. All she cared about was getting more cake, and more cream to wash it down with.

"...and someone was clearing enjoying themselves in the back. I just hope they made a good cake in the meantime!" Amanda's voice suddenly started coming through loud and clear again as Jaime finished off the cream. It probably had something to do with the new and sensitive triangular black ears atop her head, ears that flicked slightly in response to the new voice. "Oh shoot; no cream. I'll just grab some from the break room. Be right back!"

Jaime just had to get the address for this bakery herself! She pondered how she would get the information out of Amanda as she bought her hands to her shirt, the newly formed claws on her fingers simply slicing them off one button at a time and allowing the white dress shirt to hang open and loose over bountiful breasts that started with a solid base of black fur from her neck down, before suddenly becoming the same white color as her hair and stripes. The white pattern started in a vaguely triangular shape just about where her nipplse would be if they weren't covered by fur, spreading down across her belly and between her legs from there.

Jaime resolved herself to her course of action; she'd just pin Amanda down and say or do whatever it took to Amanda to get to her to spill the beans. That plan was helped along immensely when the target of her desires stepped into the break room herself, making it only a few steps in before she noticed her feline fellow co-worker.

"Oh, Amanda..." Jaime purred as she looked down at her employee. Amanda could only stare in wide-eyed shock at her slowly shifting superior. Jaime's grey business suit and skirt has suffered a lot of damage between her claws and growth, letting occasional tufts of black fur show streaked with white along the sides of her legs through the damaged garments and pretty much anywhere else Amanda could see. Jaime had always had nice green eyes, but as she slowly moved toward her stunned subordinate, Amanda could see the irises of Jaime's eyes had become more oval and cat-like. She was both frightened and entranced by them, her gaze locked on Jaime's eyes and her feet locked in place even as the catgirl reached over Amanda to close the break room door. "We need to have a cat... I mean, chat..."

"A chat?..." Amanda's nervous gulp would have been audible even without Jaime's sensitive ears. She tried to back away, but Jaime put her arms on either side of the wall around her, keeping her hemmed in against the closed door. "What about?..."

"About that cake you bought. I sampled a little bit of it, and, well..." A slight smile crossed Jaime's face when her growing foot claws tore through her black heels, reliving the pressure that had been beginning to build so the catgirl to keep her attention focused on her prey. "... I seem to be having a bit of a reaction to something in it."

"I-I see..." Amanda smiled nervously, shaking like a leaf in the wind as she backed against the closed door. "I-I can go call for help!"

Jamie shook her head as she slowly inched closer to her employee. "No, that won't be necessary. I need to speak to you in private, away from everyone else. Especially all those men that are always ogling you, unable to do anything but stare when you're around."

Frustration started to creep into Jaime's voice, making Amanda cower a little in fear. The young blond didn't know why her boss was turning into a giant cat person like those people in the bakery, or what Jaime planned to do her. Jaime licked her lips as she looked over her shaking subordinate, making Amanda feel sure whatever it was wouldn't end well for her. She'd heard rumors about how jealous her boss was of her, but had always thought it was just that, a rumor. Amanda couldn't help but second guess those thoughts as Jaime grew larger and more predatory by the second in front of her eyes.

"It's so annoying! No work gets done when you're around! And do you know what the worst part of all is, the reason I had to separate you from the rest of them like this?!" Jaime's claws dug lightly into the wall on either side of Amanda, leaving scratch-marks in it as they slowly drew their way down.

Amanda shook her head furiously, desperately trying to open the door behind her even as her own body was pinning it closed. Jaime's mouth was only inches from hers now, close enough for her to feel the breath on her cheek as Jaime spoke one last time.

"They keep blocking MY view of you."

Amanda opened her mouth to let out one giant scream, an opening that was quickly sealed as Jaime wrapped her lips firmly around Amanda's. The blond girl offered no resistance as felt Jaime's rough tongue invading her mouth while her big paws wrapped around her waist tight, her shock at not being eaten or maimed keeping her from doing much else.

Jaime broke away for a moment to look into Amanda's beautiful blue eyes, feeling her newly forming tail slowly snaking through a fresh hole in her skirt and swishing back in forth in joy. She wanted to apologize, to say she was sorry for being so jealous toward her; it was just the stress, the pressure of the job that made her so irritable, and she was wrong to take it out on Amanda. She wanted to tell Amanda she was a beautiful woman, and that she was going to start treating her much more nicely now. She wanted to do all of that, but settled for just kissing her again.

Amanda was a little more receptive this time, if only to ensure the good mood of her captor. Being forced to make out with her boss, one that was turning into a giant cat to boot wasn't exactly in her job description, but if it meant keeping said giant boss cat happy she'd play along. She slowly bought up a hand and began to lightly scratch behind Jaime's ear, hoping her boss would appreciate it as much as the average cat would.

"Ohh!" A sudden gasp from Jaime made Amanda worry she'd done something wrong, but the familiar sound of purring eased her racing heart as Jaime's claws dug lightly into her waist. Amanda could actually feel the purr reverberating through Jaime's chest as she was held tight against her boss. "Please, keep doing that!"

Amanda complied with the request, her soft nails slowly scratching behind the soft black triangle atop Jaime's head. Her nervousness started to ease a bit now that she realized she wasn't in immediate danger; after all, who wouldn't relax a bit listening to a cat purring? Besides, this was a strange new experience for the both of them. Jaime seemed to be taking everything in stride, but on some level this must have been really shocking for her as well.

Amanda continued her light scratching, her other hand reaching up and slowly stroking Jaime's back. She was a little intimated by her boss before, but instead of being frightened by this big catgirl holding her, Amanda was starting to fell more relaxed with her boss than ever. She was a beautiful cat, a beautiful woman, and helping her boss in her time of need was just the right thing for a good employee to do. That's why Amanda didn't say anything when Jaime's damaged shirt started to part, the vibrations caused by her deep purring causing her bountiful breasts to slip into full view.

"Amanda..." Jaime purred, keeping Amanda pinned light with her chest as her bought her claws over her clothes, a few quick slashes enough to remove the remainder of her strained garments. One paw slowly slid around Amanda's waist, her claws leaving marks in the other woman's skirt as the other gently stroked her soft hair. "Thank you for being here for me."

Amanda smiled, offering no resistance as she was stroked and held. She felt like she was being safely wrapped in a huge, furry blanket by her boss. She felt secure in Jaime's paws, knowing her boss meant nothing but the best for her. There was no reason to be frightened or scared, and she offered no resistance when Jaime's mouth slowly met hers for another kiss. On the contrary, she was happy to slide her arms around Jaime's neck and return the affection she was receiving.

Jaime's transformation was largely complete, though a careful observation would show that her mouth was still human in shape as her lips joined with Amanda's. As she continued to purr and cuddle the smaller woman against her, that was starting to change. Every time their lips were part, her mouth would be a little bit longer, soon pushing forward and making every return trip just a little bit shorter. Kissing with a mouth in mid transformation would have awkward under normal circumstances, but neither woman noticed any difficulty. It probably had something to do with the fact that Amanda's face was beginning to mirror the same transformation as Jaime.

Strange thoughts were running through Amanda's mind. She wanted to be petted and caressed. She wanted to wrap her arms around Jaime, to ravish and be ravished by her. She wanted to feel their naked bodies together, to pleasure and be pleasure by this tall, beautiful woman. She wanted... cake.

The young blond blinked a little at that last strange thought. The cake part was the only thing that threw Amanda off; the rest just sounded wonderful. Jaime was a passionate animal now, and Amanda only wished she could match the strength and ferocity of her partner's affections. She gasped as Jaime broke the kiss to nuzzle and nip lightly at her neck, her chest bouncing softly with each rapid breath.

She's such a good employee, Jaime thought as her claws softly tore at Amanda's skirt, and it's my job as her manager to praise her for doing a good job. A pat on the head or a, "Job well done!" are just some of the ways managers show their appreciation for employees. Making out with them, tearing their clothes off and unleashing a growing animalistic lust on them was just another kind of reward in Jaime's mind. As she groped and squeezed the firm butt underneath that shredded skirt, she knew she was going to have to dispense these kinds of rewards much more often.

Jaime paused her nuzzling to look into Amanda's eyes, smiling when she saw the slanted eyes of a feline looking back up at her. Her solo purring soon became a duet as Amanda joined her, soft brown hairs beginning to dot her more feline face.

"Looks like you're getting a promotion to my level." Amanda purred and nuzzled into the paw that caressed her cheek, her rough tongue occasionally licking it as well. Jaime could also see that Amanda was starting to catch up with her in the height department as well. Amanda feet could reach the floor now even with Jaime continuing to hold her against the door, while her slowly stretching muzzle was inching every closer toward her boss'. "And a raise, as well!"

"I can feel it. I feel bigger, softer, and more playful." Amanda's smiled as she looked at her slowly expanding hand, admiring the new paw-like shape. Her purrs reached a new intensity as Jaime's claws tore away at her shirt, revealing a cleavage that seemed much larger and fuller than it had moments ago. "What can I do to thank you for this?"

"Well, you can continue to serve under me..." Jaime purred as she watched the fur slowly spreading its way over Amanda's neck and chest. "...or on top of me, or lying down next to me. I'm flexible that way."

"Mmm; I bet you are..." Jaime came in for another kiss, but was suddenly met with Amanda's paw in her face. Her newly formed ears twitched as she started to pick up new sounds from outside. "Wait! Listen!"

Outside the break room door, the two cat girls could hear the sound of their co-workers digging into the desserts outside. More than a few made comments about the strange cake Amanda bought, but that didn't seem to stop any of them from enjoying a slice of it.

"Purr; the frosting is so thick and creamy..."

"Yeah... wait, did you just purr? And since when did I have a tail?"

"I don't know, but it looks good... as do these breasts that I suddenly developed..."

"They certainly do, John... or maybe I should call Johanna? They make you look beautiful!"

Most of the rest of the conversations became drowned out under the sound of tearing clothes, heavy purrs and pleasured feminine gasps. With all of them getting a big piece of the transformative cake, their transformations were nearly instantaneous compared to the two women in the break room. Even the men were turning into big, playful cat girls, and some of them even more thrilled with their changes than the employees who were original female. Anyone who hadn't been directly exposed was quickly caught by someone who was, and soon their purrs joined the rest of the staffs.

"Sounds like we have some company..." Amanda purred her chest pressed against Jaime's, a deep purr causing her breasts to bounce softly as it reverberated through her chest. "Wonder how long this will last?"

"I'm not sure, but you simply must tell me where you found that bakery." Jaime smiled as a mischievous idea started to form in her head. "I think I need to bring a cake to the next staff meeting with Mr. Letchworth."

"Oh, yes!" Amanda giggled as she imagined that scene. She'd heard about his skivvy ways, and imaging his reaction to becoming the one of, if not the most, feminine member of his staff would be priceless. Her tail twitched as she listened to the fun that was happening outside the door. "Mmm; sounds like they're having a good time out there. Shall we join them?"

"Later." Amanda purred as Jaime's claws quickly went to work removing the rest of her clothes. "I'm not done dressing you down yet..."

The purring of the break room pair soon joined their co-workers as they began a slow, intimate exploration of each other's bodies. They weren't sure how long they would stay cat girls, but they planned to enjoy every minute of it that they could.

"Thanks for calling the Chesh-Cake Factory! You had some questions about our products?"

The founder and CEO swirled around in her swivel chair as she listened to the customer questions. She felt that it was important to stay in touch with the consumers of her products, and on certain occasions she would personally answer the phones to add that personal touch.

"Yes, all effects are temporary, with no long term lasting side effects." Well, except the desire for more cake, she silently added with a slight smirk.

"Yes, we can deliver. If you'd like, you can even hire one of our employees to help with the distribution, activities, and clean up afterword." Her blue and purple striped tail swished from side to side thinking about those activities her employees would get involved in. Sure, they had medical and dental, but the activities and the stories that came from them were the true benefits of being a Chesh-Cake Factory employee.

"You'd like to get some cakes for a management meeting you're having at the end of the week? Excellent! I'll put you on with our ordering department so they can help you pick out flavors, determine the potency and length, and any special requests. Thank you for your patronage!" She purred to herself as she made the transfer, before putting her big feet up on her desk and leaning back in her chair. Her business was exploding lately, almost as much as her clients clothes after consuming her products. She'd never imagined herself in such a role before, and there was a lot of work involved, but she got to spread the joy of being a catgirl to everyone who stopped in.

And really, who didn't want that?

Thank you to all of those who made it this far; I hope your time reading my story was a pleasant one. As always, all constructive criticism and critique is welcome. If you'd like to see more of stories like this, please let me know.

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Thank you again for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.