Untitled Story: Part 2

Story by AnjiMcDohl on SoFurry

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Hope you enjoy! I finally got this part uploaded!

Anji only smiled as he looked over his new charge, stroking his chin. "Well, that all depends on you." The wolf rumbled quietly. "Were you taking summer courses this year?"

Smitty shook his head. "No, master. The work I need is for the fall semester."

The wolf nodded. "Alright. That will free you up to work here, then." He grinned and looked at his watch. "I suppose now would be the best time to set you to work. We're due to open shortly."

The fox watched as the wolf rose to his feet and gestured for him to follow. After heading in to the store, the wolf walked behind the counter. "The sale system is pretty easy to follow. Just press here, and then scan the barcode on the item." Smitty was a quick study, and picked up the operation quickly. "Alright. It's usually slow when we first open, so I'll be upstairs, in my office, making the arrangements for your belongings to be delivered over here."

"Alright, master."

"Just call for me if you have any trouble."

Anji disappeared up the stairs behind the counter, leaving the fox to his own devices. He sat down on the stool behind the counter, looking about. This was the first time he had ever been behind a counter, working an actual job. His family had always been well off, so he had never needed to work a job.

It was about 30 minutes later when the first customer of the day walked in: an ursine with black fur, dressed in a polo shirt and slacks, wearing a flat cap. He looked over to see the fox behind the counter, and he smiled. "Oh, I didn't know that Anji had hired some help."

Smitty responded with a nod. "Y-yes, sir. Is there anything that I can help you with?"

The bear walked over to the door separating the climate-controlled humidor from the rest of the store. "Not especially. Just grabbing a few smokes before I head out to the golf course."

Smitty nodded again and let the bear to his own devices. After completing the transaction, the bear spoke, his eyes settled on Smitty's neck, and the collar he now wore. "Oh, I see...well, good luck, young man." He nodded politely, and left.

"I figured Barry would've said something more. Oh well, with how prudish this town is for a college town, I'm sure I'll hear something about it."

Smitty turned around to see Anji leaning against the corner of the stairs leading up to the apartment. "Oh...master, what do you mean?"

The wolf waved a paw dismissively. "It doesn't really concern you. It's something your master's gonna have to deal with on his own." Anji shook his head. "I've made the arrangements for your things at the dorm. They should be over here this evening. I'm getting you set up in my guest room, which, I suppose will be the servant's quarters from now on. If I do have a guest overnight, then I'll find some sort of arrangement for you. You don't mind sleeping on a couch, do you?"

The fox shook his head. It was going to be a strange four years.

The day passed uneventfully, with the fox operating the register like a seasoned pro at the end of the day. The cash till was perfect, which made Anji quite happy. Smitty had heard Anji grousing one day some months prior about a previous employee who had grabbed several hundred dollars out of the till and was never heard from again. It did help that most of the customers paid with debit or credit cards. Anji was bidding the last customer of the evening good bye, and locked the door behind him, flicking the neons in the store window off. "Ah, a pretty good day. Thanks, Smitty. You did a good job today."

The fox's ears perked. He hadn't done anything special, aside from move a few cigar boxes around in the humidor, and processed transactions for the employees. "Seemed pretty routine, master."

The wolf nodded. "Yeah, but you required barely any supervision. I'm going to get used to having you around, I should say. Your belongings are by the back entrance in the boxes. Bring them up to the apartment, to your bedroom. It's the first door on the right, across from the office." The fox nodded and went to bring the boxes. He had made it up the stairs when he glanced down the hallway leading away from the apartment's main area.

"Was it the first door on the right, or the left? Or was it the second door?" He muttered to himself. He walked up to the first door he saw over the top of the box and nudged it open.

What was inside could hardly be described as a bedroom. It was a dimly lit room with dark shag carpeting, and the first thing that caught his eye was a large wooden rack of some kind, with shackles hanging off the top, easily able to fit a man's wrists. There were similar shackles at the base, obviously intended for ankles. There were other objects in the room, but the fox was so alarmed that he stumbled backward, dropping the box on the floor. It landed with a dull thud, the sound of a laundry basket hitting the floor. This did not concern the fox, as he was staring agape in to the dimly lit room. The wolf came out of the office. "Everything al..." The wolf followed Smitty's line of sight, and his ears went flat. "Damn it...I said the first door. Well, I had hoped to introduce you to that room slowly, and not all at once." The wolf picked up the box the fox had dropped. "Here, let me give you a hand with the rest, and I'll explain."

The fox finally found the words. "What, that you're some kind of pervert?"

The wolf growled and set down the box, snatching out his paw to grip the collar around Smitty's neck. "You listen, boy, and listen good. Everything that happens in that room is well understood by its participants. At no time is anyone forced in to anything like that. Safe, sane, and consensual." The wolf released the collar and moved back down the stairs to retrieve another box.

Smitty rubbed his neck and the collar for a moment and followed Anji. It hadn't been the kind of anger of someone with something to hide. It had been a righteous anger of someone who was assured of his own innocence. Maybe there was something more to this room.

Thankfully, there were only two boxes remaining, and were easily transported to the room upstairs. The wolf gestured for Smitty to sit down, which he obeyed. The wolf paused, appearing to collect his thoughts, before he spoke.

"What was in there is known, colloquially, as a dungeon. It's where activities in the kink lifestyle take place."

"Kink lifestyle?"

The wolf rubbed his head. "How best to explain...? The kink lifestyle is a catch-all term that refers to all sorts of activities that people derive sexual enjoyment or some sort of gratification from."

"What, like handcuffing someone to the bed?"

The wolf chuckled. "That's probably the most classic example. More, it refers to all sorts of things, like bondage, to some of the more extreme stuff, like autoerotic asphyxiation, or watersports. Like I said, it's a catch-all term, and doesn't adequately describe everything that goes on."

The fox's ears went flat. He had an idea of what asphyxiation to get a sexual gratification was, but had never experienced it. As for whatever 'watersports' was, he pictured a strange mixture of whips and water polo.

The wolf continued. "I had wanted to share this stuff with you, but gradually, and over time. I suppose I should have supervised you a little more carefully. So...how did you hear about the old 'handcuffing to the bed' thing, anyway?"

The fox's ears went flat again. "Well...it was in something I downloaded..."

The wolf gestured to the computer. "Show me."

The fox reluctantly obliged, bringing up a video file of what was, obviously, an amateurish pornographic film, titled with some lewd pun on a popular current movie. The wolf rolled his eyes, and the fox clicked on the timeline in the video player, jumping straight to the scene in question, with the male protagonist handcuffed spread eagle on the bed, and the female lead swatting him with a wooden paddle.

The wolf watched, and made a mental note. He knew exactly where this scene was on the timeline. "So...this sort of thing interests you?"

The fox's ears went pink. "Y-yes, master."

The wolf nodded. "Alright, then. One moment." He stepped out of the room, and was back a moment later, holding a wooden paddle, about a foot long, and the head of it was about three inches across, finely polished and gave off a glint from reflected light from the ceiling. He held out the paddle to Smitty.

The fox looked at the paddle incredulously. He had seen this kind of stuff in the porn he had downloaded before, but never had it stared him in the face like this before. He slowly took it.

The wolf spoke. "Okay. Hit your palm with it. Gently."

The fox gently tapped the wooden paddle against the pad of his paw, and even though he hit it lightly, it still gave off an audible thwack that resonated in the room.

The wolf nodded. "A little harder this time...and try hitting it multiple times."

The fox couldn't believe what he was doing. Here he was, holding a paddle out of his fantasies, and hitting himself with it! He lifted the paddle once again, and started rapping it against his paw. It didn't exactly hurt. "That's weird...every time I hit it, I get this tingling feeling up in my arm..."

Anji nodded. "That's endorphins being triggered as a response to the strike. It causes more blood to be pumped through those capillaries, as a part of the fight or flight response. To help you get away from that danger your body perceives. You know how adrenaline junkies keep going skydiving or bungee jumping? That's because they get addicted to the rush those endorphins provide. This is just another way of activating those endorphins."

The fox nodded. "Matt, one of those guys I play poker with, does a lot of skydiving. The day after he's gone, he always looks like he had sex the night before."

The wolf chuckled. "Yep, sounds like a textbook case...but anyway, back to my point, people who are in to kink get the same kind of rush...just in a different way." The wolf's eyes trailed downward, and a smile slowly spread across his face.

Smitty blinked. "What?" He looked down as well. His paw had been idly stroking the wood of the paddle, and his slacks had tented. His ears went a deep shade of pink.

Anji laughed. "Don't worry about it. You're not embarrassing me or anything. I was your age once. I know all about the rage of hormones at that time." He took the paddle back and returned it to the dungeon, and poked his head back in. "Alright, go to bed. We can talk more tomorrow." He turned to leave, then turned back. "Oh, and don't connect that thing to my Wi-fi. That porn you've got downloaded is probably more virus-ridden than...well, that would be a tasteless metaphor." He pointed to the computer. "Just don't do it...okay? I'll clean it up tomorrow."

The following day, the store was closed, giving Anji ample time to work on Smitty's computer. After installing virus protection and the other things to make the computer safe, only then did the wolf connect the computer to the network. "I'll be monitoring the activity, so don't abuse the privilege, or it will be curtailed." The fox nodded. "As for your game console, I'll be putting it away until the semester starts. The contract says that you need to maintain a 2.0 GPA, but if you make it a 3.5 or better, then you'll get your console back."

"Yes, master."

The wolf sat down next to Smitty, and stroked his chin for a moment, looking sidelong at him. "Now, I'm sure you wanted to know more about the dungeon, right?"

The fox spoke apprehensively. "Well...I'm still not quite sure what it's all about. I mean, you tie someone to that rack, and then start beating them with a paddle, right? What's the deal with that? You kinda showed me what it's like for the one getting beaten, but what does the one doing the beating get out of it?"

The wolf considered his answer carefully. "Well, I think the best way to describe it is that it means something different to each participant, whether they be the top or bottom. Some tops like to take complete control, and demand things of their bottom immediately. Some prefer to bring the play up subtly, sometimes turning a quiet night on the couch in to an all-night bondage fest."

Smitty tilted his head to the side. "Top? Bottom?"

The wolf nodded. "That's another way to refer to a person's role in the scene. The one taking the dominant role is the top, and the one taking the submissive role is the bottom. To go back to your earlier question, what do I get out of it? Well, I think the easiest answer is that I enjoy hearing the sounds I can cause a submissive to make. The moaning, growling, whimpers. Those sort of sounds give me a thrill." He smiled. "I remember this lion who swore up and down that he was dominant, until one night when he and I got together for him to try some new rope techniques. I pulled some rope along the underside of his balls, and he practically melted. So I kept going, and eventually, I was swatting the kitten with his own flogger as he was tied up. He kept begging for more. He never claimed to be a dominant again, and is now a full time slave with another master in town."

The mental image that Smitty conjured showed one of the asshole jock lions who always teased him through high school, and to picture that same lion, bound by ropes and begging to be beaten hit him right in his schadenfreude center of the brain. A smile spread across his lips.

"There's a good smile...you're having bad thoughts." The wolf chuckled.

Smitty did not deny it. He nodded slowly. He had those thoughts, even though it was a revenge fantasy...something about it excited him to the point of arousal.

The wolf grinned. "I think you might have already been wired for this type of lifestyle, Smitty. Tell you what, let's experiment a bit. If you want to, that is."

The fox tilted his head, and his hand went to the collar. "Wait a minute...you said that I had to obey you because of the contract...why don't you just order me to?"

The wolf shook his head. "I told you last night. Being a participant in my dungeon means that you do so of your own free will. This activity is not something that can be coerced. We will proceed only as far as you want to, and no further. The time may come, if you are so inclined, to allow me to try and push those limits, but I will never do so unless you ask me to. Nobody in my dungeon is a slave unwillingly."

The fox nodded. This answer seemed to satisfy him. So Anji led the way down the hall to the dungeon, sliding the dimmer switch all the way up to full, so now the fox could see everything in full light. Next to the wooden bracket with the shackles was wire rack with a multitude of rings hanging off of it. Each ring had a flogger looped through the ring for easy access, and each flogger was different in some way, from the number of tails it had, or how thick the leather was or how it was cut. Below the floggers was another set of rings, this time for paddles, made of different woods, and different shapes they were cut in to.

Hanging on the wall next to the wire rack was a peg board, and hanging on each of the pegs was a leather implement of some kind. A few the fox was able to recognize, such as the coiled single tail whip, but most of the others left him confused. Opposite the peg board was a small chest of drawers, containing who knew what.

The wolf was patient and let the fox take in everything at his own pace. When he stopped at the dresser, the wolf pulled a drawer open, revealing a multitude of different types and colors of rope, carefully knotted so as to be easily stored. The wolf rumbled as he pulled a bit of rope out from the drawer, and then pointed to the peg board, where a pair of scissors hung by the handle. He spoke. "If we get in to any trouble, there's where the scissors are, and don't be afraid to cut the rope. It's cheap, and I can always get more."

The fox nodded, and the wolf spoke softly as he stepped behind him. "First things first...do you trust me?" The wolf spoke calmly, but his voice was full of warmth.

The fox nodded slowly. "Y-yes, master..."

The wolf smiled. "Then I want you to put your arms behind your back...and relax."

The fox moved his arms behind his back, and he felt the rope start looping about his wrists, followed by the wolf pulling the ends to knot them. There were four coils around each wrist, and the knot held the loops together snugly. The wolf gently tugged on the excess rope, and spoke. "How does that feel?"

The fox couldn't answer. Of course it felt wonderful, his arms being held behind his back with no way to move them freely. He let out a small whimper before he could speak finally. "It...feels good, master."

The wolf nodded and gently rubbed along the fox's arms, down to the bindings, and then picked up the excess lengths of rope. "Good..." Using another length of rope, the wolf created four more similar loops about the fox's upper chest and arms, each of them linked and leading in to the other, so pulling on one loop would pull the others tighter. He secured the ends of the rope to the loops around the fox's wrists. The whole affair took no longer than five minutes to complete. After his work was done, the wolf gently tugged on the fox and drew him closer to the mirror so he could see. Once Smitty saw himself in the mirror, he squirmed slightly in his bonds, and found he could not move his arms or wrists. His breath began to quicken, and Anji began to run a paw along his back. "Calm down, calm down...just breathe deeply. What do you feel?"

The fox looked at the wolf's reflection. "I...can't really describe it. I should be alarmed that I can't move freely...but I'm not...I find it very relaxing."

Anji smiled and nodded, and looked back in to Smitty's eyes, reaching down to the slacks he was wearing. "I don't know about relaxed, kid." Indeed, the fox's groin was tenting the fabric of his clothing. He grunted softly, but put up no fight against the wolf's touch. He blushed fiercely and began to lean against's the wolf's body for support. Anji's paw slipped beneath Smitty's slacks, gently pressing against the already fully erect shaft. By the gods, this kid was loving every second of this!

So Anji withdrew his paw and loosened the slacks, letting them drop to he floor. He then put one arm under the fox's and gripped around his chest, while the other arm returned to the fox's hard member, and the wolf began to pump it slowly. Immediately, the fox began to gasp and pant at the wolf's touch. He had fantasized about being intimate with the wolf ever since he had started coming here, and, finally he was.

Anji leaned his muzzle in to Smitty's neck, and he began to nip gently at the scruff sticking out above the collar, which only served to cause even louder moans and yips. It wasn't long before the fox's shaft was throbbing, spilling his seed in to the wolf's paws and against the mirror. He lightly kissed Smitty's neck and spoke. "Would you like me to untie you now?" The fox reluctantly nodded, and Anji slowly pulled him free of the ropes.

Untitled Story, Part 1

Jonathan Smith, known to his closer friends as "Smitty", was the embodiment of "middle of the road". Red foxes were a dime a dozen in this part of the country, and Smitty could easily vanish in to the crowd. He was attractive, to be sure, but he wasn't...

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