Rabid Side Story: Holiday Party

Story by Dalarin on SoFurry

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#2 of Rabid Stories

Andrew is dragged to a holiday party by the twins, and finds that there's a lot more going on then eating Christmas candies and singing Carols.

After the response from my original Rabid story, most of which were requests for more from the trio, I just had to come back and revisit them, especially when I had an idea for a particularly fun little holiday story. This story is light on the plot, heavier on the personality, and even heavier on the sex. In fact, once the intro trails off this is mostly sex, as close to wall-to-wall sex as I have ever written up to this point.

This story does get me thinking more about Andrew and the girls, so as long as they keep popping into my head we'll still see me writing about them!

Hope you enjoy!

Andrew shifted nervously in his tuxedo as he waited for the girls so they could get going. Over the months with Sarah and Lenea his confidence had grown by leaps and bounds. With two amazingly hot women that took him under their wings, they brought out his social animal and certainly had an encouraging effect on the man's confidence. The social animal part had a double meaning as well, the three of them often frequented their favorite club, The Rabid, where they mixed a concoction that brought out a person's inner animal, quite literally. The first time they'd gone there, the girls seduced him, drugged him, and introduced him both to his inner tiger, and quickly thereafter they'd taken his virginity while in their anthropomorphic forms.

Since that first time the three of them quickly became involved with each other. Andrew was by far the geekiest of them, but the girls had their geek streaks as well. As often as they went out clubbing, they hung out and had quiet nights reading, cooking for each other, or watching movies and playing games. Oh, and sex...they had lots and lots of sex. They experimented in their animal forms, as themselves, with different levels of shape changing due to the staff at The Rabid's expertise at the use of their wonderful mixtures. The girls certainly kept him busy, even when they weren't with him together, they seemed to have as much fun as a duo as a trio, especially when one of the girls was busy with class work, their jobs or was simply not in the mood. They also respected his need for occasional solitude, and his need to recharge. It was remarkable how they could tell when he needed his alone time, and somehow they both managed to find other things they needed to do right when he could feel the need rising.

They pushed him to try new things though, and he found that with the girls there as support he had a much better time out in the 'social scene' even if it did drain him. Tonight was one of those nights where he was trying something new and the Twins, as their friends knew them, were particularly resistant to his questions as to what they were doing.

"Don't worry about it," Lenea told him, "We're sure you're going to have a great time, just trust us."

The wicked gleam in her eye when she'd said the last two words were why Andrew was nervous now, especially after they dragged him to a store and helped him buy his first tuxedo, specially tailored by a friend from The Rabid built to accommodate his most common alternate form.

He still didn't feel comfortable in the tuxedo. The way the fabric rubbed against his fur felt strange since it was so much higher quality than his usual clothing. The way the tailoring left it slightly tight around his white-tiger form's muscled chest, while still giving him a touch of room around the bit of a belly he had at the middle. As he looked in the mirror in the girl's living room though, he had to admit the classic black and white looked stunning against his own black and white striped fur, especially with the striped tail that twitched unconsciously behind him.

"Just look at that, put him in a tuxedo and he preens just like a peacock," the amused voice of Lenea sounded behind him.

"Mmmhmm, you can't blame him too much though, he does have a nice ass like that," the equally amused and familiar voice of Sarah replied.

Andrew felt the blush across his muzzle and all the way up into the tips of his ears as he turned around, mouth opening as he started to make some kind of reply. His mouth just continued opening though as he saw the two girls as he stammered as he tried to figure out what to say.

Somehow, Lenea and Sarah managed to pick clothes that made them even sexier then he'd ever seen them before. They looked spectacular nude, but somehow, the dresses they'd picked made them even more enticing then their bare fur. They had matching dress styles, Lenea in classic red, and Sarah in purple. The two dresses were single piece, spaghetti strap dresses that draped across their bodies like they were painted on, even over their fur. They draped down to just below the knee and each had a slit far up the right side of the dress. The slit was high enough that it was obvious that neither girl had panties because there would be no way they could hide the lines. The backs swept down into a U style, dropped low enough that they hooked under their respective tails so that they didn't need additional holes or fasteners for them. They also wore opera-style gloves in matching colors and open toed stiletto heels.

Sarah gave a giggle and a particularly feline sway of her hips as she walked over and hugged Andrew's arm, and as she moved the dress swished across her white and black fur. Andrew could see the way it hung off her chest, and the way she made no move to hide her perked nipples that she obviously had something mischievous in mind.

She leaned up and kissed his cheek, before she looked back to Lenea, "I think we broke him."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Lenea replied with an answering grin, before she walked over, hooked her arms around his neck, leaned up and kissed him firmly on his muzzle. The red dress on her draped a bit more over her fuller figured form, but even before she pressed close Andrew felt the beginnings of his swelling arousal. "It definitely seems that something still works though," she teased as she rubbed her thigh against his groin.

"Now now...no fair, if you start in on that, we'll never get to the party!" Sarah protested.

"Oh, yes...umm, party?" Andrew asked, after he regained control of his jaw muscles, and his arms almost instinctively went around the waists of each girl.

"Mmmhmm," Sarah started, "It's a party some people from The Rabid hold each year around Christmas, as a holiday thing. The host is a friend of ours named Janelle; she is well off and runs them each year. It's kind of a special thing, this is the third year."

"Ok, well...I suppose that should be nice enough, but are you two dressed to tease me half-crazy all night? We might have to make an early exit if you girls keep it up,"

"Ohhh, somehow I doubt you'll want to leave early from this particular party," Lenea predicted, while she and Sarah shared a grin.

Andrew looked from one to the other and gave a somewhat resigned grin,

"All right then ladies, lead on to whatever troubles you are getting me into this time."


There were about a dozen cars outside as Andrew pulled up to a somewhat nondescript home outside the suburb of town. The girls directed him to the outskirts of town and then off into some side streets into a somewhat secluded neighborhood. At first, Andrew wondered if they got lost, but eventually they directed him into a small private drive. The house was large, but not mansion sized, Andrew guessed it was probably 3500 square feet, total, not counting the garage, but it looked larger due to its design as a rambler. Simple earth tone colors and white trim paints covered the house, but someone took the time and strung your standard multi-color Christmas lights all around the trim.

The three of them piled out of the car and Andrew took a moment as he looked around at the various vehicles. None of them looked particularly expensive, but none of them looked like hunks of junk, either. He couldn't help but speculate what kind of party this was then, if it was obvious this wasn't some gathering for the rich and powerful, but still required the tuxedo as attire. He then looked back at the scantily dressed women as they gathered their things, and quickly decided it was worth it.

The three of them joined arms, both girls pressed close as he walked them to the front door. The strains of some kind of Christmas music carried through the door as they knocked firmly. Andrew shifted, nervous again as they waited. Lenea leaned up and kissed his cheek again and smiled,

"Relax, you're going to have a blast, we promised, right?"

Sarah nodded and grinned, about to say something just when the door opened and revealed yet another stunning woman. This one was a long, sleek looking skunk woman, complete with wide fluffy black and white tail. She wore another sexy, body hugging dress, but this one looked like it was made out of leather. The strapless dress hugged her body tightly from her ample bosom, all the way down over the curve of her rounded behind, and ended dangerously soon after it reached her thighs. Up one side, apparently securing the whole thing was a series of leather straps and buckles in chrome, and though she did not wear any kind of gloves, she wore black stilettos even taller than Lenea and Sarah's. Andrew found himself speechless again as he tried to come up with some suitable greeting, while the skunk's lips turned up in a bright smile of greeting as she looked at the three of them.

"Sarah, Lenea! You made it!" The three girls came together in a tight hug, abandoning Andrew to do so, while the skunk kissed each of the girls in turn before she looked over to him, "And you must be Andrew. I'm glad the girls were able to convince you to come, they seemed to think that you might not."

She appraisingly looked over Andrew's body in such a way that made him blush even more intensely then before, especially when he saw the expression on Lenea and Sarah's faces. They were obviously amused at his usual reaction when presented with a new, beautiful woman. He coughed a bit, determined to regain control before he offered his hand politely,

"Yes I am; thank you for inviting me. Admittedly, I've found that when the two of them decide they want something for me, I very seldom can find the strength to refuse."

The woman smiled even more widely if it were possible and took Andrew's hand, "I also see they were right about you," she winked, "welcome to my home then, I am Janelle, if you haven't guessed. Come on in, make yourselves comfortable! We're just being social now, but things are going to get finished and set up in the rec room later."

"Oh, of course," Andrew said somewhat lamely, while the Twins ushered him into the house.


The party struck Andrew as a somewhat surreal version of the one wedding reception he attended when he was younger. Everyone dressed up in formal clothes, there was drink, (though in this case it was wine, cider, and other festive drinks rather than an open bar,) small nibbles of food so that people had something they could hold while they chatted and conversed, subtle music that didn't overpower the conversation, (Christmas themed of course,) and lots of polite socializing.

The surreal element came in because of the two dozen or so people, all of them were obviously patrons of The Rabid, so everyone had their animals at the fore of various shapes and sizes. Andrew met ermines, a couple of other skunks, a lovely horse couple, even a big bear who looked like he might break out of his suit at any time. There were also foxes, wolves, and other canines, and almost any kind of feline you can imagine, and they just casually chatted with each other as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

While the men almost universally wore tuxedoes, the women looked like they'd done their best to show off as much tantalizing flesh as they could, while still wearing dresses that might be considered 'formal'. He often found the girls teased him when he caught himself when he stared just a bit too long, and occasionally they'd even point out a particularly hot woman, or when they thought a guy looked sexy, or handsome. Since often these observations accompanied a brush of their bodies against his, or a hand caressing his ass, and even occasionally his front when they were out of direct sight, he soon found that they had him aching most of the evening. At one point he even took a moment and cornered Sarah. He pressed close and growled as he kissed her hard, before he looked to her,

"I don't know what you two are up to, but you really are going to make me have to leave early if you keep this up."

Sarah merely shook her head slightly and licked her muzzle, while she purred up in response to the deep kiss,

"Oh no, you really don't want to leave early. I know Lenea said it earlier, but we promise it will be worth it."

Andrew sighed and let her go, especially as he realized he'd unconsciously grabbed her hips and pulled her to him during the kiss. One or two of the other guests noticed, apparently, and he blushed a bit more as they merely smiled and went back to their own conversations.

"Ok...ok, I'll take your word for it," he sighed, though he looked her over and even managed a wicked smile, "but Ii expect you two to make it up to me if you're wrong."

Sarah smiled brilliantly, "Oh, we're not wrong..."

Andrew shook his head and turned back to t he party as Lenea returned, and he went back in to do more social rounds.



The sounds of the fork as it tapped the glass carried across the room, which quickly killed off the general milling and conversation that filled the room and drew attention to Janelle, who stood near the hallway entrance and smiled as she looked over the crowd.

"I want to thank you all for coming out," she began, "we have new faces here, new species, but we all have one thing in common, we like to get in touch with our more primal selves, and enjoy the change in perspective that can bring."

A murmuring sound of assent filled the room before she continued,

"So every year I like to celebrate that with friends, and friends of friends, those that show they are willing to explore, and those willing to expand their horizons." She grinned, "For those that have been to my parties before, you know how we like to celebrate. If you chose to keep it a secret from your guests, we hope they won't end up too scandalized, but we also hope you enjoy things tonight and are comfortable in my home. Each year I have gifts for my friends, and this year in the rec room we have a few special ones, so please...come with me."

With that the stunning skunk turned and walked down the hallway, as the crowd followed behind. The twins, who shared the same mischievous look on their faces, tugged Andrew down the hallway where the various furs filed through a door at the end. Behind the door Andrew caught a glimpse of green and red lights before the girls dragged him through. He managed to get through the door and to the side before the room's setting made him stop.

The room looked like it was set up like a traditional family's living room for Christmas, couches were spread liberally around three walls of the large room; they all faced a large tree in the center of the room that was decorated in tinsel, garlands, lights, and all the decorations one expects from a Christmas tree. On the fourth wall a fireplace crackled merrily, in fact, the whole sight looked completely wholesome, and it wasn't that which stopped Andrew; it was what was beneath the tree.

Underneath the tree's draping branches were a group of mostly naked furs! It seemed more than a half dozen furs, none of whom he'd seen before lounged underneath the tree. Not a single one of them had a stitch of clothing on them. What they did have was some sort of twisted Christmas decoration. Several men and women looked like someone decorated them like presents underneath the tree. Each one was tied with ribbon or tinsel garland in various positions, they kneeled, they squirmed in hogtie, they sat up primly with their heads up as they rested on their haunches, and one girl was curled up in a nearly foetal position, bound with Christmas lights that twinkled merrily. They were also furs; one of the women stretched out with her hands bound to her ankles behind her was a lithe looking deer. The cream color fur on her chest did nothing to hide perked nipples on a mostly flat chest, while her legs spread, which presented the soft pink of the flesh between them. In addition, every single one of them wore a blindfold fastened securely around their eyes and a collar around their throats, with a lead attached and hanging down to the floor.

Andrew hesitated, and looked to Sarah and Lenea, his expression incredulous, "What is..." he started, but stopped when Sarah shushed him and directed his attention to Janelle, whom stood in the middle of the half-dozen, one leg against a male fox, who looked like he was fondly nuzzling her thigh.

Janelle gestured around her and to then addressed the crowd, "Here are my presents for you this year. These lovely furs consented to be our gifts around the tree, and they want to be our toys for the evening. Please have fun with them, enjoy them, and each other, and of course, always be safe. You may play with them however you like with their consent and negotiation for how you play. Please do not take off their blindfolds though, they are toys for the evening, and do not want to know right now who exactly played with them. Otherwise, I have the safe sex supplies where they are needed, and for those that know the rules, please explain them to the new folks," she grinned widely and then winked, "oh, and of course...Merry Christmas."

Andrew rounded on the girls, his expression even more incredulous, if that were possible,

"You brought me to an orgy?" He stage whispered to them, even as he glanced over and noticed that several couples and one or two singles already moved over to the tree and talked quietly to the furs underneath.

Lenea burst out laughing, "Ohh, you should have seen the look on your face when you saw the 'presents' " she gasped out, "I should have caught that on camera."

Sarah looked a little more abashed, but still grinned brightly, though her feline ears also were blushed red. She glanced over his shoulder and then took his hand, before she tugged him over to one of the couches and gestured him to sit down. He did heavily, though this left him in a rather observant position, he could already see that a couple had untied one of the boys. The guest was a bunny who looked fit, but soft underneath his fur. They took him from beneath the tree and led him over to one of the couches. Andrew gaped when he saw both the woman, then the man kiss the nude fur, before Sarah again entered his vision.

"I hope you're not too mad at us," she said in a low tone of voice, "But we figured you'd refuse if we told you where we were really going; and well, we knew you'd enjoy it," she started,

Lenea settled down into the seat next to Andrew and stroked lightly over his thigh, "Both of us aren't exactly clueless you know, we've seen your preferences in adult viewing," she grinned impishly, "what, the two of us don't exhaust you enough?"

He started stammering a reply, but Sarah threw a cross look at Lenea and then continued, "Oh shush you," she looked to Andrew, "we know it's not about 'enough' it's about your enjoyment of watching, and well, your curiosity, since you didn't exactly get out much before us."

Andrew shut up and nodded dumbly as Sarah continued,

"We met Janelle soon after going to The Rabid, we liked her, and last year she invited us to this," she blushed deeply as she looked up to Andrew, "It ummm, opened up our minds too. We're not exactly prudes buuutt,"

"But it's different when someone else is fucking less than twenty feet away from you," Lenea finished, "totally hot, and we got to have a lot of fun too. If you want to expand your horizons, this is the place to do it. Everyone is here for fun, everyone is here to be safe, and comfortable. In fact, that's one of the rules, if you really are not comfortable, you have every right to break things off, either leave the party, leave the play, or whatever." She smiled and leaned in and kissed Andrew on the side of the muzzle, "Now, would you like us to leave handsome?"

Andrew slowly shook his head as he looked at first one, then the other, pointedly not turning his head when a soft sound of pleasure, and a giggle came across the room and caught his attention.

"I think...I think we should have talked first...but, I'm not saying we should leave," he said after a pause, and then continued, with, "but what are the rules here then?"

Sarah mmmmed and ticked things off, "Number one of course is privacy, Janelle only invites friends and people she knows are discreet. We don't talk about this to others unless we plan to invite them. Second is consent, if you ask someone if they're interested and they tell you no? That's it, walk away and don't get whiny about it, we're here for fun, and we don't want people thinking that everyone is allowed, or even has to play with everyone else. Third is negotiation, whatever you want to do, it's up to you to set up your own boundaries, and that goes for levels of protection, if marks are allowed because of claws or not, or anything else you want to talk about and do. Number four is cleanup, we all make messes, especially here, but make sure you replace sheets and stuff when you mess them up."

Lenea smiled and leaned in close and pressed her bosom up to his arm, before planting another kiss on Andrew's muzzle, "So what do you think kitty...do you want to stay?"

Andrew nodded slowly and slipped an arm around Lenea's waist, he tugged her over and onto his lap. He leaned up and kissed her deeply, muzzle to muzzle in a long, passionate, heated kiss that he emphasized as he slid his hands up along the back of her open dress. He flexed his fingertips and extended his claws then dragged them up her spine, which provoked a whimper from her into the deep kiss. He growled as well and rolled up against her hips, so she could feel the arousal both girls cultivated all night before he finally let her go and she sat back breathlessly.

"What was that for?" Lenea started, though her hands kneaded Andrew's chest somewhat, while Sarah looked on questioningly.

Andrew smiled and looked over to Sarah, "That was a yes, and a thank you...thank you for knowing that I need the push, because you take away all my excuses not to do something new."

He slipped his hand around to the back of Sarah's neck and drew her forward into another toe-curling kiss. Though he couldn't pull her into his lap, he did his best and stroked down her spine and over the base of her swishy tail. The little whimpered moan and the hitched hips that the gesture provoked was more than enough of a reaction before he broke the kiss.

"Now...you said one of the big things is negotiation." He smirked, "I won't say I'm the jealous type, but I'm not sure I like the idea of you heading off without me and finding some girl, or boy to play with without me...I'd probably lose my nerve and leave." He said thoughtfully, "But I don't object to you, either of you playing, if you know someone here, and you want to...just, have us around, ok?" The last came out as almost a pleading tone.

"Wouldn't dream of it kitty!" Lenea started, and then giggled mischievously as she ground down on his bulged trousers, "Besides...I think the two of us might have a few tricks to use on you still left!"

"More tricks? I'm not sure I could survive more tricks," Andrew protested.

"There are the good kinds of tricks," Sarah began, but then grinned, "one of which is not a trick at all though, we've been keeping you nice and teased all night, how about I take the edge off and let you and Lenea enjoy the scenery!"

Sarah didn't wait for a response; instead, she dug between the two of them and found the button and zipper to Andrew's trousers. After a moment Lenea obligingly slipped to the side, while Sarah fished Andrew's cock out of the opening in his clothes and immediately ducked down and surrounded it in her muzzle.

"She really loves doing that doesn't she," Lenea grinned at the comment, but grinned even more widely as the no-nonsense start of the blowjob had Andrew groan immediately as he found his cock surrounded by the wet heat of Sarah's muzzle.

Sarah's blowjob sills always made Andrew weak in the knees, a fact which she well knew and so used him most often when sitting or lounging. It was something about the blunt muzzle, slightly raspy tongue, and the enthusiasm that she showed as she laved his sensitive flesh with her tongue, lips and throat. She did it with such enthusiasm as well, she bobbed up and down quickly as she savored the taste and feel of his cock in her mouth.

Lenea leaned close and looked down at Sarah, before she grinned and tugged Andrew's gaze up, "Mmmm, look over there, isn't that hot?"

She guided his attention to the other side of the room, where another threesome was playing out, this time the deer girl he'd noticed under the tree earlier had her muzzle between the thighs of the female of the ermine couple he met earlier. She had her dress hiked up around her waist while the deer's muzzle moved between her thighs. From the sounds the ermine was making, the deer was very talented with her muzzle, even with the added distraction of the male of the couple thrusting slowly into her from behind. Andrew watched, fascinated, as he saw him alternate from long strokes where he pulled nearly out of her each time to slow, grinding movements where he barely moved at all. The sight made him give an embarrassed little nod to Lenea,

"Yeah, that's really, really hot."

"Mmmphh, I can tell...you get so much harder,"

Sarah commented as she took a break with her muzzle and just stroked leisurely along his shaft with her silk-glove-clad hand. The sensation was different, but exquisite, and Andrew moaned as several drops of his thick pre-cum seeped from his tip. He also became aware of a new scent, a growing scent he could only describe as 'sex' in his pleasure fogged brain.

"Mmmm, come here,"

he said as he tugged Lenea over again. Sarah grinned, sunk back down between his thighs and made use of her talented tongue on the underside of his crown as he wrapped an arm around Lenea. He turned as best he could without dislodging Sarah and drew Lenea close. His hand slipped around and tugged her dress up until he could fit it between her thighs. She grinned and spread her thighs wide as she ducked in for another kiss at the same time his fingertips sought out the heat between her thighs. He soon found her sex, heated, damp all ready as his fingers stroked along her outer folds and spread her open a little. A moan escaped her lips and matched his as he felt Sarah's tongue hit a particularly sensitive spot right underneath his crown.

Soon intelligent speech went by the wayside as the sounds of the three of them enjoying each other replaced them. Sarah's head bobbed up and down quickly and made soft wet slurping sounds, almost matching the tone as Andrew slid his fingers into Lenea's sopping wet sex. He spread his thumb out as well so he could rub against her clit underneath the dress while he curled his fingers up and sawed them back and forth against her clit and where he'd learned that her g-spot lay. She wasn't one for oral, but when penetrated, and when he found her sweet spots she soaked quickly, and often came like a freight train very quickly. He kept her muzzle busy though as he kissed her. He nipped, nibbled and tangled his tongue with hers as she whimpered with each stroke of his thumb against her clit or his fingers against her inner walls.

He spared a glance down and saw Sara rubbing vigorously between her thighs as she continued sucking him. He hiked his legs up, especially when he felt that coiling tenseness of an upcoming orgasm as it coursed through him. He'd long stopped being insecure over the fact that he came quickly the first time, in fact the girls sometimes had spontaneous contests to see who could do it faster. This was one of those times he knew it was coming up quickly though and he broke off making out with the amazing wolf so he could warn Sarah,

"I'm coming...coming soon,"

he panted, but she merely sucked him harder, and in fact brought one hand around and caressed over his furred sac while she very lightly dragged her fang tips across his sensitive shaft. He tried to stave off the intense sensation as he concentrated on the feel of Lenea's wet, hot, sloppy soaking sex. He moved and stroked his fingers to maximize her sensation, but it was quickly too much. He gasped and bucked his hips as the first spike of orgasm hit him and he jetted a stream of cum into Sarah's sucking mouth. She didn't even hesitate when she felt him pulse; she just swallowed gamely as he quickly shot off into her muzzle. The orgasm was quick, but intense and soon she slipped off his slowly softening shaft, while she cleaned off his shaft with her ticklish tongue, which provoked another shiver from him.

"Mmm, that takes the edge off all right; we want you going all night!" Sarah grinned to him, while Lenea; whom was rather patient with the interruption and the slowed movement of his hand, growled at him,

"And you mister, better get those magic fingers back to work, I was almost there."

Andrew grinned and shifted a little. He glanced around and blushed when he spotted a few furs as they looked their way, but the attention of the hot sexy wolf next to him quickly had him back to his 'task'. She'd slipped back and away, lain back and hiked her thighs up. She spread her legs somewhat so her dress hiked to her waist and exposed her soft pink pussy. She gestured him over and with a smile he crawled over to her, still mostly dressed, and settled down on top of her.

His recovery powers were not that great, but she didn't expect him to be up again, instead she pulled him close, kissed him heatedly, while his fingers again found her sex, and sunk in without any further preliminaries. He soon found the rhythm once again; two fingers explored and caressed her inner walls, while his thumb rubbed against her clit. He alternated back and forth, stroking first one, and then the other as they went back to their kissing, nuzzling, nipping and biting. Sarah joined in as well, and the three of them shared kisses as best they could. Lenea soon whimpered and squirmed once again as her arousal grew, and Andrew took advantage as he nipped and nibbled his way down the side of her throat right along the jugular until felt her pulse point.

Sarah drew Lenea's head to the side and pulled her into deep kiss while Andrew bit down on the wolf girl's collarbone. That did it for her, he heard the whimpering cry and felt her thighs clench around his hand and the pulse around his fingers as she came. This one felt like a hard one around his hand, as he felt the wetness spill out and catch in his fur. She continued whimpering and she drew in shuddering breaths as her muscles clenched sporadically. This wasn't a screaming orgasm, this was an internalized one, and he'd learned over the months together that she needed whatever she could get inside her when these hit her. He kept his fingers buried as deeply as he could, until he felt her pulsing muscles stop their movements, and her body relax under his and Sarah's weight.

Only then did the two of them let Lenea go, and she dropped back onto the couch with a panting breath,

"Oh boy, oh yes...that really hit the good spots..." she panted, and then grinned up to Andrew, "Seems like we've been giving the boy some good lessons," she commented in an aside to Sarah, who merely grinned.

"Well, when you have such good teachers..." Andrew laughed, suddenly realizing that all three of them were still wearing what were now rumpled clothes, which smelled a bit of sweat and sex.

He looked up and around at the various furs in the room, many adjourned to other parts of the house, but the threesome was still going across the way. This time the blindfolded deer was on her back on the couch, the ermine woman between her thighs, and the male straddled her and fed his rather long looking cock into her mouth. Andrew found that surprisingly, seeing another male fucking in real life didn't make him as nervous as he felt.

It did make him pause though when he looked over and saw two furs, both of them male, one he thought was a jackal, and the other another cat of some kind, on their knees in front of another of the nude 'Christmas Presents' who was also a male. The two were taking turns sucking the male's cock. The 'present' was a fluffy looking skunk that probably had as much fluff in weight as he did in fur. The skunk bit his lip and held both his arms behind his back, it looked like they were having a contest to see who could get him off first.

Sarah followed his gaze and blushed, and then giggled a bit,

"What...see something you like?" She teased,

"Oh...umm, no, I mean...I've never even thought."

Lenea grinned wickedly, "Never huh? Really? Even with how perverted geeks can get in their little heads?" She asked as she caught her breath and saw what they both watched, "You've never wondered?"

Andrew actually blushed even more deeply and ummed, "Well, maybe not never," he admitted.

Both girls looked at each other and grinned widely while Andrew looked abashed, "Good to know!" Lenea crowed, while Sarah had the courtesy and simply giggled quietly.

Sarah then looked over to the two of them and gave a somewhat cross look, "Well, I know you two have gotten off, but I haven't had my chance yet, so I'm going to find someone to give me the nice hard time I want."

Andrew blinked and looked up at her as she winked at him in response. To his surprise, she turned and went back out the way they came. Andrew looked over to Lenea, but she merely shrugged,

"You got me, I don't know what she's up to," she commented. She slid her fingertips down the front of Andrew's shirt and undid the buttons as she went, "But I bet she'd really like to see you out of this thing when she gets back," she continued, as she determinedly undid the buttons and pushed the shirt and jacket from his tux off his shoulders.


It didn't take long before Andrew and Lenea lounged casually on the couch, nude, her body pressed to his as he tried to take in the still somewhat surreal nature of the air of the place. It appeared that the first round was mostly over for most furs as well. There was less sex going on, and more casual conversations. The conversations were relaxed, easy; it was just slightly strange that all the participants were also nude.

Andrew looked around slowly,

"This is kinda weird..." he admitted slowly,

"What is?" Lenea asked, while she lightly stroked over his chest fur, which as usual provoked an almost unconscious purr from his throat and a smile from her muzzle.

"I don't know...I just, well, when I thought about an orgy I didn't think it would be quite so...." he gestured in the air as he looked to the other conversing groups,

"Casual?" Lenea helpfully suggested.

"Mmm, that could be it; I figured it would just be non-stop sex, and sex games, lots of noise, and people just going from partner to partner and group to group."

Lenea grinned and kissed him lightly, "Well, I don't know about other parties, but this is a lot like last year, Janelle makes sure that people here are respectful, and friendly." She shrugs, "Maybe it's just the holiday atmosphere...besides, as much as I know you can go several times in a night, you still need breaks, nobody that I know can fuck non-stop like a porn-star."

"True..." he started, though he ended up interrupted when Sarah returned, with a couple of furs following, and they chatted as they walked.

The first was the before-mentioned Janelle, but the skunk woman lost her dress somewhere along the way and she certainly wasn't shy about showing off her assets. Her breasts were quite large, at least a D or more compared to the twins more modest shapes, and her ass swayed in an almost obscene way as she walked. She didn't have a dress on, so leading the way was a big purple dildo held into a matching leather harness! The way the harness cut, it didn't prevent any kind of access at all, so her soft pink pussy peeked out from between her thighs as she moved. She also held a lead in her hand one of the leads, so the fox Andrew saw nuzzling her earlier trailed behind the pair. His arms were tied behind his back and he moved somewhat hesitantly as he was still blindfolded. He was also sporting quite the erection, and Andrew couldn't help but make a comparative glance between his length, and the fox's obviously larger cock.

Sarah grinned when he noticed Andrew's gaze, and licked her lips as she leaned in and kissed first Andrew, then Lenea.

"So, I said I really wanted to get nice and fucked, but I didn't say by whom, now did I?" Her voice was teasing before she continued, "I thought you might like to see Janelle put one of her favorite toys to use...and ummm, I hope you don't object, but Sam here would like the privilege of getting me ready...is that ok?" she asked. Her face suddenly turned a bit shy, while a blush lit on the tips of her ears.

"Ummmm, sure...ok." Andrew said dumbly, though he glanced over at Lenea, who merely gave the thumbs up gesture.

Janelle lit up, "Wonderful!" She said lightly, before she turned to Sam and grinned.

As Andrew watched, Janelle grabbed the back of Sarah's neck at the scruff and guided her gently over to the arm of the chair. Andrew noticed Sarah's eyes close and the look of pleasure on her face at the gesture, and made a note of that for later as the skunk woman pushed Sarah down onto the arm of the chair, bent over it with her ass in the air.

"Now then Sam, over here,"

Janelle said with a little tug of the lead. The fox walked over obediently, and moved into place behind Sarah with a little guidance from Janelle. When she pushed him down to his knees carefully, it put his muzzle right at the level of Sarah's raised ass. Janelle then leaned in and kissed him between the ears,

"All right, get her ready for me while I get my supplies."

Andrew could only watch as the fox eagerly planted his muzzle between Sarah's thighs. Andrew knew how much Sarah loved oral, so it was no surprise when she breathed heatedly in a sigh of pleasure almost immediately when Sam started giving her such attention. From his perspective, he couldn't see exactly what the fox did, but as Sarah closed her eyes in pleasure and her ears twitched back and forth with immediate signs of enjoyment Andrew admired the fox's obvious enthusiasm for the task.

Janelle spent a minute or two watching Sam do his 'task' before she winked at Andrew and walked over to one of the side tables next to one of the couches, where all the safer sex supplies resided. She picked up a couple of condoms before she returned. As Andrew started asking a question, she simply tore open one of the condoms and swiftly rolled it down and over the dildo as it stood proudly between her thighs.

Andrew turned to Lenea, who watched in a fascinated manner as well and asked quietly, "What's that for? It's just a toy, it can get cleaned."

She nodded, but gestured around, "Maybe...but it sets a good example, so everyone plays safer, and also, this way she can use the toy as many times as she wants tonight without having to clean it, she just has to use a different condom on every partner."

Andrew ohed, and nodded slightly as he watched Janelle tug on Sam's lead and pulled his muzzle from between Sarah's thighs. Andrew could see the wetness on the end of Sam's muzzle, and his heightened sense of smell could definitely detect the familiar scent of Sarah's arousal. When Sam withdrew though, she whimpered a protest and looked back at Janelle pleadingly,

"Now now, patience," Janelle commented with a grin, and then with another firm tug pulled Sam over to her toy, "Get me lubed up," she commanded.

Sam complied, Andrew thought eagerly, as he proceeded to suck Janelle's toy into his muzzle. His head bobbed up and down on the fake cock for some time, while he made loud sucking sounds, only taking brief pauses as he licked it openly from top to bottom, until he coated it with a nice layer of his glistening saliva. Janelle tapped him on the head and he withdrew quickly, though she graced him with another scritch underneath his jaw.

Janelle moved up and playfully rubbed the tip of her phaux phallus against Sarah's sex from behind, which provoked another mewl of pleasure from the sensitive feline. Janelle looked over to Lenea and Andrew and smiled, it seemed she made sure they watched as she slowly sunk the length of the entire toy into Sarah's pussy. As she did Sarah raised her hips just a bit and moaned in pleasure, while her hands gripped the sheet that covered the couch and she pressed forward against the arm.

"Ohhh, that's so nice and full," Sarah moaned out, but the moan quickly turned to a whimper as Janelle withdrew almost fully again.

Andrew again mostly had the view from the front as he watched the two, so he saw the expressions of pleasure on Sara's face as the two women moved together. He also watched the delicious sway of Sarah's perky breasts, the slap as Janelle's hips met hers, Sarah's tail twitched wildly, and her ass bounced with the movements. With Sam kneeling right next to the two Andrew could only guess at the scents he was picking up, being so close to the two of them.

Watching the two women fucking, and the look of pleasure on Sarah's face, and the way Janelle's bosom swayed with each stroke had another effect as well. Andrew felt his cock as it twitched and slowly rose up to full arousal again as his recovery ability caught up with his interest. Lenea noticed though and reached down and grabbed his growing length, she squeezed at his base and leaned in for another deep kiss.

"So many hot things we get to see, right?" She asked him, while she stroked him almost leisurely, coaxed his arousal and made his cock rock hard.

Andrew nodded and returned Lenea's kiss, though his eyes locked on the other two as they moved together. Lenea followed his gaze and nodded subtly to Janelle, who grinned widely and looked to Andrew,

"Andrew...kitty, would you perhaps like to join us?" She asked impishly, though she didn't stop her slow in and out thrusting into Sarah beneath her.

"What...umm, how?" Andrew asked quickly, though his cock twitched in Lenea's hand noticeably.

"Well this harness has the rather nice benefit that it doesn't stop someone from taking me from behind..." She withdrew fully, which provoked a sound of protest from Sarah, though Janelle merely reached down between her thighs and ran her fingers over her exposed sex beneath the harness. She mmmed and raised her fingers up, showing her glistening fingers, "See? It takes a little...coordination, but you might find it interesting."

While she waited for Andrew's response, she thrust back into Sarah's pussy and continued her leisurely fucking of the kitty, who mewed her relief at the return of the long toy, while Andrew looked over to Lenea,

"Can I? Really?" He asked quietly,

"I'd have to smack you if you didn't!" Lenea exclaimed with a little laugh, "This is the time to play and experiment, now get over there!" She gave him another squeeze at the base of his shaft and then released him with a playful grin.

Andrew gave her a grateful look and a quick kiss before he stood up and walked over to the side of the two women. From this position, he could more easily see the way Janelle sawed the long dildo back and forth into Sarah's clinging sex, though Andrew couldn't really see how he might get into this particular play easily.

"First..." Janelle said, and she tugged Sam over around the two of them until he was right in front of Andrew, "Ask," she commanded as she reached down and freed his arms from the binding that held them behind.

It took a moment before Andrew realized that she wasn't talking to him, when Sam spoke up somewhat hesitantly, "Please, sir...may I prepare you?" His voice reflected his obvious nervousness at asking, but there was an eager tone that came through just as obviously.

Andrew blushed deeply and ummed. He hesitated before he looked over to Lenea for some kind of reassurance. She merely grinned, nodded, and shooed him forward, "Get on with it, and don't leave the poor boy hanging." She said lightly, though he noticed she was already lightly playing with herself as she stroked along her slit with two fingers slowly.

Andrew cleared his throat, and coughed, "Yes...sure, I guess you may." He said with as much nervousness as he heard from Sam just a moment ago. He couldn't get the blush out of his ears, as Andrew had never really considered doing anything with another male before. He didn't have a problem with homosexuality, but it never really occurred to him as something that appealed.

When Sam reached out and tentatively grabbed the base of his cock, he did his best to hold still, though his cock twitched in the fox's hand and bobbed a little. Apparently, Sam took that as his sign of encouragement, because with one hand he lightly stroked along Andrew's shaft, while the other felt around until he encountered a condom that Janelle thoughtfully offered him. Andrew watched as Sam ripped over the packet with his teeth and then popped the condom into his mouth. When the fox's muzzle descended, Andrew closed his eyes, did his best, and concentrated on just the sensations, rather than the thought of another male's muzzle wrapped around his dick.

Sam apparently had some experience, because Andrew felt the warmth of his muzzle surrounding him, but he held the condom so he could put it on with his muzzle. The familiar feel of latex dulled the sensation of Sam's muzzle, but he could still feel the textures at the top of his muzzle, and the way his tongue licked the underside of his shaft even as he sunk all the way down and secured the condom just above his balls. Andrew let loose an almost involuntary groan at the sensation as Sam's muzzle withdrew in a long stroke that teased him right up to the underside of his crown and left another glistening coat of saliva on the latex. Andrew opened his eyes in time to see Sam sit back onto his haunches, a pleased smile on his muzzle, and both Janelle and Lenea watching openly at him. Janelle even stopped fucking Sarah as she looked at him.

"Ok...now _that_was fucking hot," Lenea said enthusiastically, while she quickly stroked her pussy and spread her legs a bit to make the movements easier.

"Mmmhmmm," Janelle agreed,

"What? What did I miss?" Sarah complained half-heartedly, while she wiggled back against Janelle.

"I'll tell you later," Lenea promised.

"Now, get behind me, and get in nice and close, I want to feel that thing inside me now," Janelle said with a little smile and a come-hither gesture to Andrew.

Andrew had a blush that he was sure was visible from orbit, and an erection that he was sure could drill through iron if need be, and he wasn't about to refuse that particular request, even if he still felt a bit awkward at the brief male on male encounter. He chose to stay quiet though and moved up behind Janelle, his cock bobbed as it led the way.

He soon found that it wasn't the most ideal of positions, and it took a bit of positioning before he could have access to Janelle's pussy though. The skunk girl leaned over Sarah as much as she could and did her best to get her tail out of the way before Andrew could really get any kind of angle where his cock had a chance at her sex. She reached down and guided him though when he started getting in close, until he finally felt his tip nestle at the entrance of her sex.

"Mmmm, no need to go slow tiger, I've been soaking all night," Janelle commented with a grin.

Andrew nodded and used one hand to guide himself, while his other hand rested on her hip as he thrust inwards, spread her around his length and sunk in as much as he could all in one movement. Janelle groaned at the feeling, and Sarah's moan nearly matched it, as the movement forced Janelle's strap-on deeper into Sarah's sex.

"Yeah...that feels very nice," Janelle moaned, and Andrew could only agree. Even through the condom, he felt the skunk woman's clinging heat around him, especially when she squeezed down and he could feel the muscles around his crown tighten and loosen. He let loose a groan of his own and clenched down on her thighs with both hands.

"This is going to take a bit of coordination, just...move along with me, ok?" Janelle looked back over her shoulder and smiled to Andrew.

He nodded, "Yeah...I got it," he panted out, though he did his best not to move too much. Given the position he wasn't too deep into Janelle's sex, and wasn't sure he couldn't move without slipping out.

It seemed that Janelle knew this as well, because she was careful in her movements to start. She withdrew from Sarah's sex in long, slow strokes, made sure that Andrew knew when she moved as she pushed back, and she let him know when she was about to thrust again. The first couple of times she told him, so he knew he could thrust in with her, but soon he could feel her inner muscles squeeze with the flex of her hips, and he followed along without slipping out more than once or twice.

It was an interesting series of movements, and an interesting sensation as the three of them moved together. Andrew could tell he wasn't actually sliding in and out of Janelle's sex much, if at all, but when Janelle thrust, he did too, and he could feel the additional momentum and weight as they drove into Sarah's pussy. She obviously felt it too; because she soon lost all capacity for intelligent speech and just panted, groaned or let out other pleading sounds for more, harder, faster movements. For Andrew, the heat and squeezing around his cock, without the deliberate in and out movement had a different effect, it let him focus on their movements a bit more, and it delayed the higher pleasure of orgasm while he still savored the warm feeling around his cock, squeezing his crown.

They moved together like that for some time, and as Andrew watched and moved, Lenea stroked herself for a bit and then reached out and grabbed Sam's lead. She tugged him forward and whispered in his ear. He nodded and she looked back up to Andrew, "We'll be right back," she mouthed to him, and he nodded his understanding, obviously curious at what she was off to.

The two of them left the room while Sarah, Janelle and he continued their deep, but still almost leisurely movements. Due to his earlier orgasm, he didn't feel a lot of urgency, but her lack of it obviously had an effect on Sarah, as they moved they ground her hips and mound into the arm of the couch, and she gasped through one orgasm, then another as they thrust away. Janelle moaned as Andrew and she moved, and she looked back at him, "Grab my tits, I know you've been stealing glances all night...I love the attention."

He nodded, not trusting himself to answer, and reached around and grabbed her lovely mounds. Their softness filled his hands, and he did his best not to maul them as he squeezed and kneaded them in his hands. He could feel the stiffness of her large nipples, and he focused on the,. He stroked his fingertips over them and then trapped them into the V between his fingers and rolled them lightly. When that provoked another moan of pleasure, he repeated the action.

"Stop...stop...I can't take anymore!" Sarah whined from beneath the two of them, and Andrew noticed she trembled and slumped down to the couch. She barely moved at all each time Janelle sunk the toy all the way inside her.

The two of them pulled to a shuddering stop, and Janelle withdrew the toy fully from Sarah's sex. Andrew slipped free as well and his cock slapped up against his belly wetly from Janelle's sex, though he was in no danger of losing his erection. He noticed Sarah's thighs and groin matted down with her wetness, and wondered exactly how many orgasms the kitty really had while they were fucking her.

Lenea returned a moment later, while Sam trailed behind her on the lead. She took one glance over to Sarah and grinned, "Finally wore her out hmm?" She winked to Andrew and held up a classic silver vibrator, which she waggled at Andrew, "I'm going to have Sam use this on me, ok?" She asked, though she didn't really wait for an answer before she dragged Sam with her to the other end of the couch. She flopped down onto it and spread her thighs wide, while she tugged Sam down in front of her so his muzzle ended up between her legs. She handed him the vibrator and grinned, "All right foxy boy, you know what to do with that," she said lightly.

Andrew couldn't do much but shake his head and grin, while Janelle smiled indulgently, "She does usually get what she wants, doesn't she," she commented.

"Well, I don't think I'd be the one who wants to try and stop her." Andrew commented, though he was surprised at how the initial embarrassment passed all ready.

"Well, that's good, because I'm not done with you yet," Janelle said with a grin, as she undid the straps to the harness and tossed it to t he side. "I think you better finish what you started," she continued in the commanding voice she used earlier.

"Oh, I think I can do that..." Andrew said as he approached the skunk woman.

Janelle helped Sarah curl up onto the couch, as the kitty still shivered slightly as she recovered from the intense pleasure, before she perched her ass on the arm of the couch, turned, and faced Andrew. Andrew glanced over at the sound of the hum of a vibrator going on; in time to see the toy as it disappeared into Lenea's sex, guided by Sam's hand, before she returned his attention to the gorgeous skunk in front of him.

Janelle merely grinned, spread her legs, and drew him in, welcoming him as he guided his cock down and into her waiting sex. She hooked her legs around his hips and squeezed him close; she made sure that he sunk his entire length into her waiting passage, which provoked another gasp of pleasure from them both.

"Mmmm, that was fun with Sarah tiger, but sometimes a girl just needs a nice deep fucking, you can do that, right?" She asked in a half-teasing, half-commanding voice.

His inner smartass came out and he returned with a sardonic smile, "I think I can manage that." He replied, as he hooked his hands around her hips and yanked her to him, while he leaned down and kissed her hard on the muzzle.

What followed was not gentle, or slow, or even all that 'nice' really by any stretch of the imagination. What it was, was hard, fast, and animalistic. Both of their breaths came in gasps, or groans, or growls of pleasure, accompanied by the slap of flesh against flesh and the wet sounds of his cock as it plunged into her pussy again and again, while he tried to sink as deeply as he could with each hard stroke. She would lean back onto her hands on the couch one moment to give him a deep angle into her, then the next moment she would snap forward and wrap her arms around his chest, when she would either kiss him, or he would bite her throat, or her collarbone, or her shoulders.

They became oblivious to the other scenes around them, though some stopped to watch, while others matched their energy in intensity and pleasure. It definitely sparked off another round though, with couples, groups, and singles engaged in every form of pleasure they could. Sarah even recovered enough and watched them heatedly, gingerly stroking herself, not enough to provoke another orgasm from her sensitive sex, but just so she could keep that heightened sensitivity. Sam continued with the vibrator between Lenea's thighs. She stroked her clit and guided his movements with either orders, or the sounds of pleasure she gave when he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her. Sam for his part had a look of blissful pleasure on his face, even though there was no attention to the rock-hard erection he sported between his thighs.

The two lost track of time, but even with the condom dulling his sensations, and the earlier peak, Andrew eventually felt the growing orgasm uncoiling from him and the pleasure coming up his spine in anticipation of his peak.

"I'm going to cum...soon," he panted out,

Janelle merely nodded and grabbed him and pulled forward again, "Cum tiger...I've already cum...a lot," She said with a breathy laugh, "I want to feel it," she said as she squeezed her thighs more tightly around him, and he felt her muscles squeezing and milking his cock.

He grunted and nodded to her, he shifted to short, quick thrusts, the ones that teased his crown the most, and seemed like they practically vacuumed his peak from him. The uncoiling spring went from a gradual pleasure to a sudden, quick one, as he felt it course down his spine and focus right behind his cock. He felt the pulse as the sharp pleasure of orgasm hit him, and he jerked forward and filled the condom again and again as he rolled over into his climax. His hips jerked a bit more, harshly, as Janelle kept him close with her thighs and her arms around his chest, and his breath sounded sharply in his own ears as this second climax overwhelmed the first with its intensity.

When the moment passed he dropped forward a bit, though he caught himself before he knocked Janelle onto the curled up kitty next to them on the couch. Andrew looked up as he braced himself and caught the look on Lenea's face. Apparently, Sam had done quite a number on her, because Andrew could see the wet spot beneath her on the couch covers, and she was shuddering through another orgasm of her own and left a new patch of wetness on the couch.

Janelle smiled up at him and he smiled down before she released him and he withdrew. He shuddered as his cock slipped out of her warmth. She was immediately off the couch and sipped the condom off his length. She tied it off and held it up, where it was obvious he'd left quite the 'deposit' in the latex protector.

"Mmmm, the girls were right, you do cum hard, don't you." She grinned impishly at him, and he could barely summon the energy to blush at her before she tossed the used condom in the wastebasket placed next to the tables with the other supplies.

She stood up and kissed him lightly on the muzzle, before she murmured a quiet, "Thank you."

Andrew looked incredulously at her, "Thank me? I think I have to thank you much more..." He glanced over, where Lenea was panting heavily, while Sam sat back on his haunches, a proud look on his face, and the vibrator held carefully in his hands. "I think I have them to thank even more," he said as he looked at the girls, and his face softened a bit.

Janelle smiled when she saw the change in his expression and leaned in and kissed his cheek again, "Well yes, thank them, but thank you too for giving this whole thing a chance, some people get into this craziness and run screaming, we like to see a few who are willing to expand their horizons," She then winked again, "Well, and thank you for fucking me silly, it's nice to see such honest enthusiasm, so many of us get a bit, jaded these days." She then turned back and stepped over and picked up Sam's lead, "Come now Sam, we still have the rest of the night ahead of us, and you don't get to cum until you're done servicing for the night!" She said imperiously, though she threw an amused look Andrew's way.

"Yes Ma'am," Sam said with an enthusiasm that caught Andrew frankly by surprise, before Janelle led the fox boy away.

Lenea and Sarah both looked up to Andrew. Sarah had a slightly worried look on her face, though Lenea's had more of a self-satisfied smirk as she watched his reactions. He turned and slumped down into the couch, first Sarah crawled over and draped her head in his lap, and then Lenea slid up and pressed close from the side.

"So...are we...is it ok?" Sarah began hopefully, while she reached up and traced his muzzle with her fingertips.

He clasped them gently and kissed each fingertip in turn, before he switched and gave Lenea another soft kiss on her muzzle. He mmmrred and sat back, before he responded slowly,

"I don't know how it couldn't be all right," he started, and watched as Sarah noticeably relaxed, "You two always seem to know what's best for me, even when I don't." He purred lightly, "I just will have to do my best to know that better in the future, even when I wonder how the hell I deserve you."

Lenea grinned and hooked her arms around his waist as she nuzzled close,

"You probably don't," she said in a joking tone, "But we're pretty sure you're going to be getting us for quite a long time, if we have any choice about it, right?" The last directed at Sarah.

Sarah nodded and grinned, before she turned and nuzzled up against Andrew's sac, surprisingly, he felt the first twitch of arousal come back to him, especially after so short a recovery time. Sarah noticed and licked her lips impishly, which provoked another blush from him,

"Mmmhmm, we want to keep our tiger kitty for as long as we can." She shared a look with Lenea and nodded.

Almost in synchronization, Sarah slid her head off Andrew's lap, while Lenea turned and straddled him, and nestled her still soaked pussy up against his surprisingly growing cock.

"Now, let's show all the other furs exactly why you're our kitty, hmmm?" She said in a throaty voice that sent a shiver through his body.

And for the rest of the night, the three of them did exactly that.
