the two tailed adventures 1

Story by kilala on SoFurry

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This were everything lives and there are pets and slaves. This about me so have any questions email me please I want to know what u think. ~ ~ ~ This mean she is in a new area. And if u want me to put u I n my story also email me why I should put u in my story.

Kilala walks into a fast food restaurant and walks up to the counter. "Good afternoon sir, I would like one cheeseburger and small drink please, Kilala asks." "Ok that will be $2.20 please, the man tells her." Kilala gives him the money, takes a number, and sits and waits. 15 min later a woman calls out her number. "Number 30 the woman yells out." "Over here Kilala answers back" then the woman walks over and puts her food in front of her. "Here you go a cheeseburger with a small drink the woman says." "Thanks Kilala says back."

After Kilala finish's her food she went to the forest and then she makes a bird call." who- who tweet-tweet Kilala calls out." Out of know where her friend Kaal and some other wild animals appear. " Hey Kilala what's up Kaal says." " Nothing, Kilala says." Kaal looks at Kilala scared. What's wrong, Kilala asks." "Nothing Kaal says." " Ok Kilala says." Would you like to yiff Kaal? Kilala asks." "Sure Kaal answers back." But we will have to go somewhere else so no one interrupts us, Kilala says."

They went a back room of their friend's store. Kilala jumps on the bed and spreads her legs out wide waiting for Kaal move then Kaal jumps after Kilala. "Heheheheheh Kilala starts to giggle when Kaal jumps after her." Kaal slowly puts his cock around the edge of her pussy then puts it into her. " Here I come Kaal says." "Ok Kilala says." Oooohhhh....yyyyoooouuuu....feel...soooo...good Kaal says while he moans happily." Kaal thrusts harder and faster. Kilala moans with happiness. Kilala slowly pulls his cock out and of her pussy and starts to suck it hard. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.........yeeeeessssssssssss...oooohhh....yyyeeeesssss that feels real good Kaal moans happily." 20 mins later Kaal looks at the clock and pulls his cock out of her mouth and says something. "Sorry Kilala I got a doctors meeting to get to in 5 min Kaal says to Kilala." Kaal gets up and gets dressed quickly and goes to his doctors meeting.

2 hours later Kilala see Kaal and waves. Kaal runs to Kilala and he looks scared. "Kilala you have to get out of here quickly a hunter is after you and he wants to kill you Kaal says." "What...why? Kilala asks." " I don't know why Kaal says." Kaal hands Kilala a robe. Then takes the robe and puts it on. "Fellow me we are going to your place to grab your stuff at your house. Kilala nods and follows right behind Kaal. They hurry back to Kilala house and get all of her stuff and they went to the travel path. *Kaal kisses Kilala* "goodbye Kilala, Kaal says." Both of them start to cry. "Your not coming with me, Kilala asks." "I cant because if the hunter knows that I left then he knows that you left as well and he will come after both of us, Kaal explains." "Alright goodbye Kaal Kilala says."

Kaal goes back to his house and gets some money and goes to a restaurant. After gets his food a guy with a gun walks up to Kaal. "Where is she the man demands." Kaal stands up. "So u must me the hunter and if u aren't, I still wont tell you Kaal tells the hunter." Then some of Kaal's friends stand up behind him and stare at the hunter. "So you are after r friend Kilala hey well you won't find her like Kaal said and there won't be any killing in this restaurant either so leave, Kaal's friends told the hunter." The hunter smiled left. "I know where she is the hunter said as he left to chase after Kilala."

Kilala hides in a small tree hole where no one can see it and its 4 feet near the path road because she heard a sound come from far behind her and then it stopped on the bride and looked under it and continued on past her on a horse. After 6 minutes later she get out and continues walking slowly on the trail. Later on she comes across a field of wild flowers. (They are 6 feet high) She turns her head to the right a bit and sees the hunter on top of the hill pointing his gun at her. Then she bolts to the wild flower. So he can't get a good aim on her to shoot at her. Kilala didn't notice the monk, neither did the hunter. Hunter got a lock on Kilala but misses and then shoots again and kills her. "I got her the hunter says to himself." Then the monk sees the hunter fire the second shoot and starts to walk up the hill toward the hunter. Finally the hunter notices the monk *But most monks in this story didn't wear robe you think they ware no they wore monk suit off of Guild wars the online game* "what do u what the hunter asks the monk." The monk just kept on walking toward the hunter. Then the hunter tried shooting the monk but kept on missing. " Die monk die!!! The hunter yelled. "You can't hurt a monk when he is sent of for their mission. The monk says." The got to the hunter and knocked him out and freed his horse then he walked down to Kilala and resurrected but then her tails split in two. Kilala wakes up and makes her body stand while her legs still on the ground. "Where's the hunter and why aren't I still died Kilala asks." I knocked the hunter out and free his horse and he did kill you but resurrected you back to life but you have two tails ,the monk explains to her." "Oh thanks...wait, I have what!!!!!! Kilala says." Your welcome and yes you have two tails." "Come with me to the monk academy the monk asks."

"Ok I will come with you to the academy kilala answers." "By the way my name is kilala nice to meet you kilala says" "my name is duke the monk says back." Then they traveled to the monk academy.