The Forgotten Gate

Story by Akanu on SoFurry

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#2 of Graveyard Academe

Lucas finally shows up with the magnocar only to find Azeal in a state of shock. "Great what did you do you freak and where is Anu." He looks around and only sees a strange fox that looks familiar. What the is that Anu impossible he has became a morph. Lucas thinks.

"Get him in the car Lucas we don't have much time my wing are starting to fade once that happens i wont be able to guide you to the academy" Azeal states as he finally recovers from the shock. "Do you know where the ham house is Lucas?"

"Ya its by Eagle Point Park why?" Lucas answers as he put the fox in the back seat and gets in the front seat.

Sluggishly Azeal phases through the passenger car door and takes a seat. "We need to get there just behind it is a small grave yard forgotten by those that in habit this world and in that graveyard is the closest portal to the academe." He explains looking exhausted as his wings start to flake away.

"Wo are you ok you look terrible Azeal." Lucas asks as he begins diving to the forgotten graveyard.

"I'm fine I'm just losing powers as an angle of death soon I'll be nothing more than an arc with limited powers." Azeal states.

"What about Anu what happened you made it sound like he would be human or at least look like one? With that you needing his body as a template thing. Was that some sort of lie?" He asks as they approach the Ham House.

"I don't know there was nothing in my training at the Arcadem Academe. Its as if his soul was completely different than his body that it inhabited. Which probably explains why he hasn't woken up from the transformation. His mind is trying to adapt to his new body like a werewolf on its first change." Azeal ponders aloud.

"Hey its not nice to talk about someone when there passed out you bastards" Anu says groggily as he holds his pounding head. "what the claws, fur. and a beautiful tail. I'm bloody morph and foxy one at that, sweet."

"As much as I like to watch you explore you body Anu. We're finally at the Ham House so where is that portal Azeal." Lucas Asks

"Just follow me" Azeal says. Leaving the car he walks though a gate in the back of the Ham house and heads into the woods about five minutes in they come across a gargoyle and Azeal gives it a good smack on the head." what the hell are you doing sleeping on the job you stupid guardian my wings are nothing but bone and I rather not get trapped in a grave yard while spend my next 50 years as an arc,, dam you. I got two new changelings one a black kitsune and one is newly awakened class 2 Immortal now i demand you open the portal so i can get the hell out of here." Azeal screams at the statue while both Anu and Lucas looks at the angle like he was crazy.

Just then the statues eyes opened and glowed green. "All right all right the yelling would of been enough! You of all people should know what ever happens to what I'm possessing at the time will happen to my physical body so long as its non lethal of coarse." doing a slight bow like that of an English butler showing his master into the estate and where its hand pointed a gate appeared with strange symbles on it.

"Well this is the end of the line for me boys I have get out of here now be fore I'm trapped here. Enjoy your new life watch and study hard I expect you guys will adapt pretty well there. who knows maybe we'll meet again some day." Azeal says as he draws a rune and escapes the grave yard in a puff of smoke.

Anu and Lucas turns and heads through the gate to begin there new lives as immortals.