Emancipation: Chapter 5

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#5 of Empancipation

"I want the hounds out here!" Thadeus snarled out at the men who were running up to the carriage, their faces telling the story. "And get down to the town, I want more men! I will not tolerate this pitiful group."

He yanked the reins of his horse savagely, turning the creature about with a wild whinny and let the gelding paw at the ground. He would normally never treat a piece of horse flesh so roughly, but his wits were at an end. It had been a month since he had last seen his son, a month since he had gone missing with the presumed reason of having a tantrum because he wasn't getting his way. It wasn't the first time the lad had taken off on his own, normally he would take one of the steam boats down towards New Orleans and enjoy whores a plenty until he had forgotten what upset him. When the money had run out and he no longer felt so aggrieved he would return and tolerate being put in his place, but not before. This time was different, this time he had been gone a month and a week ago he had been brought his son's clothing. Torn in the woods, ripped to shreds as if by animals.

He glared at the coloreds that were helping, useless creatures, they barely even worked as they milled about waiting for a command they could obey. He had hired them all, hating to do so, but he had still paid them to search, he had bought out the taverns and bars, he had forced them out looking for young Theodore and still they hadn't turned up anything. With a drive of his heels against his gelding he sent the horse running down the lane, fury building in him. He had found the damned bitch that had boasted his son's bastard, but she had given him nothing usable. She had only stammered that she had never heard him, she hadn't even expected him as he had made it clear that he didn't want to rear her half-breed child. He had paid her off, he didn't need the press to get ahold of his son's preference for women of color. He had paid her off and kept her under his thumb at his estate until he could figure out where Theodore had gone.

Doubtless some hulking man has taken exception to his enjoying their women. Would they kill him? Or would they simply kidnap? That thought was a frequent one over the past few days, it was his best guess as to where he had gone.

It wouldn't be the first time that a man of color had taken down one of their betters, but none of them had come forward yet. He couldn't even finger which one it might be. The lad stuck his dick in anything that moved around the area and it could be any number of them. Thadeus leaned down over his horse, driving the beast on as he turned along the lane that would take him back to the woods where the clothes had been found. Why remove his clothing? Why shred them? They were of a fine make, the shirt itself was silk, there was no reasoning for why it should have been destroyed. It was still recognizable as his sons, there had been no attempt to hide the makers mark on any of them. It was another mystery on a pile of them. He turned the horse's head towards the small hollow, reining him back into a trot as the creature blew out a hot breath.

He didn't agree with his son, he even despised the lad in many ways for how he gave into pleasures of the flesh, but Theodore was his heir. His legacy counted on being passed through that young man's loins one way or another, he wasn't in a position to get another babe on his aging wife. He wasn't going to be able to take a new wife, not now, there was too much unrest and he needed his wife's relations to secure his wealth. His thoughts came to a stop as he pulled the beast back and saw a rider coming towards him at a slow walk, but his eyes weren't on the person riding the mare. His eyes were on the mare herself.

It was a genteel beast with a high curved neck, an intelligent head and a rather fetching blaze that ran all the way over to the eyes so that they were blue instead of brown. Theodore had purchased that mare himself on his sixteenth birthday to raise up from a filly. Four white stockings offset the chestnut coat as even at a walk she was graceful and poised, almost as if she were dancing instead of walking. Thadeus nearly saw red as he looked at the lovely creature, his fingers dug into the reins of his gelding so the beast halted and half reared, trying to fight for his head. A woman road the mare, a sleek looking colored woman with her head raised up and an insolent smile on her high cheek boned face so he could see the white of her teeth in her smile.

"You! Where did you get that horse!" He kneed his gelding over to block her path, looking down at the familiar mare. "Answer me now!"

"My horse?" The woman only grinned wider, not a coy or flirting smile, almost a smirk. "I own her, she was a part of my freedom."

"Your freedom." He twisted his lip up and nudged his gelding up closer, crowding her on his larger mount. "You were not given a horse when you were freed. What is your name? And where did you get that horse?"

"Abeni." The woman's smile only deepened and she gave a light touch of the reins that brought her mare in close enough the gelding snapped in irritation. "And it came with my freedom. As I stated."

"That horse belongs to my son!" He reached down to pull his riding crop from his boot. "You have one last time before I drag your carcass into town for the answer."

"Ahh your son.." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "My freedom did have a price that needed to be paid, you understand. He came to understand the price intimately."

"How dare you!" He snapped out angrily.

Thadeus narrowed his eyes and let out a snarl of anger, bringing up the riding crop to bring it down towards her face. He dug his heels into his geldings sides, crashing against the smaller male before striking her, hearing the sound of leather striking skin. As he reached back to strike her again, lunging to catch the reins of the mare, her hand wrapped around his wrist. The fingers bit in roughly along bone and ligaments, nearly unsettling him as she twisted his arm back and let out a low thrumming laugh nearly in his ear.

"I dare much." She hissed out, her face inches away from his own. The grip on his wrist clamped down harder sending a shock through his body. "I've been waiting for you to be alone for far too long."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Had it been a week? Or two? Theodore didn't know how long she existed in this place, time was fleeting and strange. She no longer slept at night, she grew more active then and wanted to be out and moving, during the day she napped, she ate what was given to her to keep alive, she tried not to think about how she had to use the bathroom. Her humiliation was made worse by the fact that the woman seemed to relish tormenting her, twisting her body, forcing her to accept caresses and touches that enflamed her senses and made things feel so terribly good even as she wanted them to stop. She was given a better cage, almost as if she had earned it with tolerating the humiliations. It was a little area attached to the back of the shed, but the cage was on the ground and she had felt hope at first that she could did her way out. Hope that was rapidly dashed as she found the wire that was laid down over the ground to keep her from digging beneath it.

Granted, it was that wire that kept her safe as every night a fox came by to sniff at the edge of the cage and eye her. The thick heavy bodied todd was always there after sundown, he kept trying to dig beneath the fence, pacing and calling to her. The harsh scent of male flooded her senses each time as he marked the fence with a hiked up leg. The taste of him would fill her senses and make parts of her react, making her body tense up and feel the need to crawl towards him, to get closer to him and answer his call. It was only a bare force of will and the fence between them that kept her from doing just that. She still had that much of her humanity, she wouldn't' give into the base desires of what the beast was trying to make her do.

She kept her ears flat back against her head as she stretched out and fought the urge to look at the sound of hoof beats. For the last week Abeni had been taking her horse out for long rides, it had enraged her to see her property being used by the black woman, but there was nothing she could do to change it. She just ignored it, turning her head towards the shed as the hoof beats grew louder and she picked out the creak of leather. She didn't know what the future held anymore, she just knew that eventually something had to change. She let out a sigh and curled up tighter as the horse came into the clearing, but the sound was wrong. It wasn't just a single set of hooves, the thud of two horses reached her ears and brought her head up. Hardly daring to hope that someone else had found this place, that she might be able to escape.

She scrabbled to the front of the cage, yelping out to try and draw attention to herself, but she found herself facing her own horse, and a familiar second rider. Abeni was seated on his mare, but the second rider was what got her attention. Her father was slumped over his gelding, his features unfocused as if he weren't entirely there. Theodore let out a strangled yelping cry, rearing up onto her haunches to attack the wire of her cage with blunt claws. As she watched the black woman dismounted the mare and reached up to touch her Father's leg with one hand. The man crumpled from the saddle, sliding to one side to crash to ground for no discernable reason.

"I would never keep a father from his son." Abeni touched her father's brow, the fingers spreading out over the edges as she leaned close to him. Her lips brushed right along his forehead, a brief touch, but in that moment Theodore watched something rise up from her, a shadowy shape leapt from her to crash against the prone man.

Theodore dropped back on all fours, the fur standing up along the back of her neck as her father suddenly let out a groaning cry and writhed against the dirt. The shadowy form disappeared as the man began to arch up from the ground, his fingers scrabbling against the dirt. She watched as her father's eyes cleared, wide and outraged before they rolled up into his head. His body began to twist and writhe, a change starting beneath his skin. The bones began to shift and pop, cracking while her father cried out in pain. She huddled back in her cage as the clothing began to sag over the changing body, the form growing smaller as the fingers drew back to make compact paws instead of human appendages. The feet were growing and thinning, the shoes fell off and the socks hung loosely over his body. His face was shifting, the lips and nose pushing outwards while teeth curved down to form sharp white fangs.

She was changing him into an animal, just like she had changed Theodore. Abeni was moving back, watching her handiwork with a smile on her face as fur began to cover Thadeus, coating him in silver and black. Her father let out a high pitched cry, yelping out and twisting away as the man tried to scramble up onto all fours, but his clothes were tangled up around his legs so that he couldn't stand up easily. The face was shifting and becoming more vulpine, the ears growing longer on his head as the man let out a groan and spread his mouth open wide. The dark red tongue curled backwards in the sharp toothed mouth while he stumbled backwards and let out a short yelping cry. He was buried in the too large clothes, his head just poking out as he twisted around, rolling and trying to kick his way free.

What is she doing?! Why would she do this? Theodore hunched down against the back of the cage, her tail wrapped around herself as her father struggled out of the clothes.

The fox was larger than she was, heavier around the shoulders and chest and the fur was thicker, his dark orange-yellow eyes were dazed as he swayed on all four legs. His thick tail hung down behind him, drooping and on the ground as her father's head was lowered down with his ears pinned down flat. He looked just like she did, though the silver was scattered a bit broader than on her own. Abeni moved over and reached out to snatch her father's scruff as the former man snarled and snapped his jaws wildly in an attempt to escape. He kicked out and Theodore forced her eyes away from the sight of the black sheath that was hanging along the line of the soft furred belly. At least her father had been able to stay a male, unlike herself. Her ears flattened down against her head as her father was contained by the woman's hold. Thadeus was snarling and snapping his jaws wildly, baring his teeth in an effort to get out.

"Ahh so you were watching.." Abeni's eyes pinned Theodore in place. "I knew you must be growing restless, and you deserve some company. It took me quite a while to find him, so I hope you'll enjoy your new companion."

I don't want any companion! She snarled and glared up as the woman unlocked the top of her cage.Does she plan on capturing my entire family for her sickness?!

Her father was dropped into the cage still snapping and snarling, the larger fox throwing his weight up and attempting to scale the wire cage to break free before the top was firmly closed and the latches clicked into place. The fox tore at the wires, his teeth snapping at the metal as if he could tear through it by sheer force of will. Theodore curled her upper lip back in disgust and kept to her part of the enclosure, as if she hadn't already tried that. Abeni only smiled and patted the top of the cage possessively before turning away. Leaving Theodore glaring at her changed father attempting to claw his way out of the enclosure. The harsh reek of male musk filled the area, making her flinch and look away in disgust. Perhaps this meant she would be released, maybe all the bitch wished was to have a new toy, something else to play with.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Thadeus snarled and hit his shoulder hard against the door, crashing against the wire hard enough that it nearly cut into his furred shoulder. His ears flattened back against his head before he dropped to all fours and glared at the barrier. It had been hours since he'd been shoved into the cage with a stinking animal and he still hadn't found a way free. His tongue was cut, the taste of blood invaded his senses while he padded back and forth and tried to find an opening or weakness that he could work through. That hell sent witch wouldn't keep him as a pet, he would tear his way through and get out, it would be easy enough to let others know he was no ordinary fox. He would see her stoned and burned, hanged like the common criminal that she was, destroyed with all of her blood line torn apart by the time he was done.

A soft whine made him twist around and snap his jaws at the fox that was huddled in the cage. The silver beast was huddled in a ball, the head resting on the back of it's tail while dumb looking eyes were focused on him. As the creature stared at him it got up and crouched to the ground, whining out while the hot red tongue began to lick rapidly along its jaws. The creature crawled towards him on its belly, an awkward movement as the nose was rapidly twitching and gulping as if it were taking in his scent. Filthy animal!! Thadeus let out a rough snarl and lunged forward, trying to drive the animal back, he wanted nothing to do with it. He only looked like an animal, he wasn't one! He was a man, and the hell if he'd tolerate the beast snuffing up to him.

As he crashed against the smaller form the creature jerked back with a yelp. The smaller body twisted away with a high pitched cry, writhing and wriggling to get away as he bit roughly against the scruff and gave the beast a yank. As he struggle to drive the creature back he tasted a scent on the air, the warm heat of it filled his nostrils as it... she tried to get backwards away from him again. Her teeth flashed at him wildly, trying to drive him back while he moved away and sneezed out the scent of her. The scent of her clung to his nose and made him twist his lips up while he took several steps back and shook out his fur. The female looked at him, crouching and not moving away before she began to inch forward again, whining softly under her breath.

He felt a wash of disgust as she licked her nose a few times, her body shaking as she came in closer and crinkled his nose back at the scent. It was sharp and strange, animalistic, but it made his body flush with a rush of heat. He stepped back in disgust and turned away from her, going back to the fence to ignore her so he could try and find a weak spot. As he paced, the female tried to follow him, her soft whine spilling out higher pitched as she crowded him and nearly pushed against his body with her own, light touches that sent a shudder down the line of his spine. He snarled and snapped back at her, trying to drive her away, but she kept pressing against him, surrounding him with the scent of her. That strange scent that made his nose work despite his attempt to stop it. It wasn't until he stopped trying to drive her away that his eyes widened and he looked at her lean smaller body. The scent was heating his loins, but that wasn't what made him stop trying to force her away. His son was missing... His son had been taken by this woman.

Theodore?! He pulled his ears back as the female pushed against him, her tail wagging as she ran along his body and dropped her head.

Had this woman turned his son into a fox? A VIXEN?! He snarled in rage at his offspring, moving his paw out to try and push her away. She dropped down onto her body, quivering in place as she lowered her head submissively. She wasn't trying to escape, she was behaving as meekly as a woman. His lips peeled back in disgust before he moved a paw out to shove against her shoulders, looking over her form to try and see some hint of his son. Perhaps it was someone else, or an animal, but what would she have done with his son? He looked over her, only stopping when he came to her haunches and the vixen did something no son of his would ever do. The tail was pushed up, lifted to the point that he jerked back in disgust at the sight of the puffy spade shaped sex that was exposed to him. No son of his would ever behave this way!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Theodore had never been so utterly humiliated in her life, but that scent, the thick heavy musk was flooding each and every indrawn breath. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she rubbed along her father, she wanted to be near him, near that scent. There was no cage keeping them apart, he was right there, and even his attempts to attack and drive her back didn't stop her from pressing against him and flicking her thick soft tail back and forth. She pinned her ears flat to her head and let out a high pitched whine as he pulled back and his eyes focused on her. Not just glanced at her, but focused on her while she turned her head down. She needed to leave him alone, she needed to get out of here. She tried to scramble away, but she couldn't do it, she wanted to be near him and the scent. That heavy musk was making her tremble in place, her lower belly was starting to feel as it were on fire, she wanted this she wanted him, she wanted an end to the heat.

She squeezed her eyes shut, her ears burning hotly as she felt light headed, her tail jerked to one side of her body instinctively as the nose snuffled against her. Every touch Abeni had given her, every time she had been roused and forced to climax, her body had craved something else. It had built up to the point that she couldn't think, couldn't get her mind to focus on anything but the scent of the male. She curled her toes against the ground, her blunt claws dug in roughly as the male fox jerked his head back. She whined out softly and kept in place as he took a step backwards and wrinkled his lips backwards in disgust leaving her there. His nose was working, twitching and quivering with each breath and she had to fight not to follow him. She hated herself, hated the need that was tearing through her body that wanted her to crawl towards her father. It was like someone else was alive in her body, trapping her, making it a wonder that she remained crouching in place.

What has she done to me? Theodore squeezed her eyes shut, trembling slightly as each warm breath made her swallow the scent down, she couldn't escape it.

She had to get out of here, this was quite enough of this game, she didn't care that her body felt swollen and sensitive, she didn't care that the harsh male musk made her want him. This was her father! It was abominable what she'd done already, she would do no more. Let the damned woman find another scapegoat to amuse herself in her sick games. She managed to turn around, slinking towards the other end of the fence, but she couldn't keep her tail down. Her puffy vulva was sensitive to everything, even her own tail, she hiked it naturally as she started to slink away, but she didn't get far. She managed a few steps before a paw suddenly struck out and hit her haunches. She froze and let out a high pitched whimper before she tried to squirm forward. The only response was her father's low growl before a hot puff of breath hit out against her vulnerable folds.

Oh god... No. This has to stop here.. She trembled before the cold nose brushed against the inner hind legs and he sucked down a breath and blew it out over her quivering folds.

She wasn't prepared when a hot tongue suddenly pushed out against her cunny, she yelped out and surged forward, but the paw pushed her down harder. She twisted her head back in terror, staring as her father's eyes seemed to glaze and the hot red tongue pushed against her heated lips. The slimy tongue tip wedged between her folds, caressing and sweeping upwards as she trembled in place. She wanted to hate the touch, she should have hated it, but all she could do was tremble in place as the tongue slowly curled upwards, running along the edges before dipping inwards. Her breathing came out in a shallow burst as her inner walls clenched down, her own slickness greeting the tongue that flicked up and away. She opened her eyes to watch her father licking his narrow muzzle, his eyes sliding over her, but not as if he were truly understanding it was his son, he was watching with a heated gaze before he shifted and dropped his head down again.

That's when she saw it, a narrow edge of red jutting out from under his thick furred belly as he pushed his tongue into her body. Forcing her walls to spread around him as he curled the tip and scooped up her arousal and dragged backwards again with a low growl that vibrated through her. She clutched around him, pulling around the tongue as she felt an unwilling stab of pleasure that made her splay her legs open a bit more. His cool nose brushed her feverishly hot folds, running up and down briefly before the tongue wedged all the way into her again before dragging out. The tip slipped out with a lewd wet noise, the slickness of her arousal clung to his lips before he moved forward and let out a snarling growl when he dropped her paw. She tried to leap forward, to escape him, but the moment she did his chest pushed up over her haunches and he lunged forward to knock her chest to the ground briefly before she tried to scramble back up again.

Theodore let out a sharp yelp as she felt her father's paws wrapping around her waist, she writhed beneath him, trying to get away. She knew she had to get away even if her body was burning for it, but there was no escape. Sharp teeth clamped down against the back of her neck and dug down hard enough she wheezed out a high pitched cry of pain and tried to wriggle away again. She kicked wildly, trying to struggle before her nape was yanked backwards and the paws curled up and grasped right along the curve of her belly. The blunt claws bit down roughly, putting red marks along the sweep of her belly before she felt the tip suddenly jab up and catch right along her swollen spade shaped sex. She felt a moment of pure panic before he lunged forward wildly and started to thrust in powerful rapid strokes right up and over her thick heavy tail as he missed the mark.

The dog-fox snarled out angrily, twisting her scruff before he pulled backwards and tried to aim again, the hot splatter of his precum was flung out along her belly when he jabbed forward and pushed right along her belly. She twisted and squirmed in place, crying out wildly as the next thrust jabbed too high again. He tapped and pushed against her, smearing precum as he went, marking her with the harsh scent of male fox so that she was nearly choking on it with every breath she drew in. It was clinging to her nose, making it hard to think as her body ached and clenched down painfully. She was burning with need, an itch that made swollen passage clamp and squeeze, pulling around nothing before he pushed downwards and started to jab up hard against her cunny. She pinned her ears down flat against her head as the narrow tip caught right at the pursed folds, nudging upwards as the precum spread down along the line of her folds. The smear of wetness was her only warning before the hips lunged forward and she was driven right down onto her chest with a high pitched cry of shock and pain.

The glassy smooth violet-red cock plunged into her body, forcing her to spread open wider and wider as her inner walls clutched down tightly along him. The wet splatter of precum was flung deep inside of her fertile body, cast up towards her womb as the paws pulled her a few inches backwards and the thick base was suddenly jabbed up right against her plush folds. He ground against her, his breath hot against the back of her neck as he pushed harder, trying to sink the last few inches into her body, but her walls tightened, trying to stop him. The hips dragged backwards sharply, caressing her with the smooth shaft, teasing through her while her entire body quivered on the ground, her breathing coming out in short shallow bursts as she tried to push her forepaws up. Her father couldn't breed her, this was wrong, why was he even giving in?!

He drove forward again, the short harsh thrust that came with a lewd slick noise as he pushed the bulb of his knot up against her folds and tried to pry them open. The swollen sensitive walls were pushed in on themselves with the force, rubbing and nudging along the vulnerable inner lining before he dragged backwards again. Her own slickness coated around him, she couldn't stop it, her body wanted this and responded by suckling around his cock while the dribbling watery precum was pushed out with her own arousal with the thrusts. She splayed her legs open wide, digging her claws against the ground as the next thrust forced the knot against her folds and started to splay them open wider before the smooth drag backwards and the hips yanked too far back so the cock tip slipped free. Strands of wetness clung from her folds to the tip as the fox lunged forward again blindly, he didn't care if it was his son, or daughter, all he cared about was claiming her vulnerable fertile womb.

He slammed home again, her hips were forced up in the air, nearly off her foot paws as he drove himself in and began to wedge her open with his knot. The forceful drives wedged open wider and wider, splaying them open as the folds stretched with a painful ache that made her spread her forelegs open wide as she tried to brace herself. Too much, he was too much, and he was swelling open wider and wider, stretching her folds open more than any toy had managed. The walls stretched open as the powerful hips gave a driving push, the knot still swelling spreading her wider until she was yelping out wildly. Her tongue lolled out from her parted jaws as the next thrust tore through her body and popped the knot into her with a squelching noise as her puffy folds closed around the base of the cock. Her walls started to suckle greedily, trying to pull them in deeper, wanting his cock more than she could ever admit.

The knot swelled with pulse after pulse while her father humped harder and faster against her, tugging against her lips as they were closed down tightly around the base. He couldn't pull free, he was growing wider as the rapid thrusts drove her harder against the ground, her chest pinned there as the heavier fox leaned over her and the furred orbs clapped against her. The narrow tip rubbed and pushed against her cervix, caressing it, and pushing along it while she braced herself. Her lips wrinkled back and Theodore couldn't stop herself, she cried out raggedly as the next thrust ripped through her and she felt the knot splaying her open so wide that she felt as if she were about to be torn in two. It didn't matter, the pleasure was spilling through her, her walls started to milk and pull around him. She didn't have to work for long, not when the hips shuddered in place and she felt the balls starting to heave upwards.

She dug her forepaws down against the ground, ears pinning flat back as she let out a high pitched sound, almost a denial as she felt the first hot jet of sperm rich cum erupted out into her vulnerable passage. It nearly burned her as it pushed through her rope after rope, hitting against her cervix and leaking down around the violet-red shaft, but not out, never out. The knot sealed her, keeping it all inside of her as the rush of semen worked its way inwards with each and every thrust. Plunging through her and past the narrow opening of her womb. Her vulnerable, fertile womb, her body kept pinned down so she couldn't escape. Even if she was able to stand up, she was locked to her own father as he filled her and finally released the scruff of her neck. She let out a breathy whine, squeezing her eyes shut while deep within her the rush of sperm started to overrun the ripe ova, with more still being squirted into her. No escape, no hope, the only end would be her swollen belly with her own siblings.