About Time

Story by Cyberuis on SoFurry

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A little story I wrote on a sudden whim! I hope you enjoy it. I even added a little picture!

Ditza's shop has been empty for the better part of the day. Instead of working a piece of clay for the kiln or hammering something over her anvil, her head was propped up on her arm as she watched idly out of the window of her smithy. Her friends and neighbors and other folk walked by and sometimes stopped to chat with one another. She huffed, puffs of smoke coming from her nostrils. No one ever wanted to just converse with her, at least that's what she thought. Sure they knew her name and talked to her a bit, but it was usually just small talk when they came in to get something made or fixed. She swayed her tail as she pondered just why this was the case, though she had been over this topic with herself many times. They might be alarmed by her scales, it's not very common to see a she-dragon about; or it could be her fire-breathing that scares them away, or even the smoke that sometimes wafts from her nose on occasion.

However, the more likely case, and most disheartening, was her temperament. She felt the scales of her cheeks darken with embarrassment. She did have a pension to quickly become agitated, sometimes at even trivial matters. She really did make an effort to keeping herself calm, for most part at least. Whatever the case may be, the other villagers tended to kind of avoid her when-


Ditza immediately popped up from her desk, jarred from her musings. It was the owl fellow from down the road. He was a clockmaker, but hardly ever came by here.

"Helloo Ditza, I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"Yeah, sure what do you need? Something for your clocks?"

"Oh no, nothing of that sort", he shifted about a bit, "I just have a few toools that I would like you to take a look at, maybe fix them up if they are damaged."

He slid a small leather bag across the desk into the Ditza's awaiting claws. She had never seen a clockmaker's tools so this would at least be interesting.

"Sure, when would you like them back?"

"Ooh, well I will just wait here. You can take as long as you like. I have a rather open day today."

Well, Ditza discovered someone else who seemed to be unoccupied today.

"Have it your way. I will be back in a bit and let you know what I find."

Ditza left into the back, walking up to her tool table. She tried opening the bag, but instead found that was not a bag at all! It was actually some kind of wallet. It folded open and revealed a small set of several tools resembling screwdrivers and pointed metal sticks. She carefully pulled each one out and placed it on her table. Turning on her table lamp, she picked up her magnifying glasses, and went about examining each of the tools.

Despite being visibly well used by their owner, each tool was in rather good condition. Ditza was curious now. These tools were clearly in good condition, so why would he even come here? She was about to leave when she was struck with a sudden realization. She had no idea what to call him. She frowned and took a step back; she couldn't confront him without knowing his name could she? He told her at some point; it may have been when she first moved into town. Yeah, that was it. The neighbors had a small welcoming party. They gave her a few gifts, and he gave her something special. It had some meaning to it. She looked around her small room, trying to find what that owl had given her. It wasn't a tool, or a food. It was something else, something - a bag! He gave her a satchel for holding her tools. He said he got it as a gift, but he did not wind up using it.

Ditza, now aware of what she was looking for, scoured her work room for the bag, quickly finding it hanging from the side of her work table. It was good that she found it, but she still did not know his name. The bag has some meaning to it; it was some odd, silly meaning too. Well silly to her. She leaned against the table, trying to think of what was special about this bag. She looked over her shoulder towards the door; he was still waiting for her to look at his tools. Although, he did say he had the day free, and he does seem like the patient sort.

"He can wait."

It was a special bag, the name of it; it has a special purpose to the things it carries...corri....courier. It was a courier's satchel! Ditza stood up, slapping her hands on the table victoriously. It was a courier's satchel because Cort means courier in some weird language! Ditza sighed with relief, "His name is Cort."

What kind of name is Cort anyways? Though, with her parents naming her Ditza, suppose there is not much room for criticism. She gathered up his tools and re-wrapped them, and walked back into the main room.

She could feel a burst of angry suspicion rise as she walked into the room. Cort had piled up a stool, a few boxes, and the head of a warhammer and was picking around in her clock! That was a family heirloom her grandmother gave to her and he was just toying with it! She could not help but snarl and scream, "What are you doing!"

Cort, apparently unaware she had just returned, tumbled backwards, his makeshift tower quickly tumbling along with him. He crashed to the ground with a painful sounding thud, a shiny metal stick clutched in his feathery hand. Ditza rushed over to him, "That did look like a rather bad slip."

She touched him lightly and he did not respond. Quickly retracting her hand, she leaned forward and looked more closely. She did not see any blood, but he was not conscious. This was bad, really bad. How was she going to fix this! She took a deep breathe, "Prioritize", she needed to get him up first.

Ditza was thankful for her race and profession as she lifted, and dragged a bit, his body up the stairs and laid him in her bed. She sat in a nearby chair, just looking at his inert body. She liked observing others, especially if they were other races, but always had to be careful about getting caught staring. With him being out, there was not much of a concern for that. The feathery folk were interesting to her, so different from her scales. His were a soft, gentle brown, while hers more resembled the dingy brilliance of sulfur. She watched for a few more moments before tentatively reaching a hand forward to touch his cheek. It felt different from anything she had felt before, not exactly softer, but it was certainly different. There appeared to be layers, the top one being more rigid, but still retaining their pliable quality. The feathers below those felt more like the fur on a large winter coat. Though she felt the tougher 'stem' of the feathers, Ditza wondered if this was actually a layer of short fur. She slid her hand a bit further, finally contacting skin. It surprised her how strange the warmth felt against her fingers. She slid her hand even further, until her palm rested fully against him. She left it there for a moment, enjoying this new sensation of gentle heat.

Ditza was not sure if it was her pushing a bit too hard, or him stirring, but his head shifted to the side. She yanked her hand away, stood up and stepped away a bit. He did not continue to stir thankfully, allowing her to relax for the time being.

She turned around and headed back downstairs, "Prioritize."

She was certainly glad to have avoided an embarrassing situation, but she was glad that it stopped her from touching him. It was rather creepy, touching her unconscious friend, if she could even call him that. As she reached the bottom step and picked up a stool, she wondered what he was trying to do when she caught him. He was a clockmaker so it made some sense that he'd have interest in her clock, but why go through so much trouble to touch it. As she cleaned, she found the metal stick he had when he fell. It was the minute hand from her clock, "Oh darn."

Finding her clock broken was more than disappointing, that clock had been in her family for generations. Well he was a clockmaker, so he should be able to fix it, he better, and for free. She smirked at her threats and sighed, setting the minute hand on a nearby table. The only thing left out of place was the warhammer head. Ditza had to admit, she was surprised he picked it up and used it like that. It was one of the heavier ones, fifteen maybe twenty pounds, of solid stone. She wished she knew Cort a little better, maybe then she could figure out what he was up to.

With a loud slam, she dropped the block back near the furnace. Taking one final look around, she decided to go check on her guest. Ascending the stairs, her mind shifted to her touching. While it was quite inappropriate for her to touch him, it raised an odd question. Why was it so strange to feel warmth? Actually, when was the last time that she touched someone? Her cheeks darkened again and she chuckled lightly as her mind wandered to rather intimate situations.

"But really", she held on to the handrail, has it really been that long since she has even come into close contact with someone?

Wow, that's kind of amazing. In a bad way obviously, but it is still kind of amazing. Ditza knew well that she could get involved in her work, and sometimes stayed in her home for long periods of time, but it never occurred to her how much time that actually meant. Heck, the last time she even went out for something non-work related? Well needless say, this was quite the revelation.

"I need to get out more."

Laughing that she needed to say that out loud, she resumed going up the stairs. She peaked in to see Cort still lying down, but now his eyes were open. Ditza stopped a moment, hesitation about how to address him, but then entered and stood near the door, "Glad to see you are awake."

"Ooh, yes. I certainly am as well, though this knot on my head won't be leaving anytime soon."

She walked towards the chair near the bed, "Well hopefully you won't be toying around with other's belongings. By the way, you broke my clock hand."

He seemed to recoil a bit, and then pushed himself up into a sitting position, "Ditza, I'm incredibly sorry. Of course I will fix your clock good as new", he chuckled, "free of charge of course."

"Thank you, though I would expect you to either way. Now what were you doing up there? Looking at my clock?"

He lowered his head, one of his hands reaching for the hem of his vest, "Well I..." he sighed, "I know your birthday is coming up soon, and I've wanted to get you something special. Draconian clock masters are quite secretive with their techniques other than what is printed in books, and even those are rather lacking in details about actual construction and maintenance. I wanted to get a better look at your clock so I could...make a new one and give it to you, but things didn't go exactly according to plan."

Well that was a kind jester of him, going to such lengths just to make her a present. She would have been pleased with a few kind words... or a nice pie.

She chuckled, "Clearly. But it was nice of you all the same, but why did you want to make a clock for me?"

He took a bit of a surprised expression, "Well we are friends."

"But not very good ones, I mean I see you maybe once or twice in a week and I doubt we talk more than once a month, if even that. So, why me?"

He looked flustered now. She slowly began to regret her sudden questioning. Maybe this was the aggression that seems to put people off; it is certainly making Cort uncomfortable.

Ditza rubbed her arm and glanced aside, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No", he straightened up a bit and sighed, "No it's quite alright. I actually want to say that...I think you're wonderful."

Well that was certainly unexpected.

"I know it seems like we don't talk much, and in truth, I suppose we don't, but I've", he turned away from her laughing awkwardly, "Admired you from afar when I couldn't talk to you directly. I've always thought you had a great work ethic, and you're kind and generous. Plus" he rubbed his hands together and looked up to her, "You're rather beautiful."

Ditza was taken aback, left speechless by what she just heard. She had wondered sometimes how couples got together when she would watch them pass by her shop; imagining the variety of ways they could have met was a nice way to pass the time. It never really occurred to her how she would react in a situation like this. Honestly, she kind of figured it may never happen. Ditza was glad someone thought so highly of her, but it being Cort was kind of a shock. She looked at him again; his glasses perched on his beak as he looked back at her. He was rather cute, and was in good standing with the rest of the communi-


She blinked a few times and refocused on Cort, "Oh I'm sorry. I'm just a bit...surprised."

Oh biscuits, she blanked out again. She hated doing that, but her mind just wandered sometimes. Hopefully he didn't take too much offense, but he does look a bit less fluffy.

For a second, he looked away again, "Yes, I know that was rather sudden", he opened his mouth but paused before he said anything, "I'm very sorry for causing you such inconvenience and thank you for taking care of me though. I can assure you that I will head right back to my shop and get to work on your clock."

"Are you leaving?"

"Well, other than a bit of headache, I should be fine and I've taken up enough of your time already."

Well this took a rather unpleasant turn. Knowing he has feelings for her, she wouldn't mind him staying. He tried to get out of bed, flinching a bit but succeeding in moving himself into a sitting position off the side of the bed.

"You don't have to leave."

"No, no, it is quite alright. I can make it back on my own."

Maybe so, but she didn't want him to leave now! She put claw over his own feathery hand, "Are you sure you want to just go after telling me that?"

He looked at his lap and lifted his hand away, "It's okay if you don't feel the same way about me. We can still be friends. You don't need to-"

"Cort", she took his hand back into hers, "I never said I didn't."

He stared at her for a moment in what looked like disbelief. Did he think Ditza wouldn't say yes?

"Why would you just guess I would say no?"

"You didn't say anything after I told you", he sighed lightly, "And I've tried telling others before, and it usually doesn't work out. I've found that it's best to just brush the whole mess under the rug and move on as quickly as possible, fewer feelings get hurt that way."

"Well that's dismal."

Oh darn! She said that out loud, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that."

He chuckled halfheartedly, "No, it's alright. I certainly know that, that's particularly dismal way to live. You learn to just move on and laugh about it, that's how I get through."

Ditza smiled, touched by Cort's resolve, "Most folks I know wouldn't be as content or kind as you with a story like that; just take hits on the chin and keep on walking?"

"My mother always told me that I'm not an owl, I'm duck; things just seem to roll off of me. I believe in holding people accountable but not in holding grudges. Grudges do nothing for everyone."

Ditza urged him to keep talking, residing herself to listening and piping in here and there; being careful to not let her attention stray too much. It felt nice hearing someone talk to her so casually. And he had feelings for her, so this did not have to end if she did not want it to...well if he agreed to stay at least. Ditza glanced down and noticed that his hand was over hers now. It looked like just a mass of feathers, like the wing of a bird, but with a few longer ones on the end that appeared to be his fingers. It was comfortable feeling, like when she touched his cheek. If he liked her, then he should not mind if she got a little closer, right?

Ditza scooted closer causing Cort to stop and turn his attention to her.

"So...you truly feel the same way about me."

"Well, you're kind and smart. You have a well off standing with everyone in town, and with me. To be honest, I never thought about you much", she leaned over quickly, not wanting any misinterpretation, and wrapped her arms around his torso, "But I think that was a mistake on my part."

Ditza smiled, his feather ruffled right back up after that! She rubbed her head against his chest enjoying his presence and the warmness through his vest. Her smile widened when she felt his other hand wrap around her back and slowly rub up and down, "Do you still want to leave?"

"Not if you don't want me to. I do have a rather open day"

She breathed in his scent and sighed. He smelled earthy, like freshly sawn oak. If his vest were not in the way, it would be even stronger. A spark of excitement and fear raced through her body as an idea came to mind.

"Would you", hesitating momentarily with what she was about to say, "Would you like to stay for a while longer?"

"Of course."

"Would you like to try something with me?"

"Um, what it is it?"

"Just sleeping together. Nothing inappropriate! Just holding one another."

"Oh", he seemed a bit confused...or embarrassed, "Well yes, I guess that's fine."

"Great. I'm going to go close the store."

Well that went great! She laughed inwardly at how terribly strange her request must sound. She stood up and quickly left, but stopped as she thought of a way making this situation a bit more exciting, he could only say no, right? Her cheeks burned as she trotted back to Cort. Leaning down, she whispered, "And could you take off your vest please."

She did not turn to see his face until she was about to leave the room. He was looking into his lap again, his face particularly fluffed up. Ditza assumed that his ruffled up feathers was his way of blushing; you can't exactly change your feather color on command. She quickly descended the stairs. It might not be such a good idea to embarrass him so much, but it is all in good fun. Hopefully he knows that too. She flipped the sign over to closed, gazing around outside to check if anyone was heading her way, "Well that's done."

She started towards the stairs, her tail curling a bit. It always does that when she gets excited. This was a little fantasy of hers. Not as risqué or sensual as most fantasies, but it was just as intimate for her, just lying with someone in bed, embracing one another. Her tail twitched, flicking in the air as she grew a bit more excited. She never thought it would actually be happening!

"Though", she looked down and at her thick, cloth apron and clothes. Smithing attire was not exactly arousing, but it did give her an idea. She pulled the shutters for her shop window closed and headed into her back room, better safe than sorry. She took off her apron and placed it aside, sliding herself out of her shirt next. This was easier than Ditza thought it would be. She always figured that when she undressed for someone someday, it would be more stressful or at least embarrassing. She had a fairly good body, her work kept her physically active and she did not indulge too often. A bit lacking in the chest, but hey, that's pretty much all of the reptilians. Finished folding her shirt and pants, she adjusted her apron on her now naked frame. She tucked the clothes under her arm and proceeded to the stairs, making a bit more haste, even though her bare backside was not visible to anyone else. A thrilling sensation filled her as she climbed the steps; her current actions making her feel a bit devious. He might be expecting this, but the look on his face will certainly be entertaining. She reached the top of the stairs and approached the door, but as she did, all her previous confidence faltered. The thought of someone else seeing her was almost crippling as she held a claw on the frame of the door. This was more or less what she was expecting from the start, but she could not let it stop her now, not this close. Ignoring the swarm of hornets that had somehow invaded her body, she stepped inside. Cort was sitting a bit closer to the head of the bed, his vest folded in his lap. He was a little crouched over, but straightened up when he saw her.

She exchanged a short glance then approached him, "I hope this doesn't bother you, too much. I know this is all a bit sudden."

"Ooh, well", he rubbed his arm and laughed, "Yes, this is rather sudden, but I suppose today has already been filled with spontaneity. I am sitting here naked after all!"

Ditza gave a small laugh, her tensions quickly leaving her, "Well I shouldn't let you be the only one huh?"

She sighed inwardly, show time. She lifted the apron and let it fall to the ground. Cort's eyes seemed to get a bit wider as they slowly scanned her body. He looked like he liked what he saw, "Not too bad huh?"

His eyes' flicked back up to hers, "You...you're amazing."

She smiled; none of those hornets seem to be around anymore. Though, she did feel a tingle of excitement as she stepped forward and ushered Cort to stand up. Now, Ditza let her eyes wander, slowly drifting down the brown sea of feathers, a bit disappointed that she could not see much of his lower half. She let her hands drop from his and then, in a quick motion, pushed her face into his plumage. She was greeted with a surprised hoot and a soothing heat wash across her whole body. It was like the dreams where she awash in an ocean of pillows, but this felt different, in a better way. The pillow hugged her back and breathed; it rubbed her back and enveloped her in a comforting embrace. Ditza opened her eyes. That was rather poetic, at least for her. She pulled away, "Okay, well let's get in bed."

Cort backed away, his head turning around completely, "Ooh okay. How did you want to", he trailed off near the end and let his head come back. Ditza failed to suppress how surprised, and a bit unnerved by the display, as evident by Cort's concerned expression.

"The head turning is a bit uncomfortable, right?"

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it is just a feature of being an owl."


"So, how did you want to sleep?"

"Well how do you usually sleep? Not much different."

She was a bit short with him. Hopefully this does not ruin the mood after getting this far. Ditza quickly received her answer when his arms wrapped around her torso and lifted her up, just a bit, swung her around and laid her across the bed. She instinctively closed her legs, feeling a bit exposed, while Cort pulled the sheets back and slipped in as well. He pulled up the blanket again and wrapped his arms around her, pulling into his embrace again. This whole display was titillating as it was jarring. That was far more assertive than anything he had done before. It was certainly a surprise to Dtiza, but she just rested her head against his chest, "Well that was new."

She could tell he tilted his head down as the heat from his breath grazed the top of her head, "Apologizes for being so...forceful, Ditza. I just...felt that my nervousness could be toned down, but perhaps I toned it down a bit too much."

Ditza smiled and rubbed her snout deeper into his down, pleasantly surprised by his response, "Eh, we have time to find a nice balance."

She relaxed further as his arm squeezed her lightly.

"Ditza, I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight."

Ditza just smiled quietly into his chest, "That sounds nice Cort."

"Sweet dreams, Ditza."

"Yeah, you too Cort."

As she smiled and listened to the dull thudding of Cort's heart, Ditza couldn't help but laugh a bit. Not only did she close the shop early to sleep, but she was going to have a nice dinner tonight too, and who knows what else.