Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 2

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#2 of Digimon: The Tamed Children

A story about children who find themselves on the receiving end of Digimon, and everyone else.

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended.

The boxes the children were shipped in were pure nightmare fuel. Unable to move, unable to see, unable to hear, they were completely at the mercy of their transporters. If they made a mistake, or were purposely negligent, they would be doomed long before they'd even know what hit them.

The truth of the matter was that, while the kids transported in this way could survive a full week in the maddening darkness, they all arrived at their respective destinations in less than three hours. The boxes were signed for by the kids' new owners, and they were placed on the floors of their new homes, ready to begin their new lives as human pets. They may have been sadistic, but they weren't stupid enough to damage their merchandise.

But the beautiful part of the scheme was that the kids didn't know that. For all they knew, they got lost in transit, dumped into an ocean, buried, sold to someone even worse, and many other thoughts that raced into their heads. And as part of their training, they were all forced to spend a week in this hell, unable to control the growing horror, soon praying for nothing more than to be free to lick the feet of their assigned owners.

Takato's Route

Takato took a deep breath, as the door to his coffin finally opened. He forced his eyes shut as the first light in days burned him. He released his breath when he heard a girl say, "Welcome to your new home, Takato-chan."

He knew who it was. Though he didn't see her face, he heard her voice through a teleconference. She tested him from afar, ordering him to masturbate in front of the camera. He would've balked at the idea once: by that time, he was happy to obey any order without question. He knew his purpose was to please his mistress, and he would do anything to do it. She taunted him, made fun of the size of his penis, called him a pig, declared she'd broadcast it to all his friends. He didn't care for a second.

Though he still couldn't see her, he got hard at the thought of seeing her. With a click of her tongue she said, "That's no good, Takato-chan; if you're hard, it'll be more difficult to remove that catheter. Oh, well." She removed the ballgag and rested her naked body on his, her pussy to his mouth. "Lick me out." With a lecherous moan, he sank his tongue into her body. "Oh god, that's good!"

Purr for me, mistress, he thought as he continued to lick. Your juices taste so good! Give me more! He let out a pained grunt as she pulled the catheter out, replaced by a scream of pleasure as she wrapped her mouth around his penis. A sixty-nine! I'm having sex with my new mistress!

She stopped for a moment to say, "Go ahead and cum, but don't you dare stop licking me until I say so!" He obliged spectacularly; within fifteen seconds of her order, he blew into her mouth. She tried to swallow, but the pleasure Takato gave her made it hard for her to breathe, so she ended up spitting it out. She let out a moan as she hit her orgasm. "S-stop." After taking a moment to collect herself, she turned around and faced Takato with a lecherous smile. "Say you love me."

Finally able to see his mistress he moaned, "I love you, Mistress Juri."

"Call me...Juri-sama."

"Yes, Juri-sama." As she undid his restraints he said, "I'm so happy you made me your slave."

"Not just my slave. One day, when you become a man, you'll become my husband as well." The last of his confinement gone, she took his hand and helped him up. "But that's for the future." Placing a collar around his neck she said, "From now on, you're part of my harem. I've been practicing with your fellow slaves, and I think they're looking forward to some fresh meat."

"I can't wait for them to fuck me, Juri-sama."

"Good. Don't worry, I called your parents to tell them you arrived safely."

His cheeks flushed with shame. "Will I ever get to see them again?"

"Of course, once you're acclimated to your new life. In fact, they were kind enough to send a few of your affects over to me." She led him over to a drawer and opened it, revealing a scant few clothes.

"That's all I get to wear?"

"That's all from your collection. Lie down so I can dress you." Takato laid on the bed as she pulled out a few articles of clothing. "I guess you still don't quite get your position, so let me explain. You're like a doll now, in that I can dress you as I desire, take you wherever I want, play with you however I please. But since you're human, you have the ability to move on your own. With this power, you have a few things that elevate you above dolls: you can eat, use the toilet, walk, and give me pleasure. Pop quiz: what's your highest priority among those?"

"To give you pleasure."

"Good boy. Stand." Takato stood up, wearing only socks, wristbands, and his goggles. "And it pleases me to parade you around like this. I never would've had the right to do this if you weren't my slave, and I intend to put it to good use. Understand?"

"Yes, Juri-sama."

"Good. I have a bunch of clothes I think you'll look cute in as well. Maybe tomorrow I'll put you in a dress. I also have some cute little panties I can parade you around in."

"I'm sure I'll look cute wearing your panties."

"Me too." As she dressed herself in far more sensible clothes than she allowed him she said, "Whenever I take you out, there are rules you must follow. Rule 1: apart from me, you must not speak unless you're spoken to. Rule 2: you must not cover yourself in any way. Rule 3: if I tell you to masturbate openly, or lick my pussy, or anything sexual, you'll do it immediately. Understand?"

"Yes, Juri-sama."

As she slipped on her other sock, she smirked at his erection. "Looks like you like these rules. I'm glad." She pulled out a leash and attached it to his collar. She led him downstairs to the front door, where she pointed out his shoes. As they put on their shoes she called out, "I'm taking my new pet for a walk!"

"Be home by six," called her father, not looking up from his paper.

As they stepped out, Juri snapped her fingers. "Ooh, I almost forgot. Wait here." She walked around the side of the house, leaving Takato alone. Thinking it was a test to see if he would really refrain from covering himself, he put his hands behind his back. A moment later, she pulled out a wagon with a sheet on top. "We'll need this. Pull."

"Yes, Juri-sama." He used both his hands to pull, as a means to resist the urge to cover himself. Walking down the street with his mistress, he felt more self-conscious than ever before. He smiled to hide his discomfort, but his face was red with shame.

"I suppose you're wondering how I bought you," said Juri.

"Yes, Juri-sama," whispered Takato, relieved to have a conversation to take his mind off his predicament. "I remember before I became a slave, it costs almost a million yen to have a slave kidnapped and trained. But sensei mentioned a group discount."

"Yes, that knocked the cost down a lot. Your mom and dad chipped in a portion of the money for you. They said that belonging to me would be good for you."

"They said that?"

"Don't believe me? You can ask them yourself. My parents were...less enthusiastic, since I have two free slaves already. But I talked them into it, though you now count as my birthday present for the next three years." Casting him an evil smile she said, "You're worth it, aren't you?"

"Yes, Juri-sama!"

After a few minutes, they reached the park where Takato used to hide Guilmon. He always forced himself not to look, but now a slave himself, he couldn't help but notice the other slaves. "...W-where did you get the other slaves?"

"They aren't officially slaves, but they agreed to be my pets. It's...well, you'll understand when you see them." She brought him to the small shelter where Guilmon used to hide, which now had a metal shutter over the door. She unlocked the shutter and lifted it up, revealing two shivering masses covered in blankets. "Say hello to your new playmates." She yanked off the blanket, and Takato let out a gasp.

Before him were Guilmon and Leomon, his and Juri's Digimon partners respectively. The former had his hands tied in front of him, with a harness around his snout to prevent him from opening his mouth. Leomon had his hands tied behind him with a ball gag in his mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of girl's panties, but thanks to his erection, the only thing the panties covered were his balls.

"Don't I have such cute playmates?" prompted Juri.

"Yes, mistress! I can't wait for them to fuck me!"

Juri giggled at his enthusiasm, shutting the door behind them. "Of course Leomon would do anything I say, so he willingly let me practice my dominatrix skills on him." She knelt down and stroked the shaft of his throbbing penis with a single finger. "I made him stand in front of me with his hands to his sides, and forced him to watch me strip and masturbate, while he was forbidden to move or touch himself. You loved it when I denied your orgasm, Leomon."

"Yff mfffwfff," moaned Leomon, trembling all over.

"Takato, suck him off."

"Yes, mistress!" Takato got down on all fours and wrapped his mouth around Leomon's penis, who started growling and roaring in pleasure as he started thrusting. After a few seconds, he shot his load down Takato's throat. Surprised as he was by how fast Leomon came, Takato quickly swallowed the contents of the load.

With a cruel laugh, Juri remarked, "I never told you to swallow! I knew you were a slut, just waiting to come out. Now, as for Guilmon."

As she stood him up, Takato got his first look at Guilmon's penis. He was surprised with how it looked; slightly triangular, compared to what he considered normal. Of course, when he designed Guilmon, he never took Guilmon's penis into consideration, but he was still happy with how big it was.

"Guilmon needed a little convincing, so I showed him the wonders of sex. Specifically, I had little Leomon bend over and made Guilmon fuck his ass. Oh, you should've seen their eyes light up as they became one. Now, it's like Leomon's ass was perfectly shaped to house a dick. But variety is the spice of life. I think it's time he fucked a new ass."

"Yes, mistress!" Takato got on his back and curved it upward, balancing his calves on his hands. "C-can I please see Guilmon's face while he fucks me?"

"Certainly." She removed Guilmon's muzzle and said, "Fuck your former tamer's ass, and tell him how much you love him."

"Yes, mistress," droned Guilmon as he strumbled over to Takato. Standing himself up as high as he can, he thrust his penis down hard. Takato screamed in shock as Guilmon put his face close to Takato's. "I love you, Takato-mon!"

"I love you too, boy!" Takato gasped with a crazed grin. As they had sex, Juri removed her panties and impaled herself on Leomon's penis, causing him to howl in pleasure.

"I love your ass!" screamed Guilmon as he pounded hard.

"I love when you fuck me! And I love that our mistress is enjoying this!"

"I love it too!"

"N-now, kiss!" ordered Juri, caressing her nipples as she moved up and down. "Kiss dirty!"

At her order, the boys pressed their faces together and dove their tongues into each other's mouths. As Guilmon continued to thrust, Takato came, spraying his and Guilmon's bellies with his spunk. His relationship to his Digimon was stronger than ever, now that their roles were reversed. Guilmon gasped as he blew his load into Takato's ass.

He started to pull out, when Takato cried, "W-wait! Please, stay in me a little longer!"

"Whatever you say, Takato-mon," replied Guilmon, before they resumed their kiss.

Juri reached her climax, and she climbed off Leomon just before he blew. "Sorry, you don't get to cum in me yet," teased Juri, pushing him onto his back.

"Pweeve, pweeve!" he cried.

"Someday, babe. But if you're so desperate, Takato-chan's ass is nice and warm for you."

With a sigh of disappointment, Takato groaned, "Yes mistress," as Guilmon set Takato down.

"Here you go," said Juri, attaching Guilmon's muzzle. "Now that we're all here, it's time for a new position."

"Mm-hmm," agreed Guilmon with an eager nod.

"When Takato-chan sticks himself on Leomon's dick, lift me up and fuck my ass. Then carry me over so I can kiss him."


"You look pretty big for me, Leomon," noted Takato. "I'm gonna lube you up first. Try not to cum." He licked Leomon's penis, eliciting moans of frustration as Leomon desperately tried to hold himself back. He looks pretty cute like this. Satisfied that his penis was as lubed as it could get, he said, "Ok, h-here I go." The boys let out a scream as he thrust his hips down, sending a wave of pleasure through both of them.

Guilmon grabbed Juri's wrists for support and pulled her ass onto his penis, causing them both to cry out. Juri let out another gasp as he lifted her up, sending him deeper into her ass. He moved her forward until her face as an inch from Takato's. "Kiss me, now!" she ordered.

With an evil grin, he brushed her face and said, "You look so cute right now." He then stroked her right nipple and pussy, causing her to let out a moan. "Does this feel good?"

A tear fell down her cheek, as she found herself unexpectedly at his mercy. "J-just kiss me, idiot!"

"Ok." Not ceasing his attention on her sensitive bits, he leaned forward and stuck his tongue into her mouth.

He's so naughty, she thought as he licked her tongue. How dare he tease me like this!? He won't get away with...with... Her thoughts vanished in a white haze as Takato brought her to an orgasm.

A few minutes later, all of them lay splayed on the ground, hot and sticky. Takato and Juri lay atop Leomon, with Guilmon a few feet away. "I'm sorry I disobeyed you, Juri-sama," whispered Takato with a horny smile, brushing her cheek. "I just can't resist that face you make."

"You better not," she answered, trying to hide her satisfaction with her performance. "But I can't let you do what you please."

"Then please punish me. Whip my ass with a riding crop."

"I'll bet you'd enjoy it."

"Only because it makes you happy, Juri-sama."

"...Damn it," she sighed. "You're making it hard for me to want to punish you."

"Then punish me because you enjoy it. Making you happy is my reason for living."

After a moment's thought, she rolled over and propped herself over him. "Well...it seems you're sincere enough. I'll spare your cute little tush for now." She gave him a peck on the forehead. "It's time for your lunch. When I feed my slaves, I always want them nice and bound."

After a couple of minutes, the boys were on their knees before Juri, their arms bound behind them in leather sheathes. Juri pulled in the wagon and uncovered it, revealing a three-sectioned tray, with each section containing a grayish chalky powder. "What...is it?" asked Takato.

"You can't tell?" Takato shook his head. "It's basically the same gruel you were fed at the training center, only freeze-dried so they don't have to deliver it as often. Except during special occasions, this is all you'll be eating for a long time, so I suggest you develop a taste for it. Dig in."

Takato resisted the urge to ask how out of fear of retaliation, only to see his fellow slaves digging in by shoving their faces in. Taking a deep breath, Takato did the same. The dry powder quickly bonded to the insides of his mouth and throat like a thick paste, and it took a great deal of effort to avoid choking. Nevertheless, he was able to finish his meal, though his throat and mouth were dry as all hell.

Juri filled up a bottle of water with the shower, which Takato had previously fixed to allow Guilmon to wash after a fight. "Very good, Takato-chan. You must be thirsty. Open wide." Takato opened wide, his tongue involuntarily hanging out. She sat over head, tauntingly dangling the water bottle over his head. "Keep it open." He looked in dismay as she suddenly took a big swig, but obediently kept his mouth open. She swished it around in her mouth for a moment, before pressing her mouth against his and spitting the contents inside.

She's perfect, he thought as he drank her water and spit, growing hard as he did. Nobody else could make me feel so good just by drinking. He watched lustfully as she repeated the process for Guilmon and Leomon.

When she was done, she wrapped her hand around his penis and stroked softly. "You'll make such a good slave," she purred.

"Thank you, Juri-sama," he moaned, just before he blew into her hand. She offered her hand to Leomon, who licked it clean without another word.

She stood up and said, "When I graduate and get a place of my own, you'll live in the same house as me. Until then, this is your home. I'll feed you three times a day. In the meantime, you're free to do whatever you want, as long as you follow my normal rules. Understood?"

"Yes, Juri-sama."

"Also, after the last meal, I'll take one of you with me to share my bed. It's on a rota, and it'll be you tonight."

"Thank you, Juri-sama."

She gave each one a kiss, and opened the door, pulling the wagon out. "See you boys in a few hours," she sang in a winking smile, before shutting the door.

While technically the boys were free to frolic in the park, they couldn't wait to get dirty again. After the Digimon taught Takato how to undo the sheaths by manipulating each other's zippers with their teeth, they hopped in the shower and began exploring each other intimately. The Digimon wanted desperately to play with their new toy and find his sensitive spots, and Takato was the same.

Laughing and moaning in the shower, they masturbated by pressing their penises together and stroking them simultaneously; they lay in a circle and gave each other blowjobs; they hungrily groped each other's asses as they licked and kissed each other all over. By the time Juri returned hours later, there were no secrets between them.

When Juri returned to the shelter with her last serving of food for the night, the boys were already kneeling before her, their arms bound behind them. "Welcome home, Juri-sama," they greeted.

She sprouted a huge grin at the sight, feeling the heat roll out. "Nice and steamy," she noted. "I trust you boys had fun while I was away?"

"Yes, Juri-sama!"

With a giggle, she pushed the food in front of them. "Chow down, boys." As she watched Takato she thought, I never dreamed he'd take to this life so fast. Maybe I should see how well he does on top. Once the boys were fed and watered, Juri removed the sheath from Takato's arms. "Kiss your fellow slaves goodnight."

"Goodnight, Leomon," said Takato, kissing him on the neck.

"Goodnight, Takato," groaned Leomon.

"Goodnight, Guilmon," continued Takato, licking his neck.

"I love you too, Takato-mon!" declared Guilmon as he licked Takato's neck back.

Juri hooked the leash to Takato's collar and pulled him away, blowing a kiss to the boys before closing the door and locking it. She handed him the wagon's handle, and she sat down on it. "Carry me home," she ordered, waving the leash like the reigns of a horse.

"Yes, Juri-sama," he answered. He found himself unconsciously grateful for her light frame, as her weight did little to slow him down.

"So, how did you enjoy your first day as my slave?"

"I loved it, Juri-sama. I can't wait to serve you tomorrow."

"Good answer. I return to school on Monday, and I'll bring you with me. Now that I have such an exotic pet, I'm gonna show it off. At school, you'll wear a gag during classes, and crouch at my feet. During break, I'll let my classmates do whatever they want. This will please me."

"Then I'll do it with pride."

Once she led him back to her room, she stripped down and lay on the bed, her legs spread. "It'll be a few years before I can get pregnant. You'll be the first boy I've given the right to cum in me. Enjoy, but you better not cum before I do."

"Thank you so much, Juri-sama!" he gasped as he climbed on her. With expert calm, he slid gently into her, as he used his thumb on her right nipple and licked her left.

"K-kiss me, Takato-chan," she mumbled. He promptly sank his tongue into her mouth, stroking both her nipples with his thumbs.

Just shy of half an hour, Juri was more than satisfied enough to allow Takato to cum, which he did almost immediately after. For the next few minutes he lay atop her, not removing his penis, as they basked in the afterglow. "I love you, Juri-sama."

"I love you too, my pet," she said, giving him one final kiss.

The next week flew by like a dream for them. Now entirely in the mindset of pleasing his mistress, Takato felt no shame showing his naked body to his former peers. He gave head to any boy who asked; he licked out any girl who asked; he'd thrust his ass out to allow anyone to spank him; and, of course, he was at her beck and call for any pleasure.

Sometimes, she would stick him in a locker with a vibrator in his ass, and then spank him in front of everybody when he made a mistake. She paraded him around in her panties, sometimes wearing makeup and heels, and forcing him to speak in a falsetto. She even brought him into the girl's locker room, and forced him to watch them change without touching himself (she only got away with it because the girls falsely assumed a slave's erection was compulsory).

There was no doubt in Juri's mind that she made the perfect choice. She couldn't imagine a better slave, nor anyone else she would ever want to marry. And indeed, when they eventually grew up, they would married. And together with their Digimon, they would live happily ever after.

But that's a long time off. In the meantime, let's check in on another slave...

To be continued...

Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 3

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Xiaochun's Route In contrast to her older fellow slaves, Xiaochun pretty much resigned herself as soon as the lights went out....

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Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 1

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Also, there are no furries in this chapter. If you want to get to the furry loves, skip this chapter. In an alternate reality to...

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My Pet Monkey

Zidane couldn't believe what was happening to him, it was like a nightmare. At that moment, Beatrix was practically dragging him through the palace by his ponytail, while pinning his right arm behind his back in a painful hold. He desperately struggled...

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