Gemini – Chapter 9: Greed (Part 2)

Story by tsjca on SoFurry

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#10 of Gemini - Book 1

The second part of the ninth chapter of Clovers adventure

When the pony and dragon had reached the barn they found it to be locked. "Oh fuck, what are we going to do now? Wait; there might be a back entrance." Said Clover, unfortunately there was none and not wanting to break in and give more reasons for Apple Jack to hate them, they decided to ask for help from the gentle giant, that is Big McIntosh.

The house seemed empty, yet a faint sound could be heard from upstairs, and so the two ventured on in hope of seeing the strong stallion. The sound was louder now, but was still muffled as they stood outside of a door emblazoned with Mac's cutie mark; a low grunt sounded as Clover stepped forward and opened the door. What they saw next shocked all thoughts out of their minds, especially after hearing Apple Jack's opinion of them.

What they saw was clearly Big Mac on his bed and facing away from them, however that was only partly what had shocked them. The other part was the stallion beneath him that from their angle looked exactly like clover, apart from the cutie mark of three horse shoes that they would rarely see in-between the red stallion's thrusts.

"Umm... err..." Clover and Spike were speechless; Spike for seeing the brother of the mare that had insulted them for being gay was also gay. Clover on the other hand was far worse off, as he had just caught his cousin, Caramel, in the act

Big Mac's thrusts had become more erratic as well as both partners breaths. Mac suddenly stopped, shuddered and groaned. He rolled to the side as his legs were no longer able to support him, allowing both he and Caramel to see the two gaping statuesque figures.

No sound was made but each set of eyes spoke a thousand words of shock and fear, eventually Spike spoke up, "Big Mac, could we use the barn. N...n...not for that of course." He stuttered out as all the members' faces turned a deep shade of red.

"Err... eyup. Just let me get ma' keys then." He said as he rolled out of bed unable to break eye contact with the new arrivals. As they walked off Caramel decided to get off the bed and he tried to explain himself to his cousin.

"Well I guess you can see why I avoided seeing you then?" Caramel muttered to Clover, who proceeded to look at his cousin quizzically. "It's just that the rest of the family has turned their backs on because of what I am." He sighed.

"What and you think that I would do the same to you?" Clover was appalled at his family for what they had done, and would they do the same to him. "Anyway, you see that purple dragon walking with Big McIntosh?" Caramel responded with a nod. "He made me realize that I'm, like that too."

"So then, why do you two need this here barn then?" Big Mac asked as they reached the barn.

"As you can see from Spikes height," The dragon in question was still large but had noticeably shrunk. "He grew from greed and we need a place to hide so that Twilight won't find out." Clover replied when suddenly an idea popped into his head again. "Hey Spike it may be a good thing that we caught these two because they can also hide us from Apple Jack."

"What's ma' sister done this time?" the red stallion spoke with a bored tone.

"She knows that Clover and I are gay." Spike spoke shyly.