Bunny Brothers Tailoring Co.: Freebies Vol. 60

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#37 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Maloo grows again! Now the ECF has to deal with finding clothes that fit. Good thing the Bunny Bros. are on the job!

I run freebie streams occasionally where I pick people at random who are watching and write them a short flash fic story using their character, based on an idea they have related to the theme. This stream's theme was Post Transformation: what is life like after the life-changing event?

avatar?user=13331&character=0&clevel=2 Maloo

"Thank you for calling Bunny Brothers Big and Tall, this is Tom. How can I help you?"

The white rabbit put the phone between the side of his head and his shoulder, holding it in place as he wrote on a notepad.

"Uh huh. You're not sure of your measurements? No problem. Come on down and we'll fit you out."

He nodded a few times and glanced around the small tailoring shop he owned, along with his brother, Ralph, another white rabbit. His twin, in fact.

"Sure, we're not busy today. Come on down anytime."

Tom hung up the phone and stretched his arms over his head. Business had been slow lately. More brands created larger sizes of clothing, reducing the need for specialty tailoring shops like the Bunny Brothers.

"Got a job coming in later!" he called out.

A voice answered from the back of the shop. "What time?"

"Next hour or so."

Ralph emerged from the back room. He was the tailor and handled all the actual creation of clothing. Tom dealt with the front end - ringing up customers, taking orders, figuring out measurements, ordering supplies, all the normal stuff. Their shop was small. They had a little storefront on a road a few blocks off main. Large windows faced the streets with the "Bunny Brothers" logo painted on. Samples of clothing, everything from suits and dresses to swimsuits and sports uniforms hung on racks around the shop, in addition to a large three-pane mirror near the front counter where customers could test the fit and view themselves in their new clothes.

Ralph headed into the back to finish up work on a pair of size twenty-seven boots for a local dragon with a penchant for skiing. Tom had nearly forgotten about the call by the time the bell over the front door rang.

"Welcome to Bunny Brothers," he said, without looking up from the ledger on the front counter. "How can I... help... you?"

His words faltered as he stared at the enormous feline squeezing through the front door. Shi had to turn sideways to fit, and even at that shi had to use both paws to squeeze hir breasts through one at a time. Not to mention the bulging male package hanging off hir hips, which took quite a bit of maneuverability.

And the clothes... the cougar's body was wrapped in what appeared to be a red and white canvas, the kind people used for outdoor tents at family reunions or corporate events. Bits of string draped from the eye-holes in the edges of the canvas, with some tied together to hold it up around hir. The cougar was barefoot and a massive tail flicked back and forth under the edge of the canvas wrap, which extended from hir breasts down to just above hir knees, giving the appearance of a miniskirt.

"Am I glad to find you guys!" the cougar said, once shi'd finally squeezed hir way inside. "Had a little accident a few weeks back and now my clothes don't fit."

Tom just stared, speechless, as shi approached and smiled down at him. Hir ear-tips brushed the ceiling. Considering the building was an older one, the ceilings were fourteen feet high. Shi was nearly three-times as tall as Tom, who only clocked in at around five-foot-six. His brother was only five-foot-two. Standing on each other's shoulders, they'd still only come up to the cougar's nipples.

The feline's pelt shifted across powerful muscles. The well-kempt golden fur gleamed under the lights as shi leaned down.

"Listen, I need a full spread. Casual, some professional. Shoes, definitely. Swim suit if you can manage it."

Tom's muzzle clamped shut, though he had trouble dragging his eyes away from the incredible bulge pressing into the edge of the counter. It was nearly as big as him.

"So, do you think you can handle it?"

For a moment, Tom was worried shi meant handle... well, something else. Then he remembered the clothes. Clothes! Business!

Habit took over. Tom snatched his pen and grabbed his notebook.

"Uh... yes! Yes, we can help you. We'll just need measurements and fabric selections. Let me... I'll need my brother to help me measure you."

"Of course!"

"Can I get some info first?" Tom said, flipping to the next page. "Name?"


Tom scribbled it down, then asked a few more questions. Weight (massive), address (local), height (mountainous). Shi didn't know any other measurements, like waist, since, as shi explained, shi'd been only around ten feet a few weeks back. A run in with a certain old friend had left hir in hir current clothless situation, hence the need for the borrowed tent canopy.

"Hey, Ralph! Need your help with a customer," Tom called out.

Tom's older brother appeared and, like Tom, was immediately struck dumb by the sight of the massive feline. After a few moments of gawping, he recovered.

"I'm gonna need a larger tape measure."

"I thought you might, so I brought this," Maloo said. The cougar smiled as shi used hir clawtips to set a surveying tape measure on the counter. It would go to 100 feet, more than was necessary, but was easier to unspool.

"Okay... well... step over here, please," Tom said. Ralph followed as they led Maloo to the measuring station. The cougar stepped onto the box, but it splintered under hir foot.


The two rabbits didn't say anything as they went to work. Ralph retrieved a ladder from the back. They stretched the tape measure everywhere, ensuring accurate measurements of the cougar's chest, hips, thighs, and all. The cougar squirmed as they inadvertently rubbed up against hir. When Ralph measured hir neck, his belly and hips pressed into the side of hir breast, dimpling the canvas. Tom had to lean in underneath hir bulge to get the tape measure down to hir feet to measure hir height.

Ralph climbed down the ladder and motioned Tom over.

"We can't measure hir inseam with the canvas on," he whispered.

"Yeah, but... I mean, we don't have blinds on the windows..."

A huge shadow fell across the two white rabbits. Both turned to look guiltily up at the massive feline.

"Talking about me, boys?" the big cougar asked, grinning. "I have a feeling I know what this is about."

Using a claw, the cougar deftly undid the knots holding the canvas tent minidress around hir body. It fell away in a large pile on the floor, leaving the feline naked. Tom and Ralph stared in shock as Maloo's enormous testicles draped over hir powerful thighs. Each of the feline's legs was thicker around than either of them. Hir belly was hard, though covered with a thick layer of plush white fur, obscuring most of the musculature beneath. They could feel the heat radiating off hir body since shi was so close. Tom closed his eyes as a wave of musky scent washed over him.

Ralph's nostrils flared as he stared at the nude cougar, head tipping back to look up at hir chest. They could barely see hir blunt, wide muzzle from beneath the swells of hir chest. Each breast was capped with a monstrous nipple, poking out a good foot, two foot across at least.

"Velcro?" Tom said, his voice weak.

"Velcro," Ralph said, agreeing.

The cougar grinned as the two white rabbits continued measuring the cougar. Maloo purred. The two males really were cute. But this was business. Better not let anything... improper... happen.

Still, it was difficult for the cougar to focus as Ralph's hips shifted against hir breast again. His paw grasped hir shoulder for balance as he leaned over to the hold the measuring tape against the back of hir head. Tom, meanwhile, was climbing between hir legs, inadvertently rubbing his backside up against the massive sac, which hung down well past hir knees. The cougar's tail, now completely free, swung back and forth slowly. It was thicker than a normal tail would be, even on someone as big as Maloo. The cat stifled a purr as Tom's body squeezed between hir calves. The rabbit held the tape to the floor as his brother called off measurements.

Maloo's nostrils twitched and hir tail straightened as the friction provided by the rabbit did what it would do to anyone. A foot and half of dark cockflesh pushed free of the cougar's well-packed sheath, obscuring part of hir belly. The tip was fat, as wide across as either of the rabbit's hips. Unable to see hir growing arousal past the swell of hir chest, Ralph continued measuring, using both hands to try to get the tape around Maloo's breasts. The cougar kept hir arms up in the air as the rabbit's fuzzy white paws and arms rubbed over hir nipples. Shi closed hir eyes, breathing softly, as the two rabbits continued to unknowingly tease hir.

Shi snorted, claws digging into the carpeted floor. Shi'd been perpetually horny before the latest growth spurt, but now it was even easier to trigger the big feline. Whether they knew it or not, these two cute little rabbits were doing a very good job of it.

At long last, the measurements were done. Ralph got down from the ladder and Tom squeezed his way out from between Maloo's legs.

"All right," Tom said. "Well, we'll have to check the back for what kind of cloth we can use. Maybe the red for a dress and the black cotton for the professional look?"

Ralph nodded. Neither noticed the cougar's heavy breathing and aroused state.

"Denim will work for pants. Should be strong enough to hold everything in," he said.

Their conversation abruptly ended when four feet of half-hard cougar-cock descended between them. A large blob of clear pre-cum dangled from the tip, on the verge of falling to the floor. The two white rabbits stared, awestruck, at the size of the member. Maloo, for hir part, spread hir legs, giving hir huge testicles a little more room to hang, and brought hir paws to hir breasts. A small moan escaped hir plump black lips.

"S... sorry... it's just... rabbits... you know," shi said, panting.

Tom stared, still dazed by what he was seeing. The cougar's sheath stretched as shi got harder. The swelling member pushed out, foot after foot, until the tip draped over hir balls, nearly reaching the floor. Hir testicles expanded with hir excitement, pressing outwards from between hir legs, forcing hir knees apart. Hir hips shifted and hir cock moved sideways, swinging into Ralph's chest. The rabbit didn't move as he stared at the blob of pre-cum running down the front of his t-shirt ("Bunny Brothers Big and Tall: Where There's No Such Thing as Too Big!"). Maloo moaned again, cock flexing, as the tip rubbed up his chest, then back down over his belly, soaking his front in pre-cum.

Tom reached out, unable to help himself. Small white paws grasped the massive shaft, pulling it towards him. He pressed into it, inhaling deeply, loving the scent and warmth. Maloo moaned again, groaning with growing lust. Hir muscular tail swept around, curling over the rabbits' backsides, pulling them in close to either side of hir erection. Ralph and Tom found themselves spread across hir massive balls, clutching at the thick golden fur, feeling the roiling testicles pulsing and throbbing against them.

Maloo moaned again, louder this time, as the two rabbits pawed at hir cock, teasing and stroking hir. Shi clutched at hir breasts, panting hard now, shuddering with lust. Hir cock thickened further, straightening up, lifting from its downward-pointing position to arc up slightly, though the tip was still too heavy and the shaft not quite stiff enough to rise fully into the air.

Ralph wrapped both arms around the cougar's cock and stroked his way to the tip, where a pulse of pre-cum soaked down his muzzle. Maloo reached for Tom and picked him up with both paws, easily lifting the small male. The five-foot-six rabbit squirmed in hir grasp, as erect and aroused as shi was, and spread his arms as shi pulled him into hir cleavage. His body disappeared between hir breasts and shi moaned with pleasure, cock jerking, spurting another dollop of clear pre-cum over Ralph, who eagerly licked up what he could.

"What... did you mean... by velcro?" Maloo asked between grunts.

"Easier... to work with. And put on. And take off," Ralph said, using his arm to wipe off his face.

The fourteen-foot-tall cougar grinned as Tom's arms reached out of hir cleavage, paws grasping for hir nipples. His face emerged soon after and he licked his way across the broad, thick nub. His hips pumped helplessly against hir chest as hir paw supported his rump. Maloo sat down carefully, legs spreading around hir huge nuts. Hir cock tipped back, resting against Tom's backside, as Ralph clambered onto hir balls, straddling the base of hir sheath. The cougar groaned more loudly as hir throbbing erection jerked between the two fuzzy white-furred males, who managed to shed their clothes without the cougar even noticing. Maloo's head tipped back, shoulders to the floor, hands digging into the carpet, as the two rabbits treated hir massive body like a playground.

Tom rolled over, onto his back, still wedged between hir breasts. His arms expanded wide as the shaft lowered onto him, mostly hard now, stiff to the touch. His cock rubbed against the feline's monstrous erection as Ralph busily humped away at the base. Pre-cum rolled down the tip, wetting down both Tom and Maloo's chest, soaking white and golden fur alike.

Sensitivity, in addition to size, had increased. Maloo's eyes closed as shi pumped hir hips, lifting hir massive shaft and the rabbit riding hir beanbag chair-sized balls into the air. Splurts of thick pre-cum regularly shot from the tip, indicating hir increased pleasure. Ralph and Tom couldn't help themselves as they stroked and massaged and rubbed the massive feline. They'd never seen someone so big. Hir musk was intoxicating, hir size incredible. How could any rabbit say no?

Maloo's muzzle clamped shut, thick lips pursing. Plumping up, they spread only slightly as shi hissed loudly. Hir claws scraped across the carpet, leaving furrows, as hir flexing shaft bounced up and down. Tom, still between hir breasts, held on as best he could as the cougar's orgasm approached. Ralph was nearly thrown from the bucking feline as he felt hir urethra bulge against his chest.

Shi came hard, spraying load after load of hot, thick white cum over hir own breasts, blinding and nearly drowning Tom, who slipped down hir suddenly wet body. He ended up straddling the base of hir cock from the other side, pushing it out so that it stood straight up between him and Ralph. The two rabbits each kept one arm around the huge shaft and the other on their own erections as they quickly joined the massive feline in a blindingly pleasurable orgasm. Cum rained down around them like they were standing under a fountain. The cougar's moans echoed in their ears as both naked white bunnies got an extra shade applied.

Thoroughly soaked in cum and still not quite sure exactly how it had come to this, Ralph and Tom gasped for breath around the base of the cougar's shaft. Maloo hirself had relaxed, enjoying the pleasant aftershocks a titanic orgasm afforded. Hir tail swept up, teasing the back of Ralph's head.

"Do you... give this kind of service... to everyone?" shi asked, purring deeply.

Ralph and Tom leaned over so they could look around the sides of hir massive cock at each other. They were both a mess of fluids from head to foot. Neither had lost their erection.

"I think we'll have to take more measurements," Ralph said at length.

Tom nodded. "Definitely. Many, many more measurements."

Maloo grinned, tail twitching happily, as the two rabbits clambered over hir body, alternatively teasing hir cock, suckling on hir nipples, rubbing hir deep pelt, or hugging hir massive nuts. Shi purred loudly, even using hir paws to squeeze them in close occasionally.

"Ralph... we may need... to call in help for this job," Tom said, head popping free of Maloo's cleavage for a moment.

The big feline grinned as shi listened, ears perking, cock dribbling a steady stream of cum.

"Why don't we call in Terrence and James?" Ralph said. "They helped us on that job last year."

"Terrence and James?" Maloo asked, sounding both amused and horny at the same time.

"Otters. They run a shop a few streets over," Ralph said. "I'll give 'em a call."

Maloo grinned. Shi loved clothes shopping.

The end.