scootaloo gets her wings

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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scootaloo finaly gets her wings after borrowing a book, and cheating but for this your have to read the story

After seeing twilight get her wings Scootaloo was now hell bent on getting her wings anyways any how just to be with the flyers.

At the club house Scootaloo paced back and forth warping the floor where she paced.

She thought of ways to get her wings but everything she thought of just said age and the old saying, all Pegasus's get to fly one day.

"Ugh, it sucks that every pony in this town can fly but me!"

Scootaloo said kicking a rock,

"Maybe your one of the rare ponies that can't fly?"

Said Applebloom catching the stone with a dive before it broke the window.

"Yeah or maybe your wings are too weak and just need to be bulked up with some magic",

Sweetiebelle said her horn flashing, but they all sighed.

They all sighed, they knew that wasn't the answer they needed one hell of a powerful spell to make her wings grow and anything else would either have side effects or make her wings weaker.

Scootaloo had the prefect idea of how to her wings.

"I've got an idea how to get my wings; first of all we need to find a door way to the castle but not the main one,

"Applebloom, your farm has got an old door that seems to lead to no where, I know shire uses those to get around so ponies don't ask him how's the weather up there,

"However the one at the farms been sealed down, so we'll have to find another one of these entrances,

"Sweetiebelle you'll be the one doing the magic and lighting the way, all we have to do is go into celetia's castle and read her books! Then I'll get my wings."

"Are you crazy? We might be caught or even worse, sent to jail"

Applebloom said looking at Scootaloo

"Yeah and my magic's not that good! What if I burn your wings off? And now you're saying for me to use the princess old books which are far more powerful then any of our normal basic magic skill books"

Sweetiebelle said as her horn glowed then faded agreeing to this bad idea,

"Fine baby's I'll do it all by myself, I'll get the book but you two had better do the things I said to do,

"Applebloom you'll be looking out for where shire goes the ones that in town,

"sweetiebelle, I know your horns not good, but if you pull this off you'll be able to do anything in those books, even the pages that you never looked at or are allowed to look at,

"I know celetia's got to have a book on something for wings, she all great and powerful so her books must be full of spells, besides, I'll be getting the book to replace the one we'll be taking."

"well, alright, but only if it's a team effort, I really wanna see if we get our cutiemarks in what ever this is called"

Said Applebloom and sweetiebelle putting there hoofs as one team.

A few days where needed though to gather information.

Applebloom watched shire go into a bush and not come from it.

She then noted which ones lead to the castle and which ones lead to other homes by going down and following him.

Next all three needed a suit, something like rainbowdash had worn in order to get into the castle but be ninja like.

Sweetiebelle helped here by making a suit that was small but was comfortable for all three.

The next part was the hardest getting a picture of what celetia's spell books look like so Scootaloo can replace it with a normal book.

Scootaloo paid rainbowdash to get her a picture of the books in celetia's shelf's saying it was a for a project.

A bit confused RD agreed and did it.

Scootaloo brought a book of the same size from twilight, now everything was ready all three where ready.

That night Scootaloo got the items, the book, her map, but then she looked down the holes.

They where pitch black, not scared of the darkness but of the rats and bugs she wished sweetiebelle was here, her horn could light the way.

Her friends hadn't showed up but then they did.

All three went down the old slave's quarters.

The rats ran from the light some bugs did too, sweetiebelle light the way with her horn glowing showing all the old stone and cobwebs.

As Applebloom told her which way to go with Scootaloo following behind leaving a trail of chalk in case they needed to run.

All three then came to a wooded area this was the castle area.

As a sorry present to shire, Luna had wooden floors installed but only for the castle area no where else, unless shire was to pay for that.

All three stopped when they heard a loud snore coming from a room up ahead, the area was lighted by touches.

All three looked into the room and saw shire fast asleep in his bed.

All three just looked and walked on nothing of interest in there but it did still look clean from when they had cleaned it.

Up ahead where stairs but loads of them, Applebloom didn't know which ones to take she had only mapped out the path way to here not the doors or stairs to the princess bedroom, so all three spilt up to look for the princess room.

Applebloom opened a door but it was to a hall way the main hall leading to the thrown room.

Applebloom put down a mark to let the others know this was a no go if they looked.

Sweetiebelle in the mean time had found Princess Luna's room, she was talking with twilight she quickly closed the door not wanting to listen in or be caught.

Scootaloo looked in loads of doors but found only either a bedroom or a room she'd already checked.

All three regrouped and then they saw another door one that was hidden by a few cobwebs.

All three walked up the steps then opened the door slowly and there was celetia's bedroom.

Sweetiebelle went over to celetia on her bed to make sure she stayed asleep.

Applebloom kept the door guarded making sure the guards didn't come in and that shire didn't walk in.

Scootaloo looked though the books as she knew what she was after.

Each book was alphabetised which was lucky.

Scootaloo looked though the books then got to WXYZ books.

Scootaloo found 2 books with W on, she decide to take both not wanting to risk looking though as it was getting near the time for the princess to raise the sun.

Thankfully Scootaloo had her school note book, which was the same size as the book on there but didn't look aged; she hoped the princess wouldn't notice.

Celetia then snorted and woke rubbing her eyes as sweetiebelle used magic to warn the other two.

All three ran to the door as the princess got out of bed.

Crashing down the steps they groaned but Scootaloo had the books.

All three ran to the clubhouse happy following the trail of white Scootaloo had left.

When they got back to the clubhouse Scootaloo opened the books and so did Applebloom looking though to find something on wings.

Sweetiebelle did some magic to get her horn ready for the task at hoof as this would be a very though spell.

Applebloom then found a spell on wings she read it out loud but it was animal wings and how they worked not a spell on how to make them bigger.

Scootaloo then found a wing increases spell this would work just as well.

"Here we are, to make your wings bigger use this spell"

The writing was in a langue that only unicorns or ailcorn's could understand not normal earth ponies or Pegasus's.

Sweetiebelle read it and then her horn started to glow from reading the magic and making it go though her horn.

Sweetiebelle gasped and panted as she read more her horn glowing a very strange blue.

Sweetiebelle then stopped and thought about the spell over and over so that she knew it and didn't have to look at the writing.

Scootaloo put her helmet on and her goggles, she stood in position ready, to get ready to be like rainbowdash and fly around.

Sweetiebelle's horn flashed and a bright beam of light hit Scootaloo.

Her wings started to glow and then they grew and kept growing.

Sweetiebelle sweated as she kept on doing the spell until it was over she fell to the floor in a huff

The light faded from the spell and so did Scootaloo.

Applebloom looked at both ponies a little worried, they did move for a good hour, but then they both groaned.

"That I never want to do again, my horn really hurts, I hope it worked! Because if not then I'll do it again but maybe a few days later"

Sweetiebelle said rubbed her warm horn which glowed bright red

"I think it worked a bit too well if anything too well"

Scootaloo said looking at them both her wings where the size of a fully grown ailcorn, she flapped them and her feet left the ground, the other two looked and smiled

"I'm flying! I'm really flying whoa!"

She said going left then right slowing getting used to flying.

"Don't you think ponies will ask questions? Like how did she get wings like right now?"

Applebloom said looking worried as she put the spell books on the table.

"No, I got that figured out, a growth spurt, it's simple, I was Jew one, and it happened overnight"

Scootaloo said looking at her new wings as they flapped then folded them away yawning.

All three where happy but hadn't looked at the other page of the book.

On the other page was the real spell for ever lasting wings, the wings Scootaloo had where only to last a few days but worst of all they'd go instant rather then slowly.

In the morning sun all three walked though the school doors and then sweetiebelle yawned and talked still tied from last night's ordeal.

"And now, fillies and colts we present, Scootaloo with wings!"

She said yawning

Scootaloo flapped her wings and then flew down the hall way sending papers flying.

Ponies cheered and clopped there hoofs, then Miss Cheerilee turned the corner and saw Scootaloo with ailcorn wings and she was the first to ask the question that Applebloom had said might be asked.

"Scootaloo, where did you get those wings?"

She asked as Scootaloo flew to her and hovered above her.

"I grew them, I told you I was ready for a growth spurt and here it was or is,

"Now I can't come to your class any more Miss Cheerilee as my new teacher is rainbowdash"

Scootaloo flew off down the hall way outside she did a loop de loop in the sky.

Miss Cheerilee just sighed and ordered the others into the classroom.

Mean while up in the weather factory Rainbowdash gasped moving some heavy rain clouds when she heard a voice she knew too well shout out to her,

"Hay rainbowdash need a hoof or wing?"

Said Scootaloo really wanting to see the look on RD's face when she saw her next to her,

"No offence Scootaloo, but these are up here, not down there"

Rainbowdash said looking down but not seeing an orange Pegasus she rubbed her head in confusion was she going mad and always hearing that filly's voice?

"True, but I'm up here, so like I said do you need some help or not?"

Rainbowdash gasped looking at Scootaloo with her wings she too questioned Scootaloo, but after some explaining RD knew to thrust her.

"Okay Scootaloo, lets see what you've got, these clouds have got to be over in the rainforests in a few hours, lets move them there in a few moments!"

She said pushing the clouds and gasping

"Aye, aye rainbowdash!"

Scootaloo pushed using her wings; she was used to them as she had been reading up on how to fly all of her life.

A few minutes later after a load of team work the clouds where over the rain forests ready for the other ponies to use.

Both ponies bro hoofed each other at that job now they had the rest of the day off.

"Okay Scootaloo, seeing as I have the rest of the day off you wanna go for a fly?"

Rainbowdash said smiling at her new side kick,

"Gasp, would I!"

Scootaloo said blushing, she'd been dreaming about this moment forever and now it was coming true getting to hang out and fly with rainbowdash.

Scootaloo flew around rainbowdash and rainbowdash did the same.

They both pushed there wings to the max but Scootaloo didn't care, she was just happy having fun and getting to learn some tips on cutting time.

But one she had always wanted to do was vist clouds dale.

"Hay rainbow, can I see clouds dale? I've never seen it other then in films or in books"

She said blushing as it sounded like a lame thing to ask,

"Sure, I'll even take you on the grand tour; you can see everything with me!"

Rainbowdash smiled flying up there very fast Scootaloo following at the same speed.

They flew into clouds dale Scootaloo landed on a cloud and gasped.

It was soft and felt like a pillow she had never been on a cloud before only ever seeing them in the sky it was so soft and comfy.

Rainbowdash then walked with her though clouds dale.

The homes where all made of clouds and every pony loved Scootaloo having never see the pony before.

Scootaloo even made some new friends up in clouds dale but she knew she couldn't forget her real friends the ones who had helped her become like this.

But rainbowdash had saved the best till last.

As they got to another home Scootaloo saw a Wonderbolts flag outside.

It was rainbowdashes home Scootaloo had never been in rainbowdash's home she was now very happy.

"Welcome to my little home Scootaloo or the most awesome home in all of clouds dale"

She opened the door and picked up the mail looking though it as Scootaloo ran inside.

Scootaloo was inside rainbowdashes home she looked everywhere in the bedroom in the kitchen and in the living room just like a filly in a candy store.

Scootaloo then saw some Wonderbolts toys on the floor.

She picked them up and started to play with them enjoying them and saying how much better rainbowdash was then them which RD blushed at but she also knew that she did that.

Rainbowdash then saw in the something in the mail she'd wanted to see in ages.

"Sweet, pony Ville want me to do some flying stunts with another Pegasus, but Fluttershy's sick, and she hates stunts who else....

"Scootaloo, would you do the show with me?"

Rainbowdash asked looking at her as she played with the toys,

"Yes, a thousand times yes!"

Scootaloo said hugging her holding back the tears this was too good to be happening but she didn't care.

It was now getting late, Scootaloo had the best day but was tied from flying, which she expected from this as it was quite a lot.

She had also eaten the best food that clouds dale had to offer, as she yawned rainbowdash ruffled her mane and got up going to the bedroom.

"Get some sleep kid, you'll need it for the morning, kitchens over there if you want some left overs and you can sleep on the couch, here"

Rainbowdash gave her a Wonderbolts sheet to cover herself up.

Scootaloo snuggled into it and went to sleep moving a lot but mostly as she wasn't used to her new wings but after a while got used to them and started to sleep.

In the night though her wings started to flash and feathers feel from them and they seemed smaller.

In the morning Scootaloo woke up and got some breakfast before rainbowdash had woken up.

She then saw the feathers thinking she had moulted she picked them up and put them in the bin just as she heard RD getting out of bed.

Rainbowdash walked into the kitchen, had some breakfast then talked Scootaloo about the plan of the flying action.

She and rainbow both practiced the moves before they went to show it off in pony Ville.

Pony Ville was busy waiting for the show, celetia was there as well as Luna.

The others where there too the other mane 5 and derpy.

Just then some rock music played and in came Scootaloo making a cloud turn into shapes then rainbowdash from no where punched though them with her fast speed sending them into the crowd.

They cheered then saw who was with rainbowdash it was Scootaloo.

Celetia looked and then whispered something to Luna, she went away to fetch someone.

Scootaloo then started to do some cloud shapes which rainbowdash then shoot though and made into smaller ones.

Scootaloo then span around very fast then shoot up towards the sun and then headed towards the crowd at super speed.

She then pulled up and make every ones neck crane backwards as she did some very skilled loop de loops.

The crowd where loving this, Luna then returned as Scootaloo heard the crowd cheer for her.

She then got ready for the rainbow hole, this was where just before a sonic rain boom she'd use the colours to make holes in it.

She flew up but then her wings glowed bright and then her big wings where gone!

She flapped her little wings but then she felt very tried from doing so.

Scootaloo tried to keep up in the sky but just couldn't she then fell towards the crowd.

Rainbowdash started to do her sonic rain boom, but then she saw Scootaloo heading for the ground.

Rainbowdash couldn't stop and turn she was in mid boom.

Scootaloo screamed and closed her eyes knowing that she would soon be with her parents when she hit the ground.

As the ground came closer ponies fled not wanting to be hit by a speeding Pegasus.

Others tried to get nets or something to catch her in.

Twilight was about to use her magic when celetia stopped her from doing so.

A black flash grabbed the falling pony to the crowd's surprise.

Celetia then got up, rainbowdash then did the sonic boom and everyone cheered as it was nice just to see that.

Scootaloo heard the cheering and then opened her eyes, she was alive but how?

She looked around knowing she had done wrong and tried to get away while no one was looking.

But her tail was stuck on a ponies hoof a certain big black shire shaped pony that wasn't too happy.

After the ponies had stopped cheering they noticed that Scootaloo was back to her normal sized wings and started to talk amongst themselves.

But celetia then spoke,

"Well Scootaloo, I knew you wanted wings but I never though you'd go so low as too take my books"

Celetia looked at her not smiling

"How did you know?"

Scootaloo asked looking down and feeling sick and waiting the ground just to swallow her up,

"I'll answer that, you think that I'd just not notice two of Tia's books missing, and replaced with a note book full of pictures of rainbowdash and the other a school book on the history of the pony race?"

Shire said still on the pony's tail he then lifted his hoof and pushed Scootaloo right in front of celetia,

"What do you have to say for yourself Scootaloo?"

Celetia said looking at her smiling but also wanting to hear the filly say sorry

"I'm sorry princess, I just feel left out, I mean twilight gets wings, that white pony that has small wings and there smaller then mine yet he can fly, I just felt left out"

Scootaloo cried but she stopped when a golden hoof lifted her head up,

"young filly, all things come to those who wait, what you did was very life risking, you need to know if I hadn't seen those wings and told Luna to go get shire well you'd be pizza"

She smiled and nuzzled the crying filly knowing Scootaloo was sorry shire then spoke,

"Look Scootaloo, I was just like you, I too wanted wings but knew I'd never get them,

"But when I got these I hated them at first you just need to know that everything comes to those that wait,

"Why give it a few years and you'll be up there with the other ponies,

"But I think you have something of celetia's that you need to give back to her"

Shire said using his magic to give her the two books her books from celetia's book shelf.

Scootaloo ran off to the club house and got the two books she then ran back to the area.

Scootaloo then gave them back to celetia who smiled and magiced them away back to her castle.

Twilight then spoke,

"Spike, I think Scootaloo has learned something, better get a letter ready"

Twilight said as spike got out a letter and quill,

"Dear princess celetia,

"today I've learned that if you want something, you just have to wait, you can't have it now, its like a fancy suit, it maybe very nice now, but in years to come it'll just be an expensive peace of clothing,

"Instead if you wait long enough another suit will come along at a cheaper price, what I'm trying to say is, you have to wait for things to come to you, and this includes wings"

Scootaloo said flapping her little wings,

Celetia smiled and forgave Scootaloo, even rainbowdash was happy she'd been able to do stuff with Scootaloo she thought she'd never be able to do until she was older.

From that day on Scootaloo never forgot about the day she had grown up wings, and in her note book was a picture of her with her grown up wings.

~The end~

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