The Little Lynx. Part I

Story by Texleo on SoFurry

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The first in series. Hope you enjoy.

Tani. That's what her friends had started calling her at about eight years old and ever since then she had hated being called Tanaka. Tanaka West. She'd write that name on an application or for an ID but if any of her girls called her Tanaka she'd slap them upside the head. She was quite aggressive for a teenager, even a girl that was beginning to experience the wonders of being "in heat," having her breasts come in, grow into a beautiful embodiment of female power. Most teens got moody, Tani got full on angry. Rage-fuelled attacks could come on at the slightless inconvience. It didn't help she was a hybrid, there were not much of those around and even a few anthros were indignant enough to treat her differently. Just because she wasn't pure-bred like they were. Wait until she got her claws. Anyone who looked down on her would get to experience the sting of her scratch, first hand.

Her parents were obviously seperate species. Her mother was a gorgeous lynx; tall, curvy with a flare in her golden eyes enough to drop any man to his knees and worship her. Her chest bounced with each step, her curly locks tumbling down her body and swaying everytime she shook her head. The dark yellow fur looked hot to the touch. Guys would be falling head over heels for such a woman if not for the hulking hyena that stood next to her whenever they went out. He was almost seven feet, broad shouldered with a chest that looked like it could soak up gunfire, and arms that could snap trree trunks in two. Speckled in brown spots on caramel coloured fur, with glinting green eyes and spikey mane to match, Mr West looked too tough too match.

Tani was a mix of her parents, mostly her mother. She stood at five feet at age thirteen, still only a baby to some with golden, yellow tinged bright fur that looked as fluffy as puffs of cloud. Her fur on top of her head fell down her back in tangles, with a fringe across her forehead and two dark brown pointy ears jutting up through her hair and twitching in sync with the sounds around her. The girl's nose was dark brown, her lips too, the same as her ears and the fur up her jawline stuck out, all spikey and tinged with white. Her stunning icy blue eyes looked like they could pierce metal and she had two dark brown spots of fur covering her eyes, almost as if she'd been given a couple of shiners. Her bushy tail reached her shoulder blades when it was pulled up, the tip of the tail a dark brown, matching her flesh, her eye patches and her ears. Even her paws were beginning to darken.

Everyday her father teased her about her markings before putting her up on his lap and smothering her in kisses. He'd then read the newspaper, trying to peak past her as she curled up on his lap, reading her fairy-tale books, Tani's mother working over the breakfast, stopping only to stare proudly at her family. Tani's younger brother Koda, was too busy wailing from his highchair to care about anything. He was more a mix of hyena, like his father. He'd whine until breakfast was laid out in front of him and this morning was no different.

Koda sat in his highchair, doing a half decent drum solo on an empty plate with plastic cutlery, Tani leaning back and nuzzling her father's chest, giggling as she reached a funny paragraph of her book. Her father grumbled, arguing with the newspaper and their mother hummed to herself, cooking up another pancake, a smile on her face.

"Tanaka? Come help me with bacon, darling," Mother commanded, tossing a pan of sizzling pork only a plate. There was no answer and she asked again. "Tanaka?" She turned to clapped her hands twice in impatience.

"Coming Mother," Tani moaned, sliding off her father's lap and ducking under the table. Father grunted in discomfort and Mother smiled in amusemnt. "Aren't you getting a little big for him," she laughed as her daughter approached her side, reaching for the plate of bacon.

"Who, Dad?" Tani looked like she'd been slapped across the face. "Of course not! I'm not am I?" The girl hated change. She looked to her father for an answer but he was still fighting over the facts of the newspaper, muttering away to himself.

"There can't be more businesses closing can there, you're wrong..." he mumbled.

"Dear, will you get your food?" Mother asked him, trying to draw his attention away from the daily news.

"In a moment Veronica, in a moment... can you believe than Deacon's Hardware has got under? Completely out of money! Do people not need hardware nowadays?" He'd be grouchy for the whole meal as he tossed the paper aside and got up, straighting his shirt.

"We had an arrangement him and I. I get free supplies and do all his lock work for him free of charge. Saves us both a bundle and now I'm going to have to start paying some other schmuck in a corporate store or warehouse or something for all my building materials..." "

Darling..." Mother said.

"... and god knows that's going to put more of a strain on our budget..." "Darling?" Mother tried again. "...and that's the last thing we nee-"

"Richard!" hissed Mother, smacking him with her tail and the hyena gasped in surprise.

"Oh uh, yes yes, sorry." He blushed a little and gave his wife a smooch. "Keep telling you my love, don't let me at a newspaper, haha. Now, what were you saying."

"Mother say's I'm too big for your lap!" Tani whined, looking up and batting her bright blue eyes, pleading for a supportive answer. Her parents exchanged glances and smiled.

"Tanaka, maybe you are a little big, I can barely see past your head," Father teased. "But it's probably good if I don't see the newspaper," he winked, grabbing a plate stacked with pancakes, bacon and egg from the counter, setting down on the table and arming himself with cutlery. "However, if you're in the way of my meal, that's another matter entirely, never get between a hungry working man and his food," he chuckled, sitting down and handing Koda a pancake. The tapping of plastic forks and knives on the plate ceased immediately as the little pup dug into his food ravenously.

Mother set down Tani's plate on the table between Koda and Father, "You can sit on the chair darling."

"Mother, I have literally never sat in that thing before in my life," Tani pouted, eyeing the chair, pouting as her parents burst out laughing.

"Where do you learn to speak like that," asked the hyena, chewing loudly.

"For god's sake Richard, chew with your mouth closed, set an example for the children," sighed Mother, sitting down and pulling in her chair.

Tani laughed, trying to get comfy on the chair. "Koda's already a lost cause, Mother," she giggled pointing to her brother as he shook his head, swinging the pancake from his mouth and finding it hilarious. "And Father, Miss Cole teaches me," she beamed.

"Ah yes, the vixen, am I right?" Father turned to his wife who nodded.

"Yes, Miss Cole is a fantastic principal, so loving and caring. Couldn't have picked a better school," said Mother, picking up a forkful of egg.

"Wait," paused Father. "Principal? She's not the teacher?"

Tani blushed and fell silent, her mother answering for her. "Tanaka gets sent so many times to the principal's office that Miss Cole has practically started teaching her grammar and etiquette."

"Why is she in trouble?" growled the hyena. Tani shrank in her chair, "Just back talking, sassing some of the teachers, F-Father." The hyena's face softened and he leaned in.

"Tanaka, I'm disappointed. Not that you keep sassing the teachers, it's your job to sass them," he grinned from ear to ear. "Just don't get caught," he winked, to Mother's bemusement.


Tanaka slipped up her red checker skirt, covering up her pink panties and fixing the hem so the skirt swayed at her knees. The girl fixed her training bra, pouting. She didn't like bras. Somewhere there was a nudist colony out there where she would run away to and be free... someday. She giggled at the thought as she started buttoning up her white pristine blouse and pulling up her white stockings. Would there be guys at this colony? Naked guys? Hmmmm, naked guys at a naked colony for lynxes. The self control there would be substantial. She wonder would there be any cute boys there...

Tani spotted herself in the mirror and saw she was blushing. She gasped and her cheeks grew even hotter and shook her thoughts from her head, stepping in to a pair of black shiny shoes, buckling them up. Why was she imagining a land of nakedness anyway? She snatched a perfume bottle of her favourite artist, Justin Beaver. A little spritz of perfume on her fur, and she was off down the stairs humming away.


"Why do you listen to that weird stuff?" asked the teen wolfess, her shoes tapping in stride with the little lynx. Tani was humming away a classic rock and roll song to the annoyance of her friends. There was Clio, the stark white wolfess with spikey frosty blue tipped hair, cut short and frayed on her head, dressed up in uniform like her friends; Mika and Nicki were the lioness twins, dark tanned furry faces always smiling at the other sister's joke, their red rusty coloured curls tangling up down their necks. There was a lot of rumours of incest in there family, not that the boys would mind. And incest wasn't "the least" common thing around.Then there was Hannah was the quiet one, a chubby, pretty little bear cub who rarely said anything and yet was part of such an outspoken group.

The twins fully agreed with Clio, dissing their friend's taste in music and attempting the plug Tani's headphones into one of their own iPod's that was blaring some dumb pop and dance remix.

"You know Miss Bell will be looking for blood today," groaned Nicki, poking the little lynx in the shoulder. "You've been at her all week! Best keep on her good side, don't you agree?"

Tani just shrugged. "She best keep on my good side, I'm having an off day."

"What's wrong?" chorused the twins.

"I dunno, I just feel weird. It's kinda hot out don't you think?" Tani sighed. The twins looked at each other and shook their heads. Clio didn't seem to think so as they approached the school gates. To everyone's surprise, Hannah opened her mouth to speak.

"It's not hot, it's just you, your body." As soon as she'd said it she blushed scarlet and regretted it immediately. Tani glanced down at herself and looked up, dumbstruck. "Come again?"

"It's nothing."

"No what is it?" "Nothing!"

"You can't say something then say nothing, come on Hannah," whined Tani, her voice laced with frustration. The bear sighed.

"My sister said this stuff starts to happen around now. Changes in our body?"

"Oh, like the way our boobs will get bigger?" laughed Clio, slapping Hannah on her back. The bear just fell silent. She'd had more to say but was interrupted.

"Who's boobs are bigger?" snickered a voice from behind. The girls whirled around to see a group of guys approaching, led by a tall, buff looking otter. Dean was champion football player, a classic jock that even older girls fell for. He towered over Tani's group, even though he was only two years older. He was flanked by a brute of an ox to his left and a stunning fox on his right. Despite the overwhelming popularity and both guys and girls worshipping him, Dean was a decent guy. He was smart, handsome and spoke quite gently most times.

The quintet of girls flushed and hushed silently as the guys walked around them, breaking into laughter and looking them up and down.

"You'd think they'd all gotten laid or something, that they're all masters of sex," scoffed Tani, her cheek colour fading as the entered the school, pushing past rushing students and impatient teachers.

"Fairly sure Dean did," giggled Nicki, pawing her twin.

"What?" Tani gasped, "He did? No way, he didn't." The girls stared at the lioness who shrugged, happy to keep them waiting.

She paused then happily blurted out, "Apparently, Stacy heard that Sophia saw Sarah Leonard going up to his bedroom at his party last week, and not coming down for a whole hour!" "Bullshit," gasped Clio, her tail wagging.

"Oh I gotta find her!" gasped Tani. The girls squealed, forgetting all about Hannah's observations and sprinted off in all directions to find their friend Sarah, armed with fresh gossip.

Sarah Leonard, often called Sarah Leopard because of her species, was busy tossing books into a locker and turned around in half surprise when Tani and Clio skidded to a halt in front of her panting.

"Is it true?" gasped Tani, swaying her tail. Sarah knew exactly what they were talking about, but still tried to feign innocence. "Is what true?"

"Honey, don't give us that!" growled Clio, nipping at the leopard's blonde fur. "You, Dean? Is... it... true?"

Sarah buried her face into her paw and slammed the locker shut. "What have you heard?"

"Did you have sex?" "Was it awesome?" "What was it like?" "Is he... big, down there?" "How long did it last?" "Did you cuddle?" Both girls streamed question after question, following their friend to the homeroom. She brushed off the questions as if she'd answered them a hundred times over. Maybe she had?

"Firstly, we didn't have sex," Sarah said angrily. "I just..." She paused, falling silent as the girls clung to every word. Tani was sure if Hannah, Nicki and Mika showed up Sarah wouldn't end up saying a thing. The less people around the better.

She stopped and leaned against the wall outside the class door, eyeing people suspiciously and raising her ears just a little.

"I went down on him."

Neither Tani nor Clio even blinked and Sarah gritted her teeth.

"You know, put my mouth... down there?" The other girls' eyes widened and they burst into fits of giggles, much to Sarah's bemusement. The leopard disappeared into class and refused to answer any more questions, leaving her friends struggling to stop laughing. Miss Bell was a rather voluptuous bull with the patience of Tani's little brother Koda. She hadn't even sat down when her eyes narrowed, staring straight at the little lynx.

"Miss West, would you kindly sit still and stop laughing?" she barked. No amount of authority would ever silence Tani once the girl started giggling. Miss Bell didn't even hesitate before pointing straight to the door and yelling at her to report to the principal, her face growing redder. She even made a hilarious aggravated snort that her kind sometimes did, causing the schoolgirl to let loose another wave of giggles.

This got everyone up and laughing, the whole classroom building to a hysterial wave of cackling, fighting with Miss Bell's roars for attention and discipline.

The long walk to the principal's office seemed to take forever, especially when Tani's laughter died and her thoughts begin to race. Sarah had put her mouth down there, between Dean's legs? Had she kissed it? Maybe even licked it? Probably, what else could she do with it, the leopard hardly chewed on it with her big front teeth, did she... did she? For once the principal's office was empty, a warm welcoming place with big arm chairs on either side of fancy desk, probably bought personally. The computer glowed a blue light and the blinds were drawn, letting in only a little sunlight. The room was en suite, a personal bathroom for Victoria "Vixen" Cole was just off to the right.

Tani sat in the squishy armchair, facing the desk. Usually by now Miss Cole would already be finished giving out to her, moving on to teaching her some new fancy words, training her to be a living thesauraus. It was fun and passed the time. It had done wonders for Tani's english studies.

The lynx found she needed to use the toilet, sliding out of the armchair and opening the door. The bathroom was dark and empty, with the soft scent of strawberry coming from somewhere. Miss Cole probably lit up a few candles in here every now and again. The girl trotted to a stall, locked the door and did what pretty much everyone does when they go to the toilet. With a quick flush, she went to the sink wetting her paws and the back of her neck in an attempt to cool herself and get rid of the heat coursing through her body when there came the sound of the office door opening and being shut with a slam and the sound of two pairs of feet clacking across the room.

Tani stood back from the opening, watching Miss Cole beckon to the armchair, ordering an older girl to sit in it. Just another student/principal disciplinary chat. The usual. Tani didn't know her, but she was tall and had a full figure, looking old enough to be in maybe the final year of school? Sixteen, seventeen? She was a lizard, her pale green scales glinting in the glow of the principal's computer, her blouse unbuttoned evenly and her skirt barely reaching her knees.

"What have I done now, Miss Cole?" she smirked, flashing her teeth with a disrespectful sneer. Tani gasped. Much as she liked to mess and make jokes, she'd never take such a tone with the vixen. Miss Cole was good to her, good to everyone and she was known for a bit of dark temper when it came to the sulking and skulking older teens. The vixen crossed her arms. She was wearing a navy dress, tight against her orange glazed body, her fiery eyes locking with the lizard's

"Francine," she growled, leaning right into her student making it difficult for Tani to see. "I'm convinced you keep getting in trouble on purpose. Wasting my time are we? You know-"

The vixen was suddenly cut off, not a sound escaping. Tani could only see the back of her head through the opening, and she was leaning down so the lizard was hidden from few too. For a brief second, nothing happened. Then Tani gasped as she heard a wet smack of lips locking lips, watching a green forearm slide around the vixen's neck, a scaled hand reaching around to squeeze the principal's bushy fox tail. Miss Cole let out a soft, gentle moan and Tani gulped, shrinking into the shadows, breathing heavily.

Then, she heard the sound of someone getting off the chair, stretching out with a grunt.

"You finished already, that wasn't even two mintues," giggled Francine the lizard. "No, no. I'm going to get... hmmmm, what WILL I get for you," hummed Miss Cole, the click-clack of her heels getting too close for comfort as Tani shut her eyes.

"The paddle..." Miss Cole had come to a decision, walking over to the bathroom door. "I left it in the- aragh!" She screamed in shock as Tani shut her eyes, hearing the door open and feeling the office lighting wash over her, exposing her from head to toe. After what seemed like a life time the little girl opened her eyes and blinked in the brightness. She was momentarily blind, her blue eyes sparkling as they tried to adjust to the light. Miss Cole came into view, her hand resting on the door's edge as she stared at the girl in shock horror, her mouth agape. Francine's head poked around from the doorway, equally horror-struck.

"Tanaka Lioni West, what... wha-what... what are YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?" Miss Cole's eyes flared in anger, her blushing cheeks going as red as her lipstick. That was it. All Tani could do was burst into tears and curl up, sobbing with embarrassment into her paws. Miss Cole's anger immediately faded, and she looked completely confused yet again...

Tani sniffled inbetweens breaths and hiccups. She was sitting on her principal's lap, against her breast and giving a little shudder everynow and again. Francine had left ten minutes ago, promising she wouldn't tell anyone Tani was in here. She... seemed like someone who could keep a secret, given the circumstances.

"Now... explain to me, what were you doing in my office," whispered Miss Cole, soothingly, "because I know a good girl like yourself wouldn't be sent to the office 'again' now, would she," the principal joked. Tani managed a meek smile.

"I didn't even do anything Miss, I was just laughing..."

"At a joke, or at poor Miss Bell?"

"At nothing! I was j-just, laughing... oh I don't know what I was laughing at. The situation?"

"You were laughing at the situation..." Miss Cole sounded out each word as if trying to process it.

"Miss... can I go," sighed Tani after a moment of silence. She had never felt so estranged from her mentor. On one paw, she wished she'd never even seen Miss Cole with that girl Francine. On the other paw, she almost wished she'd been in Francine's place. Her principal seemed to read her mind.

"Look honey, about what you saw."

"I know what I saw Miss, you and that girl were... together!"

Miss Cole shrugged. "Yes, we were. We were being intimate, do you what being intimate is Tanaka?" Tani raised her eyebrows bemused. Her sniffles had long quietened and she was regained her well reputable vigor.

"Miss Cole, please. I'm not a cub. Of course I know what it means. You and her were doing it! Right?"

The principal burst out laughing, as if this was the funniest thing she'd heard of. "Firstly, yes you are a cub! And secondly we were, sort of doing it."

"But I thought only guys and girls could be intimate, not girls and principals!"

Now it was Miss Cole who was having trouble keeping her laughter silent. She sat Tani up the principals desk and laced her fingers together, thinking hard and after a moment seemed to have strung the right words up in her mind. "Girls can be intimate with girls, just as guys be attracted to guys. Its called either being bi-sexual or homosexual. Understand?"

"I know this Miss Cole... I just don't understand how it... works. How or, why did... I mean, when I was watching you, I couldn't... I... why... did... I, why did I, ahem..."

"Why did you like it?" Miss Cole was dead serious now, testing the waters and narrowing her eyes as if staring into Tani's mind. Tani just looked down, almost ashamed to admit it, wiping her eyes and the vixen's heart softened. "So you did like it... can I ask Tanaka, do you find the boy who's always running around, Dean... do you find him attractive?"

"I don't know. Maybe?" Tani looked up again, hugging her school-blouse. To her surprise Miss Cole was starting to blush.

"Honey, do you get a little tingle when you see him and think about him. A "buzzing," down there?" Tani's face darkened and she bit her lip, nodding.

"Sometimes. It gets a little wet down there and... oh my god I can't believe I'm talking about this!" She moaned into her paws, burying her face into them and blotting out the world around her. After what seemed like a lifetime she opened her eyes and looked up. Her eyes bulged as she met face to face with the vixen, so close their noses were almost touching. Miss Cole had leaned right out of her chair, coming close to the lynx. Tani felt her breath on her quivering lips. With a little smirk, her principal pushed forward, pressing her lip-stick painted mouth to Tani's, pushing hard. The girl's first reaction was to pull away but Miss Cole was too quick, reaching up behind to massage her head lovingly, but forcefully keeping Tani from moving.

The lynx relaxed a little, her body ached from being so tense. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let a long breath out her noise. After a few tense moments, Miss Cole finally pulled away with a wet smack, Tani's lips pursed and trembling, her eye's still shut. "W-w-wow..." She let out a long mew. "That was... that was something else..."

Miss Cole only smirked. "I must admit, there was some flare to that kiss. You're going to make a lot of guys happy, and that's not something you want to do now is it? Be labelled a slut?" Tani gasped. "N-no! No I'd hate to be called that."

"Oh honey, you'll be called a slut. Just about every girl is, but whether or not its true? That's up to you."

"It is?" Tani wiped her lips, straightening her skirt.

"Of course, look sweetie. Come back here after school and I'll teach you a few things. I run a little... "nightschool" for girls of all ages and we could use one more, just for the time being. I'll teach you to behave, pick up boys, attract them... I'll make you look stunning, suggestive not desperate, saucy not slutty and most of all... haha, by the look on you're face, you're not following me at all are you?" Miss Cole giggled.

Tani indeed was staring dumbstruck. It was so much to take in. _"_S-so, you're gonna t-teach me about... uh, being intimate?"

Miss Cole barked happily. "You're so cute Tanaka, yes I'm teaching you about intimacy. Consider it a... hands-on sex education class." With that Miss Cole let out a final bark and marched Tani back to her classroom. Miss Bell seemed please, mistaking the confused look on Tani's face as a sign that she had been severely disciplined. The lynx just sat her desk, thinking about Miss Cole and wincing at the discomfort between her legs. She would be still for the rest of the day, surprising teachers and worrying her friends as Tanaka West just sat quietly and waited for school to end...