Catnundrum. Chapter Four.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Four

By Roofles

Simon woke with a smile on his face. While his toes were freezing, sticking from the end of that large woolen blanket, his body was snuggly warm inside its folds. His face was at the dead center of it all. A musky warmth that poured forth over his muzzle and face making his whiskers droop and tongue loll out. Moving closer he rubbed his head against that spot of warmth that shuddered in response.

Rob rolled his shoulders at that feel, stretching his legs out and a rumbling sound filling his chest as he murred. His large broad shoulders and head were sticking out of the covers, the rest of him hidden underneath as he groped around blindly for the cats head. Once his padded fingers found his head, Rob rubbed the back of it, scritching between his ears and amongst the tangled growth of hair. Encouraging him to keep rubbing and nuzzling him more as the dog opened his legs a bit more.

The Siamese found himself once more filling the blanket with the sound of his purrs as those strong coaxing fingers rubbed the back of his head and neck, around his dark brown ears and under his equally brown muzzle. The cat found himself nuzzling into those enticing digits that petted the side of his face and moved his snout back to that warm spot.

Simon's black nose bumped into the dog's bulge as his eyes fluttered opened to look at what had kept him warm throughout the night. The cat's ears folded back as he bit the tip of his tongue staring at the object formed so neatly, outlined in those tight briefs. A paw continued to rub at his head as the dog growled some more.

"What are you waiting for?" Rob asked half conscious, his black lips spreading open as his maw panted with a soft grin, tongue rolling out over his teeth. A black splotch was on the center of his tongue, pink lining of his lips and the top of the bumpy hard palate was splotched with several black dots like his tongue was. "That feels so good."

Simon just bit his tongue more as the dog's rumbling deep voice met his ears and a thick blush filled them as they splayed out. Guiltily he pressed his nose once more against that spot to take a soft steady breath of that musky tinged seeping from it and feel that humid warmth against his face.

"Yeah," Rob murmured deeply rolling his neck a pet and just placing his large hand on the back of his head. "Just like that."

Simon grunted a bit as his muzzle was forcibly pushed against him and with it clarity came back to mind and, with a frown, he pulled back and away much to the dog's dismay. Who whined low as he reached out gripping blindly for the cat he had been using as a teddy bear all night.

Sitting up the cat's snout stuck from out of the end of the raised up blanket. Yawning loudly the cat scratched his chest before shuddering at the cold air that rushed in. Wrapping it around himself Simon sat back down grumbling at the cold apartment he found himself in.

"Is the kitty getting grumpy again?" Rob teased yawning loudly, making Simon wrinkle his nose at the morning dog breath. Smacking his lips, Rob licked at his teeth. Swallowing. Then bumped the cat's nose. "Does the kitty need a hug."

"No." Simon stated clearly as he pushed the dog away, getting another face full of morning breath. "I'll pass."

"Come on." Rob teased getting up a bit. "Just one?" He scooted closer. "We were snuggling all night."

"You. You were snuggling." Simon said still flustered from before trying to hide his face amongst the sheets as the dog nosed at him. Sniffing a bit at the cat before exhaling once more over the cat's face who only frowned further.

"It takes two to snuggle." Rob pointed out.

"No, it takes two to tango." Simon corrected scooting back a bit. "You were strangling me in your death grip all night. If that's what you call snuggling..." He trailed off.

"Well if you didn't squirm so much." Rob huffed folding his ears back and pulling back as he flushed in embarrassment. Trying to cuddle with a cat was not the easiest thing in the world. It was like trying to hold a slippery eel that'd just wiggle and slip out of your grip. So Rob would give up on the matter, when the cat would then try to cuddle up with him. At this Rob tried to snuggle back and got similar results. An ongoing, very one sided, tug of war. Either way Rob felt the winner by the end.

"I only squirm 'cause your so...handsy! Gripping and groping everything," Simon so making the dog smirk however, stubby black tail wagging behind him. Rob scooted closer again looking at the smaller cat.

His nose was sticking out from under the grayish blue woolen blankets, his eyes and head were covered. The ends of his fingers were poking out as he held the blanket around himself some more, shacking and shuddering like a kitten caught in the rain. And the only thing that could slip from Rob's lips was a soft, barely audible "Aaww, how cute."

Simon flushed even more, glad his cheeks and the inside of his ears were hidden from those muddy pools the dog called eyes. His lips opened about to say a choice retort to that but was silence as a warm dog breath washed over his face, followed quickly by a somewhat semi grooved tongue that licked up from the bottom of his chin, slurping over his nose.

"W-would you quit doing that?" Simon said faltering half way through as the dog scooted closer once more.

"I'm just being friendly," Rob said honestly, tilting his head to the side and raising his floppy uncropped ears up. "You aren't still scared, are ya?"

"Well it's...complicated." Simon said not wanting to admit the attraction he had for the man - be hard not too after all - and still have the unquestionable fear to him. The cat just dipped his muzzle down a bit more.

A large, broad, bumpy black nose bumped into his making Simon falter even more on his resolve. Wanting to just get this weekend over with, to live his life and continue working with as little contact with the canine species as possible. As difficult as that already was, this was just making it worse.

"Morning," Rob said bumping the side of his head with his muzzle. "I hadn't said it yet. So...Morning." He nuzzled against a good long stroke with the side of his muzzle. "I hope you slept well."

"Yes. Yes I did so stop that!" Simon fidgeted looking away.

Rob just looked at the bundle, chuckling as his tail wagged a bit. Reaching over he wrapped his arms around him from behind. "Going to make some coffee," and with that the dog got up, somewhat with the cat before dropping him back onto the mattress. "Don't sleep all day. It isn't healthy." The dog added.

"Not like I could." Simon grumbled watching the half-naked dog walk into the kitchen to begin brewing some bean juice for the two. He doubted he could fall asleep with the big dog walking around. Plus the idea of some java was enough for him to begrudgingly get up and head over. He took a seat at the counter with a loud yawn. "Too damn early."

"It's almost noon," Rob laughed turning around and bending over to fish for some things about the bottom of the fridge. Simon stared unashamed at the dog's lifted rear that curved perfectly to the contours of the dog's firm rear in those black briefs.

Simon wasn't sure when he himself had taken off his coat and was in nothing but a t-shirt and tight denim jeans. He normally didn't prefer denim but these were a nicer brand he had gotten for nearly nothing. Half off with his own store credit and discount made him decide to just buy them. Simon pulled at the collar of his shirt, even in the cold room getting flustered from staring at the dog who still was bending over. Had he no shame?

"Creamer?" Rob finally asked standing back up and turning around. He was smiling at finding a bottle of it, preferring to drink the stuff black. "I know you cats..." He trailed off not wanting to go too far with the joke. It was always fun to tease the cat as he watched those ears fold back, whiskers straighten out and those eyes look everywhere but at him. It really was too easy sometimes, Rob almost felt guilty. Almost.

"Please," Simon said with a single nod looking down at the kitchen counter. "If you could also just...heat some up as well." He cleared his throat a bit afterwards seeing the dog eyeing him.

"Sure thing, bud." Rob just shrugged going along with it as he stood up on his tip toes to reach up for a bowl giving Simon a clear view of that chiseled chest, each muscle and curved only further outlined with that thick fur of his body. His sides, arms, legs and neck were black. His chest and stomach were like his paws and snout and eyebrows, a mahogany that was characteristic of any Rottweiler.

"Sugar as well?" Rob asked setting a bowl down with a small glass bottle of sugar.

Simon just nodded as the brandless creamer was poured into a cup and bowl, sugar added to the cup. Rob tossed the bowl in the microwave as he turned around the check on the coffee. Simon usually had five different brands of creamer at all times in his fridge. The bland, vanilla scented cream set in front of him turned his snobby taste buds. He really could be a spoiled fat cat at times, even if he was poor as a drowned rat.

With two glasses steaming he turned them around and gave the light tan colored one over to the cat. "Here," he smiled with a wag adding a few more spoons of sugar to his own. "I like my coffee like I like my men," Rob said taking it with both hands. "Black and sweet." He added a wink afterwards as Simon rolled his eyes with a groan.

"I suppose that writes me off the list." Simon added afterwards with a smug smile and a shrug, holding his cup with both hands before taking a slow timid drink. It was hot and though the coffee was strong the creamer in question wasn't. Bland and tasteless for the most part. Simon just added more sugar to solve the issue.

"Well it's not like you'd go out with a dog anyways." Rob teased, playing along and resting on his elbows on the kitchen top. "So I would've even have a chance to begin with."

Simon didn't reply as the nail was driven home. A silence fell in the cold room and Simon rubbed at his arm taking another drink of the caffeinated beverage. "Most dogs." Simon muttered a bit but didn't speak up as the dog lifted his ears.

"What was that?" Rob inquired, tail wagging and the corner of his muzzle playing in a smile.

"Nothing. " Simon just said turning back towards him with a bland stoic look. "The coffee is bad." He said as if to add salt onto the wound. Rob flinched but laughed.

"Well sorry it's not BadgerBucks." Rob replied sticking his, far too large and long, tongue out at him making Simon fold his ears back.

"They just fill those with sugar and other artificial sweeteners." Simon chuckled. "Still better than this," he teased some more. Simon kept an eye on him as the dog took a long gulp. He was sure he hadn't struck a nerve.

"What kind of guys do you go for?" Rob asked setting the glass back down. "I mean I know you're not seeing anyone." Simon frowned at that.

"AND we know a guy like you isn't," Simon said a bit defensively making the dog raise an eyebrow. "A handsome show boater like you, walking around naked half the time and flirting with everyone."

Rob stopped and frowned at him. "You think I'm handsome?" His tail wagged.

Simon nearly dropped his jaw, was that seriously all he heard. Simon just covered some of his face and let it be. The dog on the other hand wouldn't.

Leaning against the counter Rob continued. "In what way," he toyed with the word. "Do you think I'm handsome?"

"Oh get over yourself." Simon rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Is it my award winning smile?" Rob gave a large toothy smile.

"Defiantly not. Or your dog breath." Simon teased taking a drink.

"My eyes?" Rob fluttered them before barking a laugh.

"Hm...nope," Simon shrugged.

"My rock hard abs? " Rob flexed his arms as well. "My tight ass?" He turned around, tail wagging as he looked back. Now he was just showing off.

"Can't say so, no." Simon just laughed at his antics, deflating both the dogs chest and ego. Simon took another drink and looked up, the dog had been staring. "What?" He asked cautiously.

Rob set his glass down. "I was just thinking of taking a shower." He stayed where he stood as if wanting to ask for something more but only looking back down at his glass. "Do you wanna go first?"

"I would but don't got a spare change of clothes or towel." Simon shrugged still planning on it anyways. He just hated the feel of wearing the same cloths more than a single day in a row. Not worse than not washing his fur. Being covered to head to tail in the stuff was more of a pain than a blessing. Itchy during the summer, not enough during the winter, having to spend countless hours grooming let alone all the products he had to use.

Simon reached around his net, noting the fact his bell was missing he got up and headed back into the central room to look for it. Getting down on all fours he found it and tied it back around his neck much like a collar. He poked it lightly before looking back at the dog who had been watching him.

"Sentimental?" Rob noted. Simon didn't reply which was a reply in and of itself it seemed. "Ok," clapping his hands together. "Feel free to take a shower. Coffee will be waiting; I'll grab a towel for you. I got some spare cloths as well if ya' don't mind some of mine." He chuckled as he headed down the hall.

"Thanks, I'll stick with what I got." Simon just replied following after and opening the side door up to the bathroom.

"Here," Rob appeared from behind with a towel and a bundle of cloths. "So..." He said only after Simon took them with a simple thanks. "Need someone to rub your back?"

"I'm not a kitten, I think I can manage." Simon replied patting the dog's chest.

"Your front?" Rob offered as the door closed. "Paws?" He whimpered a bit. "Oh!" He knocked, "I'll let you wash mine!"

Simon opened the door making the dog's tail wag. "The door doesn't lock." The cat just said, shirtless with the front of his pants open.

"Yeah, it never has." Rob just wagged.

They stood there for a moment.

"So...I'm going to take that shower." Simon motioned behind him not taking his eyes off him. "I'll only be a bit. Won't use all the hot water." He shivered a bit but smiled at the dog making Rob fold his ears back.

"We could conserve water." Simon raised an eyebrow at that but offered no reply. "It's for the environment." Rob smiled, tag wagging hopefully. "If we don't," his ears and face fell. "We're killing the environment. Do you...want to kill the environment, Simon?"

The cat frowned at that. "Shut up and grab the loofa." And the cat headed back inside, for the environment.