Catnundrum. Chapter Five.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Five

By Roofles

Simon wasn't sure why he had agreed to it. The fact the dog was standing chest first against him was occupying the little space that was left inside the already cramped bathroom. The bathroom has been made in mind for one single adult bachelor in mind. Not two, and it was beginning to show.

Simon bumped into the sink as Rob slid the door shut behind him, unsure as to even why the dog would seeing as how they were the only two in the apartment. It only made the walls seem to shrink in more around him, the very walls collapsing in on him as a very real claustrophobia, he didn't even know he had, as the dog moved in on him again.

Heart pounding, paws sweating, ears folding back and tail tip flickering quickly as that strong able bodied male leaned in close and with strong arms hugged him against his chest suddenly. A large paw petted the side of his face, pulling at his fur as he was soothed roughly.

"There, there kitty." Rob said teasingly before his deep voice soften. "No need to shiver around me." His voice was like a warm, musky breeze of dog breath, his chest a furnace that stunk of that odor and with it a large heart drummed on the side of Simon's face where it was pressed up against that chest. Feeling the dog's steady breaths and hearing the sound of his voice vibrating in that muscular chest before finally listening to it leave those black lips above. Rob rested his chin on the cat's head. "You're safe here." Rob wanted to go grab one of those safe place signs from the local school and hang it around his neck.

"So you shut the door and then man handle me, huh?" Simon said trying to joke about the matter, to lighten the air between them but his voice was more of an accusation already feeling defensive on this matter. It was a sour subject that plagued him like a bad virus after all. Which only made it worse when one, such as this rottweiler here, was trying to be all friendly and chummy with him. The worst part was he actually was beginning to like the dog.

The very thought made his face flush. It might've been that warm musky heat radiating from the dog's body or that heavy drumming of his heart, or the fact he was still petting the side of his face and rubbing his back. Rob really was an affectionate guy even to a cat like him.

"I didn't want to let the cold air in," Rob tried to explain pulling back a bit to look down into that face which looked away, eyes shaking slightly as if on the verge of tears. The Siamese cat's breath was quick and he kept flexing his fingers, claws extending every now and then before quickly retracting. One ear swiveled towards the dog before the cat flushed even more as that wet nosed snout pressed into it and let out a low rumbling breath. "Warm enough for ya?" He teased as the cat froze, a shudder running through his body like electricity.

"S-stop," Simon ended up whining pulling away and with both hands trying to, weakly, push the dog away.

Rob huffed once more, panting against that ear. "Why?" He teased in that low rumbling, growl of a voice. "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Out!" Simon said pointing at the door. "Get out!"

"Wait, wait I was only teasing." Rob apologized as he watched the cat slip through his fingers and away, if only a couple of inches. "We came in here to take a shower. So let's just do that." His black lips rose in that "stupid dog smile" as Simon would put it, and stubby black tail wagged as he looked at the smaller male with his muddy pools.

"I don't trust you." Simon looked the dog up and down cautiously as if he were a stray he had stumbled crossed on the street.

"It's like the locker room," Rob said going back to his high school jock days. "Just a couple of guys showering each other."

"What you do in the locker room is none of my business." Simon said though he couldn't help the laugh that followed. This made the dog's stubby black tail wag several times.

"Well if you were there, we would've made sure you were sparkling fresh by the end of it." Rob grinned at the look he got in turn, trying not to picture the small male pressed between him and the other guys on the team.

"We?" Simon asked grabbing onto the word as it came up. His eyes narrowed on the dog. "Floozy."

Rob took a moment before barking a laugh. "Floozy? I haven't heard that word since I was a pup."

"Slutty whore," Simon corrected though he joined in on the humor. Insult a dog and they'd just bark a laugh at you it seemed.

"Hey hey now. I might be friendly but I don't drain my bone on any hydrant." It took Simon a moment to make heads or tails of that. "People just assume dogs are slutty 'cause of a few bitches you see on the news." Rob leaned back against the door, crossing his arms and legs and raising a mahogany eyebrow at the dark brown masked cat. "Being friendly doesn't mean we're goin' to put out."

And without missing a beat Simon turned around, looking at him the whole time with those eyes and in a seductive, innocent voice said "Too bad." And with that turned around and stripped his shirt off. Tossing it to the side on top of the pile of dirty cloths that had spilled over the small garbage can shaped hamper.

Rob swallowed loudly staring at the bare back of the tan fur cat. Lean but fit, the cat had a nice healthy build. Not skin or bones nor pounds of fat. With long legs and arms the cat rolled his shoulder before popping the front of his pants open and looking back with those stunning blue eyes. "Well?"

Rob swallowed again looking up into that face. "Well what?" He muttered his lips now even fully closing.

"You getting out or what?" Simon said flatly bursting the dog's bubble.

"You invite a dog in and won't even throw him a bone?" Rob whined as his uncropped ears drooped and eyes increases three fold, bottom lip quivering. An adult begging like a puppy, if that wasn't just the most attractive thing... Simon just rolled his eyes.

"I don't think there's room." Simon said honestly as he opened the shower. Grimy walls, fur soaking covering the drain with tipped over empty furditioner and furpoo. Simon frowned as he looked back the dog who grinned innocently oblivious to what was wrong.

"We'll make room." He shrugged casually.

"Look Rob," Simon said sorrowfully. "It's just... You're a nice guy. It's not you, it's the shower." He tried to explain making the dog pout once more.

"Let's try it." Rob said loudly, tail wagging making the cat wonder if he was even listening to him at this point. "If it doesn't fit we'll just wiggle it around and adjust ourselves until it works. We got all day, there's no rush."

Simon frowned but took the bell around his neck off and hung it on one of the hangers on the side of the wall. He tried to ignore the several dog collars already on them. "When you say it, you mean..." Simon asked though afraid of an actual answer.

"The shower." Rob said slyly giving him a wink. "Unless you wanna try something else."

"Sure." Simon said catching the dog off guard. "I'll take a shower and you wait outside. Sounds fun to me."

"I'm already in here, I'm taking a shower." Rob said flatly ears and eyebrows dropping as he frowned. "You can stay if you want." He shrugged trying to move past the cat to get into the shower, apologizing as he bumped into Simon and politely asked to step aside before bending down to pull his tight briefs off.

Bending down Rob nearly had his snout in Simon's groin, you had moved back to straddle the toilet to give the dog room.

"I'm taking a shower." Simon said flatly looking away as the dog stood back up naked unashamed in the least. And Rob just stood there looking at the cat as if challenging him, Simon shirked back making the dog fold his ears.

"Sorry, I mean if you want to. I don't mind." Rob said lightly scratching the back of his thick neck. "I tease because I care." He offered weakly, feeling abashed by the whole transaction. He kept forgetting the whole 'afraid of dogs' thing the cat had.

"Yeah, yeah." Simon said waving it off but not moving from where he clung to the wall. "Just take your shower," he hissed once more coming off far more defensive than he meant too.

"You coming?" Rob asked once more his upbeat friendly tail wagging, tooth grinning, tongue panting self.

"Sure." Simon lied just wanting he dog to move so he could get by and away regretting taking him up on this offer.

Rob on the other hand seemed to call his bluff and moved back towards the door allowing him to get into the shower first. Not wanting to stand next to the panting, naked dog Simon spitefully undressed and quickly disappeared into the shower planning on shutting the curtain even before his would be four legged friend joined him. Rob was quicker than he looked and soon followed him in, catching the curtain as it shut and opening it up before stepping in.

And then silence fell.

Simon shuddered trying not to notice the fact Rob was devouring his body with this muddy pits as he looked him up and down, moved closer even to take a sniff at him.

"Nice," Rob said with a tail wag. A compliment that felt only seemed to make the matter worse.

Simon's tail wrapped around his thigh, trying to cover his groin as a hand slipped down to act as a fern leaf. He stood there unsure what to do when Rob mentioned the whole "shower's usually require water" thing. Simon looked behind him at the knobs and knew he wasn't about to turn his back on the larger male let alone bend over willingly for him.

Rob reached past, rolling his eyes as Simon quickly moved aside, and turned the water on. The cold water his the cat's paw like icy needles making him jump up practically into the rottweiler's arms. Who gladly caught him, pulling him up and away from the icy cold torrent pouring from the spout.

"Always so skittish?" Rob chuckled glad to 'save' his friend from the cold water. He was actually surprised the water was still even running in this dump with the storm going on.

"Only around you." Simon replied sharply hiding against him as Rob turned the other spout on and waited for the water to warm up. The waxy like dog fur was even stronger after a long nights sleep and a night of work the day before, yet that smell was in itself soothing and relaxing. The strong powerful male held him as the water warmed up and in turn allowed himself to cool his head.

Rob was about to turn the shower on but stopped as that nose pressed against his chest and felt the warm timid breath of the cat wash over it. He could see that Simon had closed his eyes and so the rottweiler just waited, holding his friend in his arms as the cat familiarized himself with his natural musk. And smiled that the cat could relax because of it.

It made him feel special and warm inside that he could at least help someone he had considered a friend. Then again Rob considered most furs friends anyways, but at least he could help out this cat right now. Nuzzling down at his head with his broad muzzle whiskered muzzle, feeling those ears fold back at his touch and the smaller body shiver in turn nuzzling back at his chest some more reaching up to place a hand on his chest. Then those nails sprang out making Rob let go with a startled yelp.

"Hey now!" Rob laughed rubbing at his chest as he looked down at him.

"Your still doing it." Simon said flatly looking down at Rob's other paw rubbing his rear.

"I was just...supporting you." The dog offered with a sly grin.

Simon stepped back, turned the shower head on without looking and watched as the dog was sprayed with cold water making him yelp once more. The dog stood under the water his whole face drooping as his fur was soaked through.

"You needed that." Simon laughed watching the dog before mrowing loudly as he was dragged into the water. Water drenched his fur making it sag down over his eyes as the cat looked far thinner with the fur clinging to his body.

Rob wagged his tail as he saw the look on the cat's face. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." He shrugged but the cat wiped his face off and rubbed his hair as the warm water splashed down on his back. Rob stared finding that swelling feeling between his legs become a rather loud annoyance once more.

Trying to ignore it he grabbed one of the empty bottles and filled it with some water. He turned it over into a cupped, padded hand and then rubbed it on the cats chest. Simon sucked in his stomach but with closed eyes didn't make any move to stop him. So Rob continued.

His flesh was soft underneath that thin coat of tan and dark brown fur. It was firm though against his probing fingers that snuck underneath that outer fur coat and underneath. Rubbing the soap in it began to sud up, washing away mostly as the water continued to bombard the cats back. Taking a step forward Rob was the one to feel abashed as the cat moved into his fingers.

"Shampoo first," Simon said with a smirk reaching past him to grab the bottle. Rob was aware he hadn't looked him in the face. "Here," the cat offered frowning a bit after turning the bottle over to try and dump any of it out. He got just enough to sud up on the dog's chest.

Rob tail wagged slowly as those skilled fingers began sliding through his undercoat and with massaging semi-circles soaping his fur up. It had been a while since anyone had actually helped him soap up, he honestly had been waiting for the cat to bend over for him. This was, in its own way, nice too though. It had been a while since he had a decent shower where he didn't feel dirtier going out than in.

"You got ta' buy some more soap, bud." Simon said trying to make some kind of conversation as he dumped the rest out onto his paw and continued rubbing the dogs chest until it sudded up. Using that he began to rub his shoulders. Even though the cat had lifted his muzzle up he looked away instead of meeting those eyes.

"Well ya' but things come up, drinks aren't going to drunk themselves." The dog replied with a silly smile playing with the words as if he were drunk himself. Simon smirked at that but didn't reply. "Would you...uh, go with me?" Rob asked more as friendly as he could.

"Do you want me to hold your paw while we cross the street too?" Simon laughed moving away planning on letting the dog finish his lower bits. Rob ignored his own aching groin and scooped some of the soap up to plop onto the cat before roughly rubbing it in as he man handled him.

"Well was thinking we could go to the mall. Or something, grab lunch - which is totally on me!" Rob added quickly at the frown he got from the cat as he tried to wash his muzzle, forcibly straightening his whiskers out between his fingers. "And then just grab some on the way out."

"Well-," Simon began planning on just turning him down not wanting to ruin his policy of never hanging out with a dog. Showering with one? That was a middle line.

"And the new StarDog came out! I wanted to see it." Rob continued quickly filling in more things for them to do so it wouldn't just be shopping. It was just an angle to begin with anyways. "And I'll buy popcorn, turn around." This was followed by the dog turning him around before continued. "And some soda. I'm not buying fifteen dollar candy though. We can sneak some in." His tail wagged again at the idea.

Simon frowned as the water hit his face and rough hands continued to rub his hair and head before moving down his back. "Non-chocolate, right?" Simon found this far more amusing than the dog did.

"So that's a yes?" Rob asked dodging the question neatly and steering it back on course.

"Maybe." Simon laughed before covering his mouth as the dog tickled his rump. He was more startled than anything else and turned around quickly to glare at the grinning dog.

"My paws slipped." Rob just shrugged trying to look innocent even with his paw caught in the biscuit jar.

"Right. Well I think I'm done here." Simon said figuring a good rinse was good enough.

"Ok." Rob said putting up not kind of argument as Simon tried to weasel past and get out. The dog moved however to block his path. "Oops, sorry." Simon just rolled his eyes and moved to the other side soon to be blocked by that massive wall of fur and muscle. "Here," Rob lifted on leg up against the wall, sack hanging down. "Just crawl under."

"I can wait." Simon replied looking at that face before flushing and looking down, before looking away from the dog's groin. A red point was protruding from the already full sheath.

One good thing about a sheath. You could get aroused and not just blatantly show it, a full sheath was the result. The bulge before the storm. Simon was trying to hide his won as he moved back so the dog could get some water.

Rob ignored the free spray and began rubbing the suds down his body and over his firm legs and other places, making the cat even more uncomfortable. Rob was good looking and fit, he could be in a commercials easily enough. Maybe not in magazines or anything fancy but still. It was hard to look away and he was sure Rob knew he was watching, enjoying the show as he scrubbed up his thick thighs and over his groin again.

Locker room indeed.

Rob finished and turned around wagging his stubby tail and began doing his rear and back legs. Simon had enough and with a quick turn of his hand pimp slapped the dog's rear getting another yelp.

"You're in the way." Simon laughed as Rob rubbed his rear. Rob had to make sure not to growl, look intimidating in anyway and got rewarded with that rare genuine smile that made his tail wag and heart pound almost painfully in his throat.

He swallowed it. "Do you need to finish up?" Rob said nodding down with the end of his muzzle and a tongue slip from his lips playfully. "I can help?"

"I think you've done enough." Simon laughed. "I'm getting out."

"Ok, ok." Rob nodded. "Let me rinse off and I'll let you be, kay?"

"Fine," Simon said watching the dog who quickly rinsed off before getting another quick slap, that barely missed his rear, as Rob slipped out sticking his abnormally long tongue out at him. On the other side of the curtain the dog's shadow could be seen drying off.

"Sheesh," Simon said resting against the wall and feeling his heart pounding loudly in his chest.

Rob made sure to ask if he needed anything before heading out, leaving the door open and disappearing into the hall. Simon was unaware that he had taken the old cloths, including his own, until only after he stepped out reaching over to shut the door before drying himself off.

He spied a tight black brief identical to the one Rob had been wearing the night before and a loose pair of shorts and T-shirt. Simon guilty sniffed each article to make sure they were clean and was all too aware that each piece still smelled like the dog in the other room doing the same thing to his own cloths.

The briefs were warm as f just coming out of the dryer and clung to his legs and around his sack, still with a tinge of dog musk to them. The shorts were far better and only clung around his waist giving his giblets plenty of room to breath, if they weren't trapped in these musky dog briefs that was. Simon wasn't glad that he enjoyed the feel of it or that he was still smelling the dogs shirt. It was relaxing in a way, amongst other things.

Sliding the shirt on he tried to fix his scraggy hair. He looked like he was about to go to the gym to shoot hoops; Simon tried to ignore the fact that these could indeed be the dog's gym cloths. Tying his belly back on he opened the bathroom door once more, a bit surprised that the dog wasn't waiting for him. He poked his head out to make sure he wasn't hiding before looking into the dog's room.

"The hell ya' doing?" Simon stifled a laugh as he saw the dog.

The main part of the room was missing, debris (old chip bags, magazines and his bed sheets) and other things commonly found in a bedroom had fallen into the giant empty space where the mattress had been. The room itself stunk of the dog amongst many lonely nights, making Simon fold his ears back and stop in the doorway. No wonder why Rob hadn't wanted him to crash in here.

The dog in question was standing in front of a large mirror looking himself over in nothing but his birthday suit. He was draping the front of himself with various cloths trying to see which would look good for the day. His tight rear flexed at Simon's voice.

"Nothin," Rob grumbled before looking back at him. "Enjoyin' the show?" He added with that smug grin.

"I've seen better." Simon shrugged back taking a step in. It was one of the few times he'd seen the dog act so sheepish. Those floppy ears folded back, whiskers straightened out and eyes went a bit wide. They quickly darted over to the bed sheets before back at him.

"I'm getting dress, ya' mind?" Rob said acting as if he knew what shame was.

"I was going to offer my two cents on the matter," he gestured down to what he was wearing. "You don't really have any taste in clothes."

"Well sorry." Rob rolled his eyes dropping the cloths he was holding to the side. Standing stark nude. "We can't be as cattish as you." Simon frowned at the royal I he had used. "You don't seem to mind." Rob added looking down at his own cloths on the cat.

"It's all I had." Simon laughed looking around the room at the old magazines. Mostly gun and sports. A few empty cans bumped against his foot and he could see that the computer was still on displaying the logo of some popular internet game. There were various dvds next to it, some tissues that had spilled out from the over flowing garbage can. There were some random action figures set up on the nearby shelf with a rather solid looking dog toy; he really hoped he didn't mix those up. "" Simon tried to sound sincere but could tell that this place was indeed a bachelor pad.

"Like yours is any better." Rob grumbled turning back around and folding his ears as he just slid a random pair of briefs on. He had several laid out all of different colors and brands.

"It is. Maybe I'll show it to you sometime." Simon joked but that did make the dog feel better. He slid a similar pair of shorts on and grabbed a t-shirt from the floor. He took a sniff of it before seeing he was being watched. He offered it to the cat.

"Want a sniff?"

Simon had to hold back a laugh. "Is that what you use when you run out of tissues?"

"Nope," the dog stuck his long broad tongue out. "This is."

Simon shuddered and looked away with a flush.

"You know what they say about a dog's tongue, right?" Rob grinned.

"And what's that." Simon asked not even wanting to hear the answer.

Rob just grinned with a wink.

Simon groaned at that and took a seat in the computer chair wondering why he had even come in here. To keep the dog company? Or for the dog to keep him company? He wasn't sure which. They still had the rest of today and possibly tomorrow being stuck in here and already it was the cat who was following the dog like a lost puppy.

Sitting down at the computer Simon's elbow bumped the mouse removing the screen saver and showing the window page that was open. Of a cat no less. In a position, even the flexible Siamese, wouldn't be able to do. Simon's head twisted and bent over trying to right side up the angle.

"H-hey!" Rob said running over to try and close the program.

"I usually try and hide my porn better." Simon said after a good long moment of silence, savoring the dog's blight.

"Who said it was porn?" Rob grumbled hip checking the chair Simon sat in over so he could close the computer down.

"No one hides something so quickly that isn't porn." Simon said moving back and getting up. He stretched watching the dog before going over to inspect the model form of dog hood everywhere, resting on the mantel. Even on a good day Simon wouldn't be able to match that piece of rubber glory.

"H-hey, stop touching things." Rob said catching the cat before he even reached out to grab the thing.

"Don't worry wasn't about to ask to use your butt plug." Simon chuckled watching the dog's ear turn a dark maroon.

"A guy can't have his play things out in the open these days without nosy bodies, snooping around." Rob grumbled though his tail wagged as he looked at the cat still being nosy. Looking in his open closet and stepping over his dirty cloths, and just inspecting the dog's room.

"I do." Simon shrugged. "Screw what other people think." He said looking back at him with a smile and at the same time knowing he would never be caught dead with his toys to be seen by anyone else. At least if anyone else ever really came over that was. "I like it." He said trying to shake such gloomy thoughts away and looking at the dog.

"Right." Rob watched the cat watching him. "What's your angle." He glared sniffing the air as if trying to smell his lie.

"I'm not kidding. Your a dude. You got needs. So why do I care?" Simon just shrugged. In the privacy of his own room why'd he give a damn about it. Not like he was a saint.

"Your a dude too." Rob stated. Simon wasn't sure where he was going with it until the light bulb clicked on in his head. "Hah! You do it too."

"Well, duh." Simon raised an eyebrow before laughing. "I do it all the time." Guy talk. He hadn't done it since, ironically, the locker room.

Coffee was soon brought in and sitting on the floor the two continued.

"I prefer topping usually but every now and then a good plug," Rob gestured to the toy. "Is good"

"I tend to use one of those handy things," Simon just shrugged casually as if the two were just talking about sports. "Just wrap it around and begin bumping. Feels good against the, you know." He laughed a bit feeling a bit silly about talking about it. It wasn't polite to mention in good company.

"What?" Rob teased wanting to hear more.

"Well the inside is slick, smooth but a bit too tight. The," Simon cleared his throat. "Barbs sometimes get caught and it can be more painful." He shook his head. "I don't mind some biting and scratching but not into the whole pain ordeal."

"Me either!" Rob said. "I mean sure getting a knot shoved up your tail pipe hurts like a donkey punch, but you get over it soon enough. A continuous pain?" He just shook his head. "Not for this dog. Now leashes!" He giggled like a school girl making Simon laugh.


"Cats." Rob just replied sticking his tongue out, catching the cat off guard.

"So can you actually, you know." Simon bobbed his head down a bit.

Simon had his legs open much like Rob, the two sitting down where the mattress had been. Simon kept moving his paw away and Rob kept bumping his own toes into his.

"When I was younger. But it's an uncomfortable position." Rob shrugged with a toothy grin. "I'm a lazy dog! I rather just lay back and have someone do the work for me."

"Hah, no wonder why your single." Simon teased. He got a playful push by the dog's paw.

"So what else? Other than shoving your cock into things." Rob teased this time getting a kick from the cat. Rob caught the paw easily enough and gave it a tug nearly making the cat fall backwards. Simon grumbled trying to pull it back but gave it up as the dog rubbed it.

"I like a lot of things." Simon just shrugged. "Well maybe?" He chuckled lightly. "I haven't done much. So I'm not sure."

"I know what I like." Rob just grinned back opening his maw and with a long tongue licked over the cat's paw making him jolt.

Simon folded his ears back before chuckling. "Well that's something." The cat just rolled his eyes as his paw was sniffed, licked shortly afterward. "What are friends for?" He rolled his eyes as the dog poked his nose against the pink spongy bad and sniffed again.

"So you don't mind?" Rob asked around those toes.

"Mind that a dog is licking my toes?" Simon frowned trying not to push his paw into it.

"That a friend is," Rob said wagging his tail and looking at him with those hopeful eyes.

"Fine," Simon said not about to take a toy away from a puppy. Even if at his own expense. He rested back before oofing as he fell back, his other leg scooped up and pulled closer. He laid on the floor looking up at the ceiling. What are friends for? He thought closing his eyes a bit and trying not to wiggled as one of his toes were sucked. That tongue could be used for better things...

Simon sat up a bit, trying to ignore the fact that his rear was basically in Rob's lap now. "Querry."

"Hm?" Rob responded rubbing one foot on the side of his face and looking at him.

"Why is it warm in here?"

"My raw sexual magnetism?" Rob shrugged.

"I thought the heater was broken."

Rob slowly laid his legs back down, on either side of him and scratched the side of his neck. "It was. Last night." He grinned widely. "It's fixed today."

And with that Simon laid back down with a groan, covering his face as his paws were violated.