Stable Menage A Trois Part 2

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The sound of her hoof against the back wall echoed through the barn while Cody pinned her ears flat back against her head and let out an angry noise low in her throat. The morning sun was lifting up, shining beams of light through the open barn door while the rest of the denizens began stirring and shifting about. She didn't care about the rest of them, her dark black tail lashed back and forth behind her as she stared towards the house that she could barely see in the distance. Her world was being turned inside out on itself, twisted and turned to the point that she could barely recognize it. Five days ago she had been a very human young man, and now he stood on all four hooves while pawing at the ground, scuffing with a hoof as she waited for Leila to come down. It was the only part of the day that changed in any way.

Every morning Leila came down and clipped a lead to her halter to take her to a small corral, every day she was locked in it with food and enough room to move about in before she was fetched again in the evenings to be taken back to her stall. It was infuriating, the woman only spoke to her as if she were a horse, petting her nose gently or disciplining her when she was ill behaved. It made Cody want to bite, and sometimes she tried, not that that really helped matters. The woman knew about horses, and didn't seem to have any problems ducking away from the teeth when they struck. In fact, she seemed to find it quite easy to get away and that only got a chain wrapped along her halter and twisted about to pinch her sensitive nose so she had to obey. It was humiliatingly and degrading, almost as bad as the parts of her body that she was now lacking and her inability to hide herself.

The only thing that made it partially bearable was that she hadn't seen Matt in the last three days. He had come down to see her, watching her, not really talking, just watching her with strangely intense eyes before he had smiled and walked away. It had been disturbing to find him staring at her in that way, not talking, as if there was no need to discuss anything with her. She assumed that he'd gone like he often did, gone off to some show or to purchase a new mare or to bring back their stud from a covering. Hell, he could even be over at the dairy farm letting the cows in and out so that they were taken care of. Surely someone would notice that she there doing the chores that she was supposed to be attending! Cody was grateful for that, she didn't want to look at the man, she didn't want to see everything that she had lost in the human man. For now, all she had was the small patch every morning when Leila came to lead her away and into the corral.


They have to let me go eventually. She snorted angrily and pinned her ears back as she saw the figure in the distance. It's not like they can just leave me here! Someone will miss me, my family for one!

_ _

She gave another resounding kick of her hoof against the back of her stall, earning her a few whickers from the stalls nearby. She wanted out, she felt restless and ready to bite, she had spent all night pacing in her stall, only sleeping fitfully. It felt strange to lay down in this body and it was hard to haul herself back up onto all fours again when she woke up, but sleeping standing up was even worse. She was in no mood to spend her day standing around the corral. She wanted out of here, she wanted her own body back. Whatever drugs or magic was being used, she had had enough of, their joke was over. She pinned her ears back as Leila came to the barn and pushed the door all the way open with a screeching noise that made Cody step back and pull her ears tighter against her head. Her hearing had grown disturbingly acute.

"Good morning, my darlings!" The cheerful voice was a soft happy chirp that made the black mare lash her tail as the woman walked down the aisle. "I hope you all slept well."

_I'd sleep better in my own bed. _ Cody couldn't help but watch the woman, though, it was hard to ignore the curved form that walked past her.

As always, Leila was dressed in tight riding pants that showed off the curve of her rump cheeks, the sweep of her lower belly and the strong upper legs. It made her remember what it had been like to see the woman in the rush of arousal and desire, the way that she had looked at her when she was still a human male. The lips, those lovely lips. Cody shivered a little bit as she felt a warm spike trail along her body and make her tense up slightly. It had been everything she had ever wanted in that moment, it had been more erotic than anything he had dreamed of, but it had all turned backwards. She gave her head a rough shake back and forth, prancing in place as Leila began to unlatch doors and lead other horses out towards the back of the barn and the open pasture that would let them spend the day grazing so their stalls could be cleaned out and they could be exercised. But not her, never her. She pulled her ears down flat as the older woman came to her stall.

"C'mon Cody, you can't wake up so grumpy every day." She gave a small smile while unhooking the lead from next to the stall door.

Unlike the other horses, her lead wasn't just braided rope. It was thick nylon, but ended in ten inches of steel chain that could be used to wrap over her nose band so there was an added method to control her if she tried to fight it. She took a step back and tried to act uninterested as Leila came to her and reached up to work the lead along her halter. She wanted to bite, it would serve the woman right if she was bitten, but she had already learned the hard way that biting would only get her a painful reprimand that served no purpose other than another humiliation piled up on the already heavy list. She tried to turn her head away from the woman as the metal clip was hooked onto the ring beneath the halter, but there was a warm smell to her this morning. A strangely earthy musky smell that made her ears prick forward and she tilted her head to one side with a bit of a snuffling. It was so very alluring as it filled her nostrils and made her ears prick up despite herself. She'd never smelled anything quite like it before.

It was distracting enough that she didn't fight the tug that led her from the stall, instead she snuffled at the arm curiously and the strange scent. It wasn't exactly wonderful smelling, but it was familiar and made her suck down a deeper breath as she was led from the barn in the opposite direction that the other mares had been taken. She tried to pick out where she had smelled it before, it had to come from something she had experienced even with her dull human nose. Cody lowered her head a little as the scent was stronger along the woman's chest, muskier and thick enough that she wriggled her lips a little bit. It was an aggressive scent, the closer she got the more it clung to her lips and made her lift her head upwards. She lashed her tail faster behind her, her body vibrating with energy as she tugged at her lead and continued to try and place the scent. She barely fought when the door to the pen was opened up in front of her, she only snorted a few times before stepping into the familiar twenty by twenty foot corral.

"There we go, girl, you have a good day. We'll see if we can spice it up for you." Leila unclipped the lead, and before Cody could go back to trying the scent again, the rolled up lead hit her right on the shoulder with a startling slap.

The changed man gave a buck and pranced backwards with a short snort in reaction to the slap of the lead. She pinned her ears back and sneezed out the last of the scent before turning her back on the woman and walking away without looking back. She would spend the rest of her day here, just eating what hay was here no matter how it humiliated her to do it. She had tried to not eat at all, but that had only ended in an utterly horrible experience. She had never known that a tube could be pushed down her nose, nor did she know that it could be used to force feed her when she didn't want to be fed! That had been horrifying to be restrained and feel the tube being pushed down her throat, wet mash like stuff poured through a funnel and into the tube so that her stomach was filled. She knew better now, and no matter how tasteless it was to her or boring, she'd stuff it down right along the stale grain if she had too.

She plodded across the corral and lifted her head to see the mares situated on the pasture, one of the mares was being followed by a two day old foal that was little more than a compact body on overly long legs. Cody had seen that birth, the mare had been in the stall right next to her and she had been forced to listen all night as the mare went into labor. She'd never seen an animal except for a dog give birth, and watching the mare on her side heaving and straining had been something of an experience. She had noticed the chestnut had been swollen and round bellied, but she'd never seen anything so large come out of a female. It had been daunting as the moment the legs had appeared the mare had started to strain and cry out, her legs stiff in the air. Cody would have seen all of it if it hadn't been for a sleepy eyed Leila coming down in answer to the mare's struggles and took matters into her own hands.

With a shake of her head the former man moved to one side of the pasture where she could work to get her hunger taken care of by pulling out mouthfuls of hay and crunching them. Her jaws worked automatically, drawing the stalks inwards and swallowing after grinding them down. It was still strange to feel the gaps in her teeth, but she had become somewhat used to it as she used her front teeth to yank up the hay and her back teeth to chew on them. She would eat most of it before she was offered anything like grain, which was a little bit more interesting. Her tail lashed angrily back and forth as she stared past the pasture and towards the dairy farm where there were cows grazing peacefully. Soon her family would question where she had gone, they would look for her, there was no reason to think that she'd be stuck here forever. No reason at all. They would come for her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Cody! C'mere girl! CO-dy!" Leila's chirping voice made Cody flatten her ears and ignore her. She stared at the distance instead.

It wasn't the time of day for her to be taken back to the barn, and she had already been given her grain. She didn't care enough to try and puzzle out what the woman was doing here, she wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of answering. She watched the distant fence line, the small bit of barbed wire that divided part of the pasture to the one next to it. It was short, short enough that she might be able to jump it if she put her mind to it properly. It was the sort of thing that caught her eyes and made her them wish for the day that she would be turned loose from the small coral and given freedom. She wanted freedom more than anything in the world. At least to have a chance to escape and get away so she could sort out how to get back to her human body and sex.

The creak of the gate made her flick an ear back towards the sound of the woman that was still trying to get her attention. It swung all the open with a clatter of wood on wood before Leila called again and Cody tucked her head down to rub her nose against a foreleg. She didn't want to go back to the barn yet, she wanted to have a chance to stand here for a while more or maybe even try running again. She was actually getting a bit better with her hooves, less clumsy and less likely to fall face first when she tried to work all four at once. It was the soft crunch of hooves that made her lift her head up and pull her ears flat back against her head. The sound of another horse being led into the corral made her turn her head to glare at the woman. Leila was a bit rumpled looking, her hair disheveled and not quite as perfect as it had been this morning, and beside her was a horse that showed marks where a saddle had rested on the back, sweat gleamed in darker patches against his sides and head where the halter was still resting. Not a poor nylon halter like she wore, no, their prize stallion never wore anything but the best. A polished dark brown leather halter complete with a name plate was what the bold grey stallion wore.

She flattened her ears a bit as large creature stepped into the room with his nostrils delicately flared open, not even boasting a lead that would guide him as he swung his ears around and looked about the corral. Cody had seen the stallion any number of times, he was priceless from what he'd been told and seen. He was often going to other places to stand at stud or at shows, they had insured him for more money than she would make in a lifetime. The thick maned horse gave his head a toss and lifted his head up higher in the air, snuffing a little bit before he dropped it to nose at Leila. The woman stroked along his nose gently, moving behind him to swing the gate shut with a resounding thud that made Cody almost jump. She took a few steps backwards until her haunches bumped against the fence, her ears remaining firmly flattened to her head. She wanted nothing to do with the stallion or any other horse really, she just wanted to be left alone.

"Well, go and see." Leila gave the stallion a push. "I'd prefer not to try and restrain her, it requires more hands than we have right now and she might do herself some harm."

_Restrain me?! _ Cody blew out a breath and jerked her head up high in the air, eyes narrowing down when the stallion whickered. The animalistic sound was wrong, it was almost laughter as the grey stud walked forward with his tapered ears pricked high.

She moved away from the fence, she didn't want to be blocked in and she didn't want to be trapped by the stallion that moved towards her. His upper lip was wriggling slightly, curling upwards as he arched his neck and stretched it out in her direction. As she moved, she could smell him, the earthy primal scent that she had briefly scented on Leila earlier in the morning, but it was far stronger coming directly from the stallion. She sneezed out the musk and pranced away, stepping as far back as she could get, her head up and tail flagged as the stallion continued to follow her with purposeful steps. He drew in a deep long breath, his chest swelled open wide as he tasted the air and his upper lip pulled all the way back. It should have been comical seeing the teeth bared strangely and his head swaying up as he seemed to pant briefly, it was a bit comical, but not when she noticed movement under his belly.

It wasn't a great deal, a relaxing of muscles on the sheath that was slung along his lower belly pushed out the tip of his cock so that two inches hung down beneath him. His head lowered again, but he advanced on her with the same purpose to his movements that sent fear through her. She tucked her head down and squealed out at him angrily, she wasn't a real mare! If Leila and Matt though that they could force her into a situation like this, they were wrong! She wasn't some common mare that was going to submit to something like this without protest. She swung her haunches away from the stallion and began to back up, making sure that her head faced him as he advanced on her. The scent was still strangely alluring, but she forced it out of her mind as she walked step by step back until her dark haunches were wedged right up against the white fence.

It didn't seem to bother the stallion, he walked forward with his ears still held up and his nostrils working as his tail bobbed back and forth. The scent of him became stronger as she tucked her head down and pinned her ears flat back in warning. She tried to let out an angry squeal when he stretched his neck out, but it came out choked as he extended his nose to slide towards her neck. His lips were edged with stiff feeling whiskers that brushed downwards in a slow push, scraping a little bit so that she nipped him back in return and tried to side step away from him. Surely even a stupid beast could see that she had no interest in him no matter what his nose was telling him. She tried to nip him again, but was cut off by a sudden push of a shoulder against her chest that made her stumble.

The big stallion pushed against her and nipped sharply along her elbow while she struggled to push her haunches right back against the fence again. She glared at him, baring her teeth while slowly trying to move away while keeping him in her sights as best that she could. The stallion didn't seem put off by her attempt to move, he simply followed and tried to brush his nose along her back, his warm breath hitting against her smooth hide so that it shivered in place. She snapped out at him, but every bite earned her a rough shove as the larger bodied stallion crowded against her and pushed her to one side. His haunches hit roughly against her shoulder and shoved her this way and that as she struggled to evade him, baring her teeth angrily and snapping her jaws together only to have him shove her again and push his nose towards the base of her tail.

It didn't matter that she was protected by her fence, she didn't want his nose anywhere near that part of her body! With an angry noise she swung her haunches around from the fence so that she could face him head on, baring her teeth as he continued to approach her. He didn't even flatten his ears in anger, he just lifted his head up to breathe a bit more deeply and continued after her. Nearly five inches of dark leathery shaft swayed back and forth beneath him, the sheath hanging open as another bit of flesh oozed outwards. The sight of it made her back away rapidly, throwing her head up as the large stallion made a low sound in his throat, it was almost a whirring noise, strange and vibrating before he reached out with his nose and tried to rub along the line of her neck. The warm musk filled her nose again, a very male primal scent that had her backing up, her tail lashing wildly behind her as her body felt suddenly warm and flushed. She squealed angrily and tried to nip at him before stumbling backwards rapidly, she had no interest in getting him any closer.

The game of chase worked around the pasture as the stallion alternately tried to slide along her side and drove her with little nips and pinches of his teeth. He didn't try to run around her, nothing so crude, but he kept her on the move. Her sides were shaking slightly as the world was narrowed down to the large grey form and the harsh scent of him. He kept moving his head to slid along her neck, his lips brushing right where her mane grew from the line of her neck before he gave the occasional nip and pinch to make her jump backwards a few paces. Her eyes flashed wide as she attempted to evade him, darting this way and that, only to have him lunge forward with another sharp nip. Her tail lashed this way and that, held high as he moved her around. The constant nips and shoves of the nose had her bolting this way and that, ears pinned flat before letting out angry squeals in protest at odd moments. She couldn't get past him.

He let her go through two full circuits, always there with a distressing amount of girth showing from his sheath. By the time she had come to the gate he didn't have to continue his game of moving around, he didn't have to do anything to make her hold still for him. Something pushed against her side making Cody jerk in shock as a section of gate suddenly pushed right up against her side and pressed her against the other side of the fence, snugly wedging her in place. Leila was leaning against it firmly, keeping Cody in place as the stallion snorted and stepped around her, extending his nose out to bump along the line of her neck and towards her shoulder, puffing out hot breath against her. She tried to surge forward, but Leila just shoved harder against the makeshift gate, and the stallion leaned against it as well when he tried to snuffle down her back. The hard wood pinched against her as she flattened her ears and twisted her head around, trying to reach the stud to snap at him.

They can't do this to me! I'm not some dumb animal! They can afford to buy any mare they want! Cody shuddered as the flat teeth pinched down along her haunches and she turned her head about, eyes rolling in her nervousness.

The dark inches of shaft were drooping down towards the ground, heavy and swollen looking as they edged out into the light and started to spill towards the stallion's knees. The cock was thick and impossibly large looking, if Cody were still a human the shaft would have been as long as her arm! And it was still growing, the thick ridge in the middle growing more pronounced as the girth throbbed and stiffened to form a curve beneath the broad belly. The stallion's muzzle went downwards, gliding lower before the flat blunt teeth pinched roughly against the base of her tail, making her jerk it upwards in response. The hot breath that hit beneath her tail made her tense up, her haunches going stiff in reaction while the broad nose dipped down to inspect her. She'd never been so humiliated in her life, and worse, she couldn't react. She felt frozen as the hot breath hit along her haunches, flaring out and rushing along her exposed filly folds making her stomach turn strangely.

It took her more than a minute to jerk out of her reaction, kicking back with one hind hoof to try and force him backwards, but the stallion was more wary than that. He stood to one side of the fence so she kicked nothing but air while his nose hovered right along her folds. The whiskers on his lips were stiff and scraped against her outer lips, dragging over the edges as the hot moist breath hit against her. She tried to clamp her tail down, but it was draped along his head instead, letting him examine her at his leisure. He shifted his body, helping to keep her pinned in place as she started to tense up slightly. The feel of the warmth lips brushing against her folds so that her stomach tightened again. She felt muscles she had never possessed before react, tensing and relaxing as the nose rubbed upwards and a thick tongue suddenly pushed out.

She leaned forward, her tail jerking higher up in the air in reaction as the tongue tip curled along her vulva, sweeping higher up to the point that it nearly brushed against her pucker. She couldn't stop her muscles from twitching, but as the tongue swept over her a tremor of pleasure ran through her, she couldn't stop it. Her tear shaped folds winked, flexing and spreading open before pursing together in response to the tongue that pushed along them. It was a stab of heat that ran through her body, making her ears flatten down against her head, her breathing came out in short shallow bursts as she twisted her head to glare back at the stallion. He was dragging in the scent of her, tongue rolling and pushing against her folds as she winked again. There were sparks of pleasure and fire that ran through her stomach and made her belly tense and relax almost constantly. The scent of the stallion was flooding her nostrils as she tried to kick out again.

Her body didn't want to obey her, instincts that she had never possessed before were tearing through her, demanding that she obey. Her tail twitched to one side, quivering slightly as it was held well away from her loins as the stallion's lips ran down along the back of her leg. The slickness started to grow, she could feel it, humiliating her as she felt her juices sliding along her outer lips, coating them as she tensed her haunches up. She winked her lips apart time and again as the stallion's nose examined her, nipping along the back of her knee so she kicked out automatically and began to tremble. She didn't want this! She let out an angry squeal as the nose pushed up and briefly rubbed right up along her teats, dragging along them so she gave a short jump forward and splayed her hind legs open slightly. Something hard slapped up against the stallion's belly and she caught sight of the too large equine cock hitting his belly and splattering out an oozing spill of precum.

"Stop teasing her." Leila slapped the stallion on the haunches. "I want to make sure she catches a foal, and the way you're going she'll go out of heat by the time you're ready."

The woman was laughing as she said it, the humor in her voice palpable, but there was no humor for Cody. She let out a high pitched squeal of fear and tried to lunge forward, she wasn't going to get bred, she wasn't going to have a foal like some sort of animal!! She threw her weight against the gate to try and get free, but the stallion had other things in mind. As if he actually listened to his owner his head pushed up and slid right along the line of her of her haunches as she tried to kick out. Her eyes bulged slightly as his chest crashed against her, pushing right up against her folds and forcing her tail harder to one side. She kicked out, trying to drive him back, but he only nipped her roughly and surged forward with a rough snorting sound, his chest pushing up and over her haunches and forced them to splay apart by his sheer weight.

His forelegs swung to either side of her haunches, spreading open wider along either side of her hips and curling forward as she struggled to hold up his weight and run forward. She managed a trembling lurch forward, but he yanked her backwards, his neck stretching out towards the curve of her neck before the teeth snapped down roughly against her. He dug in with a powerful clench, bruising her hide as he stepped forward and something slapped up between her legs. She felt a smearing spill of precum coating along her inner hind legs as the stiff cock jutted up. She tried to snap her tail down, struggled to pull it past her body as she realized that this was really going to happen. The shaft suddenly swung up higher, pushing right along the inner thighs, jabbing up until the tip nearly shoved right against her pucker making her tremble and lunge forward again.

The gate helped keep her in place, but it was the weight of the stallion that truly forced her to stay in place, his body pushed her down and refused to let her up as the cock tip slipped downwards and suddenly gave a rough push. The cock tip hit roughly against her winking folds, smearing slimy precum over her unprepared body, making Cody's ears pin back flat. In a desperate move she twisted her head back and tried to bite at him, but she couldn't reach his legs, or even his shoulders as he drove forward roughly. The blunt flat tip rammed hard against her soft folds, pushing them inwards with a short powerful drive that forced the cock tip inwards, splaying her open wider and wider. She tried to clench her muscles down as a part of her body she had never imagined was stretched open wider and wider.

The dark black cock bowed as he pried her walls open, his teeth tugging along her neck as the stallion gave a lunging hop forward. The forceful drive splayed her cunny open wider and wider around the thick shaft that caressed through her heat swollen passage. She let out a high pitched call, trying helplessly to buck him off, but the stallion only grunted and forced another few inches into her body with a wet noise. The gate shifted against her side, dropping away, but it was too late, she couldn't possibly get out from under the heavy weight that pinned her down. The shaft plunged deeper into her body, another few inches sinking past her achingly splayed walls as the medial ring jammed up roughly against her splayed open folds and tried to push inwards, but her clutching walls refused to let him, she tried to push him out with muscles she had never had.

The stallion snorted hotly against her neck, his rich scent filled her nostrils and made her body react. Her body wanted this, it craved it, craved the drag of the cock that pulled backwards and nearly popped all the way out of her before he drove forward again. The cock forced itself into her passage, shoving roughly right up against her folds and started to splay them open wider and wider. She couldn't get away, even her bucks didn't nothing but rock and jostle the stallion along her back. The cock plunged in deeper, wetness was pushed out around the edges as she felt the heat splattering out of his tip and caught right against her cervix. He drove himself forward, spreading her wider and wider, forcing her to stretch to the point it started to hurt, but still her body wanted it, her walls suckled around the thick spire and pulled him in deeper.

The stallion kept thrusting inwards, forcing in to the point that the swell of the sheath suddenly jammed up against her, the balls clapped up roughly as the tip of the glans rammed roughly right along the barrier of her cervix. She shrilled out and lurched forward a step, but the stallion only followed her, yanking roughly with his hooves to drag her backwards as he gave a powerful launch forward and jammed his cock tip harder against her cervix. He was too big, she was stretched open too wide, she could barely fit more of him inside of her as he dragged backwards and pulled along her overly sensitive passage, tugging and stroking until she let out a ragged squealing noise when the medial ring started to yank out with a wet slurping noise.

The next thrust forward was harder and shorter, he drove himself in before pulling back a few inches and thrusting forward again. The medial ring plunged back into her, caressing places that made her react and clutch around him as he hammered his tip forward. The next drag back was a slow stroke, pulling, but not to the point that the medial ring was pulled out of her. He began to rock against her, hard power thrusts that caressed along her passage, pulled and stroked, running through her body so that she was left with her head drooped down towards the ground. Her nostrils flared open wide as she splayed her ears and the stallion lunged forward with a harder thrust that ground his cock tip right up against her cervix at the apex of each and every thrust. It was a painfully intimate feeling, the grinding push, the way the barrier was pushed inwards, and her body reacted to it.

Cody's heart was pounding in her ears, her breathing came out in short shallow bursts, every single movement tore her between pleasure and pain, horror and desire. They were mingling together in a way that she was left trembling beneath the weight of the stallion that clutched him. The forelegs curled up, the hooves nearly gripping against her belly as the tip grew thicker within her passage. The medial ring tugged through her, dragging outwards so that her body caressed around him, squeezing tighter and massaging as the tip started to flare open wider and wider, stretching her body that much more as he hammered against her cervix. It was almost as if he were threatening to break through the spongy barrier as his hot breath came out in short puffs against her bruised neck. The legs clenched down harder, tightening roughly before the next thrust drove his flare tip and held still right against her barrier.

The urethra pushed outwards, pressing firmly right against the narrow opening towards her womb and meshed with it as his orbs pushed up rightly between her hind legs. They heaved upwards, tensing and drawing taut while Cody jerked her head up. Her cry of protest was lost as the stallion released her neck and bugled out, the first hot wave of seed erupted from his cock and splattered deep inside of her, hitting against her barrier and pushing inwards. She felt the impact of it flooding her, warm and rich, flowing and pushing deeper as her walls instinctively locked around him and milked him. The thick sperm-rich flow was hit deep inside of her womb, being pulled inwards towards the vulnerable egg resting there. Waiting for the stallion to spark life within her. She couldn't escape, couldn't fight it, she could only droop her head in humiliation and horror at what had become of her life.

"Easy girl..." Leila moved her hands to brush along Cody's neck lightly. "Matt has been wanting a proper mare for so long, haven't you love?"

To Cody's horror the stallion rumbled an ascent and she lifted her head to watch the woman lean in to kiss the grey stallion's mouth. A deep kiss, not a peck for a favored pet, a kiss for her husband who was no less changed than she was, but he had, perhaps, changed of his own free will? She stared up at them both as something thicker and heavier than his seed oozed into her passage, thick tacky gel smeared out along her cervix, coating and sealing her shut with millions of sperm warring to claim her ova.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Eleven Months Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You're getting more grey hairs, love." Leila purred fondly as Matt wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close and leaned down to brush a kiss along the back of her neck. "You should stay human for a while."

"Perhaps," He murmured softly while keeping her close against his body, the pair of them pressed against Cody's stall as they often were in the evenings.

The mare glared at them both, briefly, and turned around awkwardly as she tried to adjust to the round swell of her belly. She had never felt so heavy or awkward, laying down was a chore every night, but she needed to rest her hooves. She could feel the weight of her foal in her belly, the young life stirring so often that she could feel the legs kicking against her at the oddest of moments. Lately her milk bag had felt heavier as well, it was pulled taut and felt feverishly warm between her hind legs, that made her even more uncomfortable. The months leading up to this had been easier to deal with, but now she just wanted it over with. She wanted to be done waddling around awkwardly, she wanted to be done feeling so hungry all the time, she wanted to be done feeling exhausted. That was why her tormentors came every evening, to see if she were going to drop her foal, to check her. Tonight her tail was bound up in vet wrap to make an awkward club of her long black tail.

They continued to fondle one another as she dropped her nose into the water, and she tried to ignore what they were saying. She had learned much in the last eleven months, she had learned that Matt was once like her ages upon ages ago, a pet of Leila's mother and a prize winning mare. She had learned that he hadn't stayed that way either. He had learned how to shapeshift, sliding between horse and human whenever the need arose and had cast off the guise of a mare and the humiliations that his wife's mother had heaped upon him. She had learned that one evening when they had played in the hayloft in the wee hours of the night, when she would have normally been asleep and Matt had fondly recounted his claiming of Leila as revenge on her mother. Now, now they were evenly matched. That had been burned into Cody's mind, from that day and all days since then.

She saw the costs to Matt, every time he turned into a stallion now it was harder and harder, it took days to painfully take on the guise of a stallion as it burned up his life. Each time he came back he seemed older, his face more lined and more grey in his hair. The time he spent as a horse shortened his life as a man as he swung between two worlds. In one world a prize stallion, a true champion and sire of a long proud line and in the other world the husband of his trainer and rider. He was old, he was growing weak and Cody had learned her lesson well. She shifted and lashed her bound tail restlessly before pacing around the stall, only sparing a glance as the couple retreated. Her eyes focused on them, narrowed before she looked down at her hoof.

She had tried this hundreds of times in the last seven months, but still it shocked her to concentrate on her solid dark hoof and strain to feel what should be beneath it. She trembled and felt a bit of sweat sliding along her neck as she imagined what she had had there, what should have always been and now had been taken away. She poured her energy into her hoof until slowly, painfully slowly, the seal of her hoof began to break and the thick nails parted. Bit by bit the thick hard sole rolled downwards as dark black fingers emerged, a thick stubby thumb pushed out and lifted higher on her ankle as the fingers parted and she lifted her leg up to curl her primitive fingers downwards, looking at the thick hoof tips. It took enough energy that she was coated in sweat, nearly shaking, but she had managed it. She would manage more, she would regain her human form and she wouldn't go to the police as she had once dreamed. She wouldn't report them, no.

I will challenge him... Cody lifted her head as her hand-hoof began to shift back to a solid sturdy hoof. She looked towards the house. The old stallion is at the end of his reign, he is weak and tired...

_ _

She bared her teeth slightly and tossed her head up before sucking in a rough breath and felt her stomach spasm slightly. The foal shifted inside of her, stirring and making her grunt in reaction, but her emotions didn't change, it was just a reminder of why she waited. She couldn't change back with the foal inside of her, her body wouldn't allow it no matter how hard she tried, but once she birthed him she would return to her human form. And Matt's reign as stallion would end. And her's... would begin. And she knew exactly what mare she would fill with her foal first. Cody's sides quivered with a rippling contraction as her eyes slid towards Leila and rest there.