Catnundrum. Chapter Seven.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Seven

By Roofles

The Siamese leaned back on the couch with his paws up on the cushion. Simon's full attention was on the TV even as a large hand was set on his thigh. Finger grips the lean muscle and the dog's thumb dipped in between, rubbing in semi circles where it found itself. The dog still had his left arm around the cat's shoulders, left hand holding his far shoulder and showed no inclination of letting go with either.

It was a simple thing sitting on a couch and Simon never felt so uncomfortably turned on. He could feel those muddy eyes looking at him as his own stared forward at the TV unsure of what was even on at this point so distracted he had become. His whiskers twitched and ears swiveled several times as if unsure where to stay put at. His own hands rested on his knees and his own nails were beginning to dig painfully into them as he sat there staring forward trying to think of anything but his friend sitting next to him.

Especially as that broad muzzle bumped into the side of his and a warm, caress licked at his whiskers making his whole body puff out as if his tail had just been shoved into an electrical socket. That broad muzzle just nuzzled, bumping at him some more the dog's eyes closing shut as he scooted over if only a half inch closer.

"This could've been a lot worse." Rob mumbled in that deep husky voice making the cat's ears fall flat. A deep powerful, dominant male voice that even in whisper sounded forceful.

"H-how so?" Simon asked looking at the other side of the room rather than at the dog trying to seemingly crawl into his lap.

"Well we could've been alone this weekend." Rob breathed just underneath his chin and nosed at him with that bumpy black nose, sniffing aimlessly at him.

"Oh god, you're right. We are alone!" Simon nearly whimpered as naughty thoughts ran to his head of the dog taking advantage of the poor, innocent helpless cat totally mishearing what Rob had intended.

"Would've been a very boring weekend if you hadn't offered to give me a lift." Rob said sincerely still nuzzling at him affectionately, grateful for his company.

"Please don't give me a lift." Simon begged nearly mrowing as his mind jumped to a rutting dog mounting him like some back alley cat.

"I'm glad that you were here with me." Rob folded his ears down and licked once more over the cat's face, up his neck and over cheek before nosing at him right under his eye against his cheek in thanks.

"Oh, me too..." Simon said almost disappointed that the dog hadn't been coming on to him. And semi-relieved by it.

The cat did meow loudly as that arm on his shoulder fell down behind him and the hand on his thigh dipped underneath and in one strong, clean motion spun the cat onto his side and Rob along with him. The two grown males laid out on the couch, the dog partial on the cat and the cat partially under the dog. Simon found himself on his back and the rottweiler on his chest, who was still nosing at his face. An arm laid crossed the cat and hug him against that larger body. The dog rested his head on top of the cat's head, between his ears and looked over into the corner with no particular thought in mind.

Their legs fought against one another before Simon submitted to the dog and found himself tangled up with the larger male. A paw rubbed at the back of his leg as the dog pressed down, lightly against him as if just trying to make sure the cat couldn't wiggle free. Or to Simon that's how he felt.

"A-are you always so affectionate?" Simon muttered trying to look at him and only turned his snout right into the dog's armpit.

"Yes." Rob said truthfully as he closed his eyes feeling that snout under his arm, the body underneath him and just began listening for the sound he had been aiming for from the beginning. A sound that the dog coveted to hear once more. That natural rumbling of happiness from the cat.

Rob's fur was almost waxy like most dogs. It had a strong musk to it, a heat that just warmed the very area around him. And the cat, this feline found himself underneath this thick fur, muscular body that pawed at him aimlessly.

"So..." Simon began. "You going back to school?" He asked hoping to keep up the general conversation they had been having, wishing to get to know more about this canine he had his snout pressed against. He could smell that natural male musk, it sent shivers up his tangled legs.

"This summer." Rob grumbled wiggling his rear and scooting the lower portion of his body down and over the cat, his rear sticking up the small tail wagging at hear that voice.

"Cool. Cool." Simon said waiting for the dog to continue and getting nothing in return, If he fell asleep on him Simon was just going to roll him off the whole couch. "So school. That's good." This had to be the worse small talk in all time.

"Yup." Rob just replied, squirming a bit more trying to get comfortable before just plopping down on top of Simon.

Simon was about to kick him off and onto the mattress just next to them, beginning to wonder why they hadn't just taken a seat there, when the large dog licked his face once more. "I guess," Simon thought. "He can stay." He rubbed at the dog's side getting a low murr in reply from the canine, having been originally planning on stabbing him with a claw to get him off. His snout was still trapped under that heavy dog's muscular arm and against his chest. Simon could feel that beating heart against his face, it made him blush.

"That feels good." Rob muttered slumping back against the side of the couch, rubbing his back against it before trying to turn himself over to expose his belly and not so subtle ask for what he wanted and with a good hip check knocked the cat out of the way and off the couch.

A loud yelp filled the air as the cat dug into the dog's hide with sprung nails trying to stay on and in a fumbling mess the dog, whining the whole time, rolled back helped him up. "Sorry." Rob said guiltily before once more not so subtle turning onto his back and exposing his belly for him to love on. "Love my bellah!" He said loudly, tail wagging. Simon was sure this was exactly why the four legged kind of dogs didn't talk.

"Pathetic." Simon said turning to sit on his rear. He turned towards the TV but reached behind him to rub at the dog's belly. Rob melted back onto the couch, tipping his muzzle high and just groaned low and deep, making the cat flush from the sound he was causing the dog to experience. "So what classes?"

"Hm?" Rob grunted back rubbing his back on the couch and folding his arms on his chest, legs sticking up just a little bit from the belly rub.

"Classes this summer that you are going to take." Simon chuckled looking at the dog before shaking his head and looking away. How he could be afraid of this thing he wasn't even sure anymore.

"Boring ones." The dog grunted in reply. "Right there," he murred deeply as the cat's fingers slid down over that muscular belly to the middle. "Some math, a English class and a intermediate computer class." Rob added after a few moments of pleasurable bliss.

"At least it's something." Simon offered, if a bit weakly. "What do you plan to do?"

He got a grunt in reply before the dog actually said anything. "Prob some Nine to Five cubicle job somewhere pushing papers like my dad."

"Whatever puts bread on the table." The cat agreed nodding a bit, figuring he'd end up in a similar line of work. He didn't mind so much away from the public would be good with his...condition.

"Something that can help raise a family on." The dog went on making the ears of the cat stand up. "Something that my family wouldn't be ashamed of." Simon wasn't sure which family he was talking about then. "Like something that my dad and mum wouldn't mind me having. A good hard working stiff." The dog said rather forcefully but chuckled afterward, Simon was sure it was a sour subject for the canine though. One problem with trying to please everyone you don't end up doing what you would want.

"Where do you see yourself in Five years?" Simon asked scooted back until his back was touching the back of the couch and his feet were resting on the edge of their mattress fort. Rob got up a bit and scooted over before laying down in his lap lifting his arms up to show off his chest and belly once more for easy access.

"In a lot of school debt, working like a stiff, living the good old dog days." Rob crossed his arms behind his head looking up as he thought it over, his muddy eyes drifting over to the cat's face whose lap he was resting in. A grin spread across his black lips and he winked. "I rather focus on the play than the work."

"Who doesn't?" Simon chuckled in reply petting at his chest a bit. The cat folded his ears back as Rob reached out to pet the side of his face, a strong thumb rubbing over his dark brown masked face. "W-what?" Simon flushed as he tried to look down into that face looking up at him, into those muddy pools of eyes.

The dog opened his muzzle, tongue lolling out to the side and then let out a loud belch. He was promptly shoved off onto the floor.

"Bastard," Simon waved the breakfast smell away from his face though he chuckled.

"Ok, ok." Rob agreed getting back up, tail wagging. "You can blame that one on the dog."

"You did do it though." Simon laughed giving him a good shove with his paw. The dog didn't seem to mind being stepped on and pushed to the side even as those toes curled around the side of his muzzle. Rob was soon shoved aside however and his head dipped down as if ashamed. In the next second Rob just popped back up at the end of the couch with his chin on the very edge looking at him.

Rob whined.

"No." Simon crossed his arms looking away.

Another whine filled the otherwise silent room, the TV just back ground noise at this point.

"No, bad dog." Simon fussed as Rob climbed back up onto the couch. He laughed as the dog easily closed the distance between them, trying to shove him off as the rottweiler attempted to crawl back into his lap.

The cat pushed and shoved as the still whining dog, blaming the fact he was laughing the whole time on why the dog didn't show any sign of stopping. And in the end he got a large rottweiler in his lap, panting and drooling right next to his face. A hand was pawing at his chest. That breakfast morning dog breath panting over the side of his face making him have his eye.

"What?" Simon said giving in as the dog clearly wasn't about to back down.

"You look purrty." Rob grinned foolishly with a wag of his tail and the two laughed, Simon finally shoving the dog's face away. Rob scooted back a little ways but still with in hand groping range. "OK, so I know why I'm single. What about you?" The dog lazed back a bit and this was followed by pushing, shoving and over all violating Simon's personal space with his paws, toes wiggling in his face.

"Busy." Simon just shrugged trying to ignore the toes pressing against his side at this point, lifting up his shirt and poking his side. "I work full time, trying to get back into school, have bills to pay, sun spots to sleep in, small red dots to chase... The usual," he shrugged once more trying to ignore the dog who only seemed to getting more into it as the cat ignored him.

"All you need is love." Rob said almost too seriously catching the cat off guard. They shared a laugh afterward, Simon swiping a hand at him.


"Thank you." And with that Rob gave his side another playful push.

Simon rolled his eyes, grabbing the heel of the dog's paw and bringing it up. Rob's eyes widened before he yelped as skilled digits began tickling over it. Rob kicked his legs, barking loudly as he laugh and twisting, squirming back and forth as he giggled. Not once did he try to pull his legs away however.

"You were asking for this." Simon just explained continuing what he could with the squirming paw before letting it slide from his hand. The dog laughed some more, wiping a tear out of his eye before resting both paws back on the cat's lap, wiggling his toes with a grin.

"Yeah, but you loved it. So..." Rob reasoned weighing the issue in his hands before dumping it to the side.

"You loved it more than I did." Simon stated making the dog fold his ears back before grinning widely showing those fangs off.

"All you need is love?" Rob shrugged innocently making the cat groan. "Ok, it's your turn."

"Whoa, whoa. No tickling. I will scratch your eyes out." Simon said threatening him with retracted claws. He couldn't help when they sprung loose, it was more of a reflex than anything.

"No, silly." Rob just laughed moving his legs aside and scooting over. "A belly rub."

"Cat's don't do belly rubs." Simon stated as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. "If you try to give a cat a belly rub you get your eyes removed."

"Well. What the fuck then?!" Rob said insulted as if offended by the fact HE couldn't give HIM a belly rub.

"True story, brah."

"Fine." Rob said still moving in making Simon withdraw.

"H-hey, what are you doing." Simon asked with wide eyes as those hands reached, hissing a bit before those fingers began scratching under his muzzle, on the side of his neck and around his large ears. "Oh. Oooh. Ooooooh." Simon said softly, eyes rolling back into his skull as his head fell forward to those grubby paws.

"Cats." Rob just rolled his eyes cradling his head in his large hands, rubbing underneath and around his ears some more, guiding that head and body over until it was resting against him. The cat nuzzled more into those paws and bumped face first against his chest.

Simon was about to say something to his friend but bit his tongue as those fingers continued their work. And with it the dog soon smiled, tail wagging, both his floppy ears lifting up as his eyes sparkled with life as the sound he had been hoping for soon filled the room. The sound of a cat purring.

Rob hugged that body against him with one arm, using the other hand to keep scratching. Pulling the smaller male up against him, letting that very sound vibrate from the cat and into the dog. Rob curled his toes and let out a slow, shaking breath before nuzzling down against the smaller male.

A minute? Five? Ten might've passed and neither of the two would've really been aware. The only indicator was the random sitcom on the TV that had switched over to the next episode. Rob had stopped scratching and was just petting the side of the cat's face by this point just pushing his snout down between the cat's ears and smelling the faint scent of the cat.

A scratchy tongue licked at Rob's chest, over one of his firm pecs and groomed the fur there.

"Hey," Rob muttered softly looking down at the cat as if he had just woken up from a rather long, nice nap.

"Roar." Simon chuckled softly looking up before folding his ears back and closing his eyes as that broad snout loomed down over head and bumped his own small nose with the dog's large one. The cat let out a faint meow of a sound as that large, pink tongue licked over his nose. Rob bent his head a bit lower and licked again. And then licked once more, sealing his lips around the cat's.

It was the soft, panting gasp of the Siamese that allowed the rottweiler to slip his tongue with in his muzzle. To touch the very tip of Simon's own before clasping the side of his face with his large, padded finger hand and hold it firm, secure as he shoved the rest of his tongue inside. To taste was electrifying. And how quickly a simple kiss turned into a full blown make out session.

Panting hotly Rob slurped and licked at the cat, swallowing loudly every now and then and panting more into that open muzzle he was still holding with his left hand. Rob pawed at the cat's chest, reaching around to guide him onto his back before pressing his snout roughly against his once more and forcing his tongue inside once more. And groaning his name, once more. Biting at his lower lip and pulling it back as he opened his muddy eyes to look once more into the cats.

Simon was panting open maw, curled tongue as those blue eyes opened back up to look at the dog. If Simon had found his voice the only thing he could've been able to say was, "Wow."

"So..." Rob said swallowing loudly and pulling back a bit to give him some space. "Would you like to go out to coffee, sometime?" Rob asked scratching the back of his neck.

Simon wiped the drool from his mouth unsure if it was his own or the dog's at this point. He sat up a bit, his tan fur was all messed up and whiskers twisted. "Really?" Simon just blurted out, chuckling afterward and trying to straighten his whiskers out. "You rape my face,"

"Whoa hey now." Rob pointed out but wagged his tail as he rolled his tongue around in his maw still tasting the cat.

"And then you ask me out?"

"Who ever said I was asking you out?" Rob folded his arms, still breathing heavily. His large chest rising and falling with his deep open maw breaths.

"So it'd be two guys going out with the eventual goal of sex in mind? That sounds like a date to me." Simon chuckled smoothing his arm and leg fur out a bit, and adjusting the shorts he wore.

"Whoa now," Rob said raising his hands up. "Who ever said anything about sex?" The grin on his face clearly giving it away though.

"So it'd just be two guys, going out," Simon said trying to clarify as he pulled his own legs a bit closer.

"Hanging out." Rob corrected tactfully.

"Hanging out," the cat had to roll his eyes. "And it'd just be the two of us like what? Getting coffee, grabbing a bite to eat and like seeing a movie?" The cat pulled from the top of his mind.

"Yup." Rob just nodded, he crossed his legs before scooting a bit closer staring at him with those large eyes. They drifted lower though back to those supple lips. Rob licked his own, panting once more.

"Sounds...riveting." Simon chuckled leaning back a bit and holding his legs a bit. "That is if you let me leave this place." He teased back at the dog who blinked a few times before grinning along.

"You found me out. I was going to tie you up and take advantage of you all night, every night." Simon blushed as Rob got up throwing his arms in the air. "Damn. All the knotted things I were going to do to you," he added a good laugh afterward to make sure it was clear he was joking.

"That'd be dreadful." Simon chuckled along holding his legs a bit, still feeling feverish from before. He took a slow breath and began to relax once more. "Knotted, huh?"

"Well yeah." The dog said rubbing the back of his thick black fur neck and looking down at the cat. "I was kidding. Kidding!" He waved his arms a bit as the cat's eyes narrowed.

"How long does it last?" Simon asked letting go of his legs and standing back up. He reached over and grabbed the discarded plates and began cleaning up a bit before heading into the kitchen.

"The whole...knotted thing? Or..." Rob asked raising an eyebrow suspiciously as he watched the cat afraid to fall into some kind of trap. He hadn't rejected him, pushed him away and had even let him have several minutes of bliss inside that short muzzle.

"Both." Simon said setting the plates in the sink. "They don't teach that kind of thing in sex ed." He shrugged. "Too many variations."

"OK, fair enough." Rob nodded moving over to sit at the counter. "Could you get me...something to drink." He asked with a weak smile holding his throat as it had seemingly grown rather dry on this topic.

"Sure. What cha' want?" Simon asked turning around to rummage in the fridge as if it were his own.

"OJ." Rob motioned to the bottom shelf, grinning without guilt as the cat bent over to grab it. The dog didn't even like orange juice. He was glad he bought it now.

Simon took his time trying to find the bottle in the far back, tail up and swaying back and forth before pulling the jug out. It looked as if a single gulp had been taken from it...and then put back in. He chose not to have a glass and just filled up his coffee cup once more.

"So knots, huh?" Simon asked only after Rob took a drink and nearly made the dog do a spit take.

Coughing, Rob wiped his muzzle. "Yup." He replied softly. "Well it's an engorgement of the-,"

"I know what it IS!" Simon said giving him another playful, nonclaw swipe before going back to creaming up his coffee.

"Oh well then, the hell you wanna know?" Rob grumbled folding his ears back unsure how his penis gone to the topic again. He was usually happy to talk about his penis. Now, not so much. He took another long drink of his OJ hoping the bitter after taste would wash this after taste from his mouth.

"I figured you were going to give me a demonstration." This got a spit take from the dog.

"What?" Rob asked in a yelping voice.

"A demonstration..." Simon repeated slowly before clapping his hands together. "OK, whip it out!" There was a moment of silence before Simon spoke again. "Dude, don't make this awkward."

"'s shy..." Rob grumbled folding his ears down, missing the wicked smile on the cat's face as he watched the inside of those droopy ears turn a dark shade of maroon. "It's like an erection...within an erection."

Simon just splayed his ears. So Rob clarified.

"It's hard to explain unless your a dog! You can get aroused with no knot and get a knot with little arousal. It comes and goes on it's own unless I end up...tieing with someone."

"Then how long?" Simon asked trying to keep his voice even and not picturing the dog's tennis ball knot up his tail pipe.

"Depends..." Rob pushed his fingers together. "I dribble...a lot. Most dog's do. And unless all fluids are...exchanged, the knot stays." Rob didn't want to also push the issue that the over all arousal played a part, who he was with played a part and the fact if he focused enough also played a part. He was sure, if he tried, he could tie the cat all night.

"Cool." Simon replied simple enough making the dog's triumphant bragging of his dog hood fall rather...short and small.

"Fine, fine." Rob waved I off. "And what of you? Barbs and all." He eyed his pants as if there were a spiky urchin inside.

"I'm barbed for my pleasure." Simon replied flatly giving him a wink.

Rob frowned so the cat explained.

"It stimulates arousal in my partner when penetrated." Simon brushed the glasses he wasn't wearing up his nose. "And each one is sensitive increasing my overall pleasure in the act itself." He added with a grin.

"That's very..." Rob was going to say selfish but decided to use the actual word. "Cat of you."

"Thank you." Simon bowed before chuckling. "Reason why I love blow jobs so much."

"Speaking of blowjob," Rob adjusted himself. "How about we-,"

"Holy yarn balls batman!" Simon said loudly making the dog eyes go wide. "Is it already Four Thirty? How long did we sleep. Or talk. Or anything." The cat bit his finger before quickly moving into the living room, coming back for his coffee and then back into the living room. He jumped into the couch, not spilling a drop of his cup, and sat down grabbing the remote.

"What?" Rob asked unsure if he wanted to know at this point. He was still trying to figure out how a full glass of coffee hadn't spilled everywhere as Simon jumped into the fort.

"It's Cats in Suits!" Simon said as if it were so blatantly, painfully obvious.

"What?" Rob asked walking over leaving his glass behind.

"The hit TV drama about mafia men? One of the makes meth, the other guy is a secret serial killer and the last is just a mobster. It's like the number one rated show, ever. Cat's in Suits is just like my all" Simon folded his ears back as he looked at the dog who was just grinning down at him. "I have not or never been part of the geek community."

"Sure. Sure." Rob said taking a seat next to him and trying to ignore his blue balls, missing his chance this time to relieve them.