A Halloween Story

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This story contains things that some may find sick and/or disturbing, do not read if you have a low tolerance level.

Ok, first off this is not supposed to be a yiffy story, the reason it's classified as other (adult) is because it's not really all to clean in my opinion, even if there's no actual yiffing of any kind happening. This is a Halloween story, and its supposed to be...creepy, or something in that category.

With the warning out of the way let me just say that I hope you have a creepy time reading this and have a very ghoulish Halloween


It was a warm summer day in Icebere, a calm breeze was blowing causing the branches of the trees to sway gently. Thad stood in the living room of his house, nose pressed against the glass as he waited for his best friend to arrive. He had turned nine just a few weeks ago and was still excited about it. He was a snow leopard, though the heat of summer never bothered him like most seemed to assume. He had a large black splotch over his right-eye, being the only unique thing about his outward appearance as far as snow leopards where concerned. He had on a pair of blue shorts and a t-shirt he had gotten for his birthday from his grandparents. His light blue eyes looked up and down the road, impatiently waiting to see his friend's mother's car. His bushy tail swayed behind him as he waited.

"He's here!" The excited feline's voice rang out when he saw the van pull into the driveway. He ran to the front door, throwing it open and running down the sidewalk. As he ran his friend leaped out of the van and sprinted towards his friend. They met and embraced in a happy hug, Nys's tail wagging happily.

"Hi Thad!" The hyena said. The hyena was eight, though his birthday was less than a month away. Nyp finally loosened his grip on Thad, smiling at him. "So what are we going to do today?" He asked, having difficulties holding still, being over energetic from seeing his friend.

"Umm...let's go to the backyard," Thad finally said, grabbing Nyp by the arm and pulling him along with him into the backyard.

Nyp's mother just chuckled at the site, watching the two boys head into the backyard. She then smiled over at Thad's mother. "I'll be back to pick him up....say 6ish?" She asked.

"That'll be fine," Thad's mom replied. She watched Nyp's mom get back into her car, waving to Nyp who had stopped just outside of the gate that blocked off the backyard from the front. She then pulled out of the driveway and drove off, a smile on her face.

Thad smiled broadly at Nyp when he showed up in the backyard after he had waved good-bye to his mother. He smiled and gave a quick slap to Nyp's left arm. "You're it!" He shouted before running off.

"Hey!" Nyp yelped in surprise before running after him, turning around each corner and ducking under a few low hanging branches of some trees that were growing in the back yard. Nyp stopped when he saw Thad quickly climb up a tree. "No fair! You know I'm no good at climbing trees," he said in a pouting voice.

"S-sorry," Thad said, panting a bit. "I forgot," he said as he moved down a few branches. After looking around he smiled and jumped as far as he could. An eep escaped his mouth when he felt Nyp's paw slap his tail.

"You're it now!" Nyp said gleefully, running away from the other as quickly as he could. Nyp was still tired after chasing after Thad and was steadly slowly down, panting hard as he ran

Thad was in slightly better shape then Nyp, but was slowing down as well, he was just managing to close the distance between them. When he was close enough he pounced Nyp, tackling him to the ground.

Both where now laying on the ground, Nyp on his stomach with Thad laying on top of him at an angle, Thad's stomach laying on the small of Nyp's back. Both where laughing as they caught their breath.

It wasn't too long before Thad rolled off of Nyp and was laying next to him, still panting softly. Thad finally forced himself to sit up, not liking lying on the ground.

"Let's do something else," Nyp said, rolling over onto his back. "Tag is to tiring," he muttered. His eyes then caught site of some of the clouds passing by overhead. He zoned out as his mind drifted off into the peace that surrounded him.

Thad looked at Nyp for a bit before nodding. "Yeah," he said in agreement. Looking around, he spotted his old swing set. He got up and ran over to them, sitting down on one of the swings. "Come on!" He called at Nyp as he started getting himself going on the swing.

Nyp gave a small jerk as he was pulled from his dreaming. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking over to see what Thad was talking about. He gave a smile and ran over to the only other swing and got on, getting himself going as well.

After a bit they were both going as high as they could possibly go, the wind in their faces each time they went forward. They each exchanged glances and smiled at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking. With a few more pumps of his legs Nyp went first, jumping off of the swing and landing a few feet away from it. He then moved over a bit to make sure he wasn't in Thad's way and positioned himself so he could watch Thad make his jump.

Thad kept going for a bit longer, gaining a little more height before making his own jump. He went higher than he had ever gone before, going at least 3 feet further then Nyp. He flailed his arms a bit as he tried to keep himself oriented so he'd land on his feet.

He succeeded, even if for only a few moments. He landed square on his feet, but his forward momentum kept him going forward, causing him to land flat on his face. He laid there for a bit, the air being knocked out of him. He could hear Nyp laughing a bit as he rolled over onto his back, giving a soft grunt as he sat up. As he sat up he caught site of movement in the corner of his eye.

He moved as fast as he could, lunging out with an arm and making a grab for whatever it was. He clenched down on the thing when he felt something cool and scaly under his paw. Picking it up he saw he had caught a snake by the tale. It wasn't a large one, barely nine inches long. Its entire body was a pale white, not a single other color could be seen on it.

Thad watched the snake squirm, trying to get free as Nyp ran up next to him. "Which kind?" Nyp asked, looking at the snake, not being able to ever recall ever seeing one like this.

"It's...some sort of snake," Thad answered, not having seen a snake like this before either. He lifted it up a bit higher so he could get a better look at it.

Nyp stared at it for a bit. "I dare you to eat it," he said with a playful grin on his face.

"What? I'm not going to eat it," was Thad's obvious response, not letting go of the snake even though his attention was elsewhere now.

"Chicken," Nyp said, nudging Thad's arm with his elbow. "Come on; just think of it as a thick strand of spaghetti."

"But...that's so gross," Thad said, shivering at the thought of eating the snake. The snake kept up its thrashing for a bit longer before stopping, having exhausted itself with its efforts to break free of the cubs grasp.

"See? It won't wriggle down your throat. It's too tired," Nyp commented, noticing the snake was almost completely still. If it hadn't been for the forked tongue flicking out of its mouth every few seconds it would of appeared to be dead.

Thad stared at the snake for a bit before nodding his head slowly. "O-Ok," he said as he lifted the snake over his head.

He then simply opened his mouth and lowered the snake into it, swallowing it down once it was in his mouth. He grimaced, feeling it slither down his stomach. Shuddering once the deed was done. He held his stomach with a paw, trying to keep himself from losing his lunch.

"I can't believe you did that!" Nyp said, doubled over laughing at how Thad looked after swallowing the snake. He finally couldn't continue standing from the way he was laughing, sitting down next to Thad, continuing his laughing, and slowly trying to get himself to stop.

Thad made a noise showing his obvious disgust at what he done. He looked down at his stomach, rubbing it with a paw. "I....I can feel it moving," he said in a nauseated tone.

Really? Let me feel!" Nyp said as he reached over with a paw, laying it on Thad's stomach. "I don't feel nuthin," he stated, not feeling any kind of movements.

"Well it is moving," Thad stated, slowly standing up, and resting a paw on Nyp's shoulder to help steady himself. Just when he felt he was going to puke, the movements ceased, the nauseated feeling ebbing away. "I....I think it's stopped," he finally said, taking his paw away from Nyp's shoulder and standing on his own again.

"Ok....ummm so what do you wanna do now?" Nyp asked, still not convinced that the snake had still been moving inside of Thad's stomach.

Thad opened his mouth to answer Nyp when his mother called out to him, causing him to shut it again as she told them to come in for lunch. Both of them quickly rushed to the house, Nyp beating Thad to the back door by just a few feet. Both felt like they were starving and greedily ate the burgers Thad's mom had made.

Both finished their meals at about the same time, thanking Thad's mom for lunch in turn as they got up from the table and ran off into the front room. At first they settled for just watching TV, but after a few shows had passed they lost interest in that and started playing one of the new games Thad had gotten for his birthday. It was a racing game, and both where having difficulties keeping their preferred car on the specified track.

Soon the game and TV where turned off, both Nyp and Thad getting up and stretching. They had spent at least three hours on the game, even though it only had seemed like one hour to them. They decided to go outside again, and enjoy what was left of the day in Thad's tree house.

Nyp climbed up first, followed by Thad, both sitting down in opposite corners of the tree house. Nyp looked around the play house before settling his gaze on Thad. "So now what?" He asked, leaning back against the wall.

"Ummm, well...we could play...go fish?" Thad finally asked once he had gotten an idea. As he waited for a response Thad glanced around the house, looking for the deck of cards he knew where up here, scratching at his stomach a bit.

Nyp shrugged. "That sounds ok," he said, watching as Thad finally spotted the cards and started shuffling them. He waited for his hand to be dealt to him, looking at each of them in turn.

Thad moved the cards around in his hand, sorting them by card value. Once done with that he looked up at Nyp and smirked at him. "Ok, I'll start..." He said, glancing at his hand once more. "You got any..." He trailed off into a loud gasp, clutching his stomach as a small twinge of pain went through his gut.

The snake he had swallowed was pushing itself into his stomach, forcing itself into Thad's smaller intestines. After what seemed like an eternity to Thad, the snake finally slipped its head in, wriggling the rest of the way into the smaller intestines.

"Th-that...snake...I think...it's...still alive..." Thad panted out, the odd pain causing him to hold onto his stomach tightly. "And...it's trying...to get out..." He said, tears welling in his eyes at these odd sensations.

The snake started slithering through the young lad's smaller intestines, making its way further and further into the tubes. Stopping a little ways in, it flicked its scent tongue about, searching for a good spot.

Thad let out a pain filled groan, buckling over as another sharp pain went through his body, twitching frequently as he held onto his gut tightly, doing his best to look at Nyp with pleading eyes, begging him to do something.

The sharp pain Thad had felt had been the snake biting into his intestines with its tiny razor sharp teeth, slowly tearing bits and pieces from the tubes wall. After several grueling minuets the snake had broken through the wall. It quickly slithered through the hole it had made and out of the smaller intestines of the young cub.

All through this the young hyena was sitting there, dumb struck as he watched his best friend. It was obvious to him that he was in pain, but for the life of him he couldn't think of what he could do. "Are...are you ok?" He asked nervously.

"No..." Thad groaned out, shaking his head. The pain was dying down to a dull ache. He slowly straightened himself out as best he could. Now the most he could feel was a very unpleasant feeling in his gut, a feeling that made him sick to his stomach. He was panting slightly as he focused his attention on Nyp as best he could." I...I think...I should...AHHH!" He buckled over again, his forehead resting on the floor. He had broken his sentence with a shout of pain, it again being centered in his gut region, only this time it was a bit lower. As he laid there, he realized he had felt a very faint pleasure through the pain.

The snake relaxed itself, flicking its tongue out a few times. It had made its way through both the lower and smaller intestines, biting its way through anything that got in its way. It repeated what it had previously done, squeezing the cubs prostate, only tighter this time, the sound of Thad's yell was loud enough for the snake to hear clearly.

The scream Thad let out was music to the snake, having just sunk its fangs into the prostate it held captive. It began chewing into it, tearing bits and pieces out of it, squeezing it with each bite.

"It hurts....it hurts..." Thad said, whimpering pitifully. His body convulsed randomly, each bite and squeeze to his prostate causing him to jerk in a different direction.

With one final bite the snake finished as much of the prostate as it wanted to. It released the ravaged organ and slithered further down, having grown a bit after its meal. The prostate was nothing more than a husk now, blood and a mix of a few other fluids dripping from what remained of it. As the snake approached its next meal, a special surprise it had left in the cub's stomach was beginning to open itself.

With a few bites the snake soon slipped its head into the snow leopards scrotum, flicking its tongue at one of the orbs that were stored inside of it. Without missing a beat the snake lunged at the nearest testis and took half of it into its mouth. It bit down hard, devouring half of the testis in one bite.

Thad had been panting hard and desperately trying to tell Nyp to get his mother when this happened. He let out an ear-splitting scream as one of his delicate orbs was bit in half. Intense pain filled Thad's body, all of his muscles tensing up as his mind tried to cope with what was happening. In the end his mind failed and Thad blacked out, the pain overwhelming him.

At this point Nyp was panicking. He uncovered his ears and quickly went down the ladder and ran towards the house, tears streaming down his cheeks, not know what was going on or what he could do.

He was half way to the house when the back door flew open and Thad's mother ran out of the door. "What happened!? Where's Thad!?" She said in a panicked voice, easily being able to hear Thad's scream from inside.

"T-T-Thad....he....he....pain....snake....he...." Nyp sobbed out, not being able to form a complete sentence no matter how hard he tried. Though that didn't keep him from trying, He kept sobbing out words, pointing at the tree house as he choked out more words.

The second Nyp had pointed at the tree house, Thad's mother had started running towards it as fast as her feet could carry her. Struggling up the ladder she looked into the house from the opening in the bottom of it. "THAD!!!" She screamed out in a voice that only a mother could manage.

She scooped Thad up in her arms, and dropped to the ground. She sprinted to the house, holding her cub close to her bosom, slamming the door open and rushing to the nearest phone in the house. She cradled Thad in one arm and quickly dialed 911 with her free paw.

"Hello!? I need an ambulance sent here now! There's something wrong with my cub!" She said, voice filled with panic as she spoke. The operator on the other end quickly gave confirmation that an ambulance was on its way after asking some quick questions to eliminate the possibility of nothing serious being wrong with him.

Sires paced back and forth while holding her son close to her bosom, tears in her eyes, each sudden jerk he gave cased knot to form in her throat.. Finally the sound of the ambulances sirens could be heard. She rushed into the front driveway, handing her Thad over to the paramedics who quickly went over his body. They failed to determine what exactly was wrong. In just a matter of moments the ambulance sped away, caring Thad to the hospital.

Sires desperately wanted to go straight to the hospital, wanted to be with her Thad, but she knew she had to call his father and take Nyp home. The phone call was brief and ended with more tears, once that was finished she drove off with Nyp, letting him out at his house. She did her best to reassure the teary eyed hyena, but he was beyond any kind of reason at the moment. As she sped off to the hospital, Nyp ran inside, panicked and confused over what was happening to his best friend.

As all of this happened the snake had been hard at work inside of Thad; it had moved its way up and chewed into the boys member, chewing through its tissues and drinking as much of the blood as it could as it tore through the inner-shaft, eventually biting through it completely and separating the member into two separate pieces. It bit into the part that was disconnected from the boys body now and swallowed it like it was a tiny feral mouse. Once it had finished that meal it slithered back into the depths of the boys body, tearing its way through ligaments and muscles, growing as it ate.

When the ambulance had arrived at Thad's home a little something in Thad's stomach began to wriggle: hundreds of tiny white orbs, all wriggling and shacking, cracking in spots. They were all eggs, all containing a snake like the one devouring parts of their host. As the snakes inside freed themselves the started feasting on the ones that had yet to hatch, growing as they ate until there was only 13 snakes left, all about the same size as their birth snake when it was first eaten.

They all started feasting on the cub's innards, moving up through his body, some moving off to his arms to feast on his muscle tissues. Two bit into his left lung as the remaining three kept moving up, tearing their way through anything that wasn't bones.

As the ambulance rushed through the streets towards the hospital, Thad started coughing, blood dribbling out of his mouth. "His heart rate is picking up, and he's breathing is getting heavier," one of the paramedics said, tapping the screen of the small heart rate analyzer strapped to the cub, sounding worried as he spoke. "Don't worry little, guy, we're almost to the hospital," a female cheetah said soothingly, stroking the cub's brow with the back of her left paw.

A snake wrapped itself around Thad's heart slowly, constricting it and causing it to pump harder in an attempt to keep the flow of blood going. This snake was soon joined by another, one that had been feasting on the boys left lung. The snakes in his arms stayed close to the bone, instinctively staying on the side of the boys arms that where lying against the firm material of the mobile cot. The snake coming from the lung bit into the heart, slowly tearing away the muscular walls of the heart, drinking as much of the blood as it could handle.

A solid beep tone was heard in the ambulance as it pulled into the hospital's emergency driveway, the heart rate of the cub now gone as the snakes inside reached the center of the cubs heart, having devoured much more of it along with its comrade.

Upon hearing the hope shattering tone, the paramedic closest to the defibrillator quickly grabbed it and powered it on. "CLEAR!" came the shout before he sent a shock through the cub's body, making his muscles spasm. The tone continued, the snakes inside flinching as the shock ran through their bodies as well, though somehow they managed to survive. Again and again, the desperate cry of "CLEAR!" could be heard as the paramedic ran with the others as they pushed the cub towards the emergency room.

A white tarp was now laying on the cubs body. He had stopped breathing, and had finally been declared dead. The female cheetah went to the entrance of the hospital to catch the cub's mother and tell her the news.

After hours of crying, sobbing, heart wrenched words and painful phone calls the cub's body was sent to cold storage to await transportation the next day to be prepared for the funeral.

Once the electrical shocks had finished, the snakes finished their feast, eating a few more bits and pieces of the cub before finding places to rest in his body. The original one eating a bit of the cubs brain and laying more eggs, which hatched soon and repeated the cannibalism of their previous brothers and sisters, growing in size before finding places to sleep as well.

Mrs. Moliere, Nyp's mother, was driving home. It was the day after Thad's death and was early in the morning She was coming back from comforting Sires until her husband had arrived, who had been on a business trip out of town during all this . It had been hard for her to leave after seeing Sires in that condition, but she knew she had to tend to her own pup.

"Police are still investigating what has happened at Icebere city hospital, but they have confirmed the brutal deaths of three doctors and five nurses. None of the patients seem to be harmed, though a few did confirm that they had heard screaming late last night. Police have yet to find out who has done this, why they did it and how they broke into the hospital. Police warn-" Mrs. Moliere turned the radio off, not being able to bear listening to it any longer as she did her best not to break into tears. It tore her up seeing Thad's mother this way, and even more to think of what her son was going through. She was tired, having stayed at Sires' home all night, knowing that Nyp could manage being home alone for one night.

Nyp slowly ate his breakfast, still in tears over what had happened. He dragged his feet the whole way to the sink where he placed his breakfast dishes, heading back up to his room on the second floor. He whimpered as he got dressed, wishing his mother would get home so he could have someone to hold him. He felt sick to the stomach, and the food didn't seem to help, nor did it seem to worsen how he felt. He slowly went down the stairs, his ears flicking slightly when he heard a knock at the door.

He made his way to the door and unlocked it and opening it, too depressed to even think of asking who it was before opening the door. His eyes literally bulged wider when he saw Thad standing at the entrance of the house.

"THAD!" Came Nyp's excited cry. "I...I thought you....you were..." He trailed off, not being able to bring himself to say that one word. He couldn't contain himself though and ran up and hugged his friend, feeling worlds better as held the snow leopard in the hug.

"You...you wanna do something?" He asked, releasing Thad from the hug. As he waited for a response he noticed that Thad's body was sagging a bit, as if his body was too heavy for him to lift. He moved out of the way of the door, somehow sensing that something wasn't right with his friend.

Without a word Thad stepped inside and stopped a few feet in the house. He didn't say anything, just stood there, body draping. As he stood there Nyp finally noticed that Thad was wearing the same things as yesterday, only there was blood stains on parts of him.

"What happened?" He asked, closing the door and relocking it. "Did something happen?" He asked again, sounding a little more worried this time, almost completely forgetting what had happened yesterday. "Come on...let's go up to my room," he said, wishing Thad would say something to him. He ran up the stairs and waited as Thad slowly followed.

Mrs. Moliere pulled into the driveway of her home. She got out and slowly walked t the front door, finding comfort in the fact it was still locked. She used her house key to unlock it and open the door. "Nyp! I'm home hunny," she called out, taking her shoes off as she did so. Once there was no response she started looking around curiously. "Nyp?" She called again, looking all over the ground floor of the house. "He must still be asleep..." She said to herself softly, heading up the stairs and seeing light coming from the cracks of his door. She walked up to his door and knocked softly before cracking it open to peer inside. "Nyp, hunny? How are you feeling?" She asked, looking into the room as she spoke.

A blood curdling scream filled the house as Mrs. Moliere saw her pup lying on the floor covered in blood. "NYYYP!" She screamed, rushing to his body and kneeling at it. "Nyp! Say something! NYP!" She cried out. The seconds ticked by, and neither sound nor movement was made by Nyp.

Nyp...." She said one more time, picking him up and hugging his body against her body. "Nyp....no...not my baby..." She cried out. She stayed that way, tears falling from her face as she cried, holding her one and only child against her. A puddle of her tears formed on the floor, ripples being sent through it every time a tear hit. The puddle started to take on a red hue, the red spreading as more and more of Mrs. Moliere's blood dripped from her mouth. Her face was now a mixed expression of horror, shock and grief. Her arms slackened, Nyp's body falling back to the floor, a white snake being revealed coming from his mouth, its head covered in blood. A bloody hole could be made out on Mrs. Moliere's body; it was the shape of a snakes head and was centered just above her stomach.

"Nyp..." she managed to say, it coming out weakly. She watched in horror as several snakes slipped their way out of Nyp and made their way towards her. She didn't move though, her gaze focusing on her son's face. He was looking at her now, but his face was blank, both eyes glazed over, lifeless and uncaring. The snakes slithered up her arms and entered the hole that was made on her chest. One final tear rolled down her cheek before a sharp pain ran through her body, the snakes biting into her heart. She forced her limbs to move, moving over and laying down next to Nyp, wrapping her arms around him and holding him against her body one last time as darkness ate away at her vision.

-One week later-

Smoke rose from several homes and businesses, car wrecks could be seen just about everywhere on the road. Corpses laid on the streets, the only life that could be seen was the few carrion birds who remained to feast on the dead, and the snakes that controlled corpses of countless victims. Sires was held up in her home, one of the few living furs in the city.

"The government claims it will be able to contain the creatures that are spreading out from Icebere. Though until a plan has been made, they urge all citizens to remain locked up wherever they are, help will arrive in short time. Little has been learned about these creatures, but every sample that the government gets brings it closer to finding out what exactly-" The radio suddenly turned off, the batteries inside dying. They had been the last of her batteries. She kicked the radio, balling her fists up and hitting the wall, now being without any information about what was happening. She hadn't heard from her husband since her son's death, and she had given up hope for him. She let out a whimper, feeling more depressed each day.

She started going through the cans of food she had, searching through them for something to eat and settle her stomach. A knock came from the front door, making her stop. She looked at the door when the knock came again. She grabbed the baseball bat she had kept near her for protection and walked slowly towards the door. Before she could finish her third step the door fell down, weakened by several other attacks by those creatures. She fell to her knees when the fur behind the door was revealed. All of the pain she had been going through forgotten as hope filled her body, the bat falling from her paw and rolling away from her a bit. Tears welled up in her eyes joy filled her body. She stuttered a few times before she was able managed to get out a single word. "Thad..."