Catnundrum. Chapter Eight.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Eight

By Roofles

"Did you like see that!" Simon said as the show came to a close. The Siamese looked over at the dog who perked up as he was finally recognized before frowning once more as those blue eyes darted back to TV. "Holy balls, man. I can't believe she was like. Oh my balls!" The cat just said, his face broken in a large smile as his ears stood up and large blue eyes looked at the dog.

"Balls indeed." Rob replied rolling his eyes. He didn't see the fixation with the show. It was just a bunch of crazy cats in suits doing crazy things while wearing suits. Whoring out, stabbing each other in the back, doing drugs, killing people and over all just being in suits. The dog saw no appeal with it and was bored the whole hour of the show. Getting only some respite during the commercials where in which Simon would gladly talk to him, even if it was about the show. Rob did enjoy the cats entertainment on the matter.

"Gah!" Simon threw his arms up before collapsing backwards. "I have to wait a whole week before the next episode comes out." He kicked his legs out and just laid out as if dead.

Rob reached over to scratch his belly making the cat sit up.

"Whoa there," Simon said moving back a bit. "The hell?"

"Right, right." Rob rolled his eyes once more. "No belly rubs."

"I don't know how you like being touched like that. It's so...uncomfortable." Simon frowned at him trying to make heads or tails on the matter. Rob didn't point out how the cat melted in his fingers when his head was scratched. At least he knew what to do to make the cat become putty in his hands. Rob was too distracted about thinking of all the ways to use this to notice the cat staring. He ears folded back when he did and his eyes widen slightly.

"Your so purrrty." Simon mimicked what Rob had said earlier, far better as his voice rumbled with a purr as he spoke. Simon cracked a smile and laughed looking away. "Hell, I never thought I'd be here."

"On my bed?" Rob said teasingly as he scooted over a bit.

"In your apartment." Simon chuckled.

"Fantasize about me often?" Rob continued to press, tail wagging. He wouldn't mind if Simon pawed to him at night, he'd take it as a compliment.

"Being with a dog." Simon said somewhat bluntly bursting the hopes and dreams of the canine who fell disheartened by his words. "I mean if it was anyone else," Rob perked up slightly at that. Simon just shook his head and laughed, blushing a bit. "So thank you, Rob for that."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Rob tail wagged and he smiled broadly, his black lips curling up into a smile as he beamed, glowing at the smaller male next to him. "I'm glad you could be here."

"With a dog?" Simon asked with a chuckle looking at him.

"On my bed." Rob teased some more and got a playful swipe from the cat.

"Well it's not as sticky as I thought it'd be." Simon said almost disappointed as he felt at the bare sheetless mattress around them. Rob folded his ears back trying not to think about the dirty sheets in his room. The cat laughed seeing the dogs face. "I'm teasing, teasing." Simon said pawing at him some more. Rob just moved a bit closer making the cat withdraw his hand.

The large rottweiler was sitting next to the almost foot shorter cat who was busy preoccupying himself with an interesting spot of light in the corner. The curtains were closed but still some light slipped in. The cat looked over at them as a muzzle bumped into the side of his face, in the crook where his muzzle met his neck and just under his ear.

Rob closed his eyes sniffing at the cat, bumping into his cheek once more. His lips spread apart and a pink tongue lolled out to lick underneath the cat's muzzle. Simon didn't withdraw, shiver or react so Rob continued enjoying himself in the moment. Kissing at his cheek and dragging a hand up his somewhat boney back. His lean body straightened at the dog's touch and Simon moved his head to the side a bit more opening up the spot for the dog to kiss and lick.

Teeth were bared and with it Rob nipped lightly at the cat's neck, tasting that fur in his muzzle and pulling at the somewhat loose skin underneath. He nipped once more, kissing at his lower jaw and gruffly exhaling out a deep grumbling breath of satisfaction. His other hand drifted up from the cat's thigh to paw at his chest aimlessly. At the V shape of the dark brown markings of the natural mask the cat wore.

The scent was light, faint and submissive. Rob devoured that smell, that musky male odor of the cat next to him. The dog resisted the impulse of literally just rolling all over him so that his own musk was all over him. Rob was sure the cat wouldn't mind. "Hey bud let me just strip you down and roll over over you until you smell like dog." Yeah, that'd go over well.

Simon moved down as if hearing those words, laying on his side. Rob gladly joined him, nuzzling up behind him and fitting in every crook and bend of the cat's body as if he were Simon's missing puzzle piece. Even his hefty bulge fit perfectly just under the cat's rump, pressing against him and for all sake and purposes dry humping him. The dog's knees fit just behind Simons and his paws rested underneath the cat, as if Simon were wearing an odd pair of dog sandals. Rob pressed his chest firmly behind the cat easily able to rest his muzzle on top of the felines head, between his ears, if he so chose too.

Rob had no desire to stop.

His thin black lips sealed tightly shut, pressing lightly along the cat's neck and shoulder as Rob slowly began covering him in sweet pecking kisses. Using one arm as a pillow for the cat's head and the other to drape over him like a blanket. Trying to ignore his awkward forming boner, Rob continued to kiss down the cat's neck back to his shoulder. Those lips parted lightly and with a light dab began letting the flat spongy end of his tongue touch the cat's fur, to press down against his flesh and pull back just as quickly as if to lick each hickey the dog had given him.

Simon's eyes closed as he rolled his head over exposing his neck fully to that tongue. He just enjoyed the warm feel of the dog's body, trying to ignore the plump bulge pressing against his rump right under his tail, and just savor this sentimental moment. To thick he, a cat, was here with him, a dog. Just two friends cuddling like this out in the open (of Rob's living room). It was...

Nice. He felt safe like this. Warm and slightly aroused. It was pleasant and the strong muscular body behind him was unyielding, firm and snug. Fitting so perfectly behind him, forming to his body as he was held so securely in that strong sheltering hold. Even as that large muzzle dipped down to slide underneath his own and nose up at him a bit as if the dog were trying to get his attention. And all Rob was after was to try and get as close as possible to his smaller friend, to share with him his warmth and comfort and the feeling of utter bliss that washed over him like a gentle breeze that stirred a fondness within the dog. A devotion that grew and formed and from this moment in the dog that would never be able to look at his friend, this Siamese cat, as nothing less than a true genuine companion. Something only a dog could fully understand or comprehend, a packmate.

"Here," Simon finally spoke up unsure how long he had been laying there like that. He might've drifted off for hours of sleep for all he knew, finally stirring and waking up. "Let me just..." He trailed off as he pulled away, if only slightly.

The dog instinctively tightened his grip before having to will himself to let the cat go, lifting his arm up a bit and pulling his head back to watch what the cat had in mind.

Simon turned around. For a moment he looked into that face. Droopy ears, large muzzle and head, huge muddy pools underneath mahogany eyebrows. Whiskers twitched at that cat's slit pupil gaze. The dog folded his ears back as a hand slowly, timidly raised up to touch the side of that muzzle. Feeling those whiskers amongst his fingers, and with padded fingers brush against the dog's almost waxy fur muzzle. Down over his cheek to fall onto his broad, strong shoulder.

Simon broke his gaze and moved closer, nuzzling down into the crook of Rob's neck. Right underneath his muzzle and to rest his chin on the dog's shoulder, next to his hand that wouldn't move as if it had gone numb at feeling that strong shoulder. The cat moved closer, hesitant unsure what he really had in mind to do here. A hand touch his back and Rob gave him an encouraging hug, pulling him the rest of the way. Simon felt meek in comparison to the dog.

He wasn't thin, just lean like most cats naturally were. And in contrast the dog was broad and heavy like most rottweilers were. Large chest, broad shoulders, strong arms and powerful legs left the cat in contrast as a small twig.

The sound of that powerful heartbeat loudly thumped against his chest silencing that worrying voice inside. Simon just closed his eyes letting his doubts go as the heavy sound of the dog's breathing, added with the soft rising and falling chest, the sound of that beating heart and the tinged of musk seeping from the dog's chest were all soothing, relaxing and all around comforting aspects that the cat never knew he was missing. Until now.

That warm body, that strong grip, the sound of his heart and the feel of his touch rubbing his back; how those legs fought with his own before tangling up entangling together and how the dog was the one to pull back as Simon pressed his groin against him. And how the dog was the one to shake slightly, nervously so before pushing back happily against him and feeling, hearing that vibrating murr from the man he was held by. That this was what was missing from his life. Something he hadn't known was missing until he found it. In him. In Rob, this dog.

Simon licked at that vast chest, grooming his fur lightly with his tongue. And in turn the dog held him with both arms, enclosing him in his embrace, nuzzling down at him and planting a fat wet kiss right over the side of his face.

"Urgh, dog breath." Simon grumbled folding his ears back trying to lighten the mood, the ease this tension that was still forming inside.

"You'll come to love it." Rob grumbled back in reply, his deep husky voice rumbling in his chest before rolling out of his muzzle. Simon blushed at feeling those words from the spot his muzzle was pressing against. He licked at that spot once more. Getting another rumbling murr in reply as if the dog was trying to say thank you for that.

"There are many things I like. That is not one of them." Simon replied pawing at his chest a bit. Stupid muscular dog, he thought spitefully. It made him just want to nuzzle against that thick furry chest and lose himself in the feel of him once more.

"Oh? Such as?" Rob teased rubbing a hand down his back somewhat roughly and was rewarded with the cat pushing into him, tail lifting up and out as Simon was the one to murr in reply. Rob mentally put that down as another one of those 'sweet spots' to pet.

"Well your large hands, for one." Simon flushed a bit as he got another large pet in return.

"And my large paws, right?" Rob chuckled. Simon folded his ears back as the chest against him shook in that deep laughter.

"Bigger is better right?" Simon chuckled. He was moved back a bit as Rob looked down at him, meeting those powder blue eyes.

"Then have I got something to show you!" Rob grinned widely, saying it with such great enthusiasm that Simon flushed even more. Rob promptly opened his muzzle and rolled his large tongue out making Simon groan, rolling his eyes. Then groan again in protest as the whole side of his face and muzzle and neck was slurped up by that tongue.

"Gah, more dog breath." Simon waved a hand in his face as if to blow the smell away. He smiled as the dog chuckled.

Rob grinned a bit wickedly and closed his lips, blowing through them as if trying to whistle. Blowing a smooth breath against Simon's face. The cat's ears splayed out and his eyes closed. He mrowed softly as Rob blew again, moving closer a bit.

"Shtop," Simon mrowed wanting to pull back but was held firmly by both of Rob's hands. Rob blew once more, moving closer after wards. Only when Simon opened his eyes did he see how close the dog had come.

Gasping a bit, Simon's lips opened and in turn the dog blew some more before pressing his lips against the cats and filling his muzzle with his breath. Sealing his warm, tender lips around the cats soft, velvety smooth luscious ones Rob pressed roughly against him forcing both his breath and tongue into his maw so that Simon had to taste him. Breathe in his breath and in turn Simon's defenses collapsed, breaking down and Rob was able to give everything to the cat as he rolled slightly onto him, pressing him down against the springing mattress and share with him his dog breath.

What was a tender, sweet almost innocent moment had turned into a raunchy display of physical expression as the cat opened his muzzle and the dog turned his head and the whole muzzles sealed together as one. Tongues dancing, and swirling in one maw into the other and all inbetween as both saliva and breaths were shared and teeth, fangs brushed against one another as they smacked lips as if the two were trying to nip at each other. Yet met in the middle to seal their lips once more passionate, unbridled fevor of lust as the dog was able to share with him everything that had built up. Letting it pour out into that willing, open muzzle and to seal it shut with his own so Simon had to except it. Swallow and devour his affection.

Rob moved over more, pressing Simon onto his back and laying above him on his knees and arms, using a hand to hold that muzzle in place as he panted hotly into the maw that was still sealed around his own. Licking and tasting that muzzle once more Rob grunted, pulled back and closed his eyes, dipping his muzzle down as he clenched his jaw shut and savored, soaked in this moment and feeling and let it fill his entire being with that excitement. Clenching at the mattress with his fingers and splaying his toes, tail wagging quickly Rob opened his eyes to look down at the cat.

Simon had his arms up and over his head, laying back and panting open maw the tip of his tongue curling slightly to match Rob's (even if that rough grooved tongue didn't leave his own short muzzle). His eyes were closed and his fur was matted in places, sticking out in other and overall looked in utter bliss from their messy, rough foreplay. His very face seemed to drip one single word that made the dog practically swallow his own tongue. Sex.

It was soft but Simon was dripping of that raw animal masculinity that was beginning to fill the very air around them as their hot, sweaty bodies panted in the open air. Rob's own musk was strong and seemed to fog around as it continued to build up with his arousal. It was beginning to weign slightly as they had stopped, taking a moment of to recollect their thoughts.

But Rob didn't want that. To stop this. To let the cat be able to think that he might not want this. If Simon said something that'd be fine. If he stopped him he could resist. But even if that was to be the case he was going to make this moment last as long as he possibly could.

Stuffing his very snout into the crook of the cat's arm, Rob groaned loudly sniffing and snorting at that strong male scent of the cat - glad he hadn't offered him his deodorant now. It was thick, strong and that sweaty pit was able to refuel is dying flame. Claws digging at the mattress once more as a deep low, rumbling groan shook in his chest.

"Fuck." Rob panted. He was loving this. Being here with him was so exhilarating. So intoxicating and engrossing. He could lose himself in this, and gladly so. "Simon." He huffed the word, nearly grunting it. "I have to take my briefs off." He said in almost a whine, the constraining object nearly strangling his head at this point.

"O-ok." Simon nodded as the dog pulled back to look down at him. He was the nervous one now, shaking in anticipation and in a daunting fear. But this was Robbie. Rob! One of his best friends... Simon took a moment on that, when the hell did THAT happen? He folded his ears, splaying them to the side as the dog laced a thumb into his black briefs and with a grunt pulled them down.

The first thing to hit him was that musk. Such a strong contained smell that poured free. If Simon ever thought of his own stench as manly it was nothing in comparison to the dog. The second thing to hit him was that 'liquid' musk of the dog's pre that was already dripping from his half exposed tip.

It fell down onto Simon's stomach and as that deep, pulsing red tint of the dog's shaft jumped in his enthralled lust, squirted up onto his chest and a single drop landed on his whiskers.

"Sorry." Rob panted, drooling himself at this point and his deep rising breaths made his glistening throbbing member fell up and down still leaking profusely. "I dribble. A lot." He said as if to remind him of his warming.

"No, no that's fine." Simon tried to say as his eyes crossed to look at the dab of pre sliding down from the tip of his whiskers to bump into his muzzle and begin to ooze down. Swallowing loudly he opened his muzzle up and licked at that spot getting a jolt from the first taste of that bitter, salty release. "I just...need to take off my shirt." He said almost stammering a bit as he brought his arms back down to lift up the white T-shirt he had on. It wasn't his, he didn't want to get dog...pre and so he would be...soaked in it. Simon wasn't really following his brain head at this moment though.

"Oh, ok." Rob said almost stunned by his reply. Rob had guiltily wished anyways that he hadn't given the cat any clothes. But this worked too.

So standing a bit, stark nude, Rob helped his friend undress all the way down to his own (that weren't even his) briefs. Rob's tail wagged at the dampness on the front of them and gladly scooped them up to be discarded to the side. The dog planned on sniffing those later.

Simon tried to ignore the slightly rigid, plump dog that was almost in his face as he lifted his hips up to slide his shorts and briefs off. That heavy canine sack swung beneath his half empty sheath, the orbs swaying back and forth almost hypnotically.

"Wait," Simon managed to choke out stopping the dog who had planned on sitting down again. Rob looked down to see he cat staring at his groin. His ears folded back and he grinned guilty as he reached out to rub the back of the cat's head.

"Go on," he coaxed in that deep voice nearly begging the cat to do it. To touch him and love him in that sweet musky spot.

Simon almost didn't hear the words from above as his snout moved closer, nose twitching before bumping into the first of the two orbs. Rob stopped, freezing above as he took a loud sharp breath that hissed through his clenched teeth. That small black nose bumped again into that stationary orb, sliding over that musky smooth flesh between the two and press into that fuzzy folds of the dog's sack. Taking a slow, shaking breath Simon felt his own fur stand on end from that scent.

Rob could only rub a bit more behind the cat's head. He reached down with his other hand, unable to stop himself. Lifting his own sack up and over he let it drop onto the cat's muzzle. One orb rolling down between his eyes and the other sagging off to the side. Rob swallowed once more as his half exposed member began to slide free of the emptying sheath. Pre slide down over his stiffening dog hood and ran down over his sheath, before sliding down on his sack to fall onto Simon's face.

"Fuck." Rob muttered from above cock twitched and wanting nothing more than to finish right there. The rottweiler found himself swallowing once more, nervously as he bent his knees to press his groin against that face.

Slowly he guiding Simon back down as he draped that dark brown mask with his black furred sack, feeling his nose slide underneath against his taint and those lips to kiss between his thighs. Rob could only groan, rolling his thick neck back and tip his muzzle skywards to thank the unseen god above for this glorious moment.

Two arms reached up and at first Rob feared the worse, that they were to push him off. But, clenching his teeth, those fingers curled around his rump digging into it with exposed claws. Rob relaxed a second later, panting open maw before clenching his teeth once more as that scratchy tongue pulled at his taint, licking underneath it and tasting his rich undiluted male body.

Rob humped the empty air in front of him unable to help himself, and groaned as his sack just ending up pushing more into that willing face that was crammed between his flexing thighs. His rear clenched tightly as he whined to himself, his aching need only more pronounced now as his knot swelled in the base of his full shaft that was still rocking back and forth (against his stomach now) as he panted hotly trying to cool his this fever.

It was sweaty, dank and Simon couldn't see a thing around that musky flesh resting over his eyes now. He could smell it though that raw animalism of the dog, taste it on his tongue as though strong thighs rubbing at the side of his muzzle compressing his snout firmly, trapping it in fact against that spot. And he didn't care. His body ached and groaned as he clawed at the dog's firm, flexing rear pulling him down a bit more against him and just groaning from the very core, the very pit of his body giving into it all. Succumbing to that forbidden temptation and loving every second of it.

Rob was the first to pull back, this was mainly due to the forming protest leaking down over his friend, his partners face. The rottweiler didn't even wait before dropping down onto all fours and pressing against him, grinding his rigid shaft against the cats. Wrapping his arms around him Rob pressed his lips against him once more trying to rid himself of this building pressure inside. Simon just wrapped his arms around his thick neck and let the dog slowly rock back and forth with him on the mattress that squeaked and protested at their combined weight.

"Oh Simon, Simon, oh fuck. Simon." Rob just panted, groaning each word around their kisses, still rocking back and forth, humping against the cat's groin and rubbing that barbed shaft against his. Simon could feel that thick knot resting just above his own sack, as the dog's fell between his spread legs. That knot rubbed back and forth with these slow sensual grindings as the dog reached down to grab hold of both their leaking bodies with his large padded hand and hold them together as he continued.

Rob huffed, panted and groan loudly filling the small apartment. The cat was beginning to pick up as an animal sound filled his body as his barbs flared out and scraped against the dog's dripping shaft that was begin to coat both of theirs now, still leaking down over his bare exposed stomach now and soak that rich liquid musk into his fur. Simon just hugged around his neck going with the motion of the larger male, just enjoying the ride.

Simon opened his maw and bit up at the dog, licking and gnawing on his neck before clamping down tightly around it as Rob picked up his speed a bit, giving long full body grinding humps. His shaft twitched, jumping his own grip and spread a bit more over Simon's chest getting a low, deep groan from both. Rob's just deepened as those claws gripped at his thick hide some more.

"You like that, huh?" Rob grunted humping a bit faster. "Where do you want me to come?"

Simon's maw let go and he reached up, moving his snout to press against that floppy ear. "All over me, cover me in you puppy juices." And with a whine and a nod, Rob did just that.