Catnundrum. Chapter Nine.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Nine.

By Roofles

Simon spat like a fountain as he wiped his eyes off and looked down at his sticky chest. The dog had indeed done just that and ribbons of white had cascaded over his stomach and chest, over his shoulder and sprayed him in the face like a blown water pipe. Leaving the disheveled cat to just frown afterward. Simon had lost his voice. If only for the several moments in the after glow. Trying to focus on anything but that 'wet' feeling all over.

"That was...different." Simon said and as he spoke more of that thick broth dribbled from his mouth and down his chin and onto his chest to collect with the rest pooling on his lower abdomen. The dog was still panting, wide maw, tongue draping out and seemed to be in a world of his own.

Fireworks had broken throughout his skull as his body released itself with so much inertia Rob feared he'd topple backwards. And didn't give a damn if he did or not. On that note the dog rested onto his side, rolling onto his back next to the cat still panting and breathing heavily with lung filled gasps of air as if he had just finished a marathon.

Simon licked his muzzle a bit, before lifting up an arm and stopped only a few inches away from his wrist. He mrowed softly looking at the mess wanting to lick his fur clean and not wanting to at the same time. And all but ignoring the dog next to him.

"You," Rob panted turning his head to the side to look at him. "Look good in white." His black lips curled as he smiled, open maw at the cat. Who then proceed to take a hand full of the stuff and flick at the dog. Rob just closed his eyes, opened them and licked his muzzle clean not in the least bothered. "Your not one of those guys who think spooge is icky are you?"

"Nope." Simon said wiping his own cheek off, unfortunately with the very hand he just flicked dog spooge with and ended up just smearing more onto it, several of his whiskers sticking back to it. "I just think you are."

"Dogs." Rob corrected grinning some more, tail wagging. "Dogs are icky. I'm fan-fucking-tastic!" He barked loudly rubbing his back on the mattress and growling happily obviously enjoying himself greatly.

Simon rolled his eyes, and swallowing his pride, proceeded to lick his arms and hands clean of the bitter, salty taste.

Rob looked back over at him, evening out of breath (though he keep sniffing loudly at the wonderful stench around them) and watched the cat work. "I told you I dribble a lot." Rob said as if to apologize but the massive grin stapled onto his face didn't even waver as he spoke. His stub of a tail just continued to wag.

"I was joking." Simon just splayed his ears as he switched arms, licking it over with closed eyes.

"About?" Rob asked lifting an eyebrow and watching him. He wondered if he asked, would the cat lick, every inch of him, clean.

"Where to put it." Simon lifting up one of his bare legs and began trying to clean them off, even Rob felt jealous about the flexibility of the cat as that leg stretched out seemingly elongation twice its natural length.

"Put what?" Rob asked, tilting his head to the side with a quizzical look and watching the cat work with a fixation.

Simon didn't even reply, as the spooge covered cat looked over at him. "I'm taking a shower." Simon just said as he got up, heading towards the bathroom and trying to ignore the drippings.

"I can help." Rob offered scrambling to his feet and hopping over the side of the mattress fort to join him, tail wagging, with a hopeful grin.

Simon laughed and just shook his head, "I think I can mange." He added a smile and a wink before closing the bathroom door.

"Oh, ok!" Rob said over the shower that had turned on. "I'll get some cloths for you then." The dog stayed where he stood outside the door as if waiting for it to open so he could join him. The dog wanted to scratch at the door, with both hands until it opened but just bowed his head and headed over to his room dragging his paws as he went.

Rob just came back in far better spirits as he manhandled the door knob before it popped open, the lock never working properly. Rob stuck his snout in before asking permission.

"Fine." Was all Simon said in reply washing his hair enjoying the fact he had room this time around in the shower. He stuck his head out as he saw the dog standing around before quickly shutting the curtain once more.

"Careful," Rob warned before flushing the toilet and started washing his hands. He chuckled as a loud annoyed cat cat clung to the other side of the shower as the water abruptly changed temperature on him.

"Rob." Simon hissed as the dog quickly slipped out.

"Serves you right for not inviting me in." Rob just replied after the door shut. He wiped his chest off a bit from their exploits and licked his fingers. His tail wagged as he tasted the cat mixed in. "Do you want to play some games?" Rob asked leaning back against the door now and inspecting his dull nails aimlessly. There was a thump from behind him as a shampoo bottle hit the door. "Is that a yes or no?"

No reply but the shower cut off shortly after.

"Rob." A voice came from behind the door and Rob grinned as he opened it once more, sticking his snout inside.

"Yes?" He held the last letter out hissing like a snake.

"What in blue blazings is this?" The Siamese cat held up Rob's old jockstrap from his football days.

"It's the only clean underwear I have." Rob offered opening the door up a bit more, ears lifted up as he smiled warmly, innocently at the cat.

"There's no back to it." Simon said as he looked the straps over.

"There isn't suppose to be." Rob just shrugged in reply.

"Oh." And with that the cat lifted up a leg and slid one in. Rob's tail wagged the whole time, glad he had worn it just the other day. "It's warm..." Simon frowned at the dog.

"In all the right places." Rob winked and looked him over.

Bare, lean but muscular tan thighs were strapped in the tight fitting black straps of the dog's underwear. A white strap clung, forming over the cat's groin, underneath and around his legs. Rob got a good view of the tan fur rear as Simon looked behind himself, tail swaying back and forth.

"And where's the rest of it?" Simon accusingly asked looking at the dog once more.

"Of what?" Rob tilted his large, broad head to the side once more with that bewildered look on his face.

"The clothing." Simon gestured to his legs and chest. "You know. Shirt and pants."

"Oh, well you won't need that." Rob said as if it were for the cat's benefit. "The apartments warm and its just the two of us."

"Of course." Simon said grabbing the towel to continue drying his fur off. "And yours?" The cat asked looking over at the naked dog.

The front of his was covered in that thick winter coat of black fur. Mahogany hands scratched at that forming six pack before drifting down to scratch at his black furred groin. His inner things were of that same shade of mahogany that turned to black before reaching down to his paws that shifted back to that mahogany color. "My what?" Rob asked lifted a brown marked eyebrow at the cat, the tip of his ears were a similar color.

"Cloths!" Simon said loudly but laughed covering his face. He kept drying his arms as the dog watched, tail wagging from the sound of his laughter.

"Let me help." Rob said reaching over to manhandle the towel away from him, turn him around and closing the already short distance between the two began drying his front.

Simon chuckled a bit, splaying his ears as that thick sheath ran between his exposed cheeks. "Don't you have a furdryer?" Simon meowed softly as those strong, able fingers rubbed over his arms and shoulders, down his sound before lacing in the front of him to meet together and hug him against the grinding dog. A broad muzzle nuzzled along the crook of the cat's neck to sigh loudly underneath it.

"Nope." Rob just replied sniffing at him lightly and smelling the warm scent of male under his damp fur.

"Then what do you use to dry yourself with." Simon said trying to ignore his own aching full sheath at this time as rob continued to press against him from behind, forming to the curve in his back and around the hump of his butt sealing their bodies together. Simon shivered trying not to think what it would be like, in this position, to be tied with the dog so.

"WHEN I shower," the dog said smacking his lips together and yawning loudly right next to the cat's face. "I usually just stay naked and laze out in the sun on the patio." Those strong arms tightened around him giving him another strong hug and practically lifting him off his feet as the dog rumbled happily, finding the perfect snuggle buddy in his smaller feline friend.

"Is that so?" Simon said unsure what else to say. When the dog showered, walking around naked all day, sunning himself on the 'patio' (which was just the small balcony outside his apartment), all these things just made the cat flush a bit trying not to picture his friend in such a light. Trying to just be chill, relax on all of this even if this dog had just marked (all over him) only roughly an hour ago.

A large warm tongue licked at the side of his face only deepening the blush filling his head.

"So games, huh?" Simon said a bit loudly, squeaking a bit at the end trying to change the subject and get the dog from sliding that full sheath up and down his crack, it fit a little too well. Was a little too comfortable. And Simon was sure he could stay like that for a good, long time. Which brought his mind back to being tied to the foot taller, far thicker dog that was still holding, grinding against him.

"Yup." Rob grumbled but didn't show any kind of inclination of letting go.

"So..." Simon began tapping the end of his pink padded fingers together, drumming them on top of the dog's hands still around him. "Games." He said the word again to stress the point out.

He got a grumble in reply.

So wading backwards, dog leg next to his own Simon managed to backtrack them out of the bathroom and towards the living room. Once out of the hallway the dog let go, crouching down and picking the cat up. Simon clung to the dog at the sudden action and mrowed loudly as he was basically tossed onto the mattress, the dog jumping on top of him afterward.

This soon turned into a faux wrestling bout as the two struggled against one another for who would be on top (in the dog's mind anyways the cat was just trying to get the dog off of him). And ended, not surprisingly, with a rather large rottweiler lazing out across the cat. This wouldn't have been so much of an issue for Simon if he hadn't been laying on his stomach. The exposed rear once more with a plump sheath grinding against it. Which was, to say the least, extremely distracting to the cat who was trying not to scratch or bite at the mattress under him.

Rob nuzzled down at him, pressing his heavy weight against him and letting out a deep throaty murr. Stubby sausage fingers slid between the cat's and the heavy paws laid just behind his own as as large muzzle bumping, panting at the side of the his face. Simon struggled a bit only making the dog wag his tail more, ears lifting up as he looked at the cat who folded his ears back and licked at that broad muzzle. Rob folded his ears back and bumped his black bumpy wet nose against the cat who bump back.

Rob pulled back to bite at his ears making the cat mrow low. Stubby sausage fingers slid between Simon's and his hands with held tightly forced against the mattress. And in turn pressing his nose right against part of the aftermath of the hour before.

Simon recoiled, smacking the back of his head against the dog's chin who pulled back with a whine rubbing the end of his snout (slight tears in his eyes), before wagging his tail as Simon clung to him.

"The hell?" The first word was rough in a low growl but a higher pitch whined followed with the next as Rob asked what the problem was and halfway through his sentence the cat clung to him. Which made his heart pound loudly in his barrel chest and paws begin to sweat as he looked down at the startled cat.

"I thought you cleaned up in here." Simon said accusingly after licking the end of his own nose clean.

Rob was still confused on the matter until looking over the small male. "Oh." Rob frowned, brow scrunching up and moved the cat away a bit, holding his arms with both of his large hands and looking down into his face. "Really. Seriously. THAT. Was the problem?"

Simon looked into those angry eyes, still a bit teary from the sharp pain in his chin. Folding his ears back, eyes going wide Simon said a single thing. "Meow."

Rob groaned and hugged him tightly and rocked him back and forth in his arms and making sure to keep that nose, under arm and pressed (without consent) into his armpit. Simon wasn't sure, after a shower, how the dog still smelled so strong. Flushing his ears splayed out as he was rocked back and forth, crushed against the dog's firm chest.

"We'll just..." Rob moved one of his naked legs over several times using his toes to slide a blanket over it. "Cover that up." And began trying to cover up the rest before slowly laying back down on his tummy, cat underneath, back onto the mattress. "Is that better Mr. Kitty cat."

Simon glared at him, still stuck in his strong grip (and showing no signs of trying to escape) and shot him daggers. The large rottweiler's broad head just moved over and slurped at the side of his whole head as his black stubby tail wagged and, turning on his side, began cuddling the cat again. Until the two fell asleep.

Simon had a warm, musky dream about being trapped in a rather thick blanket that no matter how hard he struggle would just entangle itself around him once more and trap him against that warm musky scent once more. No matter how hard he pushed, scratched or bit. He wasn't sure why the blanket could yip though.

Rob just dreamt of rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens...