Unseen love- Chapter One

Story by yumiwolf on SoFurry

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Story is about how one couples love stands strong through a lot.

Chapter 1

It was about 7am and I had finally finished my shift at the hospital, I collected my belongings from the break room before walking out to the employee parking lot. I dug in my pocket for my small car remote pressing the button to unlock the doors as I got close. I opened the back door throwing my bag and coat in the back before shutting the door and opening the door to the driver side door and getting inside. I rode in a Mustang GT series, My parents bought it for me as a graduation present when I finished high school. Little after I got accepted to medical school, they were so proud of me. I shut the door with a yawn before sticking the key in the ignition and turning the car over as it roared with life. I sighed softly as I backed out of my parking space and made my way out of the lot and onto the road. As I began to drive I turned on my phone to check my messages, not even two seconds after my phone had been turned on and I was already getting a call. I pushed talk putting the phone to my ear as I kept a steady speed of 20/MPH "Hello?" I said speaking into the receiver.

"Hiroshi, where are you? I've been trying to reach you for hours!" she yelled into the phone, I slightly moved it away from my ear replying

"Kitty I just got off work...can this wait?" I asked

"No! Can you come over?" She asked with a small sniffle, I mentally rolled my eyes as I sat at a red light thinking it over.

"What have you done now Kitty?" I reached up and rubbed my eyebrows as I spoke,

"I just need you please Hiroshi?" The green light showed and I proceeded to drive once more.

"Fine atleast give me a few hours than..." She gave a happy purr

"Alright call me when you are on your way!" she hung up on that happy note. I pressed end before throwing the phone in the passenger seat and kept driving home.

It had taken an hour to get home due to the rush hour traffic of people who were on there way to work. When I got home I dropped my things by the door and took off all my clothes but my boxers throwing them in the laundry basket that say by the kitchen to wash. I sat on the couch laying down with a huge yawn before turning on TV, I began to flip channels looking for something to watch until I fell asleep. I looked at my watch almost forgetting I needed to get up in a few hours, it was only eight am I began to set an alarm for two hours before pulling the blanket that lay on the back of the couch over me. I turned over listening to the sounds of the TV as I fell asleep, I began to dream about how my life use to be with my parents and brother.

The dream was in slow motion, I had no idea how long I was sleep but it wasn't until I heard the small chime from my watch notifying me it had been two hours already. I opened my eyes slowly looking around the empty living room, the only noise brought to this dead place was the TV, and the ticking of the clocks. I sighed rubbing my eyes as I sat up turning off the TV and getting up. I made my way to the back room of my tiny apartment, I got out my standard black jeans and Red T-shirt getting dress to meet Kitty. When I was finished dressing I stood in the mirror my eyes flashing from a golden/yellow color back to its original color gray. I walked back to the front room grabbing my keys from the table and walking out the front door making sure it was locked before I ran down to my parking space jumping in my car. I started it up and took off toward Kitty's house my phone was still in the passenger seat, I picked it up and dialed kittys number to let her know I was on my way. But when I turned the phone back on I realized I had eight missed calls all from kitty, I chuckled softly to myself before calling her back. It didn't take her long to pick up the phone

"Hiroshi! are you coming over now?" she asked the excitement clear in her voice

"Yea Kitty I'm on my way honey" I told her with another small chuckle

"The doors open when you get here" she purred out before hanging up the phone. I kept my phone in hand as I drove, thinking about the things I needed to do today before tonight's graveyard shift. Traffic was normal for the time being so it made the trip to Kitty's huge house a bit more easy on me. I drove up the long driveway that lead to the front of her house before I pulled into a parking space by her cars and got out. One of her butlers met me at my car offering to show me to where kitty was, or a small drink while I stayed. I told him I had everything covered before running up the steps and inside the foyer looking around "Now...if I know kitty..." I said to myself before I took off up another flight of steps toward her room. There she sat naked on her king sized bed with red velvet sheets draped over her ever so lightly, "Oh my kitty, are you trying to get me into bed again?" I asked as I leaned in the doorway. She looked up from her book and jumped up running toward me, jumping into my arms. I picked her up giving her a very tight hug, and spined her a bit before sitting her back on her feet "Well it hasn't been that long right?" I asked as I walked into her room looking around.

"No it hasn't but I missed my number one lover" she giggled as she walked over to her dresser pulling on silk panties and a silk bra. I laughed as I sat on her bed picking up the book she was reading looking at the title 'Resurrecting midnight' "Looks like I have to get you more erotica huh?" I told her as I looked up at her as she climbed in my lap petting my head

"Maybe..." she purred as she leaned down licking and kissing my neck

"Baby, thats not going to work" I told her as I moved her from my lap and stood up "What did you call me over for?" I asked as I looked around everything seeming fine.

"Right well...theres a guy, I don't know who he is but he's been stalking me...I've tried calling the cops but..." She trailed off as she climbed off my lap and stood in the middle of the floor gripping her arm

"But?" I asked trying to get the full story out of her

"Well they told me they couldn't do anything...the guy always knows when I go out" she sat on the floor bringing her knees to her chest hugging them firmly.

"Can't do anything?" I asked in a slight whisper before walking over toward her picking her up in my arms and sitting her in her bed. "Kitty baby, maybe if you come out with me today I can catch him" she nodded a bit and looked up at me, her amber eyes almost filled with tears "Its alright, I am here for you baby." I told her as I walked toward the door "get dress and meet me down in my car" walking down to my car I met the butler again, he again asked me if I needed anything I told him I was fine as I walked out the front door unlocking my car with the small remote before getting inside. I stuck the key in the ignition and started the car as I waited for Kitty to get in, when she was in and buckled I made a U-turn and made my way down the long drive way. "Is the driveway necessary?" I asked her I as I drove into town

"Yes it lets me see whos coming up the driveway when I need too" She replied as she kept her gaze out the window.

"Right, but...how about closing the gate so they are forced to call up?" I glanced at her before looking back to the car ahead of me

"Ya I know...but the guys didn't come to install the automatic opener for me" I nodded a bit

"So call them and tell them that sweetheart, or do I have to do it?" I asked with a small sigh.

"Could you maybe help me with it?" she asked as she looked at me pouting a bit

"Alright Kitty I'm fine with helping you" I told her, I jerked a bit as she reached over placing her hand on my thigh "Uh...Kitty?" I glanced over at her a small smile appeared on her face. "Kitty please, you shouldn't do that" I begged in a soft whisper trying to remove her hand from my leg while keeping steady on the road. She purred softly leaning over in my ear

"You know you still want me Hiro" she whispered as she rubbed more getting dangerously close to my crotch, her fingers dancing up and down my thigh.

"Dammit Kitty, I can't drive like this" I told her as I slowed the car to a manageable limit,

"Alright well pull over then?" she asked with a cocky grin, she finally took her hand away and placed it in her own lap as she sat back. I shook my head slowly as I pulled into the supermarket lot parking in a spot closest to the door "I have a lot of things to do Kitty, so no sex today" I told her as I got out waiting on her. She got out the car pouting as she slammed the door shut and joined me at my side, I smiled and walked into the supermarket grabbing a cart and beginning my shopping. While down the snack aisle Kitty grabbed my arm and whispered "he's here", I looked around noticing a guy behind us picking up a box of cookies. He was dressed in all black wearing a leather trench coat, I sighed and looked back to the bag of chocolate bites I had thinking if I should get them. I threw them in my cart and kept moving as I took out my phone dialing a number I hadn't thought about for a long while, Kitty kept her grip on my arm as we walked going down all the aisles and stocking up on everything I needed. The person picked up on the fourth ring "What?!" He yelled into the phone

"Whoa Hiroto calm down" I said with a small chuckle trying to stay as normal as possible.

"What the fuck do you want Hiroshi, I'm busy" he growled out, loud music in the background along with lots of males laughing and shouting.

"Hiroto I need you...Theres a guy following us we're at the supermarket on eighth and coral" I stopped in the cereal aisle grabbing a few boxes of Coco puffs, and Frosted cheerios.

"Eighth and Coral?...alright I'll be there in Five minutes" he said before hanging up. I put the phone away before starting to look at more things I wanted.

"Hes still following" Kitty whispered, I nodded a bit

"Just act normal Kitten, I got this." I said as I moved on down the kitchen aisle getting paper towels and new things for the kitchen.

"Are you going to borrow from me?" she asked as she moved to the front of the cart standing on it while I pushed.

"What makes you ask that my flower?" I asked as I stopped picking up a few boxes of cake mix

"This is an awful lot for your budget" she said as she dug around in the cart picking up the cake mix "Oh! I can bake you a wonderful cake!" she said in such an excited tone

"Right but one thing, you can't cook sweetie" I smiled as I replied to her. We stopped looking in the meat aisle, I picked up a few meats to last me a while so that I could cook dinner when I returned home. Kitty was playing around touching things and acting like a five year old, I whistled and pointed at the floor next to me. Kitty pouted before walking to my side slowly and hanging her head "I was only having fun" she mumbled

"I know honey but lets not for now." As I looked up as I almost ran into Hiroto "Whoa...that was quick" he nodded and looked around

"where is he?" He asked his expression still of anger. I looked around a bit spotting the man now picking up a loaf of bread

"The guy behind us in all black...you don't dress like that coming to a supermarket." Hiroto nodded and moved behind me, he had two other guys with him that went around the other way, I kept walking not wanting kitty to see what was going to happen to the man. If we didn't see it there was no way we could be witnesses, I was finally done my shopping as I moved to the front of the store putting everything on the belt to get rung up. The total was a Hundred-Fifty dollars and thirty-seven cent, I swiped my sleek black credit card through the reader before starting to pack the cart with the loaded bags. I looked up watching Hiroto walk out with the guy who was following us, we walked out behind him pushing the cart to the car and loading the trunk, well...I loaded the trunk, kitty was afraid she would break a nail. I sighed shaking my head a bit before turning and looking at my brother "Well?" I asked him

"He's not talking but I will arrest him for stalking" He sighed as he pushed the stalker to one of the people with him before walking closer to me "Why haven't you called me?" he asked in a low tone.

"Because...didn't seem like you wanted to talk to me, even after how you picked up the phone" I said as I took the cart back to a post before walking to my car allowing Kitty to get in.

"You know that's not true!" he spat as he walked over blocking the driver side door

"I only asked you for one favor Hiroto...now move" I growled at him the other side of me ready to hop out if he got violent. I waited keeping eye contact with the ground until hiroto moved walking back to his own car, I got in not hesitating the start the car and pull out of the lot in anger. "Are you alright?" Kitty asked as she leaned over laying on my arm as I drove, I looked down at her and nodded before quickly looking back up at the road.

"Fine, why?" I asked as I stopped for a red light looking out the side window

"Well...when your angry...you can't keep eye contact with anyone" she purred.

"Kitty...I'm driving leave me alone, I'm dropping you off back home so I can get this shit done in time for work." I told her. The green light showed itself allowing me to drive, I took the time dropped kitty back at her house and before she could beg me for anything I drive off, I then went back to my house putting away my food before cooking lunch and leaving enough leftovers for a late dinner.

Around midnight I headed to work, parking in my usual spot, greeting my usual people, and going to see what files I had to work on for the night. I looked through everything making small notes in my notepad and setting my watch for the different rooms, I made my rounds making sure everyone was comfortable for the night. While I was walking the halls, my brother on my mind I heard my name over the intercom as I walked past a room,it stated that I was needed in the ER stat. I took off running toward the ER throwing my clipboard on the desk as I passed it "what we got?" I asked as I helped wheel the bed to the OR.

"Broken leg, bruises he also might have a few broken ribs" Said one of the paramedics

"Right lets get an X-ray also I need someone to get his name and medical history" I dug into his pocket grabbing his wallet before handing it back to one of the female nurses. I looked down at the male he was trying to stay awake but didn't look like he was doing a good job of it, I took my flashlight shining it in his eyes a bit. "Sir can you tell me your name?" I asked as we finally stopped in O.R. he mumbled nonsense as he tried to get up

"I can't" were the only words I could make out. The guy was becoming more aware of his surroundings "No...no please no" he said as he tried to sit up. I had to hold him trying to push him back down

"Where are the restraints?!" I yelled at the paramedics with a low growl as the guy was damn strong, he pushed back against me almost winning "Dammit! someone sedate him!" I yell but the nurse was afraid to step near him. I took the needle from her uncapping it and sticking it right in his thigh, it took him a moment before he fell back his eyes closing and he was out like a light. It took hours for me to work on him since I was the on call surgeon, I was able to x-ray him seeing the break in his leg, two places and the fractured ribs. I found no medical record on him so it made me hard to treat him without his signature, the only thing I could give him for pain was crushed up aspirin. I made more rounds before stopping at his room looking in on him seeing him wake up from the sedation "Oh god, please don't tell me I'm in a hospital" he said as he looked around trying to get up, I walked over to him placing my hand on his chest and pushing him down.

"Don't make me strap you to the bed" I told him as I watched him the guy looked over at me tears in his eyes as he looked at his arms.

"Please let me go...I just want to go home" he whimpered as he closed his eyes, I sighed pulling up a chair next to the bed

"I need your name, and what you're allergic too" I told him getting my pen and pad ready but he sat sobbing softly ignoring me. I sighed rolling my eyes and standing up "Alright I can play that way too" I called in a nurse told her to restrain him to the bed and elevate his leg before walking out. I closed the door leaning against it with a soft sigh "Don't think I ever had a grown man cry in the hospital" I mumbled as I walked back to my desk sitting down and filling out reports, putting in information, and updating files. As I sat reading a book until it was time for rounds again, I heard a commotion in one of the rooms, I got up and walked into the room my reflexes kicking in as I ducked to avoid a bedpan being thrown "the hell!" I growled walking over to the guy who was fighting the nurse against the restraints "SIT DOWN!" I yelled at him. He sat shocked more than anything before he began to cry again, I took a deep breath rubbing my forehead "Alright stop with the water works..." I said as I walked toward him putting the other strap on his right wristt "This is for your own safety...I'm sorry" I told him in a soft whisper.

"Go to hell" he replied as he laid down turning over best he could and ignoring me. I held back the angered scream as I looked through the chart that was recently drawn up for him writing down what I was going to give him and the time, I walked over to the medicine cart opening it with a combination and taking out a shot of painkillers, and a small sedative. "Would be much better on you, if you just calm down and let us get you better" I told him as I moved over to the IV in his arm, I flushed it first before injecting both the painkillers and the sedative. I waited a while watching him fall asleep "damn...that was quick" I checked his pulse just to make sure "Good...still alive" I sighed as I turned out the light and walking out with the nurse behind me. My watch beeped as I walked down the hall making my rounds once again.

The next morning I was ready to leave for home till I saw the male coming out of his room door "How the hell did you get-" I began until he looked up at me with a frightened look on his face before trying to hobble away "Don't do it! I'm way too damn tired to chase you!" I told him as I walked after him telling a nurse to get a wheelchair. I caught up with him stopping him and earning myself a right hook from the guy, the guy was strong I growled before pinning him against the wall. "Don't do that again..." I warned him with a glare "Are you a fucking mental patient!?" I yelled, the guy looked away

"Please don't put me to sleep again..." he whimpered

"You punched me! your lucky I don't lock your ass up" I told him putting him in the wheelchair as the nurse brought it over. "Tell me...what's the matter with you?" I made sure to keep my distance as I bent down

"I hate...hospitals..." he shivered, I sighed running my hand through my hair I nodded a bit as I stood up wheeling him back into his room.

"I am sure we can work through this..." I said as I helped him back into the bed before he hopped back out

"I have to pee" he said as he made his way over to the bathroom.

"There are no windows in there" I pointed out as I took his chart starting to look through it

"Dammit!" he said as he slammed the door. I saw a notice about him being allergic to something but couldn't read a fucking word of it, "Doctors and their chicken scratch" I mumbled as I took out my notepad trying to decode the note making out a few letters and putting them together. 'pain killer' Like they couldn't just write it in english, I sighed and looked down as my phone ringed I dug it from my pocket answering it "Hiroshi" I said into the mic,

"Bro...we need to talk you free?" he asked in a light whisper

"Um..at the moment no but come pass the hospital I should be free once you get here" I told him before saying my good bye and hanging up. I looked up once the patient walked out of the bathroom "Great are you finish trying to escape?" I asked as I put his chart down at the foot of the bed going over to the sink and washing my hands

"Are you finish trying to kill me?" He snapped back with a bit of a whimper. I ignored his small cries as I wanted to start his medical history and find out what he was allergic to so I could put it in his file properly. I pulled on a pair of gloves as I turned back toward him "I'm not killing you, so stop whimpering all the time" I sighed as I moved toward him, he moved away keeping eye contact with me. I showed him my hands and reassured him I didn't have any needles, after he allowed me to check him, I checked every basic thing even got him to stand for his height so I could get him some crutches to walk with. I gained a bit of his trust now that I gave him his ability to leave his bed when he felt like it, but I also put the doctors on high alert.

Unseen love- Chapter Two

Chapter 2 By the time Hiroto came around I was already out of my hospital attire and back into the plain clothes I brought last night, he came on foot with nothing but his phone and the clothes on his back. "Hiroto..." I greeted as I walked past him...

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