Catnundrum. Chapter Ten.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Chapter Ten

By Roofles

It might've been the smell in the air, that lingered from their morning rump but as Simon woke he found himself gnawing on that firm, muscular athletes build of the dog's chest. Biting at his firm pecs and licking at that almost waxy like fur, trying to bite underneath at that warm musky flesh. The way an aroused cat would bite at his lovers nape, his hips rolling on their own as he grinded (still in the dog's jock strap) against Rob's upper thigh. Panting hotly against his now slightly damp fur and watching as the larger male shuddered, shivered at the smaller males subtle touch.

A low murr rumbled in that thick chest, echoing up through equally thick throat and out the rottweiler's slightly opened muzzle. "Just like that," he coaxed rubbing the back of Simon's head as those teeth gnawed upwards against that thick, loose skin neck. Clamping his jaws around Rob's throat who only lifted his muzzle upwards to expose more to this eager Siamese cat.

Fingers trailed up the dog's lean black fur sides, finger tips sliding along his bare flesh underneath that thick coat and behind onto his back just to grip tightly and pull him closer still. Bodies grinded on the mattress in the center of Rob's apartment. Naked legs entangling as lips soon met and suckling on each other faces as if gasping for breath. Sweaty fingers and toes pawing at the other man as if trying to peel the fur from each other bodies as if they were clothes separating their bare flesh from each other.

Simon's tail swayed aimlessly behind him as the broad muzzle bumped against the side of his face, eyes closed as that deep heavy panting breath breathed against his ear. Black lips parted and teeth closed around that triangular ear to pull softly at hit with a grunting murr. A groan escaped one of the two, neither sure if it had been them or the other man. Simon just gripped at Rob's back once more and the large canine at various parts of the cat's body. Primarily his bare rear visible even in the jockstrap belonging to the dog.

Fingers clenched tightly on those lean cheeks, pulling them open and humping roughly against the smaller male once more. "Simon," Rob panted licking his lips and swallowing loudly. "I want to tie with you."

The cat's ears folded back and suddenly lost his voice. This only seemed to be and opening (no pun intended) for the dog to continue.

"Be inside of you," Rob panted against the side of his face still gripping his rear almost painfully tight. Simon was sure it'd be bruised in the morning. "Swelling up, leaking and breeding with you." The large rottweiler grunted, the tip of his dog hood exposed and leaking as he humped again. "Fuck, just breed you all night. Fill you with my puppies. Make you my bitch, mark you as mine and pump every inch of my fat cock into your tight hole. And make you beg. Beg for more, plead my name and just...just..." Rob grunted gripping at the mattress, clenching his teeth and with an animilistic growl tell him exactly what he wanted to do.

Simon was pressed against that chest and could smell the dog's arousal mixed in with that thick musky scent (as well as feel it grinding against his lower abdomen).

The cat pulled back and folded his ears looking at Rob who panted down at him waiting for him to give him permission.

"Did you just call me your bitch?" Simon said flatly his folded ears not a sign of submission but annoyance.

"Well. I just.. I mean I figured you'd...most do so I just...Like it's not..." Rob mumbled trying to fix this, fix it quickly before the cat didn't want to carry his puppies. He really needed him to carry his puppies. His sack was already hanging low, aching to dump it's loud and Rob was wishing he could just excuse himself and take care of this. By giving him his puppies. "I mean I respect you as a person and individual and wouldn't ever look down on your self worth." Rob said almost robotically before grinning afterward, tail wagging rear up in the air, hand on Simon's thigh ready to hoist it up for him before sinking his vessel into his port. His crew needed to get off.

"Right." Simon said rising enough to lick his chin, turn over (making Rob's tail wag) before moving over and getting up with a yawning stretch. "That was a good nap" He licked the back of his hands and began grooming out his fur. Straightening his whiskers. And over all showing little to no sexual interest.

"Sorry?" Rob offered once more weakly as he sat back dipping his head down with half a mind just to help himself.

"You called a cat. A bitch." Simon tried to outline. The only cat's he knew that actually enjoyed that were into a very weird form of kinky play where you'd act like a dog. Something any self respecting cat would never actually do. "That's like, rule number one, NOT to do. Seriously. Seriously Rob." But Simon chuckled patting the dog's shoulder, only a few increases from his face before withdrawing, folding his ears back. "I need to go take a you know," he motioned down the hall before quickly proceeding down there.

"How the blue balls," Rob whined at the word. "Was I suppose to know that?" He asked softly as the cat vanished into the bathroom. Rob sprawled out onto his back, leg's spread and groaned covering his face wondering what the hell he was doing trying to just top the cat like that. Most dog's would've just agreed without much concern. Well if they were in this situation. And interested in him. And liked to be the bottom bitch. There was many if's in this situation.

Rob didn't even look up as the bathroom door opened and the cat came out drying his hands on a spare cloth, dumping it on one of the stools next to the kitchen counter.

The dog was still lazing back, muzzle up with his legs open. Simon's eyes wondered down his chest. Black fur ran all the way down to his stomach where it lessened before thinning out around the inner thighs leaving only the thick black sheath and sack fully outlined amongst the thinning fur. Mahogany thighs only seemed to highlight that open groin more before changing once more to that rich black fur along his legs.

That sack hung loosely down one sphere resting on the mattress and the other on the thigh, on top of the other. Simon could trace each one with a finger even though it was covered in that musky black fur. Simon covered the end of his face as he blushed a bit remember that hefty sack resting on his face as he licked, suckle practically on the dog's taint.

That red tip was still poking out of the end of that full sheath though no knot was visible within it. Simon splayed his ears feeling bad for teasing his friend. He just happened to wake up horny. And throughout the day. And before he went to bed. And just lost himself in that primal lust as he did before. It was so easy to do so, with Rob. This rottweiler. A dog.

"Do you want me to...paw you off?" Simon answered losing most of his own sex drive as that prickling fear tip toed up his back like hairy spiders. He felt drunk around him, Rob. This dog. Drunk on that hot passionate lip sealing, breath taking, groin humping.... Simon just flushed more unsure where his mind was going with that. "If you want." He offered once more not wanting to be a cock tease.

Rob lifted his head, looking down his own naked torso at the cat who was standing between his legs (if a good couple feet away). "Nah man, that's cool dude. No worries, bud." He waved it off casually trying to ease the tension that seemed to have formed.

Man, dude, bud? Simon's ears folded before shrugging it off and sitting down on the mattress before scooting over. Rob lifted up his arm and Simon nuzzled back closer. "Yeah," he thought. "This is nice." No worries, no commitment. Just two friends hanging out with each other and frotting. That's what guys do right? Meet up, suck on each other faces before unloading on one another?

A large padded finger hand rubbed along his back as Rob seemed to muse, lost in his own thoughts. "You know I didn't mean to force it on you like that." He spoke softly in that deep husky voice. "Caught in the moment?" He asked as if trying to figure out the reason himself.

Simon patted his chest, and nuzzled against his shoulder with a soft chuckle. Rob hugged him closer to him. "No worries bud. I was too, dude." Simon said saying each word kind of dryly. "It's just a little...intimate for me. Is all." Simon splayed his ears and rolled onto his back resting a bit on Rob's arm as he lay next to his friend. "Not something friends just do."

"Sex isn't something friends just do." Rob chuckled catching the cat off guard a bit.

"Hah, I figured..." Simon let his words drift off letting his presumptions drift off with his words. Just because Rob was so friendly with his friends didn't mean he was doing them.

"I mean you don't...always do this...with your friends?" Rob asked looking over at him. Simon shook his head with a frown kind of sort of wishing he did have someone to do these kind of things with.

"Friends with benefits would be nice." Simon mused aloud looking over at the dog, splaying his ears and looking away as he met those muddy pits that looked over at him.

"Friends, huh?" Rob said the word, stretching it out, rolling around on his tongue before swallowing it. "With benefits. Would be. Nice?"

Simon didn't reply so Rob felt a bit obligated to follow it up with a "with you." The cat's dark brown ears splayed to the side a bit and he tried not to let it show on his face as Rob turned on his side, facing him, and placed a large hand on his chest.

"If you don't mind, I mean." Rob chuckling jokingly but making sure to ask this time around.

"I don't. With you." Simon said a bit cheesily, he always thought such things were cheesy. He wasn't aware just how hard it was to say when you were actually IN these kind of situations. It clung to his throat as he spoke and lingered on his lips before slipping out in no more than a meek, almost whimpering whisper.

Rob gave him one of those genuine smiles afterward, black lips curling up at the very end of his snout. "So how do we...keep this, not intimate?" Even Rob struggled with the word. Where was the line between fuck buddies and more. Not like he was about to meet the cat's parents. "I mean sex would be nice." Simon chuckled at Rob's bluntness. "But it is in itself intimate."

"Yeah. I guess we could just not talk during it?" Simon shrugged trying to be as reasonable with it. He himself was unsure how he felt over this whole ordeal. It was nice inside this sealed apartment, just the two of them. It was less "real" that way. The only word that he could really use. Without it he could pretend that if he was fucked or did fuck Rob it would be just that. Fucking.

"Or look at each other?" Rob offered, playing along as he still pet at his chest, swirling a finger around one of his dark skinned nipples.

"Or kissing."

"But I like the kissing." Rob whined loudly. "I mean it's arousing."

"Ok, what about foreplay?"

"Well I'll need foreplay." Rob just stated not even up for suggestion. The cat figured the horny dog could go without it however. Maybe he'd leak less. "And I still want to play with your paws."

"Only if I get to keep your jockstrap."

"We can share." Rob said and the two looked at each other before chuckling. That large broad muzzle bumped against Simon. "See? Nothing too it. Two guys can just fool around without worrying about getting too attached." He stopped at that and the two laughed. "OK. I can just pull out before we tie."

"You can do that?" Simon said a bit loudly sitting up.

"Well I mean it takes good timing but yeah. Might be a little painful for you but I can. That way we're not like stuck like that."

"And just clean up afterwords!" Simon smiled making the dog nod along.

"Ok, so I'd just..." Rob said moving his arm from under Simon's head and crawling on top of him looking down into that face. Those ears folded back and Simon couldn't keep eye contact. "Don't worry," Rob bumped muzzles together. "It'll be slow. I'll be gentle and if you need me to slow down just say something."

Simon couldn't help the flush still filling his face. "I-I thought we weren't going to talk while know." He said rolling his wrist not wanting to say the word. It was crude, foul and a bit of turn off more than anything else.

"Yeah." Rob nodded slowly. "It's ok if you say some things right? Make sure your comfortable, enjoying yourself and having a good time."

"I'm not going to fill out an evaluation card afterward." Simon chuckled, a soft warm sound that made the cat close his eyes and paw at the heavy chest above him. Rob folded his ears moving down, tilting his muzzle to the side and pressed his lips against those warm supple, velvety lips that formed around his own sealing so perfectly together that Rob was afraid to breath as his hand gripped tightly at the cat's wrist, holding it down.

"S-See," Simon huffed panting a bit loudly looking up at him as Rob finally moved back. "Not intimate at all!" He swallowed loudly and the dog followed suit, before nodding his large head and opening his maw to pant down at the small male he had binned against the mattress once more.

"N-not at all." Rob almost squeaked feeling that fire burn inside once more as he moved his head back down planting quick pecking kissing on those lips. "Not. At. All." He said in between clenching even tighter at the wrist he held and arched his back a bit, sucking a long breath between clenched teeth.

Simon just nodded unable to say anything else on the matter.

"Now we just, lift your thigh up a bit." Rob said already sliding his other hand down to grab roughly against him. Simon winced as the dog swallowed once more, rubbing his fingers along that firm yet lean thigh and feeling warm skin underneath. Caressing it with each digits as his long tongue slid out of the end of his muzzle panting more. "Just lift you up," He said letting go of his wrist as his other paw slid down his right side and gripped at the other thigh. Scooping under both legs and hoisting him up.

"Do y-you want me to put my legs on your shoulders?" Simon asked focusing on the larger males quickly rising and following chest.

"No, no that's ok. I like it when I can look at you." Rob folded his ears back again. "It's more arousing this way. For me." Simon nodded as Rob curved his hips down to bump his half exposed member. "Hun," Rob bit his lip after saying it. "Bud. Dude, bro." He said using the frat boy linger to try and distant the cat who was already swimming in his thoughts and in his aching groin. "I need you to relax." Rob almost hiccuped the last word as he squeaked. This seriously shouldn't be this hard. Heh, hard...

"S-sorry, nervous." Simon said trying to ease up that tension that had formed around them. It was so easier last time just giving in to that primal instinct and going with it not caring or giving a damn about consequences.

"No reason to be," Rob said soothing his tone turning back to that warm friendly teddy bear, as he pet the said of his face with the back of one hand. "It'll hurt only for a second, kitty." The word just slipped out and Rob didn't give a damn.

"I've done it before." Simon said trying himself to ease the air between the two but only got more flustered as he looked into that face above him. Those eyes so warm and full of caring. It made his heart jumped into his throat, pounding loudly as his toes clenched tightly as his tail began to sway quickly at his side.

"Are you ready?" Rob asked in that deep voice, rubbing his pre leaking tip all over that dark pucker just under the cat's tail. Slicking up two fingers and squishing it around before teasing his hole with them.

"R-Rob," Simon said making the dog stop. "Could we just... Go in. Without the whole teasing." Simon said wanting to get this over before he backed down, the thought lingering in the back of his mind but his groin protest was loud enough to drown it out.

Rob nodded once. Then again. And then one more time before angling himself against that pucker and with a short hip thrust forced the first inch in.

Simon instantly tightened at the intrusion, eyes clenching shut as tears formed in the corners. Toes curling, nails spring out as he gripped the mattress under them. Rob seemed to have the same frame of mind and even against the resistance began pushing himself further inside, spilling more from his sheath and another two inches sunk into the cat who was noticeably relaxing.

Rob groaned low, softly as he pushed himself more, giving another hump into the cat who had wrapped his legs around his waist. "Oh, kitty." Rob cooed twisting his head to the side and opening his maw in that panting grin. He pulled back and inch and his grin widened as he felt the feline tighten in protest. Rob gladly pushed back in, deeper and further feeling those tight walls hugging his fattening member as another two inches spilled free of his sheath.

The rottweiler moved his hands right on the sides of Simon's face, closing his eyes as he began slowly pumping his thick shaft further into the cat who was panting heavily now with him. It was low, a bit harsh but Simon was rocking back and forth now with the dog's slow, steady motions. Rob bent down and kissed him once more, pushing another good bit of his girth forcibly into the cat spreading his tail hole wide and feeling that groan escape Simon right into his open muzzle, swallowing his voice and kissing him deeper slipping his long wide tongue into his maw to lick at Simon's own tongue and taste him on his lips.

Rob felt the forming knot press against his rear and pulled back before humping forward. The cat jumped a bit groaning loudly once more, his own member leaking pre fully hard on his chest at this point. Rob wanted to coax him, whispers sweet nothings into his ear. Tell him it'd be ok, that he'd love it, that it'd only take a second a moment before he was fully inside him. That kiss said it all as he forced himself into the cat, and in turn his cock jumped as Simon moaned loudly. Pre squirted inside the cat lubing his tight inside. Making the further humping a bit easier for the both of them.

It was slow but steady as Rob slowly rocked back and forth, only using the lower portion of his body to push and pull at the cat who had turned his head to the side, breathing, panting heavily once more. Rob nuzzled at the other side of his face as he kept up the fluid, constant moment. Only stopped to clench his teeth tightly together as more pre leaked into the willing, smaller feline below him. "Oh, kitty." Rob just breathed against nuzzling at his ear now.

That hefty sack rocked back and forth with his motions pushed and rolling just under the tail tail hole that had sealed a bit around the thinning end of the thick, rock hard dog that was still pumping into him.

Simon wrapped his arms around the dog's neck, nails digging into it a bit that only seemed to encourage the dog to speed up. He hadn't felt like this before. That warm tingling feeling inside, this slow rhythmic season the two were doing. Able to hear Rob's heavy breath, feel it in the chest pressing down on him and listen to the dog's low groans. Being with him here in this moment, like this. Just the two of them as his tight tail hole continued to milk at the dog.

A tongue licked against the side of his face then and a low mrow escaped the cat. Meowing afterward as he got another tongue lick and another lick, each kissing slurping at the side of his face the dog nosing at him every time, panting hotly against him. Simon was beginning to enjoy dog breath.

"I'll need to pull out soon," Rob said whimpering a bit as he, the good Samaritan, told him about it.

"It'd be ok." Simon said keeping his eyes closed. "If you forget to." He said a grin on his face. He got another nosing lick for that.

Rob clamped his jaws around tightly on his shoulders, not enough to draw blood but hold him securely in place. His knot swelled as he continued humping, thrusting into the cat feeling that rushing build up before slowing down once more, into that steady rhythmic routine as if practiced. One could set their clock on it.

Simon held his neck as if hugging the dog's, legs tightly wrapped around his waist as he felt Rob slowing down once more as if just going at cruise control. So the cat laid back, getting comfortable as the minutes would be dragged on in utter bliss as the larger male rested a bit more on top of him. Unsure when Rob had wrapped his own arms underneath and around the feline's neck. Hugging him close, secure as they tied together.

Rob bumped muzzles once more and just rested it against his face, eyes closed and breathing, smelling his scent as he continued to mate, bred with the smaller male.

The dog wasn't really sure when he finished. It was loud, it wasn't like fireworks in his head it was just a coursing pleasure that filled his whole being, from the tip of his toes to his drooping ears. It coursed through him like a drug, pumping his system with such a rush that his jaws clenched shut and he hugged the smaller male against him, just holding him tightly in his arms and feeling every drop leaving himself to fill the cat beneath him. Even after spilling his load the dog continued humping, tugging at the entrance with the nearly tennis ball sized knot before pushing back in.

Rob was holding the side of the cat's face, rubbing a finger over his cheek as his muzzle rested on the other side, just nuzzling at him as his cock still jumped and throbbed unsure if he was finished or not as more seemed to spill inside.

It was the pulling mass wedged inside his tail that made Simon mrow loudly, as it pulled and rubbed at his sensitive inside making his barbed tip flare out and with slow throbs his own equally endowed self. It wasn't forced, just breath taking. His whole body tightened and arced a bit as that rising pressure built before relaxing once more at the gentle nuzzle of the dog who kept petting him, uttering sweet nothings into his ear and let his body just spill out over the two of them. Rob not minding in the least as he hugged him closer still throbbing inside and leaking to the point where if he hadn't been sealing the cat, he was sure he'd be leaking out now.

Rob bumped his full muzzle against him, nosing at his cheek. "Are you going to bare my puppies now?" He teased playfully. He got a paw pushing against his face, and didn't move an inch, as the cat mrowed.

"They'd be the most musky little bastard, just like their father." Simon chuckled feeling playful after this all.

Rob sniffed him. "You don't smell that bad." His tail wagged as he felt that smaller, shorter muzzle bump back against him.

"Har har. Not funny." Simon nosed at him.

"Whose joking? I could strap you onto to my snout." Simon didn't reply to that. "Just eat you up," the dog added gnawing on his neck a bit. "Well if you weren't carrying my puppies that is." He teased some more bumping his snout.

"Yeah, you'd love that."

"Then you'd be stuck with me." Rob grinned and the two took a moment before laughing.

"Dumbass." Simon said rolling his neck side to side as Rob humped once more into him and soaking in the feel of the larger, warm dog laying over him, tied to him and kissing him on the cheek. And still hugging him, petting his face, and pushing down on him as he was humped once more. Panting against him and sniffing at him, nosing under his muzzle before licking over it.

"We might be like this for a while." Rob said finally pulling his head back and away. Looking at the cat before smiling broadly. "I hope you don't mind being stuck to a dog."

"Yes." Simon said flatly before returning the smile but looking away splaying his ears. "But I'm fine if its you. And I don't make eye contact." He chuckled and got a large wet kiss on the whole side of his face. Simon mrowed and blushed more. So Rob did it again. And just for good measure did it again and got the cat pushing him away.

As it to stress the point Rob moved back before grinning back at him. "Oops, we're stuck."

Simon rolled his eyes. "How many times are you going to mention that."

Rob humped making Simon close his eyes and groan low. "Until you stop making that sound." He chuckled and nosed at him, hugged him and laid slightly on top of him. "There's one problem."

"What's that?"

"I have to drain the hydrant."

"Hah... no. Not happening."