Agency 001: Temp Job

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#1 of Anyplacement Agency

Julius gets hired for a last minute temp job and soon finds out the job involves a lot more then just sitting and a desk or filling in for someone!

Story (c) Russet'14

Julius (c) Twinnburner'14

Julius couldn't believe his luck when he got the message from his dad; an agency rep had rung and offered him a job whilst he was in town. He'd been back from medical school for a week and none of his regular temp jobs had born fruit. He'd thought he was in for a frugal Christmas this year and he really didn't want to disappoint his younger brothers or his dad. The agency was one a friend at school had recommended and he'd thrown his CV at them before he came back. Now snug in his room the black furred moogle typed the number he'd been given into his phone and waited as it started to ring.

"Hello, Any Placement Job Agency, Russ speaking, how can I help today?"

"Hey, I'm Julius Krin; you left me a message about a possible job?"

"Ah yes, thank you for calling back. I'm assembling a team for a job. Is a three week deal, from tomorrow morning to Christmas Eve? It's a live in deal and the pay is 200 a day but they tend to be 15 hour days including weekends."

Julius gaped at the phone in shock: that was an obscene amount of money for three weeks work, "Live in so food and travel?"

"All included," said Russ, his smooth, warm voice echoing with a faint hint of amusement, "Involves a costume too that you'll be expected to wear. Days are split into three shifts, morning, afternoon and evening and you'll work them all with me and two others."

"Hmm, this sounds great but will there be time off for me to shop? I'm hoping to use some of my wages for Christmas shopping and stuff... it'd be rough to be away for three weeks and not even have time to buy my family nice things."

"We get one day off a week but sometimes special gigs come in and we'll ask the team to surrender their day for a bonus. But the agency does offer a collection service, you give us a list of all the things you want, we'll dispatch one of our professional shoppers. They'll buy everything you want and ship it to your home, we can even have it all wrapped for you. Money gets taken off your wages and all the receipts are included."

"Oh how much is...."

"Service is part of your contract," Russ cut the mog off warmly, "So Julius, are you interested?"

"Yes, yes of course, I really want this job." he grabbed a pen when told to and started making notes, "Mmhmm, sure, OK.... 7am tomorrow, I'll be there and thanks again, this really saves my bacon with regards to Christmas." Russ said a few more things then hung up and Julius sat back, staring at the number he'd written on the pad. Even with buying Christmas gifts, he'd have a huge chunk of cash left over that he could put toward next term too. It really was a great job; he just hoped it lived up to its promise.


Seven thirty the next morning found Juli in the very nice headquarters of the agency; it was in a very respectable part of town. He'd spent twenty minutes reading over things and signing the paperwork and now he was being led toward his teams changing rooms along with two other guys. Gavin was a very slender and friendly mink and Carl a rather broad shouldered and buff mountain lion. They hadn't had much chance to talk but Juli gathered they were veterans of the agency; he was the only new big.

"Just in here," the sweet little cat lady who'd taken Juli through the papers said opening a door and gesturing them all through. The room beyond was some sort of changing room. The floor was tiled; there was a wooden bench in the centre and four large changing cubicles, two on either side. An open archway led into the showers and toilets and there was some sort of exit to the left. "Each of you has a cubicle, put all your personal effects into the lockers. Gavin, Carl you'll find your equipment inside, you know what to do. Mr Kriner," she ushered the small black moogle toward one of the changing cubicles, "Please wait in here, your teak leader Russ will be along in a moment to show you the ropes."

Stepping into the cubicle he found it was six feet deep with a bench and large wall locker opposite the door. The mog jumped a bit as the door was swung shut behind him, wings fluttering as he turned to look. There was a large mirror on the back of the door and it fit perfectly, sealing him inside his own little room to wait nervously for Russ to arrive. He tried the locker and found it open so transferred his wallet and watch and keys into the large metal box, then he sat on the bench, occasionally looking at himself in the mirror.

With ebony fur, bright brown eyes and quite a bit of height he was tall for a moogle. Five foot nine inches with purple wings and pom-pom, dressed in formal trousers shoes and a plain white shirt. He was pretty regular he thought as far as moogle kind went but what he hadn't been expecting was to be kept waiting so long. It had been maybe ten minutes and he was about to go out and look for someone when the door opened and a tall figure clopped inside on a pair of sleek, shiny black hooves. The figure took his breath away and left him speechless. All he could do was watch as the silhouetted figure pushed the cubicle door shut and locked it. His antlers almost touched the ceiling and his body was trim and incredibly fit without being over bearing with the muscles. Dressed in a very baggy pair of knee length green shorts trimmed and matching vest he certainly looked very festive. There was red trim and silver bells on both pieces of clothing and the vest had been left unbuttoned to show off his chest and flat stomach.

"Hi there, you must be Julius," the reindeer said stepping forward into the light, revealing their soft grey fur and the warm smile hovering about his muzzle. "We talked on the phone, I'm Russ."

"Hi... er..... Why does it look like you're made of latex or vinyl...." the mog asked quietly, reaching out to shake the offered hand, noting how sleek and slippery the hoof tipped fingers felt against his fur.

"I'm in costume," Russ said with a grin, "We'll get you suited up too and you'll soon learn to love the look. But first you need to put your stuff in the locker."

Glancing back at the locker Julius shook his head, "I did that already I...." he cut off as something occurred to him and tugged at his shirt, "You mean my clothes right?"

Russ nodded, giving the moogle a knowing and amused grin, "Yup, can't get into costume dressed, hurry up now and strip mog but then we can begin." he watched as the mog nodded and stripped away his clothes, tucking them into the locker. "You'll look great in costume; you'll be a real star."

"I won't look as good as you," Juli said, slipping his underwear off and dropping them into the locker, admiring the sleek grey, shiny latex reindeer, smiling at the way it looked like fur that had been caught and frozen in place. Shifting his body he hoped the big buck wouldn't notice the way his cock was now standing at half-mast. Stripping for a stranger, a stranger who looked like this... it was hard not to get excited. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself down he turned to smile at his new boss, doing his best not to draw attention to his groin by ignoring it, "You're one real looker, and you fill that costume perfectly."

"You'd be surprised, now then here," he plunked a headband on Julius's head, a pair of fake deer antlers poking out above his head, "Wear these and we'll get you in costume, you'll make a good deer I can see the idea appeals."

"A deer? Heh I was expecting reindeer and ah... sorry," Juli mumbled the last, feeling his ears turning red as the big buck checked him out with a knowing grin.

"Client wants two reindeer, two deer as for where, you're wearing it...." Russ smiled and his eyes flicked to the space above Julius' head. With a gasp the mog reached up to grab his antlers. He tugged on them and yelped as he found his head moving as the immovable lumps refused to come back off. What he did feel however was a sudden surge of thick, gooey, sticky liquid pouring out across his head from the headband. It dripped down his neck, folded thickly over his eyes and muzzle and before he could even think of screaming or lashing out the slick, slippery feeling goo was pouring down his shoulders. Tugging at it only got his hands covered and as Juli staggered around the room clawing at the gooey stuff as it continued to spread it oozed its way up his arms, joining with the thick goop covering his chest, spreading lower toward his navel. Trying to scream or shout Juli found the thick goo pouring into his mouth, felt it clogging his nose and pouring down the back of his throat. As he struggled and gasped, groaned slowly sinking to his knees, trying to ignore the part of his mind that had his cock raging hard he found himself thinking about strange things.

Like how he'd seen how the shiny, sleek latex material Russ was wearing filled his mouth and tongue and hadn't thought about it. Or how the job sounded so much fun and interesting and... and how good it felt as the sleek latex slid across his cock and engulfed his balls. For a moment he gave in, groaning in pleasure, one hand reaching down to paw at his cock, small caps forming atop his fingers as he stroked his slick cock. The warm goo clinging to his shaft felt so goo, slick and so very soft, squishing about his skin as he played with his rock solid cock.

Then with a startled jerk Juli realised what he was doing at the same moment the slick shiny black latex covering his body engulfed his legs and then contracted about his body. For a moment more he could feel the slickness crawling and oozing about his body and then everything went strange. All feeling against his body vanished, everything became slick, wet, fluid and sticky and he felt as if he was falling or rising and then sensation, sight and sound came rushing back suddenly.

Drawing an unsteady breath Juli snapped his head back in surprise and regretted it as he started to overbalance, his new antlers scraping and clanging against his locker. Catching himself against the wall he stared into the mirror at his new body. He was sleek and shiny and his limbs squeaked and creaked as he moved. He had shiny, vinyl like hooves, hands, antlers and a beautiful, fawn coloured body that glistened and gleamed. He was also incredibly hard, his cock was huge, cervine and shifting and moving on its own as he leaked shiny pre-cum into the floor.

"Gods I look hot.... how... I mean.... oh lord I look fantastic."

"And that my friend," Russ said as he knelt down and grasped Juli's cock and teased it, "Is a good reaction to have.... the suit is biomorphic. It'll come off as easily as it went on but for the next two weeks you'll live in it, eat, sleep, fuck and work as a very sexy, anthropomorphic latex deer." he grinned at Juli, capped fingers expertly teasing the new deer's shaft, "Not too freaked out I hope?"

"Yes... no I... not sure, not quite the costume I was expecting," Juli panted out, looking down at his sleek shiny frame, then glancing back at the mirror and groaning softly in admiration of his body, "Is hard to think... why am I so horny?"

Chortling Russ helped Juli to stand, sliding in behind the new deer, letting the former moogle rest against his body and get used to his hoofs as both of the reindeer's hands slid around to grip the base of Juli's new and very eager cock. "Part of the change, an integral part of the suit is pleasure, a reward for wearing the costume... builds up a lot of hormones," he start to stroke and tease Julius' cock, fingers playing up and down its length. "Suit will keep you well behaved in private but every morning, lunch break and evening we get to blow.... our applicants are all screened to make sure they'll find this.... appealing."

Moaning from the teasing attention on his cock the deer rolled his eyes back in his head and whimpered. One of his hooves started to clack against the floor as he felt his new, sleek and shiny balls starting to draw up, "Gods.... yes, yes it's appealing and we... still get paid... what....what is the work?"

"Three shifts, morning is fundraising at the mall, teams of two. Hour for lunch back in our van, in the afternoon shift we deliver presents, festive reindeer making the drop off at the hospital. Hour for dinner, then evening gig we are splitting into two teams to be festive party pieces." as he talked the big buff reindeer kept at it, teasing, stroking and playing with Juli's shaft and balls and as the deer's breath started to come in shorter, sharper gasps he pressed his muzzle against his ear and squeeze his shaft. "We do it as a team, breakfast, lunch, dinner, four of us, suits on, cocks out.... just the three of us.... and you.... rewarding each other...." the deer was moaning, emitting soft, animal like lowes of delight as he pressed back against Russ, shiny body, quivering right on the edge.

"Good Juli, that's it, the suit will care for you, feed you, all you have to do... is... cum..." he breathed the last word, a sultry, teasing whisper right in the young bucks ears that pushed him over the edge. His cock pulsed on its own, swelled slightly and then burst a jet of sticky cream firing out of his shaft to splatter under pressure into the mirror. Panting heavily, his whole body locking up from the rush of pleasure the buck kept on spraying cum for a good few minutes, each blast a pressurized eruption that soaked the door and flooded the floor. When he finally came down from his moment of bliss he found his body sagging back against Russ, their antlers tangled together as the reindeer held him.

"Welcome to the team Juli, let's get you cleaned up and ready for work, we've got a long day ahead of us and you need to meet the boys." The deer managed a nod and clopped back into a standing position, shivering at the memory of that orgasm and squirming lightly as he felt the latex of his suit pulling his cock and balls into its material. It was going to keep him well behaved as Russ had said... and it was going to be a very interesting day, he had much to learn.


The morning passed much as Russ said it would, he'd met Gavin a sleek and shiny cinnamon deer much like himself and Carl attired in similar reindeer suit to Russ'. They'd all been given matching outfits, green and red festive shorts with bell adorned vests lined with red faux fur collars. The van their team had been given was roomy enough for two up front and six in the back with large snug chairs facing each other on either side of the cargo space in the back.

The trip was fun, Russ was up front driving leaving Juli time to get to know the other two, and Gavin was a playful, cheerful deer who was quite open with how much he loved this job. Carl was a bit quieter, a big guy just doing a job and keeping his enjoyment to himself.

"This is a great gig," Gavin said with a big smile, "I'm always on the list for a job, and its so much fun, he nudged Juli and grinned, How was your first transformation? I covered the changing cubicle in cum first time I put a suit on."

Juli blushed, well he felt warmer as he smiled shyly and nodded, antlers dipping his head forward as he struggled to get his head back up. "Yeah, it was a bit of a shock, suddenly being a deer." he pushed his hand against his antlers, holding them and his head up, "I made a respectable mess. What about you Carl, you been doing this long?"

Smiling softly Carl shook his head, the bigger reindeer's voice low and gruff as he spoke "I do this gig when I need the extra cash. Its fun but not my first pick... still the perks are fun. I always look forward to lunch and dinner."

"What happens at lunch? Russ said we had an hour for that," he stopped as the van jerked to a stop then whimpered a bit as Carl opened the back door of the van.

"You'll find out at lunch, now however, we're off to work, everyone is going to look at us, especially dressed like this."

Julius followed them out into public view, feeling a big self-conscious at being dressed, no transformed wholly into a sleek, shiny, latex buck and walking about publicly. He had a big, sealed collection bucket and clopped out on bright, shiny black hooves into the shopping centre. The crowds where not too bad at first and they moved out in groups of two and as the new guy Juli was working with Russ, the big, buff reindeer leading the way, stopping by the largest crowds, holding out the buckets, posing for photographs and generally making sure they were seen. Everyone seemed to love them, adults and children alike stopped to stare and nearly all of them smiled and dug their hands in a pocket to drop some change in the buckets for charity.

It wasn't all that easy though, the suits, their bodies were heavy and slick and the crowds got thicker as the morning wore on. The buckets were full of change and Juli couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious whenever someone asked if it was hot inside the suit. He nodded and mumbled something, clopping a hoof in embarrassment. How did you explain to some member of the public that you were the suit? That you were a sleek, shiny creature of latex and vinyl. Or how good it felt, every movement left him squirming, his body was so slick, warm and enjoyable and as the morning passed he started to feel more wound up. He jumped when Russ placed his hand on his arm during a quiet moment and leant in to murmur to him, sleek, latex muzzle pressed close to his ear

"You OK Juli, you seemed a bit distracted for that last photo op."

"Sorry, I..." Juli murmured back, pausing to say thanks to a brightly smiling grand-ma who dropped a load of change into his collection bucket. "I'm starting to feel really.... wound up, like my body is building up to something."

"Yeah, that's a part of the suits, wearing them, moving about in them produces a lot of pleasure and hormones. It's hard to ignore, but don't worry lunch is soon. Just another hour, you'll get used to it in time." he patted the deers arm and clopped away toward a group of shoppers who were watching them with interest. Juli bit back moans, watching that reindeer rump sway and with a shake of his head started after him. He had a job to do, he had to focus and do his best and earn whatever this mysterious reward at lunch time was.

It was a long hour and the strange tight, tingling need building throughout his body just got worse until Russ finally tapped his arm and murmured, "Back to the van Julius, we've earned a reprieve."

"Please," Juli burst out, walking as rapidly as he dared back to the staff car park. "What happens, how do we... unwind from this. Feel like I need something, got to... do something gods.... this is surreal."

Russ chuckled and followed after him, waving at Gavin and Carl as caught up with them at the exit. Gavin grinned at Juli and reached out to grab one of his fellow bucks hands. "Hitting you hard too is it?" Juli asked with a grin, shivering as the touch of Gavin's hand in his own felt so good, "What happens now? How do we.... have lunch?"

"You'll see buck," Carl growled playfully, throwing open the back of the van and clattering into the back, Gavin pushed Juli inside and Russ shut the door and locked it. The former moogle watched as his fellows started to pull off their vests and shuck their shorts and with trembling fingers the deer buck started to follow them, hoping that there would be release from the tension building inside his body. Russ handed out a small oatcake, kicking his shorts aside and sat down in a chair next to Carl.

"You two, opposite," Russ commanded and Juli obeyed, munching on the oat cake along with the others and as the last few crumbs slipped down his throat he let out a deep, animal like lowe of pleasure as his cock seemed to spring out from between his legs. His long, cervine shaft pistoned back and forth on its own accord and with a whimper Juli wrapped his hands about it and started to paw himself off.

"Oh gods, how... how did I forget how good this suit feels... I... oh lord need to cum..."

"Is... how they, keep us focussed on the job," Gavin whispered, muzzling at Julie's neck as he pawed his own shaft, "Suppresses our libido and keeps us behaved. But it builds up and now... now we get some release." he started to kiss Juli's neck and the new buck kissed back, paws stroking over his pistoning shaft as he made out with his colleague. He was aware that Russ and Carl were making out in a similar manner though the reindeer's were pawing each other off instead of doing it themselves. Juli didn't mind however, all that mattered right now was pawing, using the slick pre his cervine shaft was splattering over the floor to slicken his cock and paw at himself harder. It was so sensitive, so nice and warm; his whole latex body was tingling, squeaking and growing taught as he drove himself toward orgasm.

Carl lost his composure first, the buck reindeer bucked his hips and started to cum, a thick, slick of warm gooey buck cream fired out of his cock under pressure. The streak splashed into Gavin's slick, cinnamon shiny body and the deer lowed deeply and lost his own composure, adding his own jet pressure stream of buck cum to mix. He broke off his kiss with Julius to turn his head into the torrential stream of cum spraying out of Carl's pistoning cock and relaxed into his own orgasm. Juli continued to thrust his pistoning shaft into his slick hands, leaning his head back and crying out in pleasure as a wave of slick cum sailed through the air from Russ' cock and smothered his chest and stomach. His skin tingled, his body grew warmer and with a deep bellow Juli started to add his own cream to the mix. His cock pulsed like a hose pipe and his cum surged out under pressure, shooting through the air to splash over Russ even as the big reindeer made a dozen, gooey mess of his own buck body.

Minutes passed and all Juli could think of was how good it felt to have that warm cream splashing over his form. His whole body was twitching; clenching down with each firing jet of cum until finally, with one last high pressure shot his orgasm came to an end. Sinking low into his chair Julius lowed softly, eyes closed and body quivering as his latex skin tingled and continued to absorb the rich cream of his partner. It was a nice sensation and left him relaxed and feeling very content as his smooth, sleek, shiny body started to emerge as the cum was absorbed. He could see how shiny and sleek everyone looked as the same happened to them and turning his antlered head he smiled at Gavin.

"And... that is how we have lunch?"

The other buck grinned and nodded his head, "And dinner... tonight though... after work... that's when we really enjoy these bodies."

Juli grinned and closed his eyes, slumping down and smiling, just basking in the relaxing, rejuvenating sensations chasing over his body. The perks of this job were just getting better and better and he was only a third of the way through his first day. "This... is a hell of a job.... damn me it's so much fun."

"Yup,' Carl rumbled, "And it only gets better Juli, this is just the beginning."


Climbing out of the van Juli paused to check his outfit was on right, tugging ineffectually at the leather harness that criss-crossed his chest and clung to his shoulders. His sleek, living latex body stuck to the leather, holding it in place and the collar about his neck felt snug yet oddly comforting.

"You sure this is what the client wanted us in?" Juli asked quietly, giving Gavin a side long glance, admiring the smooth, shiny curve of his limbs. The way the harness' belt clung to his fellow deer's waist held the sheer fold of bell draped fabric that formed his loincloth in place allowing even a casual glance to catch a glimpse of shiny thigh and leather straps. Juli would have enjoyed the view more if he wasn't dressed in an identical harness, all bells and straps so he jingled when he walked. It was more revealing then anything he'd ever worn in public before and he was about to go and show it off properly, in public.

"Oh yes," Russ purred as he leant out of the back of the van, shamelessly admiring the pair of bucks, "You're the special act for this guys party. You will be performing a cage dance followed by the full Monty strip. You've had dinner," he paused to grin wickedly, licking his lips at the memory of their evening 'meal.' "The suits will keep you well behaved until you get back to our stable. Knock off time is at eleven, company car will get you then. Unless of course you want to swap with me and Chris?"

"No, no I think we'll stick with what we got," Gavin said hurriedly, "You two enjoy putting on your show at the Banquet." the sleek cinnamon and cream buck grabbed Juli's arm and dragged the rookie toward the apartment building lobby, their approach heralded by the crisp clop of their hooves and the merry jangling of their harnesses.

"I get the feeling there is more to this banquet then you're letting on?" Juli murmured as an amused concierge directed them to a lift, "A banquet sounds fun..."

"Yeah, well it is interesting," Gavin said shaking his head, "But secret, only when you pull that gig do you get told what it is about. Russ is strict on that rule. Now focus rookie, tonight we've got to sparkle, shine and be slick. So lets get in the mood." His grin was infectious and Juli nodded, turning his attention to the evenings work with a slowly rising sense of excitement.


Stumbling slightly as he clambered into the car Juli dropped his harness into the foot well and sank with a satisfied groan into the cushions of the chair. "That... was, madness, I've never felt so good with that many people watching me!"

"Yeah, it was good," Gavin mumbled, scooting up close to Juli, his hoof tipped paws starting to wander over the slick bucks cinnamon coloured hide, lifting a happy low of delight from his partner, "Those were some good moves you had going."

Just smiling the former moogle leant forward and started kissing along the arched curve of Gavin's neck, revelling in the twitchy pulsing need zinging through his body. The party had been spectacular and they had been the core that everyone watched. The host had been a sandy furred hare, some sort of fashion guru so the room had been filled with beautiful people, dressed in the most fantastic clothes but it had been the pair of bucks in harnesses who'd stolen the evening. Finding Gavin's muzzle Julius started to kiss the other deer in earnest, tongues exploring each others muzzles, hands groping, teasing, stroking one another as the car carried them across town.

"Why... am I so slick?" Juli asked as he broke the kiss, panting heavily, body creaking and squeaking as he rubbed his legs against Gavin's. "We're made of latex, we shouldn't sweat..."

Shaking his head, antlers scraping the roof the other buck shifted about until their groins were squeaking against each other, sheath to sheath as the suits kept their pleasure from escaping. "Lubricant makes us look shiny, exotic, desirable. Everyone in the room wanted us, that moment at the end when we pulled everything off..." he shuddered, hands grabbing Juli's ears, pulling his head back into the kiss, desperate for contact now as his smooth latex body continued to demand attention after an evening of denial and exhibitionism. Still there was no release, they didn't have the oat cakes that would free their bodies so by the time their smirking company driver pulled into the underground lot at the Any Placement Agency building they were trembling with pent up need.

Their 'stable' wasn't far; Gavin led them straight their hooves ringing on the tiled floor, their bodies glistening under the phosphorescent lights until the cool embrace of the changing room engulfed them. It was the same room where Julius had put on the antler headband that transformed him. The cubicles neat and tidy, the shower room open and empty to one side and the door that led through into the small apartment their team was to share whilst they were on this job. There was a lounge with a sunken seating area, small kitchenette and of course the bedroom, pausing only long enough to snag two oatcakes from the jar on the faux wood kitchen counter Gavin all but pulled Julius into the bedroom and the sleek, pent up deer didn't struggle. If Gavin was feeling anything at all similar to his own raging need Juli knew why he wasn't waiting.

Tumbling onto the large bed they devoured their oats, cervine muzzles working swiftly, white vinyl teeth mashing the crumbly food into mush that mixed with their silicone saliva. The slick gooey, incredibly tasty mess started melting into their bodies almost instantly and with it their suits unlocked their baser, instinctive needs. Kissing each other again, muzzled locked together, hoof capped fingers stroking over slick, tacky latex bodies. The bucks rolled back and forth, groaning in delight as their plump, cervine sheaths finally allowed their eager shafts out to play. Thick, long, hard and already starting to leak pre Juli and Gavin broke apart, crouching instinctively opposite one another on either side of the large bed.

"Don't.... we have to wait... for the others?" Juli asked, arms trembling as the urge to rut continued to push out all other thoughts.

"Not... tonight, some night gigs get release on the job," Gavin managed to murmur before lunging forward, tangling his antlers with Juli's and twisting his head in an attempt to flip the other buck. He almost caught the rookie off guard, ended it there and then but moogle trained reflexes helped him to recover and hold his own. Straining, grunting the pair of bucks pushed back and forth against one another, tough, vinyl antlers sliding, locking, twisting and grappling with each other. Juli was in heaven, it felt so good, the rush of adrenaline, and the desire to dominate. His cock was thick and full now, twitching against his stomach, leaking pre with every shift and twitch of his straining muscles as he struggled against Gavin.

Their bodies gleamed in the dim light of the bedroom, their scent filled their noses and their grunts shifted lower, becoming more animalistic with every passing moment as they tussled for dominance. Lowing deeply Gavin twitched his head, turned his antlers and got in under Juli's guard. He was still a rookie, he'd never worn a suit before today and Gavin had and it was that experience, that slight edge that gave him victory over his sleek, shimmering, cinnamon coloured partner. With Juli on his back the victorious buck pounced, hands seized hooves, legs were lifted and Gavin's slick, pre and silicone sweat soaked shaft plunged beneath a flitting deer tail to claim his prize.

Juli bellowed in delight, arching his back, shoulders digging into the bed as his cock pistoned on its own. Twitching, gyrating, shuddering as his rear was spread about the winning bucks own eagerly twitching cock. Gavin's hips met Juli's rump, his shaft hilted inside his fellow bucks shiny, sleek and tight backside and the victorious buck threw his head back and bellowed as he started to cum! Thick, virile, silicone seed rushed into Juli's body, flooding and filling him as the defeated deer's own shaft stood up straight and unleashed an impressive torrent of seed in an arch that splattered the wall before painting Juli's head.

The loving embrace of two people wrapped in pleasure would come later. This was not the time for gentle slow thrusts no; this first time was to set the order of the evening. Their new, living latex bodies had come with instincts, controls and thoughts and as he lay there, cock shooting more seed into the air Juli accepted them all. For tonight he was at the bottom of the pile, when Russ and Chris came home the reindeer would challenge Gavin but for is first night on the job Juli knew his place. Lowering his head, trying to catch breath that he didn't in fact need he grinned through a sheen of slippery seed at Gavin as the victorious buck looked back at him.

"This job.... rocks!"

"You bet it does," the deer said with a grin, "Welcome to the Agency Juli. I hope you'll stick around!"

With that words were once again abandoned as Gavin started to move his hips. Julius gasped and clutched the sheets as the dominant buck began to enjoy his body. There was no need to rest, already his new body was beginning to tingle with desire and with a grin Julius realised this was just the first night, he had three weeks to go!
