The Waterfall, Part II

Story by StrangeInterludes on SoFurry

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While camping out, Faye and Taylor have an unexpected, very domineering visitor.

commissioned by Lynneth

_ _ Faye woke up to Taylor's hand stroking behind her ears. She stirred lightly and purred, half-opening her eyes. The jaguar smiled down at her as she lay her head on his lap.

"Good girl..." He said, his hand still dancing over Faye's soft fur. She let out a curious noise, blinking up at him. He simply chuckled. "Just playing with you."

"You're a silly thing..." She sat up slowly and hugged him. "Silly naughty... uh... cheeguar? Jagutah?" Still a little dozy from the night, she let herself giggle in his arms and pressed her cheek against his warm chest.

"Jaguar... cheetah... Either work, I think. I tend to call myself a jaguar. Fits my build better." He smiled again.

They lay in silence for a few minutes, immersed in their own warmth. There was a light breeze squeezing through the small gaps in their tent, and they pressed their naked bodies more tightly. The breeze was quickly forgotten.

Suddenly, Taylor's ears twitched. He looked around, startled. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what...?" Faye raised her head. Her own ears, while good underwater, were nowhere as sensitive as her new boyfriend's. She could hear nothing but their own breathing and the gentle rustling of the leaves beyond the canvas walls.

"Sounds like a helicopter..." His ears swiveled around slowly. "And it's getting closer. Do you think your mom panicked and sent a rescue team even before the day we said we'd be back?"

"Uh." She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "I don't think mom would do that. She knows I know what I'm doing. Did you tell your parents where you're going? Maybe you forgot and they're looking for you?"

"Well... I told Gibbs, he's the one who talks to my parents." Taylor scowled and stood up slowly, slipping his shorts on. Thankfully, the ceiling was high enough his head didn't hit any of the crossbars holding the tent up. "Besides, why would they send a rescue party for a kid they only see once every six months?"

"I don't know...? They're your parents!"

"I_told_ him we'd be back in two or three days." He peeked through the half-open flap, pulling the mosquito netting out of the way. Even Faye could hear it clearly now, a very particular whine, slowly changing in pitch and becoming quieter as it seemed to move away from them.

"It does sound like a helicopter..." She stood up as well and started getting dressed as she saw Taylor slipping his pants on. "And it... went by us?"

"Aw, crap... No, it's just landing on the big clearing up ahead!" Taylor put his shirt on and picked up the survival knife he had left near his backpack. He unsheathed the blade and gripped it firmly, pulling the tent flap out of the way. "Come on, let's 'greet' whoever is out there..."

The jaguar stepped out. Faye slipped into a pair of panties, pulled a shirt on and followed, as graceful as she could be while not being a cat. Taylor was standing ready, watching the woods around them. Soon a clump of leaves started moving and shaking, and a man stepped into the clearing. Taylor looked at the feline and suddenly went pale under his fur, the hair going down the back of his neck standing on end.

"Fuck..." He kept holding on firmly to the knife but his composure had been completely shattered. Faye, startled by the swearing, looked at her boyfriend, then at the newcomer. The new male in their clearing was a tall and strong feline, wearing a green t-shirt and camouflaged pants. His chiseled face was lined with light red scars that peeked right through the short fur, and his hair was exactly the same shade of brown as Taylor's.

Upon closer inspection, he looked a lot like Taylor. A similarly agile, yet noticeably broader build, a beautiful jaguar pattern on his fur, and the same bright yellow eyes. And the grin. It was exactly like Taylor's: sharp, smart and white. Yet something about it made it look as different from her boyfriend's smile as it could ever be. Faye stepped back by instinct.

"He looks... a lot like you, Taylor..."

"I know." Taylor spoke through clenched teeth. "That's because he's--"

"His father, yes." The man completed, brushing the loose twigs and leaves off his boots. "Hello, Tay. You don't look so pleased to see me."

"Um... Your dad?" Faye looked at Taylor, who gave her a contrary nod. She turned back to the man, her eyes more critical. Under the light of this new discovery, she couldn't help to find it rather odd that the man didn't look much older than his late twenties. Taylor was sixteen, that would make this man at least what...? Thirty-two at the youngest? He simply looked too young. On the other hand, Taylor's feral charm was there, and on that man it was amplified to the point of making something inside her quiver lightly. She squelched the feeling and watched the two felines.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your pretty friend?" The man asked, walking closer slowly and smiling. It was either a sincere smile barely hiding the malice behind it, or a malicious smile with too much sincerity flashing through. It made Faye uncomfortable, although the sheer magnetism of those yellow eyes forced her to work to keep the quivering in check.

Taylor sighed heavily and replied: "Faye, that's my father, Adrian. Adrian, that's my girlfriend, Faye."

"Hi." Faye managed, blushing despite all her efforts. A question started to repeat itself in the back of her head: how did he find us here?

Adrian peered into the tent, past the two young lovers, and smirked. "Are you inviting me inside? I have a few things to talk to you, my son."

"Dad..." Taylor took a deep breath and straightened his back, putting the knife away. Faye relaxed a little as the blade was secured back inside its scabbard and Taylor's fur went down again. "It's not like I don't appreciate your visit, or even your entire existence; and I really don't, but this is not an appropriate time!"

Faye nodded, agreeing with who was now, given they had a witness to the rather visible mess of crumpled-up clothing and libidinous fluids they had left inside the tent, officially her boyfriend. "On that matter, how did you find us?"

"My dear future daughter in law..." Adrian grinned wide. "I wouldn't be who I am today without good investigation skills and good contacts. It really wasn't that har--"

"Dad's a CEO." It was Taylor's time to cut. He let out another despaired groan. "One of the really crazy ones."

"Don't disrespect the family business, Tay. You will take my place later on."

"No, I won't!" The younger jaguar protested and tried to press on. Faye grabbed his arm quickly.

"Can... can we keep that part of your life out of this discussion for the time being?" She pleaded to her boyfriend, then turned to his father. "You're kinda ruining my and Taylor's small holiday out here, Mr. Rhames!"

Adrian's brows furrowed and the scars that just a second before made him look fierce now made him look pathetic. It was like forty years had suddenly dropped onto his shoulders and, even though Faye knew it had to be an act, she could not help but feel sorry for him.

"Oh, you two wound me." Adrian replied. "I manage to catch the slightest break from my very arduous work so I could meet and spend some quality time with my son and his wonderful new girlfriend, and you simply brush me aside?" A finger pointed towards them, he insisted: "You still have the rest of your vacations to enjoy together, you know?"

"I... you..." Faye stumbled slightly at the man's sudden change in demeanor. Fake outrage or not, the man wielded his charisma like a rapier. "You could at least have notified us or something before just appearing here... I do have my mobile phone with me, and I think Taylor has his with him, too!"

"True, I could." Adrian replied. Suddenly, the sad expression on his face simply vanished, quickly replaced by his previous commanding, magnetic grin. From Taylor's scowl, Faye deduced that was his father's usual attitude. "But what is the fun in that?"

The otter stood dumbfounded. Taylor hugged her with one arm awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry, Faye... now you know why I never talk about my parents..."

"So you chartered a helicopter to a place in the middle of nowhere you just suspected your son would be in?" Faye looked at Adrian in the eyes. "How did you know?"

"Chartered, ha!" Adrian rolled his eyes. "I piloted the damn thing, thank you very much! Taylor told Gibbs he'd be going out trekking with a female friend, heading to a waterfall he had found nearby. And since Gibbs tells me everything that happens in that house, it was easy enough to deduce where you two were going" He looked at the tent again. "Either way, are you going to invite me in?"

Faye sniffed, unwilling to keep the argument going. "Taylor's decision."

Taylor looked conflicted for a second, then threw his arms up in frustration. "Alright, alright! Damn it, get inside you want! I'll go get some firewood so we can cook breakfast!"

Adrian smiled victoriously as her son and Faye quickly moved away to gather fuel. Even though they had more than enough kerosene in the small can besides the tent, they still wandered off in search of sticks that had survived the night's light drizzle.

The next five minutes were long and uncomfortable. Taylor and Faye walked together, picking up and examining the rare dry branches they could find, and not looking at each other too much. Faye was quietly wondering why Taylor's father had decided to visit exactly that day. And from what she could see, Taylor himself had more than just that little question bothering him. Yet they dare not talk: they simply gathered what they could and walked back to the camp in silence.

By the time they arrived, Taylor's old man was already swimming in the pool under the waterfall, his clothes neatly folded on top of some dry rocks near the edge. He spun to face them and shouted, starting to wade back out of the water.

"I have to say, this is quite a find! Congratulations, Tay!" As he walked out of the water, Faye was glad (and yet a tinge of disappointment was suppressed) to see his decency was still protected by a black speedo. "You know, maybe I'll buy this area later."

"This is a natural reserve!" Faye shouted, blushing slightly as she found her eyes attracted to the older man's body. Like father, like son: they were both handsome specimens, even if in slightly different directions. Taylor was slimmer, more elegant. Adrian was broad-chested, more muscular. "You can't just buy it!"

"Unfortunately, my dear..." Adrian replied, picking up a towel he had dug from the bags inside the tent and drying his close-cropped hair. "You can, in fact, just buy a lot of things, even if the it's not exactly called a 'sale'. Governments want money just as everybody else."

"But... but...!" She stumbled, her blush still betraying more than just outrage. "This is a national park and all, the government's obliged no to sell it--!"

She felt Taylor's gentle hand resting on her shoulder. "Faye, don't argue with him... believe me, I've tried..."

"She's a feisty one, Tay." Adrian laughed, hanging the towel over his muscular shoulder. "I knew you had good taste."

"I'm not sure I like compliments from him..." She whispered to Taylor as Adrian looked around distractedly.

"I told you he's crazy. He gets everything he wants." He whispered back. "Just take everything at face value and don't read too deeply into it."

"Mkay..." She nodded and snapped her eyes back to older man, who had just yawned noisily.

"Well..." Adrian stretched and chuckled. "This is a truly lovely day. So, how about we just go inside and have a nice pre-breakfast fuck?"

Faye simply gasped and stared, her mouth open. Taylor was just as dazed as she was, if not more. Adrian looked from one to the other and crossed his arms in indignation. "What? What is it?"

The couple blushed hard. Faye looked at her boyfriend, who looked more like an television playing white noise than anything else, then back at the man.

"What? I'm serious." Adrian raised his eyebrows. "This is a very nice place, the weather is great, you're a hot girl, Taylor will get in on it too, everything perfect for some sex. So why not?"

Faye looked at Taylor again, desperately wanting some guidance from someone who no doubt had heard similar absurdities from the man before. She prodded his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. Taylor shook his head and rubbed his eyes in an even mix of shock and complete disbelief.

"Uhh... I..." He babbled, looking from Faye to his father quickly. "I don't know...? I mean... Faye?"

"Is... is he serious...?" She asked back, even thought the answer seemed plain already. Another pair of glancing looks and a nod from Taylor indicated that yes, Adrian was serious. Faye brought a hand to her chest. "G-- geez..."

"Well?" The scarred jaguar asked, tapping his foot on the smooth pebbles.

"Wh-- why would you even want to have sex...? We're way younger than you... And Taylor is your son!"

"Oh, please." He snorted and waved her point away dismissively. "It's not like you haven't done it before. And it's not like I'll be doing him!"

"Whether or not I've had sex doesn't matter...!" She snapped back, her face hot. "As long as it was consensual and with someone my age at least...!"

"Listen..." Adrian leaned up against what seemed like his favorite tree again. "Do you want to have some good fun, the sort of fun I can assure you'll probably not have again for a very long time, if ever; or not?"

The answer she planned to give him simply couldn't escape her lips: her cheeks simply went up another shade of pink under her fur and she turned to Taylor. He waved his hands awkwardly, stammering: "Your choice, Faye..."

"I... I know it's my choice!" She replied, trying to make any sense out of that bizarre situation. "But... I'm asking whether you'd do it... like that?"

"Ah..." For the first time, Taylor's blush surpassed her own. "I don't know? I mean, maybe...? If you wanted it, I'd do anything..."

Faye let out a whimper and sat down, looking at Taylor's father again. A more rugged and developed version of her boyfriend, he was all in all a great find. And the volume inside his black swimming briefs also spoke wonders to her body. Her eyes wandered slowly from Adrian's groin to his son's, trying to imagine both volumes erect. Adrian was a few inches taller and quite a bit more built than his son: her notions of logic, fogged as they were by her instincts, dictated his package would be comparably larger.

After what seemed like an eternity, she let out a long sigh. "Mhrmm... fi--fine..."

"I knew you'd like the idea!" Adrian beamed and opened the tent's flap like a luxurious curtain. "Ladies first, please."

Faye hesitated but moved inside, and then shuffled to the other end of the tend, turning around there. Taylor followed her protectively, and Adrian entered last. He smiled at the two youths and bowed slightly. "Well, the hosts have the honor of starting it."

"But..." Faye looked at the younger jaguar, entirely sure agreeing to that had been a bad idea but unable to walk out of it herself. "You suggested it...!"

"Very well, then." The other male shrugged and leaned forward. His strong arms hugged them both closely, and slowly his hands made their way down. Faye gasped softly as she felt a gentle touch on her mound of venus.

"Dad...!" Taylor let an embarrassed purr as his shorts were intruded upon. Adrian glared at him:

"Hush, son. Just enjoy it." His hands caressed with expertise built by years of hedonism. Faye, her legs starting to feel weak, leaned on the shoulders of both men.

"This... feels nice..." She moaned quietly, her sticky folds getting wetter by the second as Adrian's fingers danced over them. Taylor moaned as well, the volume inside his shorts rock-hard already.

"Go ahead..." Adrian whispered to them both. "You can do the same thing to me..."

Faye swallowed hard, carefully moving the hand on Adrian's shoulder downwards, running it over the wet fur of chest and then lower. She peeked downwards to look at the massive bulge inside the black speedo, tugging at the elastic band and pulling it down slowly. As the cloth was pulled out of the way, Adrian's malehood jumped out, exposed in its full glory. Faye's suspicions had been correct: it was even more imposing than Taylor's, every thick, throbbing inch of it covered in those same tiny barbs. Adrian did the same with his son's pants, revealing a length she was more familiar with.

"Come on girl." He purred in her ear, sliding her other hand to Taylor's cock. "You can be daring, too... Have fun..."

Slowly, she nodded back and wrapped her fingers around both shafts. She stroked them both as she felt both men's hands fondling and massaging her through and under her clothes. Faye moaned in a mixture of embarrassment and delight. Adrian's fingers spread her lower lips through her panties and caressed her clit one last time. He let her go, stepping back.

"Off with the clothes, you two." He ordered.

Faye watched Taylor undress and gloried in the sight of his toned, graceful body. Then, only vaguely aware that the two jaguars were watching her, she let her own underwear and t-shirt drop to the floor. Her entire body was flushed with excitement, and her ample chest moved up and down with her breath, nipples stiff and sensitive in the chilly breeze that coiled through the tent's open entrance. Taylor watched her and sketched a movement towards her. He hesitated, suddenly realizing the strangeness of the situation and letting it taking the best of him.

"Go ahead, kitty." His father said and chuckled, tossing his wet speedo in a corner. "She's your girlfriend, I think you've got dibs."

Taylor looked at Faye and smiled, walking up to her and landing a kiss on her lips. She accepted the kiss eagerly and hugged him, running her hands over his back. She felt his strong hands quickly making their way to her butt and massaging it, as well as his cock trapped between their bodies, the spines tickling her tummy. She moaned his name and felt his caresses become more intense. A moment later, the larger jaguar was also hugging her, from behind. Another cock tickled her, this time pressing against the base of her tail. Two fingers slid between her buttcheeks, caressing her lower lips gently.

The otter girl moaned loud and panted under this barrage of sensations. The amount of attention she was receiving, on so many fronts, was something completely new to her. Taylor, resigning himself to having to share his girlfriend, redoubled his efforts as he kissed and suckled her nipples. Adrian's fingers kept working on her wet lovehole, and she straightened her back as she also felt his fingers caressing her other hole with surprising skill. She breathed a feeble protest and tried to catch a glimpse of their cocks, trapped as she was between their warm bodies.

"Mhm..." Adrian grinned and slid his sticky fingers off her pussy, his shaft already spurting pre-cum on her back. "I think this lady is ready for some cock..."

Before she could express her indignation, Adrian had already pushed them. Taylor landed on his back on the floor of the tent, and Faye fell on his lap, legs spread wide. She yipped in surprise as she felts his meat rubbing on her belly again, the tip tickling the underside of her breasts. Faye smiled and bent down a little, trapping the shaft between her mounds and licking the tip teasingly. It was something she had seen in a video, and Taylor all but melted under her touch.

Clear pre-cum spurted all over Faye's breasts and she giggled. Leaning forward and kissing him, she went on all fours, moving back until his shaft was resting between her folds, but not yet inside her. He grinned up at her and thrust his hips up slightly, prodding her delicate wet pussy. She moaned and raised her head a bit, pushing slowly backwards and burying that tip inside her slowly. Taylor purred quietly and felt his meat stretching her tight walls as she kept slowly lowering her hips.

"Come on, girl." Adrian knelt down besides the lovers, holding his meat between their faces. "Get licking."

Faye examined that cock closely. Big, throbbing... its scent alluring and intoxicating just like Taylor's. She pouted a little and started suckling on the tip after some hesitation. At Adrian's urging, Faye licked the shaft as well, indulging in his hot pre as he tongue danced over the underside. Soon she was moaning, sitting down on her lover's hips, Taylor's cock now shooting pre straight against her inner barrier. She and Taylor exchanged glances, pleasure and lust coursing through their bodies.

A strong hand held on to Faye's muzzle, forcing her to open her mouth to take in Adrian's cock. She tried to protest and pull back but it was useless. The full-blooded jaguar was too strong, and her resolve had been too weakened by the musky scent invading her nostrils. Adrian pushed in deeper, and Faye gasped, feeling the barbed tip tickling the back of her throat. Her nose was pressed against the jaguar's stretched sheath, and she held on to his hips to pull herself back. The hand holding her in place allowed it, and Faye gasped for air. The huge shaft pushed in again, pulled back and thrust inside again. Faye's eyes closed, tears forming in their corners, the rest of her body tensed and still.

"W-- wait!" Taylor interjected. "Stop that! Can't you see you're hurting her?"

"Nah. She loves it." Adrian growled back, thrusting slowly as he held her head firmly in place. "Just look at that. Otters are such willing things."

"Cut that out, old man!" Taylor grunted, his voice faltering as Faye's hips moved and tightened.

"Yeah? What you gonna do? Hah." Adrian mocked, pulling back. Faye, her tongue lolling out of her still open mouth, gasped hard and collapsed on top of the younger feline. "You're too inexperienced. I'm gonna show how you properly fuck an otter!"

Before Taylor could react, he was already out of her. Adrian's strong arms had lifted Faye off him, and a nudge of his knee against Taylor's ribs sent him rolling off where he lay. The younger jaguar growled a threat as he sat up on his ankles, the fur on he back of his neck and on his tail standing on end. Adrian, having put the delirious Faye on all fours and resting his cock between her butt, merely shot him an annoying glance and roared. All the defiance vanished from Taylor's body as he fell scrambling on his rear. His cock somehow remained erect, waving proudly even as its owner felt his face burning with shame. His father was taking over his girlfriend! And there was nothing he could bring himself to do!

Adrian grinned and wasted no time. Faye's pussy was already wet and ready after taking in Taylor, and the girl presented no challenge to the even bigger cock pushing inside. Adrian's clawed fingers ran down her back, making it arch hard while the girl moaned loudly. His shaft was still two inches outside. Suddenly, she let out a pained yowl and her eyes went wide! She turned her back to the jaguar holding on to her hips and begged him silently to stop, but he kept pushing in. Faye bit her lower lip and shivered. It hurt. She could feel it pushing in, further inside her core than even Taylor could reach!

"Nice catch, Taylor." Adrian said, purring quietly to himself. "Your mom never lets me go this deep."

Taylor sketched a reaction, trying to think of what to say, but instead he remained silent. He could see his father's sheath now being kissed by Faye's nether lips, and the expression on the otter girl's face betrayed her discomfort. Adrian pulled back, and Faye opened her mouth wide in a silent scream. The barbs dragged against her inner walls, pleasure overwhelming all other thoughts inside her mind. Adrian thrust slowly, clearly enjoying the tightness and warmth of a young pussy and giving the otter a little time to adjust and plateau. Gradually, Faye found her voice again. Quiet shivers turned into begging moans, alternatively begging the large jaguar to stop and let go of her, and to give her more and to go deeper, faster. Adrian kept going at his own pace, thrusts becoming harsher and his claws digging into the soft fur covering her butt. Taylor, purring in defeat, noticed those scratches would probably hurt a bit later. His hand reached for his cock. It throbbed almost painfully before the forbidden scene. He started stroking, eyes fixed in the rhythmic sway of Faye's hanging breasts, ears tuned to the meaty thwack of her hips being smacked by Adrian's.

"Come on, son." He heard the words mixed in with his father's grunts and looked at him in disbelief. Adrian gestured to the thrashing Faye. She was bouncing back and forth with her tongue gently lolling out of her mouth, eyes tightly closed as the third orgasm rocked her body. "Can't you hear the girl?"

"What...?" Taylor stopped stoking, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"Jeez, you're green!" Adrian half-chuckled and shook his head, giving Faye's rump a firm slap that made her shiver hard. "Come on, she wants more! Get in front of her, give her what she wants!"

"Are you serious?"

"Are you really gonna leave her begging?"

Taylor growled in frustration and nearly leapt into position. He kneeled, his groin just a few inches ahead of Faye's face. The scent of her boyfriend made the girl lunge for his manhood, wrapping her lips eagerly around the tip and pulling him closer with a gentle tug on his balls with her free hand. Taylor gasped and thrust by instinct. The inches vanished effortlessly into Faye's warm, wet mouth. The otter seemed content with that shaft pushing down into her throat, her tongue caressing the underside. The younger jaguar started moving slowly, caressing Faye's ear. Faye, her eyes almost glazed over with pleasure, glanced up, giving him a look of pure adoration.

He could try as hard as he could, but Taylor knew he would not last long. He did try, but that pressure in his lower body could not be contained. His thrusts became faster, and by the slapping against Faye's hips he could tell his father was also speeding up. Any attempts at being gentle were in vain as body took over. Faye whimpered and mewled around his cock, a tear running down her cheek. Finally, it came: with a roar, Taylor pulled back! The flow of seed splashed against the back of Faye's throat and she swallowed as quickly as she could. She held on to his cock with one hand to keep it inside as her tongue danced over the tip, loving the feeling of those sticky jets swirling into her mouth. On the other side, Adrian slammed himself in as deep as he could. Her walls were painted white with the large jaguar's thick seed, and it flowed like an ocean crashing against the stretched entrance to her inner sanctum. The warmth the gifts of those two spectacular felines brought to her core spread through her body in a slow wave of bliss.

A last orgasm made her body tremble and she let out a loving sigh, enjoying the feeling before it subsided. For a long time, she drifted in that sea of cum and ecstasy, her pussy overflowing and her chin dripping white. The jaguars murred and pulled out, and the final spurts landed on her face and her back.

"Ahn..." She moaned as her full consciousness returned, slowly kneeling up and examining herself as her two lovers panted. She looked at their cocks: they throbbed valiantly but were spent, pointing at a slightly lower angle than before as big drops of cum hanged precipitously off the tips.

Faye let out a surprised purr, running her hands over her warm belly. That warmth inside made her giddy, and the last few beats of pleasure started pushing their seed out of her cunt in tiny gushes. She shivered quietly and held her hand to her pussy, trying to keep it all inside her. Failing that, she stood up on weak legs, trying to keep her thighs tightly locked together. "So much..."

Taylor, looking as embarrassed as ever as the weirdness of the situation reasserted itself, asked: "Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine, but it's... ah! It's gushing out!" She stood shakily on the canvas floor, her efforts to contain the oozing cream failing as white globs squeezed past her delicate fingers.

"Come on, boy!" Adrian whapped his son over the head. "Help her out!"

"Are you crazy? I'm... I'm not licking that! It's your stuff!"

"Oh, quit being such a wuss! She's your girlfriend and she needs help!"

Taylor meowed in protest, but knelt down in front of his girlfriend, licking her pussy. Faye moaned and held on to Taylor's shoulders. Another brief orgasm, almost an afterthought, weakened her knees and Taylor propped her up as more cum flooded out of that tight, tired lovehole. As no more cum escaped her, Taylor licked her face clean and laid her on the soft sleeping bag. She squirmed in vague contentment.

"Now see, my son..." Adrian said, kneeled down and caressing Faye's thigh with one hand. "This is a satisfied girl. I hope you've learned something today."

Taylor blinked, entirely sure he should be fuming at his father but too exhausted to carry out the action. Adrian smiled and stood up, walking to the door of the tent.

"Well, it was fun meeting you, Faye. Take good care of my kid." He said. Faye, completely unconcerned, simply murmured a quiet acknowledgment. "I'm not just one to bone and go, but I really need to wash myself right now!"

As Adrian unceremoniously left to the lake Taylor sighed and sat besides the otter girl, who was rubbing her groin gently. The poor thing felt raw and hurt.

"Ahn..." Faye moaned quietly. "Stupid old man. He's too big..."

"I'm so sorry, Faye..." Taylor said, leaning down to lick and soothe her poor, sensitive pussy some more. "I hope you enjoyed it, though..."

"Mhmm... it did feel good..." She smiled weakly, hugging the young jaguar and keeping his warm body close to hers. "So good..."

They cuddled up on the sleeping bag, both completely worn out, and fell asleep.

It was almost noon when they woke up again. Taylor's father was nowhere to be found. That was something that neither of them minded. At last, they would be able to enjoy their time together...

The Waterfall, Part I

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ "Hello, Mrs. Sostra!" "Ahh!" Diane Sostra started and turned on her heels, looking at the teenaged jaguar boy poking his head through the living room window. "Taylor, how many times did I tell you, don't do that?!" She...

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