17 A Long Walk Alone

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Kailua KonaJuly 15, 201310:10 amOlomana Trail Twenty minutes later they were at the guard shack, Daisy spoke to the man on duty who offered them a few warning about the trail as well as helpful advice about taking water and food with them. Thanking the older lemur, she drove to the parking area near the trailhead taking an open spot at the side of the road. Reaching into the back seat as they got out she ran her arms through the straps of the pack she retrieved. "Okay sweet cheeks, lead the way." Nearly jumping out of the car, cecly fished a canteen out of her backpack and draled the sling over her shoulder like a purse. Before walking away from the car she looked down at her GPS and smiles, "With in 60 feet." Looking over at Daisy she asked, "you sure you're ready? no turning back once we get started. You have to finish, it's the rule.so last chance to chicken out." "Rule? Chicken out? I don't know what you're up to girl but you're on, lets go," Daisy said eyeing her companion suspiciously. With a smile the small mouse smiled at her companion as she started walking to the trailhead. Once she reached the sign she stopped to look at the GPS. "looks like the first checkpoint is two miles out." and without another word started walking down the dusty path, with the moose in tow. Walking for what seemed like an hour before stopping. The mouse leaned against a rock checking the GPS, "You doing ok, Daisy?", She asked taking a healthy drink of water from her canteen. "So far so good," she replied, taking a draw from a bottle of water, wiping her muzzle with the back of her paw afterwards. Looking at the overgrown foliage across the trail from her she said, "This is where it gets fun." Standing up she looked down at the GPS again and started pushing her way into the bushes off the trail. several yard into the undergrowth she stops and starts looking around, "Daisy, you're looking for an ammo can. it should be within sixty feet of right here." "Okay, what the fuck is an ammo can?" the moose asked confused by the remark, as she walked around slowly looking down into the foliage. Slowly walking and kicking through piles of leaves she said, "Green metal box with yellow letters .556 Ammunition painted on the side." "Okay so a green box in a bunch of green plants, got it nearly invisible so look close,"she said in reply, slowing her pace to better the odds of finding a needle in a haystack. "Here it is!" she nearly shouted as daisy heard a metallic thud behind her. Daisy turned to see the mouse trying to pry the can open with a handle fastened to the lid. "Damn this is rusted shut I think." Finally the lid gave way sending Cecily tumbling into the brush. Scrambling back to her feet she started to rummage through what looked like random trinkets in the can before pulling out a small note book and flipping it open. Sitting down she took off her backpack and pulled out a compass and not pad of her own. She sat studying the compass and the first notepad. while scribbling some numbers on her own. Looking up at the moose moments later, she asked, "ready to move on? Here sign your name on the last page." she handed Daisy the notepad from the ammo can. Taking the notepad from the mouse she slipped off her day pack fishing out a pen and signed her name as Sisy had instructed. As she handed it back to the mouse she said, "ready whenever you are." Cecily

pulled a little keychain out of her pocket and stuffed it in the can with the rest of the trinkets slamming the lid back on as hard as she could. Setting it back where she found it she started tossing leaves over the can making it just that much less noticeable. Standing perfectly still holding the compass with both paws she slowly started rotating a dial with her finger. Looking up at Daisy she asked, "You want to do this the hard way or do you want to cheat?" "Ummm, Why would you want to cheat? That makes it sound like the hard way is scarey or something," the moose replied. "Well from the can I got a list of checkpoints with azimuth and distance to the next. We can either walk to each and plot to the next. or plot them out on a map and go straight for the last point with is where we want to go anyway." She said with a smirk, "the checkpoint route should be safe and fairly easy, no special equipment needed. the other might send us over a mountain. which we don't have the stuff for." "So basicly if we cheat we could end up stuck and frustrated?" she asked, muttering to herself 'kind of like trying to keep it in my panties around you', or we go the long way around and get the what ever the hell it is at the end of the trail. I think we better take the hard way," she said making her decision. With a smile the mouse started walking farther into the undergrowth talking silently. stopping every so often and consulting her notepad before turning and walking on. After what felt like another hour they came to a cliff overlooking a lush valley. Sitting down and pulling off her backpack, Cecily said, "This is it." Dangling her legs off the edge and fishing out her camera and a long lens attachment. She started snapping pictures of the valley below. "If you want you can look for the Ammo can here, and we can sign that notebook also. I think they have commemorative coins in this one if it's been stocked recently." "How the hell do you know that?", the moose asked as she stared at the back of the girls head. "Listed on the Geocaching site. I just wanted the photo for my collection, I saw it on there too." The mouse said as she moved the camera from one end of the valley to the other snapping what sounded like hundreds of photos. As Sisy snapped photo after photo in rapid succession Daisy considered what he had just said before speaking, "Wait a minute are we on a treasure hunt or did you drag my ass out into the woods to take pictures? I'm a little fuzzy on this one?", she asked as she started to search around the area, kicking piles of leaves and grass. Flopping to her back Cecily started snapping upside down pictures of the moose. "Depends on your definition of treasure. We got three things here. We just spent two hours together. We have an awesome view that you wouldn't see if we just followed the beaten path. " Dropping her arms to the ground she continued, "And we're out here alone... just the two of us... miles from anyone else. and if you want you can get a neat little coin and say 'I Got this because I followed a crazy mouse into the brush in Hawaii'." she finished with as smile. Before she could react to what the girl had said she heard a metallic thunk as she kicked a small clump of leaves with her boot. Her eyes lit up as she brushed them away revealing the ammo can she had half heartedly been seeking. She stared at it for several long moments, turning Sisy's words over in her head. Leaving it where it sat she walked over and lay beside the mouse on her side, looking at her for a moment. Pulling the girl into her arms she looked into her eyes as she said, "I'll get the coin if it's in there later, because you're wrong about one thing. There's a fourth thing out here that you didn't mention, the greatest treasure there is. You." Giggling Cecily looked back into the moose's eyes and said, "You didn't need to come out here for that." Kissing the moose on the end of the nose and scooting closer to her, the mouse cuddled into Daisy's chest before saying, "We've been out here for two hours, have about an hour walk back if I am guessing

right, and another thirty minutes to get back to where we're meeting everyone. What do you want to do?" As she lay there with the mouse girl cuddled against her Daisy struggled with herself and her desires. The mouse had been giving her mixed signals since they met and she was no closer to understanding what the girl wanted or expected from her than she was then. "Cecily Fargo, you are an irritatingly annoying girl. You're driving me out of my mind and I have no Idea what to do anymore. With you I feel things I've never felt for anyone before, or from anyone before. I've always known what others wanted from me and that was fine, it's what I wanted too at the time. But now, with you, I want something more. I don't want to mess things up by pushing you to fast or to soon. I don't want to do to you what other people have done to both of us in different ways. I don't want to control you or use you. I just...." she trailed off falling silent for a few moments, the battle in her mind raging between her old self and the person she was becoming because of the tiny mouse in her arms. The mouse pulled away from the moose, grunting as if the act was painful. Looking the moose in the eyes again she said, "Daisy... I love you, I love just being with you. I can't think of anything that makes me happier than just being in your arms." Sitting up she continued, "I want you... in so many ways... but it all scares me. Every time I think about what we were doing before they dropped Paul off with us, it makes me feel so warm inside, but then everything else comes flooding in. I don't want to hurt you or make you do anything you don't want to either. I'm scared of what I might do. Every time I think about it I see my own reflection in Paul's eyes. I want you to be with me, If I could I would never let you out of my sight. I... I need you..." She trailed off her tail nervously twitching behind her. "Don't leave me, I don't think I could survive if you leave me because I 'm not able to do some things. They just scare me right now." "I.... I know Sisy," the moose replied, staring into the clear blue sky above her, "I just don't want to hurt you, in any way... ever. I don't....I can't..... we can't..." Daisy closed her eyes,

searching for the words, any words to put her thoughts into that would fit. Her lust for this girl had brought the mouse into her life, and changed it forever, her love for the mouse bringing them closer together than she had ever been with anyone in her life. "I can't say ... that what scares you isn't important to me Sisy. I... I don't know how to get past this any more than you do. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't stand not being with you Sisy. Every second you're not with me is like an eternity in hell. The thought of losing you even for a few days, let alone for months or forever... it scares me nearly to death to think of losing you Sisy," the moose said drawing herself up into a tight ball on the ground. "There's... there's nothing I can say, nothing I can do that might not hurt you in some way. I just... I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this any more Sisy." Wrapping her arms as far around the moose as she could Cecily squeezed her tightly. "Daisy, I will never leave you, not emotionally. I will always be here for you. But you are stronger than this. You have to be... for me. The only thing you can do that will separate us is if you leave. We just both need to be patient and work through all this together, no one can do it all alone." Pausing for a moment then leaning back away from her she changed tones, " Now get up and show me the Moose that I know is in there. We need to get back to the car so that Ralph, Zoe , and Debbie don't think we ran off to screw each others brains out and forgot about them. You know that's the first thing Debbie is going to say." Getting to her paws slowly, not looking the girl in the face she said, "fine, I'll get us back. But I really don't care what Debbie or anyone else thinks about me anymore. Just tell me how to get back to the car and I'll get us back." Pointing to her left, "The trail should be about ten yards that way I think." Then rummaging through her backpack and pulling out a map and the GPS, she studied for a moment. "Ok its a little closer than that. " shoving it all into her bag and looking up at the moose, "Race you back, winner gets to drive." "No," she said softly, "I know you don't have a license yet, and I'd rather just walk and

think of that's okay with you." "Awe come on, I have my learner's permit," Looking up at the moose, "I'll sit in your lap and we can both drive.", she said with a wink. "Fine, what ever, just get me back to the car please, I want... I just want to get out of here," she said as she walked off in the direction the girl had pointed. "Shit!", Cecily said in frustration, "Daisy, wait up." She yelled running to catch up with the moose. "Look, I'm sorry I dragged you out here for me to get some picture. I didn't think it would take as long as it did. I wanted to spend some time..." She paused for a moment before continuing, "I want this to be something to remember but, I guess I screwed that one up. Next time you get to pick what we do." Stopping in her tracks, not moving for several long moments she wheeled around staring at Sisy, she tried to control herself, a battle that she finally lost. "You ... you just don't get it at all do you? This was special, It IS special damn it. I would do anything to be with you, to make things right, the way they're supposed to be. The way they should be when you love someone as much as I love you. If I thought it would erase the images from your mind and take away the fear I'd rip that little mother fuckers heart out with my bare paws and stomp it into the fucking ground for you Sisy. I want you to goddamn it, I want you so bad it fucking hurts to be apart from you. I want to be with you and love you and make love to you SIsy. God damn it, it takes everything I have to keep from throwing you on the bed or the ground and fucking you until neither of us can move, that's how bad I want you. You think it's easy for me? It's not, you're all I can think about, all care about, all I dream about is being with you now. Just knowing that you're leaving me behind in a few days tears my fucking heart out. Knowing that I DON'T know when I'll see you again is like being in prison. I can't stand being near you because I can barely control myself, but being away from you is even worse. I'm terrified of it and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it. I know it's hard for you, I know you're scared and afraid of fucking everything. I understand that and I love you anyway. But you don't

see that. You don't see that in trying to not hurt each other we are hurting each other, I just... I don't know if i can keep doing this to us without losing you forever before it's over." She opened her mouth to continue, nothing coming out as she tried to reign in her raw emotions. Unable to say anything more she turned and stormed down the pathway in the direction the mouse had pointed her before she could destroy what ever was left of their relationship, if anything was left. Looking toward the moose stomping away in frustration, her words echoed in Cecily's mind. she pulled out her phone and looked at the one bar on the signal meter, no data reception on the mountain, so no location reporting to Lilly. They were truly alone out here. Shouting at the Moose, "Daisy wait, come back please. I... I NEED YOU!" She started running after the moose only to tackle her to the ground. "I need you. I want you." tears rolling out of her eyes crawling up the mooses body to her face and looking her in the eye, "Just ... I... " She trailed off pressing her lips to the moose's in a passionate kiss. She only half heard the screamed words of the mouse girl her heart pounding in her ears as she stormed away. When Sisy tackled her it took her completely by surprise, but at least she heard the mouses plea this time. Suddenly finding herself on the receiving end of the mouses passionate kiss her arms moved to clutch the girl tightly to her chest. The burning fear and raw emotions of the moose took control of her body gripping the girl firmly and prying her loose from Daisy's muzzle, "Sisy don't, don't do this, Not this way, not because of what I said goddamn it. If you do it means nothing. If you do this because you think I'm going to leave you or your scared then it's just as bad as pity. I don't want that, not from you." "You stupid Moose, there are easier cashes to find, and better valleys to photo," The mouse said looking the moose in the eyes, "Yea, I'm scared, but that's why I got you out here. No one knows where we are right now, not even Lilly. It's really just us. I want you, I wanted you on your birthday, I wanted you this past weekend. You're the first one I actually want to be with. I don't care what we do or

don't do. I just want to do it with you. Last night you said you wanted to replace the images in my head with something better. I want THAT. I want to wake up to the thought of you without the image of someone else in the way." Looking up into the girls eyes she wa stunned as her admissions poured out of her. Sisy wanted her as much as she wanted the mouse girl. Finding her voice at last she asked, "then why? Why the mixed signals? Why the going back and forth between teasing me and pushing me away? I thought you knew...that you could trust me." Sitting up on the Moose's chest and looking down at her. "I... It's hard for me. I've trusted people before only to be hurt. I... I'm sorry. it's like walking up to the line on the rollercoaster and chickening out at the last second, you know you want to ride, but the last time you did it all fell apart in the middle. I thought i would have an hour or so out here to build up the courage to do something, but it took longer to get here than I thought. So..." "So you chickened out again..." the moose said. Holding out her phone, she said, "one of us needs to at least call them so they know we are OK, and going to be a while. I don't want them calling Lilly or anything. I have one bar, that should make one crappy sounding call if it goes though." "What does that matter? Neither of us are ready for this right now. I love you Sisy but I'm not ready to be a daddy." Daisy said looking into the girls eyes. "I am fifteen now, I have been on the pill since I was twelve. And believe it or not, Lilly made sure I had them as soon as the adoption was finalized." Cecily said returning the moose's gaze, "Is there something else I should be worried about?" "Grinning up at the mouse girl, understanding her unasked question she answered, "No, I may have been a slut but I wasn't a stupid slut. I'm clean and can prove it if I have to. The most recent checkup and blood work was just before the cruise and I may have spanked it a few times but I haven't been with anyone since the cruise started.". Sitting back looking into the air Cecily held up her paw and started pointing a finger as she spoke, "You did Paul, who had Zoe, who was with Ralph...." "Okay smart ass, Zoe was a virgin when Paul did her, he was a virgin too. Ralph was a virgin when she sucked him off the first time. They were each others first in almost every way. And it's a sure thing that Ralph hasn't been with anyone else because he's still breathing, that girl would kill him if he fooled around on her." the moose herm said smugly. Diggin her phone from her pocket Daisy looked at the display, "I've only got one bar too, but I've at least got their numbers. I'll call, but only if you swear to me right now that you're telling me the truth, and that this is what you really want. I mean it Sisy, if we do this there's no going back if it's not what you truly want it'll only end up tearing us apart ." Looking at the Moose herm the small mouse said, "I am sitting on your chest, already half naked, saying I want you. And your wanting more proof?" leaning closer touching muzzles, "You weren't like this last time I nearly had my way with you. The only thing going through my mind right now is that beast in your shorts and the space in mine. I don't know if I can take it, and that scares me a little." "THAT, scares me a lot Sisy. I really don't want to hurt you in any way, especially in that way. You won't be the first that couldn't handle all of me, but you will likely be the last if everything goes right. But I have no problem letting you be in charge so you can take what you can handle. I'm not a control freak that has to be on top, besides, it's

easier to do some things from down here where my paws are free," she said as she winked at Cecily. "So should I make that call or are we going to tease each other all afternoon?" she asked, waving the phone in her paw. Rolling off the moose she said, "That's in your paws right now. you can make the call and buy us some time, or we can run back to the car and try and make it to lunch."

18 Mother talk

Enchantment of the SeasJuly 15, 20139:35 amChops Grille    "Amanda, I'm glad that Daniel had a change of heart, now if only that asshole of mine would do the same. I swear I'm nearly at the end of my rope with that moose. He's being more stubborn than...

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16 Waiting to Leave

Enchantment of the SeasJuly 15, 20138:35 amShore Excursions Departure Area  As Daisy walked into the waiting area she saw Debbie was the only one there, walking over to check in for the launch to shore she waved. Once she was signed in and ready the...

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15 Breakfast with a Liger

Enchantment of the SeasJuly 15, 20136:27 amWindjammer Cafe As they stepped off the elevator Debbie greeted them warmly, "Hey girls, was beginning to think you were gonna be..." Grabbing her friend by the shoulder Daisy silenced her with a glare as she...

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