Lovers in Aurora - The Arrival

Story by StrangeInterludes on SoFurry

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What do you get when you give a loving couple access to a top-secret research facility in an alien world?

commissioned by Lynneth _ _ "Ten minutes until takeoff." The synthesized female voice coming out of the ceiling speakers was calm, almost bored. "Please finish getting dressed, check your cargo, and board the shuttle."

"There is plenty of time." Lynneth answered, pulling the zipper up on his flight suit and running his hand over the airtight seal. "Can you raise me Land? I want to talk to him."


As the gentle beep of the communications system resounded, the light-gray-furred husky took the time to look around. He was standing inside the dressing room at Victoria Command hangar. The expansive room had many sets of full-body mirror arrays, allowing for nearly 360-degree of view of whoever stood in front of them. He assumed pilots used those sophisticated devices to check if all of their gear was in place before going to their craft. The usual protocols stated that another pilot had to check one's equipment before takeoff, so maybe they just wanted to feed their stereotypically large egos.

He stepped in front of one of the mirror arrays. Via some trick of optics, the glass pane in front of him showed not only his front, but also his sides and back in four separate images side by side. He raised an eyebrow, marveling how that illusion worked, but quickly moved on to the checklist he had been handed. While making sure everything was in place, he saw that after zippering the suit up, the polymer-aramid fabric clung much more tightly to his body, as if shrunken to match his measurements exactly.

"Where is Land?" He asked aloud, shifting his arms and legs slowly and feeling the suit wielding easily to allow him full range of movement. It was not the first time he was envious of just how many technical achievements his hosts managed to accomplish from their position in that dead continent. Not that he was behind in any way. His corporation merely focused on different things, which made their alliance all that more profitable.

"Commander Land has communicated that he is going to meet you at your location."

"Right." Lynneth shrugged and looked at the mirror again. That suit was almost shamefully clingy, showing off the contours of his dutifully sculpted muscles as they contracted and relaxed underneath. The shape of the shirts and shorts he wore was also faintly visible through the fabric. Looking at the rear view, he was amused to know the flight suit's unrelenting tightness also applied to his rump. Considering his tail was stuck between his buttocks and down his left leg due to the lack of any tail holes on that suit, the overall effect was fairly disconcerting. Moving his eyes back to the frontal view, then downwards, he suddenly felt glad he wasn't going to meet any new people in this trip. There was a cup to protect his modesty up front, but it felt too tight to be of much help. All in all, he felt somewhat naked.

The door swooshed open and he quickly spun on his heels to face Land. The male jaguar, similarly built but seven centimeters taller than Lynneth's 1,75 meters of height, was wearing the simple set of olive t-shirt and black trousers that was common to the Victorian armed forces. On his upper arm he had the only item that would set him apart from other soldiers: a rank patch that identified him as the Commander-in-Chief of the Victoria Republic. People tended to salute very quickly once they processed that little bit of information. Lynneth didn't bother. The informality of their meeting, and the fact that Land was taking care of everything personally indicated how important Operation Sojourn was. As a student of history, Lynneth never ceased to be amused when he thought about how things were so dependent on personal favors these days. The old rulers from the early 1900's would certainly feel right at home in 2073.

"All ready?" Land asked, giving Lynneth a cursory look. He answered before the husky could reply. "Looks like it, good. Let's come out, the capacitors are almost fully charged."

Lynneth followed the jaguar out of the door and into the hangar proper. The cavernous, half-subterranean space had been dug up from the side of a hill and only the forward third of it was exposed to the elements. The air there made his eyes sting, there was a lot of ozone floating around. The gate was fully open, and in the middle of the hangar was parked a small, sleek-looking vehicle, about the length of a minibus. It wasn't there when he walked into the dressing room.

"I wouldn't trust you two horndogs alone in one room... but you do know those dressing rooms are unisex, right?" Land teased, walking over to the shuttle.

"Force of habit, okay?" Lynneth rolled his eyes then set them upon the vehicle. "So, is that the shuttle we're using?" He asked, tying this long brown hair in a ponytail and letting it fall over his shoulder so it wouldn't snag on the equipment mounted on the back of the suit.

"Indeed it is." Land walked around the craft, peering at its metal skin for imperfections. For show, of course. No doubt the technicians must have examined every square inch of that craft for imperfections before it was placed there. Lynneth noticed it was already mounted on the rails that were going to give it its initial push. Land looked at him and grinned. "Hope you still remember the flight lessons and the simulators, because this here is the real deal."

"I think I'm good." Lynneth smirked. "Did you do what I asked you to?"

"Yeah, yeah..." His friend waved one hand dismissively. "It's all accounted for, Lynn. Everything is set up, no one's going to bother you guys."

"That's good."

"You better make the most of it, too." Land leaned on the shuttle. "This is just a favor, to pay back for you guys' help back in Berlin-Potsdam. Unless you can pull those sorts of tricks again, don't expect to ever get another shot at this." He rolled his eyes. "Hell of a waste of resources, you know?"

"It will all be worth it." Lynneth replied. "Are you sure this whole thing is safe? I don't want to put Ione in danger."

"Safe?" Land snorted. "Gimme a break, Lynneth. You know very well we're not amateurs here. We've been doing this for a year already, two launches per month per track. The only difference between this mission and our usual fare is that you guys are probably going to be the first and last people to go there for just this reason."

"What reason is that?" Ione said, and both men turned their heads towards the second dressing room door.

Ione was Lynneth's wife, and she was positively stunning. Her body moved with the sensual quality only female felines like her could provide. Violet eyes gleamed with interest. She had tied her hazel-colored hair much like Lynneth's, but her bangs still flanked her face. Her sultry lips were curled in a smirk, yet devoid of threat.

"Well, look at that." Land replied, a wide grin stamped across his features. "I'm sorry, Lynn... but I think we're gonna have to give the beauty prize to your lady here. Hello, Ione. That suit fits you like a glove."

"Why, thank you..." She replied, walking to her husband, hugging and planting a warm kiss onto his lips. Lynneth knew Land's eyes were following Ione's rolling hips. She smiled at him, her breasts pressed against him, the suits so tight he thought he could feel her nipples against his chest. "So, my dear... what were you two talking about?"

"Oh, just setting up the last details for our date." Lynneth smiled back. "You know that many of Land's holdings are still military areas, all of them classified. I don't think they get a lot of couples going there for some quality time."

"Damn right we don't." Land snorted and turned to the door leading to the rest of the base. "Well, I'll let the two lovebirds settle down in the shuttle. Meanwhile, I'll get to the command center. Talk to you guys in two minutes."

* * * * * * *

Land's voice crackled through the shuttle's radio: "Strap yourselves in, boys and girls. This ride's about to get rolling."

Lynneth let out an annoyed grunt and landed a last quick kiss on Ione's lips. She smiled brightly at him, and he could see by the glint in her eyes that she was excited. He moved back to the front seat and slid the safety harness on before keying the radio. "We are ready here."

"Right. This should be an easy flight, even for a rookie like you. We'll guide the shuttle up to orbit, then the guys at Moonbase9 will pick up your signal and put you on your way to Aurora. All autopilot. You'll be out of comm range there, so it'll be up to you to take the craft to Aurora Airfield and land it there. Got it?"

"Got it." Lynneth held on to the control sticks. They moved loosely as pilot input was disabled. "Let's go?"

"Let's go!" Ione replied, putting on her reinforced plastic helmet and snapping it shut, only her eyes visible through the visor. Lynneth did the same. Their suits hissed as the helmets were pressurized. The couple heard a klaxon, then a quiet buzzing noise and the craft started rolling off on its rails.

"We usually do harder takeoffs than this when using the mass-driver." Land's voice sounded through the cramped cockpit as they reached a hundred miles an hour, the speed counter going higher exponentially faster. The length of the mass-driver rails was such that they had to be lifted off the ground to compensate for the curvature of the Earth. "But since you two are not enhanced, we've dialed this puppy way back."

Lynneth muttered a thank-you, inertia burying him in his soft pilot couch. He looked at the G-counter on the heads-up display and closed his eyes. It would be over soo--

"Aaaand we have lift-off." The radio chirped as Lynneth felt his body emerge from the couch. The craft shuddered lightly as the scramjets mounted on the sides came to life. "All your readings are normal from this side. Enjoy your trans-orbital flight, folks. I'll talk to you when you come back. Victoria Command, out."

* * * * * * *

"So, where is this 'Aurora Airfield' Land was talking about...?" Ione asked, fidgeting on her seat and removing the harness. The initial acceleration had squeezed her hard against her own pilot couch, and she felt slightly dizzy when she stood up. "Is it up near the pole? Why not just take a normal airplane instead of being shot out of a gun while inside the bullet?"

"That's a secret, my dear." Lynneth answered and undid his harness as well. Ione sat down comfortably on his lap. "But I can assure you this will be worth your while..."

"Must be pretty far, since we're going into orbit..." Her voice trailed off as she looked out of the front window. Past the faintly glowing projected heads-up-display stretched the surface of the Earth. They were already far above the clouds, high enough that she could see the curving horizon. She saw the blue haze of the atmosphere fading into the pitch-black space above. A feeble gasp of amazement escaped her lips. "This is beautiful...!"

"You have no idea, little kitten." He winked and leaned his head towards her until their helmets touched. "Just wait and see..."

"Aw, you..." She smiled back and jolted up as she felt something poking her from below, as well as his hand sliding up her side. She grinned down at her husband. "My, I wonder what this is..."

"Well... This is a pressurized craft..." A sly smirk spread across his features, his hand cupping her right breast and massaging it gently.

"Really...?" She felt herself smirking back. "Maybe this would be a good time to renew our membership of the Mile-High club..."

* * * * * * *

"Ooh, that's the Moon!" Ione tittered, holding on to the handles on the walls as she drifted naked in microgravity. Her short fur was glistening with sweat and the air in the cockpit felt a little clammy as the shuttle's air refrigeration system started to catch up to them. Her body was still hot and quivering. Their suits were floating somewhere behind her, Lynneth was laying back on the couch, strapped in to rest a little.

"Yup, that's the Moon..." He let out a content sigh, leaning his head on the soft headrest. "There should be a couple towels inside that locker... can you hand one to me? We need to dry up and get dressed again..."

"Huh...?" She felt around for the locker and opened it, eyes still fixed upon the tiny mottled gray sphere hanging in the emptiness outside. She felt for the fluffy, plain lavender towels and pulled them out. She spun in place, surprisingly at ease with her own weightlessness, turning towards Lynneth and tossing one of the towels at him. "Are we getting there already...? But we're far from everything. Is this Aurora place on the Moon?"

"No, my dear..." Lynneth caught the towel and started drying the sweat off his fur. And they said dogs didn't sweat. "But we do need to get dressed again. You know, standard procedures and all... Land will eat my liver we do anything wrong."

"Right." Ione giggled, rubbing the soft square of fabric onto her fur. The towel absorbed the moisture readily. A few minutes later, she was in her suit once more. Her shirt and panties were stuck to the air conditioning intake grill and she felt much more comfortable with the suit's velvety interior in direct contact with her fur instead. She snapped her helmet on again, took a deep breath of the cool air that rushed in, and buckled up. "All right, I'm all set here."

"Just in time." Lynneth was already suited up and holding on to the yokes. He tensed his fingers, feeling the control sticks were now locked. The shuttle would soon be off autopilot.

A loud trilling beep sounded through the cockpit and the lights dimmed. Lynneth saw the blinking sign on the HUD that warned him that Moonbase9, about half a light-second from them, was sending massive amounts of data to the shuttle's computer. Ione shuffled in her seat.

"What's happening, Lynn?" She asked, her voice slightly shaky with fright. From somewhere behind her seat came a humming noise, quiet at first, but becoming increasingly louder. Soon the entire craft was vibrating ominously, and she held on to the armrests. "What is going on?!"

"Don't worry, my little kitten..." He gripped the yokes firmly, waiting for the green light to come on. His thumbs were hovering over the buttons on top of the control sticks. "Nothing's wrong... You'll see."

The light Lynneth was waiting for lit up. He held his breath and his thumbs jammed the buttons down before Ione could answer. The craft lurched, its walls distorting impossibly for a second, and a flash of glorious light bathed the couple. White, blue, red... all colors of the spectrum washed over them, dazzling and stunning both passengers as the small shuttle made a jump through space that no mortal mind could fathom. The overwhelming display outside of the windows pushed all thoughts to the corner of their minds, leaving only fascination in its wake. Even Lynneth, who thought he was ready for it, found out it was much more than he had expected.

Just as suddenly as it started, it was over. The windows went dark. The sunlight that caressed the craft's thin metal shell a mere second ago would take fourteen years to touch it once again. The craft was silent, the only sound being the breathing of its occupants and the gentle rumbling of the life-support system. A beep from the command console brought them back to reality. Lynneth snapped his head back forward and shook it, blinking. He glanced at the heads-up display. No warnings. He looked down at the status screens in front of him. Everything was normal. He smiled wide and shouted in euphoria.

Lynneth's shout threw Ione's mind back into gear. For a second she felt like her consciousness was still bouncing inside her head, but that quickly subsided. "Oh, my God..." She gaped at her own hands, hardly believing she was still in one piece. "Lynneth, what... what was that?!"

"That, dearest..." He replied, catching his breath as he tried out the shuttle's thrusters. According to the sensors, they were still making pretty good speed relative to their target. He would probably need to slow things down a little so they could land. He cackled, adrenaline still rushing through his veins. "That was... a jump. Through time and space! What do you think of that?"

"That's impossible!" Her eyes were still wide with amazement. "I mean... we can't... No, I mean... where are we...?"

"Well, if this thing's accurate, we're about four-point-two parsecs from Earth." Lynneth answered, feeling more confident with the yokes. "You know, I still suspected Land was trying to pull a prank on me. Looks like I was wrong."

"We need to know how they did it!" Ione leaned forward against the harness, feeling her heart drumming inside her chest. Her mind raced, the realization of what just happened making her giddy, her entire body trembling as she realized the possibilities. "This is a major breakthrough! They need to tell us how they did it!"

"Calm down, my dear." Lynneth laughed again. "We'll have all the time in the world to try and pry that information from them. For now, say hello to our own little place for the time being..."

He twisted the yokes and the craft rolled longitudinally. Ione stared ahead through the windshield. The first thing that came into view was a bright reddish star, about the size of a dime, floating in the void. Then something blocked the corner of the screen, sweeping into view. An arc in green and blue, covered in long white wisps. She blinked and her jaw dropped again as the thought dawned in her mind. That was a planet. Not Earth. Another planet. She was looking at another planet, orbiting a star that was not the Sun. She gasped a question Lynneth couldn't understand, but he answered anyway.

"That's Aurora." He fought to steady his own breath and calm himself down. Ione wasn't the only finding it difficult to think straight amid such wonder. He directed the shuttle into a descending orbit. "Our Victorian friends told me they've been researching this place for quite a while now. Apparently, the air pressure at ground level is too high for us to live comfortably, but they can still operate there with some equipment. Either way, the atmosphere is breathable and there's plenty of life around, so they've built a high-altitude research station, where the pressure is lower."

"Is that Aurora Airfield? They've built an airfield on top of a mountain...?"

"Well, according to the data Land shared with me, and the simulations we had to run while I was learning how to fly this thing..." Lynneth pushed the shuttle into the atmosphere and they both started to feel their weight returning. "Ah, it's not really 'on top of a mountain'..."

* * * * * * *

"So, as you can see if you look down..." He grimaced, fighting with the control surfaces to keep the craft level as aerobraking started to slow them down. According to the HUD, their target was straight ahead, beyond the horizon but approaching fast. It was a tense moment, but talking helped him focus. "This place is pretty flat. Well, uh... let me reword that a bit. It's really damn flat. There are no mountains over two kilometers in height and most of the surface is actually either shallow sea, marsh or floodplain."

"What does it mean?" Ione replied, adrenaline levels rising again as she held on to her harness and the craft jumped all over the air currents. "Is this an old planet? No plate tectonics, so it eroded?"

"That's why I love you, my dear!" Lynneth shouted over the intercom so she could hear him through the roar of air rushing past the craft. "Brains and body. You got it in one, that's the problem with this place. It's all eroded, so the Victoria guys didn't find anywhere high enough to build a base."

"So, what'd they do? Build a flying base?" She raised her eyebrows, incredulous. "That's not how it works!"

"Well, they did. Now hold on tight, this might sting a little!" He grasped the control sticks firmly and held his breath.

Suddenly, there was a loud clanging noise and the shuttle decelerated to a stop so quickly Ione's world almost went black. The harness dug deeply into her flesh, and she would have marks under her fur for at least a couple days afterwards. Breathing hard and covering her sore breasts with one hand, she unbuckled the safety harness and removed her helmet. She held on to the back of Lynneth's seat and lifted herself up, legs shaking. She heard her husband getting up.

"Whew." Lynneth exhaled, pulling his helmet off and tossing it on a corner. "Not bad for the first time piloting this thing, huh?" He held out a hand to Ione and helped his wife steady herself. "Now, let's go outside and take a look at the accommodations, shall we?"

* * * * * * *

A nice, comfortable bed! That was all Lynneth needed after that white-knuckle ride. That base was fairly simple: ten kilometers of landing strip held aloft by an impressive system of gas bags and propellers, with a surprisingly tiny living and administrative area near the center. As research bases went, that one really wasn't much. Most of the real work was done on the surface. Still, there were individual bedrooms, and they were all empty. Besides him and Ione, the entire Airbase was deserted, kept maintained and afloat by its own automated systems while the bases on the surface overtook its duties. Even Ione had to admit that building a floating base like that one was quite a feat of engineering, possible only due to Aurora's dense atmosphere, lower gravity and a lot of technical finesse.

He didn't want to think about that, though. As soon as he and Ione had finished exploring the Living Quarters, he simply threw himself onto the first bed he could find while Ione snooped around by herself. He looked up through the window near the bed's simple headboard and saw the planet's purple-tinted sky. The slightly dim sun was setting somewhere below his field of view. Even with the airbase floating quickly around the planet's equator, pushed by the jet stream to very high speeds, he could see Aurora's namesake streaking through the air. It was a truly inspiring view: the sky looked like it was on fire as charged particles from the red star smacked against the planet's magnetic field. Where did that field come from, given the planetary core and mantle was supposed have mostly solidified, was one of the things the Victorians were trying to find out.

Ione's approaching footsteps made him prop himself up on his elbows and look at the door. The alien sky was getting dark and the lights were still off, meaning the room was already rather dim. He saw the luscious silhouette of his wife standing by the doorway, hands on her hips, framed by the milky white light coming from the corridor. Her hair was loose, he could see she had removed most of the equipment her suit carried, and she looked even more comfortable like that.

"Hello, there, my dear..." Lynneth raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Why don't you get your bag from the shuttle and change into something more comfortable? Maybe we could shower up together?"

"Oh, no..." She took her hands off her hips and brought them to her chest. He heard her pulling the airtight seal open and sliding down the zipper. "You know, I was walking around... and I realized something... we're flying here. This sounds like a great time to pay a visit to the Club again... maybe open up this planet's exclusive branch..."

He grinned as Ione walked slowly towards the bed, sliding her arms out of the sleeves and letting the suit fall effortlessly onto the floor. He could see the delicate curve of her hips and the swaying motion of her full breasts in the shadow. He could feel her alluring scent drifting towards him. "You know... that is a great idea."

Ione leaned forward onto the bed and crawled up to Lynneth, her silky hands running over his chest. Even through the suit he could feel every touch as she pulled it open and revealed the undershirt he was wearing underneath. She held on to the sleeves and he pulled his arms free from them, his hands going straight to her heaving chest. He massaged and kneaded her soft D-cups, his fingers playing with her nipples. Ione purred loud, her tail held high and swaying slowly.

Soon she stiffened up her back and muted moan escaped her lips. Her hands ran all over Lynneth's back as the wolf's tongue and lips started their work. She could feel her body starting to throb lightly, a familiar warm and pleasant sensation spreading through her nether regions. Ione flinched a little and gave him a kinky smile as one of his hands made its way down her sculpted tummy, past her well-trimmed bush, and between her folds. As his fingers started exploring her lower lips she half-closed her eyes and let her own hands wander over his hot, half-dressed body.

She gripped his suit firmly and pulled. He complied, lifting his hips, then his feet so that bothersome garment would finally be off. The suit fell to the floor as she lay down on top of him and their lips touched. Their tongues played together as his fingers kept massaging and caressing the cat girl's secret places. While one of her hands was caressing his shoulder and neck as their kiss extended, her other hand slid down his chest. She broke the kiss and tugged at the elastic band of his shorts, giving him the kind of smirk that would make even the stoniest heart beat with desire.

Lynneth's meat slid out of his shorts, from its cramped accommodations once again. Ione slid herself down her lover's body to look at it more closely. She was always delighted to see that even when not yet fully hard, his member was already bigger than what most other men could claim at their apex. She stroked it gently as she pulled the shorts off him, knowing how her dear wolf liked being treated. He groaned quietly as her rough tongue made contact with the underside of his shaft, sliding up and down yet never reaching the tip. She was teasing him, coaxing him to give her something to taste. Soon she got what she wanted, big drops of pre-cum forming at the tip. He groaned again, a little louder.

"Oh, you know I like that, my dear doggie..." She cooed, licking the pre with gusto and finally sliding a third of his hard, throbbing eleven inches into her warm mouth. He squirmed as her tongue worked its magic on his meat, her hands also caressing the rest of the shaft and the big balls hanging underneath. She worked expertly, bringing him to the edge of climax and stopping, looking at him with that naughty grin of hers then resuming once he had cooled down a little. She knew her doggie very well.

His body shuddered lightly and he pushed her of. She rolled onto her back, legs curled with thighs close together, and looked up at him as he towered over her. She was breathing hard with anticipation, the free motion of her bosom enticing him. His hands held on to her knees and pried them apart with little resistance. He brought his hips close and his large rod rested on her lower tummy, rubbing on her fur. He smirked at her and moved a little, shaft now gliding between her sensible, pink labia. She closed her eyes and moaned as her engorged clit felt his heavy meat rubbing on it.

"Teasing makes you a naughty kitten, dearest..." Lynneth whispered, one hand guiding his member towards her wet entrance. She started and jolted a little as she felt her pussy being prodded by her husband's large cock. "Do you know what we do to delicious, naughty kittens?"

Ione whimpered a soft, begging answer and arched her back slightly as her lover immediately complied. Her lower lips were parted and she shivered with pleasure as she felt the inches sliding into her. He moaned, her tightness never ceasing to amaze him, and pushed until his hips were touching hers. Somehow, she always took it all in with nary a sign of discomfort. He leaned forward, hands back on her soft, warm chest as he kissed her deeply. She embraced him and they stood still, basking in the warmth they felt off each other.

He started to thrust, his hips going back and forth steadily and her breasts matching the rhythm. He quickly sped up, his meat punishing Ione's pussy and making her squirm and moan for more. She tightened up further, a climax quickly building up inside her, yet he held back and kept at it, moving ever faster. His hips slapped against hers with every movement, sending waves of pleasure through their entwined bodies. Suddenly, Ione screamed and tensed up, the orgasm rocking her body hard as it washed over all her senses. The wolf gritted his teeth and kept on going for as long as he could as her walls clenched around his wang and squeezed it tight.

As Ione's orgasm started to die down, she heard Lynneth groaning loud and he pushed in one last time. Inside her, his meat throbbed hard and she felt the warmth of his cum filling her up. Panting, she gave him a tender look and wriggled her hips in place, grinding on him and making his climax even more memorable. Her hands moved down from her shoulders to his hips and she wrapped her legs around him. She purred and smiled at him once he opened his eyes and looked down. She wasn't going to let him out anytime soon.

"I like this place..." She giggled under him, her face and naked bust flushed under her fur. "There's something in the air, you know...?"

"Oh, I know..." Lynneth rolled on the bed, taking Ione with him so she would be on top. Her large breasts squeezed comfortably against his chest, and he put his hands on her derrière, caressing her fur. "Nitrogen."

"Huh?" Ione's head tilted. "What? Narcosis?"

"I told you the air was denser here... higher nitrogen pressure, too. It's like we're diving." He stirred a little, yawned and smiled at the gorgeous cat lady sitting on top of him. "It's not much, but it can affect us a little. Mild euphoria, slight judgment impairment... you know, what you feel after a drink or two."

"Oh." Her ears perked up as the thought made its way to her face and she opened up a smile. "I like this. How long are we staying here, Lynn?"

"Long enough, dearest Ione." He hugged her and closed his eyes. "Long enough."