Poor Choices

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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In the dark pre-dawn hours Lilliana walked back to the public fire pit where she had left the two lovebirds to spend their merger time together. As she approached the glowing embers she saw the two  wrapped in the oversized beach towel in each others arms. She smiled as she saw Cecily's tail curled around the moose herm's leg. She quietly whispered to herself, "Now isn't that just fucking adorable." She sat the six pack of strawberry ale in the nearby sand as she retrieved  a few discarded fire logs and tossed them into the pit, followed by the  remnants of her open beverage. the sound of the WOUF from the sudden ignition of the alcohol on the glowing coals  surprised the couple awake.Lilly looked down at the slightly shocked teens and said, "At least you could have built a sand castle or something. We're at the beach for christ's sake."Cecily peaked out from under the towel, "It was too dark to build a good one. Besides, you said you'd get me some buckets and shovels."The liger dropped to the sand with her back to them and leaned against the pair as if they were a rock or fixture on the beach. "So, you two get those sunset photos? Without bringing your camera?"The small mouse fidgeted under the covering adjusting her bathing suit before she crawled out, leaving her lover shielded from public view. She walked around and sat lin Lilliana's lap. "We kinda missed it. It was late when we got here. I thought we could get them at dawn instead."Lilly reached into the fresh carton of drinks and pulled out two bottles. She taped the moose on the snout with one as she asked, "You just going to lay there and pretend to sleep?""No, I was kinda waiting for you to lean up long enough to get the wedgy outta my ass before I got up," the moose said jostling the liger roughly as she quickly pulled her bikini bottoms back on. Throwing the towel back she took the offered drink from the woman's paw, twisting the top off before taking a healthy pull from the bottle. Standing up and stretching her arms over her head she felt her top slip sideways, exposing one of her breasts to the mouse's eyes, not quite awake enough to realise her bottoms were on backwards leaving her exposed completely.  The odd mother daughter pair

laughed as the liger fell backward without the moose to lean on. "That must have been one hell of a wedgie, girl, you might want to  cover up and try again."The mouse looked down at the liger in the sand. "Lilly, How many have you had?""I didn't count.""You're done for the day." The mouse took the bottle out of the liger's paw and tossed it into the fire.Daisy didn't even bother with the towel, quickly stripping off her bikini bottoms and turning them around as she slipped back into them, adjusting her to properly cover her as well as she watched the exchange between mother and daughter. "So how badly is she fucked up Sisy? Should I be worried about it or what?" the moose girl asked as she eyed the liger cautiously."I'm  barely buzzed and she won't let me drink. I get no secrets, she gets no drunks." Lilly looked up at the moose from her back. "I think it's fair enough. We haven't settled on a number, she just starts taking them away."The mouse looked at the liger sternly as she spoke, "You're more than a little buzzed and... I don't like it."The liger hug the mouse to her chest, "Okay, Squeaky, You win. You always win this one and you know it. You don't have to worry about  stuff like that ever again." She let the mouse go and sat up. "I'll stay right here while you two go get the camera... and cleaned up a little." She smiled at the pair as she leaned back on her elbows.Shaking her head slowly, still trying to figure out the odd relationship between the liger and her mouse lover Daisy said, "come on trail mix, she's right, we need to get cleaned up. I got sand in places it shouldn't be and it's bugging the fuck outta me."Cecily looked up at the moose as she stood from the liger's lap. "Where do you want to clean up at?""Other than out there," the moose said pointing towards the ocean, "where else can we clean up here?"The small mouse tilted her head, shifted her weight to one leg and place a paw on the opposite

hip, "Cold ocean, or warm shower in the hut? I'll get plenty cold river baths in two days." As the mouse spoke the liger snickered."That sounds good to me, let's go," the moose said walking towards the hut, "and keep your paws... and everything else to yourself girlfriend, or we'll miss sunrise too."Cecily ran after the moose, "You do the same, fingers.""Kiss my furry ass Q-Tip," the moose retorted, giggling as her girlfriend ran up beside her. "Seriously Sisy, how trashed is Lilly, I need to talk to her after we clean up if she's up to it.The mouse hung her head and looked at the ground as they walked, "She's fine." she sighed as she added, "She's right, I don't let her drink, not when I am around, it makes me nervous." She walked past  her girlfriend, into the hut and straight to the attached bathroom to crank the hot water all the way on to get of flowing and warm. She sat silently on the edge of the shower tub, held her paw in the water as she slowly added cold to the mix to maintain the temperature.Closing the door behind he as she entered the hut, Daisy stripped off her bikini, calling into the bathroom to her girlfriend, "water ready yet sweet stuff?" All she heard in response was a splash from the other room.Crossing the small room of the hut quickly she looked into the attached bathroom as she called out, "Sisy, you okay in there?"Foot paws and a tail hung out of the tub as the moose looked into the room. As she called out to her lover the legs disappeared into the tub. "It's okay," she said from her slightly concealed location as her tail slapped against the side of the fiberglass tub before it was pulled out of sight as well. "Just... testing the water."  She pushed herself up to peek over the rim of the tub, "It's warm if you want to come in."Giggling as she stepped into the tub the moose looked down at the mouse and asked, "not gonna admit you fell in huh?"She look up at the moose for a moment before looking back down in the tub, "Yeah... I fell in." She reached to draw the curtain as she added, "Let's get cleaned up so we don't miss the sunrise."Smiling broadly at her girlfriend the moose replied, "girl, at least you fit in the tub when you fall in. Last time the goofy brother of mine Ralph did, he got his antlers stuck in it, nearly drown his fool self.The small mouse snickered and looked up at her girlfriend. "You know, if you ignore the fact he looks just like Paul, he's kinda cute."Cocking an eyebrow at the mouse Daisy asked playfully, "you umm.. got the hots for brother now girl? Because I gotta tell ya, that girlfriend of his would hurt someone for messing with her man now." Watching as her lover blushed slightly she added, "he's always been the sweet one Sisy, that's part of why I have to look out for him in this mess. He and I have always been close, always had each others back ya know?""I said he's cute, I don't want to do him or anything. Besides she already slapped him for looking at me." She pulled the plunger to turn on the shower as a blast of cold water hit the moose in the chest. Cecily giggled  as the moose screamed at the cold shock before the water warmed to the desired  temperature. "I've never had that happen. It's kinda.. over my head.""Har, har, hardy, har, har wise ass," the moose said with a mock look of annoyance on her face. "Keep that up and I'll use you for a loofa short stuff", the moose said pulling the mouse's face against her belly, leaning over to lightly swat the girls firm butt with her paw. "Just for that... you may not want to do him, but in a way you have already sweet lips. Ralph is just a slightly shorter version of me... minus the girly parts of course."Cecily pushed away from her lover to look up at her, "Um... speaking of loofa... We didn't pack any fur wash. we were just going to hang out on the beach I think.""Well, if ya want to speedy, there's some in my pack, but then you'll smell like me, just sweeter," she said, looking down at the mouse.The small mouse raised her tail up to the moose's face, "I already smell like you. Do you hear me complaining?""No, I don't, but we need to get a move on so you can get the pictures sweet thing. So hurry up and let's get back to the beach hmmm?", the moose said as she rubbed

the warm water through her fur, unsung her fingernails to loosen the more stubborn spots of caked sand in their dried in love juices, muttering, "this is what I hate about sand, gets every fucking where.""Your fur is just not made for it," the small mouse said as she jumped out of the shower to retrieve the fur soap. As she returned she added, "Unless there is something sticky I can mostly shake it off." She looked up at her lover and asked, "You need help? Getting to the hard to reach places I mean."Giggling at her lover the moose answered, "not this morning hot legs, I'll do it myself so we can get out of here before sunrise, but next time you can help all you  want... with those hard to reach places."Cecily snickered as she squeezed the soap into her fur high on her shoulders and began washing her shelf from the top down. Together the pair washed themselves, the mouse spent a fair amount of time cleaning the long fur at the end of the tail. And putting her bathing suit back on without drying off. "Ready when you are slow poke.""Funny, there's a lot less to wash on a three foot tall mouse than there is a six foot moose with thick fur, I'll be done in a few minutes, go grab your camera and I'll be out in a few," the moose herm said as she poked at the tip of her mouse lovers nose.After she gathered  her photography equipment she sat and waited patiently for her lover, As the moose finally emerged from her shower, her eyes were assaulted by the rapid flashing of the camera and quick succession of 'KADAK' sounds erupted into the silence. As it stopped  she heard the mouse say, "Now there are some keepers."Reaching for her bikini, shaking the remaining sand from it as she slipped back into the metal blue swimwear, shaking her head as she looked at the mouse, "I guess I should have known better than to tell you to grab your camera."The kangaroo mouse grabbed her girlfriend by the paw and began to pull her to the door, "Come on. The Suns not going to wait for us. And I need to see if Lilly is sneaking more drinks.""I'm with you trail mix, let's go," the moose replied as the mouse led the way back to the fire pit on the beach where they had left the liger sitting.Still seeing the four bottles left in the six pack, Cecily dropped her backpack into Lilly's lap, then grabbed hold of the moose again. She pulled her lover to the edge of the water. She stopped and looked out over the ocean as the sun began to peak  over the waves. "Oh my God." Instantly the mouse started taking shot after shot of where the sky meet the ocean, slowly stepping back with each click. The sky was filled with reds, pinks, purples and blues reflected in the  moving water below. Oblivious to everything but the sunrise she backed into the moose, then looked up at her with a smile. "I see only one thing more beautiful than that sunrise." she leaned back taking a picture of the moose smiling down at her from the extreme angle.From behind the pair, the liger reached around and took the camera from the mouse. "You two go have some fun, I got this."  Daisy could smell the alcohol on the liger's breath as she spoke. "This day is all about having fun. If you don't mind, I'm going to sit up the beach a bit." Then she walked away from the pair, leaving them at the waters edge.Together the couple spent hours in the water splashing, playing, swimming, and cuddling  with one another. The world had evaporated into just them, even as the crowds and other campers emerged on the small beach. The two had left their cares and problems behind, even if only for the moment. After what seemed to be only minutes to the lovers engaged in such mundane play Cecily  swam to the moose, wrapping her arms and tail around her, she started asked, "You know what we forgot?" and as if to answer they both felt the little mouse's stomach growl in  emptiness.As Daisy carried Cecily out of the water and up to where the liger was. She was now stretched out on a large beach towel, part of it draped over her eyes next to a cooler that had not been there when they went into the water. Without looking up at them she said, "About time you guys got hungry. Drinks and sandwiches in the cooler, we'll bet something better sometime around midnight or so. Unless you guys want to bug out sooner."Before she could give herself a chance to change her mind Daisy spoke, "as far as being away from Sisy no. But as far as getting the fuck away from my dad yes. I thought it over Lilly, I want the fuck off this island, as soon as possible. I have to get home and get things started, to make sure Ralph and Zoe will be okay. I can't worry about what I want until I know they'll be okay. It's... it's just what I have to do, for them and for

me." She paused as she sat down in the sand beside the liger, fiddling with her paws as she continued, "I know it may be asking alot, but is there any way you can get me on that space available list?"The liger responded, still not moving from her relaxed position, "So , let me get this straight. After I have already helped you sneak away from your dad, to see someone we both know he would hate, you want me to help you get a flight out of here, before he even knows you're not in your room, so that you can go home and put some plans into motion that will piss him off even more, just so you can be sure your brother and his family are out of your dad's reach. Does that sum it up?"Dropping her head into her paws she replied, "Yes, it sounds kind of crazy to hear it out loud like that. But that's exactly what I'm asking."The liger sat up and looked at the moose, "And how exactly do you plan on repaying me for this... favor? You have nothing to give, the results of these actions will only further infuriate him with me, drive a wedge between at least one of your parents and the one you love, and  leave you and your mother as the only targets for his frustration. This doesn't sound like a very smart thing to try and do.""I know," the moose said quietly, "I knew all this from the start Lilly, that's why I had to think long and hard about it before I could even think about askling. It's not a very smart thing to do, but it's the only thing to do. I know this... all of this, and especially the relationship between Sisy and me could end up costing me more than I'm willing to lose, normally. but I don't have any real choice. Not because of being some love struck teen with a bad case of hot pants. Or any other foolish reason," the moose said finally looking the woman in the eyes as she finished her reasoning, "right or wrong, cost nothing or everything it's what I have to do Lilly. Because for the three people involved in this that matter the most to me, other than SIsy, my brother, his girlfriend and their baby, it's the right thing to do."With the coldest look the moose had ever seen in anyones eyes Lilliana said, "You could ask me to kill him. He'd never see it coming, and could never hurt any of you ever again. You'd be free to do what you want, be with who ever you want. Your brother and his girl will be as safe as possible, and only one person has to lose anything."A look of shock and fear

crept into the mooses eyes as she listened to the ligers reply, yes it was a solution, a permanent one. But she couldn't let that happen. Her father deserved a chance to see he was wrong and do the right thing eventually. He had been a good role model for his children up until this trip, up until their world had been turned upside down in a matter of hours. She couldn't wish for her fathers death, not even with the things he had said and could possibly do in the days to come. "No," she said weakly, "I can't ask you to do that Lilly, I won't ask you to do that. He's being a jerk, and an asshole. But he doesn't deserve to die for it. I hope he'll see that he is wrong, and hope that he can fix the damage he's already done to my family before it's too late. But I... I don't want to lose my dad like that. I couldn't live with myself knowing that because of me my brothers lost their father, or that Ralph's baby lost a grandfather. I can't... ," Daisy sat there silently for several long moments, considering the reasons she wanted away from her father, and all the reasons she couldn't even consider the offer the woman beside her had made. She felt a tightness in her chest, as if someone was crushing her heart in a vice as tears began streaming down her cheeks, falling silently in the sand between her hooves.The liger dropped back to the towel beneath her. As if the conversation was nothing more than a common everyday thing she said to the moose, "Okay, I can respect that. For the flight, I will need at least one parent's consent to get you on the list. You could spend anywhere from a few hours to days waiting on a flight. But, Once things are set in motion I will do nothing to stop them. You're going to have to make some hard choices very soon.And you better be ready for them." She looked over at the small mouse and said, "could you hand me a sandwich?" As Cecily handed her mother a sandwich from the cooler, Lilly looked back at the moose, "Well, you going to eat or make with getting permission to leave? Either way you need to do both today.""I... I need to call my mom," the moose said hollowly, still staring t the sand beneath her. "I left my phone back in the hut, I'll go make the call..." she said as she rose to her hooves slowly. As she started to walk away from the liger, the small mouse turned as if to go with her before Daisy looked her in the eyes and said, "no, Sisy, I need to do this alone." Walking away slowly she turned the events of the last few minutes over in her mind as she walked back to the hut and retrieved her phone from the discarded shorts laying on the floor from the night before. She composed a simple text, sending it to her mother...,[7:25am Me: Mom, when

you get this, get away from dad and call me please. We... we need to talk about something, please]She sat down heavily on the bed after the message was sent, trying to think through everything that was happening in her life, all the things that had turned her world upside down and inside out. So lost in her thoughts that the ringing of her phone caused her to jump, nearly throwing the device across the room before she answered the call.(Hello?) she said, unsure of who was on the other end.(Daisy? What's going on baby girl?) her mother replied, concern in her voice after hearing her daughter's voice.(Mom I'm... I don't know what to do. I'm scared... maybe I've gone to far this time. I've let this get way out of hand, things have gone to far and I..., I've put peoples lives in danger.)(What? Daisy honey what are yu talking about? No ones life is i danger because you...) her mother began before she was cut off by her daughters next words.(Lilly want's to kill dad.. she, she offered to kill him so he can't hurt any of us any more. Mom the woman is really insane...)(She did WHAT? Daisy are you sure? You know people say things like that without thinking about actually doing it.)(I'm sure mom. She meant it... the look in her eyes was so... cold, so dead and emotionless when she said it. This is all my fault...)(Daisy, this is not your fault..)(Yes it is mom, this is my fault, all because I couldn't keep it in my pants and had to go after a little mouse girl I thought was pretty. Because of me my daddy could end up dead...)(Sweety, how can you possibly think, for even a minute that you and Cecily have anything to do..)(Because I had to go and fall for her. I dragged her into my life while everything was falling apart, I'm the one that put her in danger, not dad, me.) Her fear slowly giving way to anger, at herself for being responsible for bringing this down on her family she continued.(How mom? How the fuck could I do this? How could I let this get so out of hand? My

youngest brothe gets rapped by a girl and now my fathers life is in danger from a crazy woman, all because I fell in love with a little mouse girl.)(Daisy, baby..) her mother's voice nearly pleading with her as she spoke, (Lilly told me where you were when she called, I'll to you and we can talk to her together, I'm sure she didn't...)(No mom. don't. I was just fooling myself, thinking that I could fall in love and have any kind of a real relationship with someone.  Now because of it an insane liger wants to kill my dad, and it's all my fault...)(Daisy, don't blame yourself for the thing that have happened. If your father hadn't mishandled this mess with Paul...)(No mom, if I hadn't been thinking with my dick in the first place Sisy and Lilly wouldn't be mixed up in all this is the first place. Yes dad fucked up, but I fucked up worse. I'm not supposed to be happy, or fall in love. I'm just a herm, a freak, a waste of....)(Daisy Daniels stop it, you're my daughter and I love you just the way you are. So does that little mouse girl you're in love with. You need to calm down and think things through...)(No mom, I need to end this before I hurt anyone else, before someone ends up dead because of me... I just... it has to end) she said abruptly ending the call with her mother, quickly slipping back into the clothes she had worn the day before as she grabbed the keys to the Gold Wing from where they lay. Pulling her ringing phone from her pocket she saw her mother trying to call her back as she silenced the device completely, shoving a back into her shorts as she bolted from the small hut. For only a moment she considered confronting the woman, deciding it was pointless, seeing the look on the mouse's face when she told her it had to end would break her heart, it was more than she could stand to think about. She ran as fast as her hooves would carry her to where the motorcycles were parked, throwing her leg over the big road cruiser and firing the engine to life. She left in a hail of sand and dirt, barely able to see through the tears streaming from her eyes as tires caught on blacktop as she sped away to do what she had to do to keep from hurting anyone she loved ever again...    Seconds passed like hours as Raquel tried to call her daughter, the girl refusing to answer her phone. Her mind in a near panic she thumbed through her calls list, quickly finding the number for her daughters girlfriend and making the next

desperate call, fear taking ahold of her heart as the phone at the other end rang.    Lilliana Fargo lay  propped up against the cooler, quietly gazing out across the ocean when Cecily's phone began to ring. Cocking an eyebrow at the mouse she said,"you might want to get that squeaky, it should be Daisy's mom calling to confirm her girls story about heading home early."Retrieving her phone from backpack Cecily answered the call, "Hello?"(Cecily, this is Daisy's mom, put lilly on quickly...) the moose matron said, her voice frought with worry and concern."Umm, lilly?, the small mouse said, a worried look on her face as she handed the phone to her mother. "It's her mom, but she sounds worried."Taking the phone from the mouse lilly answered "Hey Ricky, what's up?"(I don't know what the fuck is going on, but find Daisy, now, she called me all upset and I think... I think she may be running. Lilly find her, make sure she's okay and call me.)(What?) the liger started to ask as the call from the moose woman ended abruptly. (Ricky, I need you to come by or send Debbie to watch Sisy. Just ask for Fargo up at the desk, I will tell them you are coming. I just wait for my call. because I am sure neither of us will answer again until I have our girl.)  She ended the call and looked over at Cecily. "Call Alex, I think I might need..." She paused for a moment, "... FUCK! you can't call Alex or Susan, they are out of town. Okay, I need you to wait in the hut. Debbie or Ricky should be by to look after things. And before you say anything, No you can't come because I need to fix this. Now move."With tears forming in her eyes the small mouse ran to the hut disappearing out of site. Lilly looked at her tracking app seeing that Daisy had not turned off her phone, "Thank god for emotional teens. This is going to be easier than I thought. I just hope I am not too late already." She dug through the cooler and retrieved the motorcycles keys and ran to the Honda Shadow. Still barefoot and in nothing but her bathing suit she ranched the bike and speed out of the parking lot in the direction of the moose had been heading. She leaned forward on the cruiser, placing one one paw on the rear peg while leaving the other on the shifting lever.  She speed at near top speed  as she watched for the Gold Wing. When the moose and bike came into view

she slowed the match pace with the girl.  Shouting to be sure she was here, "Pull over Daisy, before I pull it over for you."  As the moose ignored her she slowed to move to the other side of the bike, Switching paws to hold the accelerator she leaned in and started popping the plastic shielding off the side of the street bike. "Debbie is going to give you shit when she is charged to replace all this, But I'm going to stop you if you don't," she said as the first piece fell to the  pavement and nearly shattered on impact.Hearing the plastic crash to the pavement, bursting into pieces Daisy released the throttle of the big road bike, letting it slow of it's own accord until she could pull off the road. Once stopped she tore off her helmet as she sprang from the seat to face the liger as she pulled up alongside her.The liger let the  rented Shadow fall to the ground as she stepped off the motorcycle and turned to face the moose. "I have two hysterical people worried about one moose, and I know it's because of what I said. Looks like we need to talk again, because apparently you forgot the one thing I told you was more important than anything else." She looked deep into the emerald green eyes with her golden orange, "What is the only rule that matters?""Do the right thing..." the moose responded through clenched teeth.The moose watched as the cold, emotionless, hollow stare returned to the ligers eyes as she spoke. "And what are you planning on doing? Think very carefully before you answer, because I do believe I said I would help you. I know more about what you're going through than you think. The man that you looked upto has suddenly showed you a side of him that you never saw before, Your brother is running from home in fear of the same man, the one who raised you, supported you, pushed you all to become the furs you are now. In the last week everything you know has fallen apart and you're scared. But before you continue down the path you are headed I want you to listen to what I have to say. If you can keep going after that, I'll let you." She paused for a moment, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "You are the daughter of a loving mother, and father even if he doesn't act like it right now, The sister to two brothers that could be crushed without you. You're about to be the aunt of a beautiful moosepanda, that will miss one of the most extraordinary people I have met, and trust me, that is saying a lot on my part. You have the one you have professed your love to now in panicked fear of losing the one person she loves more than her mother." She paused and

fell to the ground leaning against  the motorcycle that lay on it's side behind her. "Mother. Fuck I have made some stupid choices in the last month, and damned if I'm going to let you make one that does more damage than good." She looked up at the moose and said, "come on beanstalk, you going to stand up there angry at the world and yourself? Let me have it. You have a target right here to unleash all that pent up frustration on, with no fear of reprisal. Just answer me one thing, and I will let you say or do anything you want. What about Cecily? What about the one we both love?" the moose saw a single tear roll out of the liger's eye as she uttered the final question.    As she listened to the liger put into words the very thoughts that had raced through her mind after she had left the hut Daisy stood there, still as a stone statue. Her heart racing in fear, anger, frustration and pain as a thousand thoughts clamored for her attention at once. The liger's final question bringing everything to a dead stop in a split second. Even as she tried to force the question from her mind she knew it came down to exactly that, what about Cecily. As she thought about the mouse girl she loved so dearly, so completely and without question her resolve faltered. Her whole body began to shake, moments before her legs gave under her, sending her to her knees beside the road bike, leaving her sitting staring at the ground in front of her a she struggled to find the words to say what was in her heart. "You're wrong," were the only words she could force from her mouth.    A smirk curled in one corner of her mouth as she hear the moose finally speak. "Which part? I said a lot of shit just now. Which part am I wrong about? The family that loves you, the baby that will miss it's only aunt if you're not that, or the mouse that would  be so crushed by your absence that she may never trust another soul in her life? You have to give me a little more than I'm wrong, that happened a lot."    Without looking the woman in the eye, the mooes answered, "no, not about that. You're wrong about who you hate for all the shit that fell on Sisy. I was the one that dragged her into it, it was because of me that she was any where near any of the problems of my family Lilly. My dad is being a dick, I won't deny that for a second. But if I hadn't been... if I hadn't been after Sisy in the first place none of this would have ever happened. She would have been better off if I had just walked away that day in the arcade."    "Stop right there," Lilly reached out and put a paw on the moose's shoulder, "you are more stupid than I gave you credit for." she paused as she

stifled  a laugh, "Sisy being tangled up in your family problems is a combination of everyone's fault, mine included. And that issue has nothing to do with why I want to rip your father's heart out and show it to him as it lets out it's final beats. If i wanted to do that to every idiot that hurt me or my family, there would be no debate over population control. All the drama and shit over your brothers and Sisy are over in my opinion, we took care of that the other night, or I would not be helping you torment your father. As far as killing the fuck, Yea, I could do it, I even want to. Will I? No, he might be the only grandfather for my daughter's cubs." She paused for a moment, then shook Daisy, "Oh my god, antlers... on a  mouse," she paused looking at the top of the moose's head, She shook her head for a moment, "Back to the matter at hand...Fuck it!" She placed her other paw on the moose's shoulder, "That tail? what would you do if you had that tail?" She  moved across to sit by the moose and wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulders. "Okay, your turn, I just broke my brain here. But the hate I have for your father is not your fault, and if he pulls his head out of his fourth point of contact, he can still redeem himself."    Finally raising her head to look the liger in the eyes the moose girl said, "where I was going, was to talk to my brother Ralph. To tell him... to tell him he was on his own. To tell him that I can't fix the problems of someone else when I can't even fix my own. After that, I guess to my mom to tell her goodbye." Daisy paused, taking several deep breaths to steel herself before she could finish what she had to say. "after that the rental place to return the bike and a cab to the airport to get the fuck off this island..."    "Then what mouse bait? Drive off into the sunset and everyone lives happily ever after?""We both know it doesn't work that way, it never works that way. To drive off maybe, I don't know.    "One hell of a well thought out plan you got there, mouse bait. We call that a Fargo plan, figure it out as you go. I'm not sure you're on that level of insanity yet. So, Lets  think about this. Pick one thing you want. Fuck everything else for a moment. What do you want?" The liger looked her in the eyes as she asked. "Of all the things you have going on right now, pick one that you want to work on and we'll start from there. I told your mother I would keep you safe, and I plan on doing just that until you're back in her paws."    "I want... what I want most is...to be with Sisy. I want that so bad it

hur... " as she was about to explain to the liger what her deepest desire was, the phone in her pocket went crazy, a loud siren wailing from her pocket as she reached for the device. Pulling it from her pocket she saw the red and white flashing screen... Sisy's panic button app on the screen. She stared for a brief instant at the phone in her paw before she grabbed the liger by the shoulder, "FUCK, Lilly is that thing still ridable?" she asked pointing at the Shadow laying on the ground.    "Both should be fine. I just pulled the plastic off yours and laid mine down. And she's late. She is doing better, and it's all because of you." With a smile she added," Get your ass on one of them and get to her. I dropped my phone on the road getting to you. And when you get there Ask her what she wants. Don't tell her what you want, just ask her what she wants. "    Daisy threw her leg over the seat of the big road bike, the engine roaring to life as she grabbed her helmet. Looking to the ligre before she pulled away she said, "I will if she's okay, but get that bike up and follow me asap. You're right she is late, she should have hit that thing sooner Lily, I have a bad feeling about this and we may both need you." Dropping the bike into gear Daisy roared off, heading back to the hut, and the girl she loved...    Lilly picked up the Shadow and followed the moose back to her adopted daughter.