What They Don't Teach You in School, Chapter Three

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#3 of What They Don't Teach You in School

Kenneth McWillow, the famous gay author, has been asked to speak at a florida university. The bull imagined that the trip would be pretty run of the mill but, that was before he met Paul...

Written in tandem with the awesome Ayrshire , FA: Minotorture

Paul was barely listening to Kenneth speech. He heard the words come out of the bull's mouth however, nothing but the pleasant sound of the bovine's voice registered with him. The rhino stayed just off stage, a dreamy look in his eyes as he fondly recalled the taste of the man's cock between his lips. Later that night when we went home, made himself a mug of tea to soothe his throat and had a good night's rest however, while his tea was steeping he had tested the limits of his sorely under filled tailhole. The rhino remembered how loudly he whimpered after the first two digits entered his rump and how close he was to climaxing by the time the third slipped in.

The sound of an audience of gay men and women clapping and cheering roused Paul out of his day dream, standing up right as the smiling bull approached him.

"Enjoy the speech?" Kenneth asked the rhinoceros.

"Oh, yeah, I loved every word." Paul spat out.

"I can tell." The bull brought his thick hand down and discreetly gripped the swollen lump in Paul's slack, giving it a fond squeeze. "You must be mighty eager for this last lesson."

"Yes!" Paul said with a hushed moan. "W-when will that lesson be?" The rhino could feel his heart pound faster, a slight shiver crawling down his spine despite the warm night air. The feeling of Kenneth's touch was enough to make him weak but, having the older male handle his manhood in such a way caused him to feel faint.

"After dinner." The bull said as he uncurled his fingers from around the rhinocero's hidden member. Paul was bewildered by the statement, mouth hanging open as he watched the bull walk to a group of school staff to shake hands and receive his due praise. The young rhino spent the rest of the rally wondering if 'dinner' was some metaphor or old code for a night of passionate sex however, when Kenneth drove them to a upscale, downtown bistro he could feel the shame of his yearning burn in his ears.

The meal wasn't what Paul has expected in the least, and it was hardly a bad thing. He listened and laughed as Kenneth told stories of his surprisingly awkward grade school life as their dinner was served. He fidgeted in his seat as they shared embarrassing sexual escapades while they finished their wine. His heart melted as Kenneth admitted that what he enjoyed most about to his trip was getting the chance to meet the rhino over dessert. Paul couldn't contain his joy as the bull reached over the table and held the rhinoceros' hand in his firm, protective grip. He had revered Kenneth ever since he first read one of the bull's novels so many years ago and now he could hardly believe that his most beloved author had taken him out on a date.

"Would you like to go?" Kenneth asked lowly, gently uncurling his fingers from around the rhino's hand.

Paul only managed a nod, still allowing the gravity of his revelation sink in. The bull smirked as he paid, taking Paul's hand once more to lead him to the car. The ride was filled with the sound of Kenneth humming or singing along with the jazz playing from the radio and Paul appreciating the bull's baritone. The rhinoceros' hadn't noticed until they parked that he wasn't home, forgetting all about what the bull had said after his speech. Paul turned toward the bull, who was already getting out of the car.

"You don't plan on staying down here all night do you? I'm certain my bed would be much more comfortable." Kenneth said with a lopsided smile.

"Do I get to share that bed with you?" Asked Paul, finding his long forgotten confidence.

"You should come up and find out."

Paul followed close behind as Kenneth lead them though the hotel's lobby, making a quick beeline for the elevator. The moment the silver doors had closed, Kenneth pulled the rhino into a rough kiss, taking his first taste of the younger male much to Paul's surprise, then enjoyment. Their tongues wrestled with one another on the ride up, Paul gaining the upper hand a few times only to be beaten and pinned by the more experienced bull. When the elevator reached its destination, the two males had pulled away from each other, Paul panting softly and steadying himself while Kenneth wore a smirk as he exited the elevator and found his room.

Kenneth opened the door and they both entered calmly however, when the bull shut it again, the two male's lips had met in another passionate kiss. Their heated breath washed over one another as their tongues found each other again. Kenneth's hands found the rhino's shirt, drawing his fingers over the row of buttons softly, before ripping them apart. Paul didn't have the time to lament over his shirt with the sensations of the bull's thick fingers running over his soft belly, giving his love handles a tender grope. Paul chuckled uncontrollably as he broke the kiss, blushing hard as the bull found one of his many ticklish spots.

The bull was sure to file away such information for when he was exploring the rhino's body further but now, he was merely enjoyed the feeling the smooth, grey skin under his fingertips, his hands finding their way to Paul's fly. The younger male stood as still as a nervous rhino could manage while Kenneth unfastened the belt and loosened the clasp, letting the slacks fall to Paul's ankles. Like the bull had expected, Paul's bright blue boxer briefs where obscenely tented, the peak of the tightly stretched fabric darkened with a wet spot. The elder bull merely smiled as he brushed the dress shirt from the rhino's shoulders as his own erection stirred in his slacks.

"Take them off." Kenneth ordered lowly, taking a step away from Paul to take in his plump frame. The rhino was quivering in anticipation; his tail whipping behind him as he silently tucked his thumbs into his waistband and abruptly yanked his underwear down beside his pants. Kenneth raised his brow; he was hoping for a bit more fanfare however, it was clear by the stubby but thick erection that jutted up from the rhino's groin that the time for foreplay had long passed.

"Mr. McWillow..." Paul whined, his ears lowered as he shifted from foot to foot.

"I know." The bull said, reaching for his tie and loosening it but, keeping the length of silk around his neck. Paul watched with great interest as Kenneth stripped down in front of him, his mouth feeling dry as that dark furred chest crept into view as each button of the bull's shirt was opened.

"Lie down." Commanded the bull as he hands rested at his sides. Paul acted quickly the, rhino nearly tripping over his pants as he took a seat on the tightly made bed, sliding back until he sat in the middle. Kenneth paced over the bed slowly, examining the still up right pachyderm his, eyes narrowed.

"I believe I said lie down." The bull said firmly. Before Paul could react, he found himself pinned down hard against the mattress, gasping sharply in shock and at the sensation of his cock pressing against the bull's warm belly. He struggled weakly and ineffectively against Kenneth heavier frame until he realized that the bull was grinning down at him.

"You might consider working out sometime." Kenneth teased, rolling himself up until he was straddling the rhino's thighs. "Hold onto the headboard and don't move your hands until I say so."

Paul groped around above his nodding head, past the pillows until he found the wooden rim of the headboard, gripping it tightly with both his hands as he looked up at the bovine in a state of quiet awe. Even in the dim light, Kenneth looked as impressive as he did in the dressing room a day ago with the added benefit of that same dark musk rolling off his powerful frame.

While Paul's mind was addled by the sheer sight of the bull, Kenneth's mind was focused on one thing, taking the rhino as his own. The older male reached for his belt, flicking the buckle open promptly then following with his pants. Kenneth easily drew his cock into the lust charged air, letting the wide cock loom like a dark obelisk over the rhino. Blood surged to Paul's cock and cheeks watching the shaft bob hypnotically, recalling the musky taste of the bull's cock and desperately wanting to have it between his lips again. The rhino arched his neck forward in an effort to try and take the bull, tongue extended toward Kenneth's dick, only to watch the member move just out of his reach. Paul stretched but found himself kept in place by his own hands on the headboard, whimpering in frustration which drew a quiet laugh from the bull.

"Don't you worry." Kenneth said as he placed his feet back onto the floor, his smooth baritone enough to make the pudgy rhino shudder. "Just spread your legs for me and I'll give you as much as you can handle."

With an almost embarrassing haste, Paul lifted his knees to his chest, gripping the wooden headboard even tighter as he gave the bull a pleading stare. Kenneth rested his hands against the rhino's thick thighs, holding them apart as he kneeled and pressed his snout between the younger male's soft, round cheeks.

Paul's eyes widened only to shut tightly while a weak whimper spilled from his lips when the bull's hot, wet tongue graced his tight pucker. The rhino's cock jerked hard and spat a thick rope of precum over his chest and belly as the surreal feeling of the bovine's tongue tracing around the rim of tailhole slowly registered. Kenneth slowly lapped and swirled his tongue over the ring of muscle, the bull rumbling deep in his chest while the slick appendage made short work of any of the rhino's lingering resistances. The rhino's toes curled and his breath became short and frantic, the younger male quivering in place on the bed as he was subjected to the best rimming of his life, whimpering loudly when he felt Kenneth move away. He wanted to grip the bull's horns and yank him back in place however, he was ordered to keep holding onto the bed and he didn't want to find out what happened with such a transgression.

Kenneth's licked his lips as he stood, admiring the saliva slicked ring between the plump cheeks, only to hide it from himself by pressing the thick head of his shaft against the entrance. Paul broke into a nervous sweat the moment the felt the hot, hard flesh between his cheeks, breathing deeply in an effort to calm himself and finding it didn't work as well as he wanted when the bull thrusted into with no warning.

Stars exploded in Paul's vision as the felt the thick pillar of bull arousal sink into him faster than he expected or wanted, his tunnel not prepared for the entrance but, stretching to accommodate either way. The rhino was left breathless however Kenneth was not, the bovine letting out a proud bellow as he pushed deeper into the younger male, hell bent on sinking himself balls deep with that first thrust. The sensation was familiar to the marginally sexually active rhino although, it was never this intense, Paul only managing a weak whimper because he didn't have the breath in his lungs to yell out his pleasure like he wanted to.

Kenneth slid deeper into the quaking pachyderm's eager ass, until he finally hilted himself with a hard buck of his strong hips. He bull tossed his head back with a deep groan, while formless sounds spilled from Paul's lips. The poor rhino's squirmed in place, his face flush while his cock flexed and twitched over his plush belly. Paul struggled to speak but, every breath he took made him feel that thick invader ever more intimately until he finally couldn't resist the flood of desire that welled inside of him.

Paul arched his back and whimpered which betrayed his violent climax. Thick ropes of cum erupted from the rhino's flexing cock with impressive force, the hot seed landing along Paul's belly, chest but, mostly over his blushing face. Kenneth grunted as the younger male tensed hard around his cock but, a knowing smile stayed on his muzzle as he watched the rhino convulse and shake as he rode out his climax. Paul was left panting and sweating bullets by the time he had emptied his balls, his hands holding weakly onto the bed while his rump struggled to accept the bull's still hard cock.

"Would you like to keep going?" The bull asked softly, waiting until the rhino finally caught his breath.

"I don't know if I can." Paul said hoarsely, wincing as the rush of endorphins faded and soreness began to set in.

Delicately, Kenneth drew his hips back, the motion causing them both to shudder until the bull's cock was free again.

"I'm sorry." Paul said lowly, shame and embarrassment burning in his face along with the musky ropes of his cum.

Kenneth said nothing, only smiling as he leaned forward to loosen the rhino's grip on the headboard before pulling the hefty rhino up against his chest. Paul hugged the older male tightly, feeling even more embarrassed that he gotten his seed on Kenneth.

"Its fine but, if you wish to make it up to me, a hot bath with you would do the trick." Said Kenneth, reaching down to lap up a few stray drops of cum that looked ready to fall into the pachyderm's eye.

Paul's looked up at the smiling bull before returning the smile and breaking the hug to go draw the bath with a slight limp. The bull let his pants fall with the rest of his clothes while his erection bobbed with each step he took toward the bathroom, a sly smile crossing his face as he was greeted with the sight of the rhinoceros bent over of tub.

"Careful, standing like that might convince me to take you anyway." Paul shot up from the sound of Kenneth's voice, a small smile on his face as he turned toward the still stiff bull.

"I'm really sorry." Paul said again however, Kenneth simply shook his head.

"In the heat of the moment, I've forgotten to tell you that the last lesson was respect." Kenneth said softly as he embraced the rhino again as they waited for the steaming water to fill the bath. Paul shuddered weakly as the words and the feeling of the bull against him were etched into his very person. "Mutual respect between the dominate and submissive might be the most important thing to keep in mind."

Paul only responded with a thoughtful nod before Kenneth pulled away to turn the faucet off. "It you respect your submissive, then everything else good will follow, and that goes the same for the dominate."

As the bull spoke he eased himself into the water, letting out a shallow groan of bliss as he heat loosens his muscles but causes his cock to flex. Kenneth raised his head to look at the rhino expectantly, the younger male lost in his captivation of the bull.

"Plan on joining me?" Paul snapped out of his revere to step into the thankfully large bath, sliding himself into the water and settling beside the bull with a content groan.

"You know...I don't mind trying again." The rhino said with a lopsided smile, reaching between the bovine's legs to curl his hand around the root of Kenneth's cock and pulling it up to make the head break the surface of the water.

"A very tempting offer." Kenneth rubbed his chin before splashing water over Paul's face with a playful rumble. "But no."

"N-no?" Paul's raised a brow, wiping some of the water and diluted cum off his muzzle.

"No." Kenneth repeated. "Consider it punishment."

"Bu-but, you're not going to be around much longer." The desperation was clear in the rhino's voice.

"Yes, my flight leaves in the morning." The bull smiled to the younger male before nuzzling him fondly. "But that doesn't mean you won't see me again. I like it down here, I've been considering making it a vacation spot."

Paul's eyes lit up and a bright smile split his muzzle, no words able to express his happiness.

-A Year Later-

Paul groaned as he rolled himself out of bed, making sure avoid the lean tiger and heavy set raccoon that slumbered beside him. The rhino smiled at the two still sleeping males as he quietly worked his pants back on. He had taken the bull's lessons to heart and it had earned him two pets and close friends. Paul quietly made his way to the bathroom, his shirt still in his hand as he looked at himself in the mirror. The day Kenneth had left he began working out, his pudgy belly still stubbornly remained however, his arms and legs had grown strong and his chest nearly as broad as the bull's own. He allowed his chin strap beard to grow out, making him look older and slightly intimidating. The rhino tugged his shirt over his head, it wasn't the obtrusive hues he had dressed in before and instead they were carefully matched to compliment his natural coloring. In a short year, Paul had done a lot of growing from the awkward gay kid he was.

The rhino was already running late so he cleaned himself up quickly and skipped breakfast, breaking the speed limit a few times to get to the airport promptly. By the time he pulled into the parking lot, he already spotted the bull waiting for him, a smile on the handsome male's face.

"You're two minutes late." Kenneth said as the rhino took his luggage.

"I'm sorry, master." Despite knowing he would be punished, the rhino couldn't stop himself from smirking.

"Its fine but, you know what's going to happen once we get to the hotel." Whispered into the rhino's ear. Paul felt himself shiver, wanting nothing more than to drop of his knees and fulfill his owner's needs in front of the crowded airport however, he resisted such base needs. Those could wait until they were alone and had the proper restraints.