Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:5 The Big Day

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#5 of Bowser

I figured out an idea! I`ll continue this next chapter!

Jewelia woke up. Her band mambers were at the end of her bed. She just sighs. "Why are you in here? Im pretty sure I...Wait...Its Bowsers birthday..." she says. "Please go so I can get ready..." The koopalings leave. Jewelia goes to her closet. She picks out a black belly shirt with the Bowser logo on it, short-shorts, and black heals. She puts on everything, but not the shoes. She puts a robe on to hide her cloths, and went down for breakfast. Bowser wasnt there yet. She took her seet, and looked around. Roy was constantly checking her out. She pretended she didnt notice. Bowser finally came down, and breakfast was served. They had scrambled Yoshi eggs, bacon, and goom-bread (toast). As usual, Jewelia finished before anyone else. She stood up, an went to her room. She looked at her messy hair. She took out a brush, and brushed it down. She turned on her straightener after that. She continued brushing. When the straightener was hot, she staraightened her hair. This would have been the first time anyone would have seen her with her hair down. She usually had her hair in a pony tail. Wen she finised, her bangs were in her face. She pinned them back. She grabbed her walkie talkie. "Insanity to Music....Ready. Meet in my room. Now." she says. "Got it." Ludwig says. After about 3 minutes, the band members come in. They all stare at Jewelia. "What? Never seen me like this before?" "Ummm.....No we havent." Roy says. Jewelia goes into the closet, and pulles out her make-up bag. She puts on black make-up. When she look back at the band, all thair jaws drop. She looked completely beautiful. "I have some outfits for you guys." Jewelia says. She goes in her closet, and pulls out 4 black leather jackets. She hands them out to the koopalings. They all fit them. "I think we need to do another song. Bowser heard our other one yesterday." Jewelia says. "I think I might have one...Ludwig. Can your want make force fields?" "Yes." Until Next Chapter!!!

Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:6 Practice

"Get up the force field." Jewelia tells Ludwig. He pulls out his wand, and makes a force field. Jewelia picks up her guitar, and puts on the strap. She playes a little for practice. When everyone`s ready, she playes and sings whet she would like to...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:4 Bowser`s crush...and music

Bowser had finally finished breakfast. He was on his way to Jewelia`s room, but he was stopped. He heard a noise come from a room...Drums? He followed tje noise to Jewelia`s Band Room. He opened the door, and Jewelia was playing the guitar and singing,...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:3 Roy

Jewelia had just finished her dinner, and went upstairs. A fiew minutes later, she heard knocking on the door. "Come in." she says. Roy opens the door, and walks in. "Hello. You`re Roy?" Jewelia said. Bowser had his kids introduce them to her at...

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